Chapter 6

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I take a deep breath as I leave the hardware shop behind me. Yami's car is waiting for me outside, I see. His driver is standing next to it. The man's gaze is friendly and soft.

"Bakura, right?" I say.

He nods and opens the door for me. "Good evening, Mr Muto," he says. "Mr Sennen will be joining us later."

I nod. "Okay."

He shuts the door and sits down himself, on the drivers seat. He starts the car, and while we're driving on the busy streets, I think about him.

Bakura stops at a huge building. He gets out of the car, opens my door and gestures me with his head to follow him.

I blink and step out of the car. Balura walks away, and enters the building. I quickly follow him.

I catch up with him at the elevators. Just when I arrive, the elevator opens and I step into it. Then, without getting in, Bakura pushes the button of the highest floor.

"I will see you later, Yugi," Bakura says. He smiles. "Have fun."

Before I could say anything back, the doors close, the elevator taking me to the building's roof.

I wait until the doors open again. It's a long way to the top, and it's making me nervous. What's up there?

The first thing I see when the doors open again, is a huge white helicopter. I gasp and walk towards the enormous thing.

He is standing in front of the helicopter, his gaze is on me.

"Good evening, Yugi," he says, and opens the door of the helicopter. When I get closer to it, it appears to be much bigger than I expected. At least eight people would fit in there. I chuckle and step in.

To my surprise, he sits down next to me, in the pilot's seat.

"Wait, you're flying this?" I ask.

He leans over to me and slowly fastens my seatbelt. "No escaping now," he smirks.

He fastens his own seatbelt too and hands me a headset. He puts his one on, and speaks into the microphone. "November 1-2-2-4. Charlie Tango. Ready to depart,"he says.

"Charlie Tango, your flight plan to
Seattle has been cleared," a voice crackles through the headphone.

"Seattle? Thats where we're going?" I laugh.

He winks at me. He winks at me!

We take off, and I cling to my seatbelt. Oh my... We're getting higher and higher, leaving the ground further and further behind us.

I see how his face slowly becomes illuminated by the lights on the instrument panel. I look at his face. I'd like to run my tongue along his jaw right now...

"Where in Seattle are we going?" I ask.

"To the place I live," he says. "There's a helipad on top of the building."

From up here, I can see all the lights on the ground. The streets, the traffic, the huge skyscrapers...

"We'll be there within a few minutes," Yami says.

It doesn't take long, or he lowers the helicopter and the helipad becomes visible. We land exactly on it.

His living room is huge. In the middle of the room, there's a long stairway to the first floor. To the left, there stands a huge kitchen, and to the right, there stand two red sofas.

"Would you like a drink?" he asks me and walks to the refridgerator.

"Yes please," I say.

I find a beautiful black piano in the corner of the room, just next to the sofas. I walk towards it. It stands on a good place.

"You play?" I ask.

"Yes," he says.

"Of course you do," I whisper.

I sit down at the kitchen table, and not long after that he sits down next to me and hands me my glass.

Then he pulls a pile of paper that is lying on the table closer to him and shoves it in front of me.

"What's this?" I ask.

"It's a non-disclosure agreement. It means you cannot discuss anything about us with anyone. I'm afraid my lawyer insists on it," he says calmly.

"I would never talk to anyone about us anyway," I whisper.

He looks at me with that sexy look in his eyes, and I just can't resist asking.

"Are you gonna make love to me now?" I whisper.

He seems surprised by my question. He closes his eyes and a grin spreads across his face. "Two things... First, I don't make love," he says. He opens his eyes and his eyes are sparkling. "I fuck. Hard."

My jaw drops a bit. Oh my...

"And the second...? I ask.

He holds out his hand to me. "Come," he whispers.

I take his hand, and he takes me with him. We take the stairs and he directs me to a room with a lock on it.

"It's just behind this door," he says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"My playroom."

"Like... Your Xbox and stuff?" I ask.

He looks at me with a serious look in his eyes. No Xbox?

"Its important you know that you can leave at any time," he says.

"Why, whats in there?" I ask.

"I meant what I said, the helicopter is on standby, for whenever you wanna go," he says.

"Just open the door, Yami..." I say.

He takes the key out of his pocket and unlocks the door. The door opens slowly, and all I can see is darkness.

Yami enters the room and turns on the light. The first thing I think when everything in front of me becomes visble, is that I'm back in the sixteenth century again.

"Oh my..." I gasp.

With tiny steps I follow him inside the room. The walls of the room and the ceiling are a deep, dark bur- gundy, and the floor is old varnished wood.

There is a large wooden cross like an X fastened to the wall facing the door. It's made of mahogany, and there are restraining cuffs on each corner. Above it is an expansive iron grid suspended from the ceiling, eight-foot square at least, and from it hang all manner of ropes, chains, and glinting shackles.

By the door, two long, polished, ornately carved poles, like spindles from a banister but longer, hang like curtain rods across the wall. From them swing a startling assortment of paddles, whips, riding crops, and funny-looking feathery implements.

But what dominates the room is a bed. It's bigger than king-size, an ornately carved rococo four-poster with a flat top. It looks late nineteenth century. Under the canopy, I can see more gleaming chains and cuffs. There are no bedsheets... just a mattress covered in red leather and red satin cushions piled at one end.

At the foot of the bed, set apart a few feet, is a large oxblood chesterfield couch, just stuck in the middle of the room facing the bed.

I turn around, and Yami is looking intensely at me, as I knew he would be, his expression completely unreadable. I walk further into the room, and he follows me. The feathery thing has me intrigued. I touch it hesitantly. It's suede, like a small cat-of-nine-tails but bushier, and there are very small plastic beads on the end.

"It's called a flogger," he says.

A flogger? Great. This is awesome. I think I'm in schock...

"Say something please," he says.

I turn around and look him into his eyes with a shocked expression on my face. "Do people do this to you or..."

"People?" he says. He walks over to me. "I do this to men," he smirks. "With men. Men who want me to."

I look at the different kinds of whips that are hanging next to us. I turn my head towards the whips and I let my hand glide along the leather.

"You're a sadist?" I ask.

"I'm a dominant," he says.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"It means I want you to willingly surrender yourself to me," he smirks.

"Why would I do that?" I ask while shaking my head.

"To please me," he says.

"Please you? How?"

"I have rules," he says calmly. "If you follow them, I'll reward you. If you don't, I'll punish you."

"You would punish me? You would use this stuff on me?" I ask him.

"Yes," he says while cupping my cheek with his hand.

I shiver. "What would I get out of this?" I whisper.

He smirks and teasingly raises his eyebrow. "Me," he simply says.

He takes my hand and we walk back to the door. He turns off the lights, and when I turn around I see the room darken.

He shows me another door at the end of the corridor. This one has no lock. Yami swings the door open. "If we were to do this, this would be your room. You can decorate it however you like," he says.

"You want me to move in?" I ask.

"Not full time, just Friday through to Sunday. We can negotiate the particulars," he says.

"So... I'd sleep in here with you?" I ask him.

"No, I sleep downstairs. I told you
I don't sleep with anyone," he says.

He slips his hands into his pockets, and he goes for the stairs.

"What if I don't want anything to
do with that?" I ask while I catch up with him.

"Then I understand completely," he says, and we walk down the stairs.

"But then we wouldn't have any sort of relationship at all?" I ask.

"This is the only sort of relationship I have," he says.

"Why?" I ask, looking him in his eyes.

"It's the way I am," he says. We reach the ground floor and Yami sits down on one of the red sofas.

I sit down next to him. "When you said negotiate, what did you mean?" I ask him.

He looks at me and smirks. "I already have the contract prepared. It's fairly detailed," he says. "You should review, and negotiate what you are and not willing to try."

"How can I know what I'd be willing to try?" I ask him.

He frowns. "Well, when you had sex, was there anything you didn't like doing?"

Oh my... I look at the floor. Does he really think I?

"Yugi..." he says and lifts up my chin with his thumb. "We have to be honest with each other for this to work, okay?"

I discover I'm holding my breath. I just avoid his look. "I-I wouldn't know..." I stutter.

"What do you mean?" he asks with a confused look on his face.

"Because I-I have... I haven't..." I stammer.

His eyes widen. "You're... You're still a virgin?" he says softly. "But I-I've just shown you..."

"I know, I just..." I whisper.

"You've done other things, right?" he says with big eyes.

"N-No..." I say.

His jaw drops and I feel his hand cupping my cheek. He strokes my skin. He stares at me in amazement, his eyes big as moons. "Where have you been...?" he whispers.

"Waiting..." I say softly.

"Guys must throw themselves at you..." he says.

"They were never what I wanted," I say. I avoid his look and bite my lip.

"Stop biting your lip..." he says. His finger strokes my lower lip and he looks fascinated at what he's doing. I see him coming closer to me and suddenly, for the second time, I feel his divine lips tease mine. I gasp.

He quickly releases me, leaving me in my desire. Then he makes me stand up from the sofa and pulls me closer to him.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm rectifying the situation," he whispers.

"What do you mean? What situation?" I ask softly.

"Your situation. Yugi," he says. "I'm going to make love to you, right now."

I look at him in astonishment. "I-I thought you didn't make love... I thought you fucked... Hard," I say. I swallow, my mouth is suddenly dry.

He gives me a wicked grin, the effects of which travel all the way down there. Yami Sennen is going to make love to me...

"I can make an exception, or maybe combine the two, we'll see... I really want to make love to you now, Yugi... Please, come to bed with me..." he whispers. His gaze is intense.

"But... I don't know your rules," I say.

"Oh, forget about the rules... Forget about all those details for tonight... I want you... I've wanted you since you fell into my office, and I know you want me... Please, Yugi, spend the night with me..." he says.

He holds his hand out to me, his eyes are bright. I put my hand in his. He pulls me up and into his arms so I can feel his body against mine. He runs his fingers through my hair as he gazes down at me.

He leans down and kisses my lips gently, and he sucks at my lower lip. "I want to bite this lip..." he murmurs against my mouth, and carefully he tugs at it with his teeth. I moan, and he smiles.

"Please, Yugi... Let me make love to you..."

"Yes..." I whisper.

His smile is triumphant as he releases me and takes my hand. Then he leads me through the apartment.

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