10- evil strikes

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I claim no right or claim to own any of the characters featured in both the Ghost Rider series and/or the Yugioh series. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. As I appreciate any and all advise given to me as I also appreciate any help given to me for this story. Thanks!

10 - evil strikes

After reuniting with his older twin brother, Yugi and Yami spent some time together. Yugi was a bit surprised that Yami was exactly like him but very different. If Yugi was the light then Yami was the dark. The two talked about the prophecy trying to deciepher what it means.

"Sorry Yugi, I have no clue but from the sounds of it, it may have something to do with the final battle against Mana, Zorc, and Zarathos." replied Yami.

*In the meantime we have to keep our eyes open for anything unusual.* stated Vengeance.

Meanwhile...Mana sat in the thrown of Atemu's pyramid alone and angry. She had been this way ever since she had been brought back. Yet the only thing that she wanted was for Atem to love her just like back then. She began to miss the way that Atemu would smile, the way that he kissed her, even the way he would hug her and hold her close. Tears began to form in her eyes at the thought of Atem. She was angry that Atem had left her all alone and angry that he saved everyone else and didn't stay by her side.

"Black Rose, Lillith says that the preperations are ready. What do you wish for us to do about the spirit of vengeance?" asked Meatmarket interupting Mana's thoughts. A wicked smile stretched across her face as she had come up with a brilliant plan.

"Have HeartAttack, Heartbreaker, Aries, and Ares attack the humans. Atem will fall for it and come to protect the humans. Have the Orb watch the progress and report back to me." replied Mana.

"As you wish." replied Meatmarket as he took off. Mana then got up heading for Lillith's chambers in order to help the Atlantian sorceress bring back Zarathos.

Meanwhile...Yugi was resting at home when he first sensed it. The presence felt similar to something that he had onced sense a long time ago. The medallion of power that was branded in his hand began to burn red hot.

*No way...it can't be...why would Mana bring back that? Why would Mana bring back a tournmented soul? Yugi please wait in the void, they are much stronger than the last time.* stated Atem. Yugi couldn't seem to hear or even see Atem which caused the spirit of vengeance to curse out loud. Atem has never forcefully taken control over Yugi's body since the two of them became whole. Atem merged his spirit and body with Yugi as the teen screamed in pain. Atem began to take form transforming into his full and true form asAtem's hands became pure bone much like a skeleton's hands. Atem's eyes became all blood red with no visible irises and/or pupils. Atem's fangs fully lengthened as the jewel in the center of his forehead glowed. Two sets of wings had ripped out of Atem's back, one set was a pair of white angel feathered wings and the second set was a pair of black reptilian demon wings. The flames that had surrounded Atem's head became much darker and more wild than before. Sharp bone spikes ripped out of Atem's knees and elbows as parts of Atem's face began to show some of the bone void of all skin and muscle. Atem collapsed onto his knees as his breathing became hard and irradic. The cries of the innocent rang loud and clear in his ears. 'What are you planning Mana? Are you really willing to go that far?' Atem asked as he rose to his feet heading out to his mystic motorcycle. As he got outside he could see Vengeance driving up on his hellcycle. Vengeance appeared just as he did when Atem and Yugi saw him when they met each other at the cementary.

"So you sensed it too Atemu. You don't look too hot." stated Vengeance.

"I will be fine in a moment." replied Atem as he closed his eyes calling upon Oblisk the Tournmentor to share his powers with him. The jewel glowed in the middle of Atem's head as the ancient god's power flowed into Atem. Atem then reopened his blood red eyes refocusing on Vengeance. Atem could tell that Vengeance wasn't affected by the tournmented souls like he was. "Vengeance that means that your really..."

"Don't let it concern you Atemu. Uriel says to tell you that light and dark will give the world life. With understanding the world will have hope. With both sides of the same coin present, balance will be obtained and the future will be forever engrossed without the shadows. Don't worry, he doesn't have to know the truth about who and what I am just yet. Yami all ready knows but he is willing to play this part out until the end." replied Vengeance. Atem nodded his head as he mounted onto his hellcycle. The two spirits of vengeance rode off heading to the sight of the disturbance.

When they arrived, they had found that the Midnight Sons were all ready there as they were doing battle against the forces of evil. There were two tournmented souls one at which Atem remembered doing battle against once before. There were also two dark gods along with them.

'Mana you wouldn't...what are you thinking by bringing back the dead?' Atem thought to himself as both he and Vengeance dismounted from their hellcycles. The Midnight Sons looked shocked to see two spirits of vengeance.

"Atem is that whom I think it is?" asked Pegasus.

"Names Vengeance, a spirit of vengeance much different from Atemu. I don't like this. It seems like Mana is pulling out all the stops." replied Vengeance. Atem snarled at the two tournmented souls as his fangs lengthened fully.

"Mai Valentine, I put your soul to rest once before and I shall do it again." snarled Atem.

"I told you once before Dark Rider that I am now HeartAttack and you shall be the one whom goes down." replied HeartAttack as the two dark gods moved in. The Midnight Sons stepped forward facing against Aries and Ares.

"Atem, Vengeance...we will deal with these two. You guys go and take care of the tournmented souls." stated Odion as the sorcerer supreme weilded his magic at the gods. Wolverine snarled as his adamantium claws lengthened as he lept at the gods. Vengeance and Atem looked at each other nodding their heads as they took off the chains that laid across their chest as they infussed hellfire into their weapons. Both of them flicked the chains as they came magically undone as the links transformed into flaming shurikens as they flew at the two tournmented souls shattering their masks. When Atem saw who Heartbreaker was blood tears streaked down his face. Atem collapsed down onto his knees as Heartbreaker turned out to once be Yugi's girlfriend Tea Gardner (dum, dum, dum).

"Its not possible. I had sent your soul to rest. There is no way that Mana could have the power to do this. Why...what is Mana trying to do?" Atem asked.

"Black Rose wants darkness and evil to reign supreme. In order for that to happen we must get rid of those whom stand in her way. Come with us Dark Rider, Black Rose longs to see you." replied Heartbreaker. Atem's eyes seemed to loose their luster causing Vengeance to curse as he willed his dark hellfire to his hands blasting the two tournmented souls.

*Lord Atemu. Don't listen to them. You mustn't listen. Those whom stand before you now are impartial souls summoned to confuse your heart. Release me and allow me to deal with them. We shall forever put their souls to rest.* stated Oblisk mentally. Atem could feel Yugi's guiding light as he could feel the teens sorrow as he couldn't stand by to see someone that he had once cared for used like this. Atem rose to his feet tapping Vengeance on his shoulder.

"Stand aside Vengeance. I will deal with these two." stated Atem as his dark powers began to leak out from his body. Vengeance did as he was told as he wasn't one to tell the pharaoh no. "How dare you try to confuse my feelings. I will not allow Mana to achieve this dream. I will stop her no matter what the cost. Now hear me and answer my commands. Come forth Oblisk the Tournmentor!" commanded Atem as the ancient god stepped from out of Atem. "Ultimate hands of fate!" snapped Atemas both he and the god clenshed their hands into fists. Power surrounded their fists as they threw the punches at HeartAttack and Heartbreaker. The punches never fully connected but the power that surrounded the punches did as the two women screamed in pain. Ancient Egyptian words began to spill from both Vengeance and Atem trasnforming the tournmented souls into pure spirits as they floated away. Atem collapsed onto his knees breathing hard as his form fluxuated. Vengeance had no choice but to step in calling upon his power. Vengeance's powers were very similar to Atem's but he didn't hold the power to control the ancient gods, only Atem had that power. Oblisk dispealed from Atem as he infussed a part of his power into Vengeance. Vengeance had to power to summon creatures from the Shadow Realm but he couldn't merge with them like Atem could but he could be given that creature's power and ability.

*Thank you Oblisk.* stated Vengeance as he opened up his wings fully flying full speed at the two dark gods. "Give Mana this message...No matter what, we will stop her!" hissed Vengeance as he combined his power along with Oblisk's. The dark magic hit the gods destroying them before he too collapsed. With the evil threat gone, Atem and Vengeance transformed back into their human halves collapsing from exhaustion.

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