Chapter 5

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My hands feel the soft bedsheets when I start to awake. I purr and turn around for another time.

When I realize that I won't be falling back asleep again, I slowly open my eyes. Then, all what I see is a room that absolutely isn't mine.

I immediately sit up in the bed, looking around a bit more. I look at the nightstand next to me, and see a little card lying on it. Have a nice stay at the Heathman Hotel.

I close my eyes. Oh my...

Next to the card stands a glass of orange juice. A note is attached to it. Drink me.

There also lies a tiny dish with two pills on it. Eat me, the note on the dish says.

I put the two pills in my mouth and swallow them, together with a swig of orange juice.

Then I hear the sound of a opening door, and I look to the right, to see the hotel door opening.

Yami walks in, dressed in a black t-shirt and pair of black running shorts.

He looks at me while closing the door and taking a sip out of his water bottle.

"Good morning, Yugi," he says between his pants. Appearantly he has been running. "How are you feeling?"

I feel guilty. He had brought me here, and he had taken care of me...

"Better than I deserve," I whisper.

He sits down on the sofa that faces the bed. On the table in front of the sofa stands a huge breakfast, with toast, fruit and pancakes... He looks at all the food that stands in front of him, and appearantly he is interested in the toast. He picks a piece and takes a bite.

"Did you put me to bed?" I ask him softly.

He looks up at me. "Uh-huh."

I put the glass of orange juice down at the nightstand again.

"You undressed me?" I whisper.

"I didn't have much choice," he shrugs. He takes another bite of his toast. I can see his chest moving up and down pretty fast. He is still panting.

"Where did you sleep?" I ask him.

He points towards the other side of the bed. I blink a few times.

"Oh... Did we... We didn't...?" I ask him shocked.

He smirks. "Necrophilia is not my thing," he says.

"So... we just slept then?" I ask.

"It was a novelty for me too," he says, while putting some toast and some grapes on a plate.

He walks over to the bed and sits down at the footboard.

He looks me right into my eyes as he hands me the plate. "You need to eat," he says.

I take the plate out of his hands. He stands up again and walks back to the sofa. "I had Bakura pick you up some clothes," he says.

"Who's Bakura?" I ask, while taking a bite of the toast.

"My driver," he says.

"Thanks, but you didn't have to do that," I whisper with my mouth full.

"Yes I did. Yours were all covered in vomit," he says while raising his eyebrow.

I stop chewing on my toast and I look at him with a guilty look in my eyes.

"You shouldn't have drunk like that. I'm all for testing the limits, but you put yourself at risk last night," he says.

"I know," I say quietly.

He smirks at me. Then he takes of his shirt and I gasp. Holy...

He walks towards the bed and crawls on top of me. "If you were mine you wouldn't be able to sit down for a week," he growls.

"What...?" I say, still with my mouth full and my eyes widened.

He takes a bite of the piece of toast that I'm still holding. "I got to go take a shower," he groans. He gets off me and stands up. Then he walks to the bathroom.

I sit up again and I sigh. What was he doing to me...? He made me feel so...

"Why am I here, Yami?" I ask before he is able to shut the door.

I hear him walking back, and he appears in the doorway. He sighs. "You're here because I'm incapable
of leaving you alone."

I look at him for a while. "Then don't."

He sighs and looks down at the floor.

"Why did you send me those books?" I ask him.

"I thought I owed you an apology," he says while walking back over to me. He leans with his fists on the matress and I can see all the muscles in his back stretch themselves.

"For what?" I ask.

"For letting you believe that I..."
He doesn't finish his sentence. He sighs and sits down on the bed.

"Listen to me," he whispers. His look is suddenly very serious. "I don't do romance. My tastes are very... singular. You wouldn't understand."

I look at him. What does he mean? I don't care what his tastes are... I want to be his taste.

I bite my lip. "Enlighten me then," I whisper.

He looks into my eyes and I see his hand reaching for my cheek. I shiver as he cups my jawbone with his hand, and he strokes my cheek. I close my eyes and I gasp. His thumb runs across my bottom lip.

I can feel his face coming closer to mine, and I wait for our lips to meet.

But they never do.

Yami pulls his hand back and stands up, leaving me alone on the bed.

After a while, after Yami had taken a shower and got dressed, I go to the bathroom. I hadn't looked at him when he came out of the bathroom. When I enter the bathroom, I find the clothes that his driver has picked for me lying on a table. I take a shower and get dressed.

I sigh as I leave the bathroom. I'm ready to go. I grab my coat from the red velvet chair.

Yami looks up from his computer. "You look beautiful," he says.

I nod. "Bakura has a good taste," I say softly.

He gets up from his seat and walks over to me. He crosses his arms. "What are you doing later?" he asks.

"I'm working at the hardware store till 7..." I say.

"I'll have Bakura pick you up then," he says.

I bite my lip as I try to hide my smile.

He gets closer to me and once again I feel his thumb on my lip. "I'd like to bite that lip," he says seductively.

"I think I'd like that too..." I whisper.

He releases my lip. "I'm not gonna touch you," he says. "Not until I have your written consent."

I frown. "What?" I ask.

"I'll explain later," he says. "Come, I'll take you home."

He makes a gesture with his head, telling me to follow him.

Side by side, we walk through a corridor, towards the elevators. I look at him, but for once he doesn't look back. He just seems focussed on the elevators.

When we arrive at the elevators, Yami pushes a button and we wait for a while, until the doors open.

Together, we walk inside. We turn around, so we face the doors.

I keep looking at him, hoping that he will look back. I see his irisses move to the corner of his eye. Our eyes meet.

"Oh, fuck the paperwork," he growls.

He pushes me against the wall at the back of the elevator, and he pins my arms above my head.

Then I feel his hot lips on mine, and I moan. His mouth seems so hungry for mine... He licks my lips and his tongue enters my mouth. I let him in, I can and will not resist him. His tongue strokes mine slowly, just like a slow dance, but his lips are moving and pushing me against the wall so fast and hard... I gasp.

Yami Sennen wants me...

I hear the 'ding' sound of the elevator, and Yami quickly releases me when the doors open, and we both look in the eyes of the men that were waiting for the elevator. They get in and the doors close again. I can't seem to hide the huge grin that is all over my face. When we reach the right floor, Yami pulls me with him out of the elevator. The doors close as fast as they opened.

"Oh, Yugi Muto, what am I going to do with you?" he smirks.

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