9- unknown family

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I claim no right or claim to own any of the characters featured in both the Ghost Rider series and/or the Yugioh series as all of the creatures and spells that I am using for the story are actual Yugioh cards from the game. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. As I appreciate any and all advise given to me as I also appreciate any help given to me for this story. Thanks!

9 - unknown family

After Atem had explained everything showing all the Midnight Sons what happened thousands of years ago, his physical body disappeared. Much like the puzzle that Yugi owned and carried, the tablet could give Atem a physical body, his true human appearance.

"No matter what we can't allow this Black Rose to bring back an ancient evil that all ready threatened the world once before. Even if she was once someone Atem knew." stated Mako.

"Atem understands that. That's why he had showed you all the secrets to his dark past. No doubt that Mana may try to do something to Atem but, I don't think that she knows that Atem lies within a human or even whom that human is. I still have one more mystic item to find and to figure out what that prophecy means. I figure that the prophecy may hold some key to what Mana is trying to do." stated Yugi.

"But what I don't understand is why Atem showed us that now rather than wait to bring all of the Midnight Sons together." stated Tristan.

"It is because the last Midnight Son seems to all ready know it all." answered Atem through Yugi as everyone looked at the teen in confussion.

"No matter what Atem's reasons are, all we do know is that we have to stop Black Rose from not only bringing back Zarathos and Zorc." stated Duke as his mystic items was still glowing. "I see dark times ahead if we don't stop them." he added.

Meanwhile...Mana finally got discusted when she couldn't find Atem. Let alone when she got hit on by humans, she tried her best not to kill them that way she didn't draw any unwanted attention to her. Humans discusted her to no end. She couldn't wait for Zorc and Zarathos to use their powers to destroy the human race. Mana was bound and determined to make Atem hers once again. When she was alive, she only saw a small fraction of Atemu's powers when he was alive as she never saw the real him.

'Why did you keep the truth from me Atemu? I had thought that you loved me or was that all a lie? You died before your time and why...so everyone could live? I will never understand why you sacrificed everything for everyone else. Even when you became the spirit of vengeance, you never once came to my aid. You have cost my life many times that all the feelings that I once had for you is gone. But I know of a way for you to become mine once again. You will succumb to the darkness that exists within you.' Mana thought to herself before she used her powers to open a portal back to her hideout.

Several days later...Yugi drove through Domino City still troubled by what Atem had shown them as he still hadn't been able to find the last Midnight Son. Yugi decided to visit the graveyard to collect his thoughts and to visit those whom laid resting that he had once knew. Yugi felt so alone. He had plenty of friends and allies around him but no family to call his own. He was now begining to understand why Atem hid the secret from Mana about what he was. He feared that the people would see him as a monster. For many years Atemu had been by himself with no one to help him understand what he was and what he was capable of. The only one Atemu knew that he could trust was Mahad as the sorcerer was always by his side after he became pharaoh. The two would speak without using words as they seemed to understand each other. Atem had been really quite as he was deep in thought. Perhaps he was going over in his mind what he would do when he came face to face with Mana. As Yugi wondered around the graveyard, he could feel that someone was here. When Yugi walked up to his grandfather's grave, he could see a tall slender but slightly muscular person standing in front of the grave. All Yugi could see was the back of the person's head as he had black and crimson trim spiked hair that was worn in the same style as his own and Atem's.

"I was wondering when you would show up." the person stated as his voice sounded much darker than Yugi's as it sounded similar to Atem's voice.

"Excuse me but, do I know you?" asked Yugi. The person turned to face Yugi as the teen gasped out loud. The teen whom stood before him looked exactly like him and Atem combined. But something about this teen seemed a little darker than Yugi. "Who in the world are you and why do you look like me?" asked Yugi angerily as his fangs lengthened. The teen just simply smiled.

"You will find that we have more in common that that Yugi Moto. I know full well whom and what you are because I am one too." the teen replied as he took off the glove from his right hand showing Yugi the branded mark of the medallion of power in the palm of his hand before he turned his hand over to show the symbol of the Midnight Sons. Yugi's eyes widened considerably when he saw these marks as the teen placed back on his glove. "Believe it or not Yugi, I am your older twin brother. My name is Yami Dark." stated Yami.

"Your lying. All of my family is dead as I have no brother let alone a twin one." snarled Yugi as Atem appeared by Yugi's side.

*He's not lying aibou. I can sense a spirit of vengeance within him but its much different from me.* stated Atem as Yugi looked at Atem shocked.

"How is that even possible?" Yugi asked as a spirit appeared next to Yami's side. This spirit looked a lot like the teen as he seemed darker and more feral than Atem. His eyes looked exactly like Atem's as his cornea's were black as ink as he had red slitted eyes. A purple jem sat in the middle of his forehead. His long golden bangs hung down before his face along with several of them spiked up like thunder bolts. Instead of red flames, he had blue flames surrounding his head. He wore a long open dark purple motorcycle jacket and a black shirt which showed off his muscles as slung around his chest was a motocycle chain as two large silver spikes sat on his broad shoulders. On one of the jackets sleeves was the mark of the medallion of power. He wore a pair of dark grey jeans with a belt hanging loosely over his hip which matched the same brown leather belt that he wore around his neck. Large silver bracers were cuffed around his lower arms as he wore no gloves over his large claw-like hands. His long pointed elf-like ears could be clearly seen as he had a pair of long tan horns sticking up with the golden bangs. A set of four black demonic wings rested against his broad back as a long black sythed reptilian tail snaked out behind his back. He wore a pair of spiked motorcyle boots similar to Atem's. This spirit reminded Yugi of the time when Atem went into the darkness as the spirit simply smiled at them exposing his fully lengthened fangs.

*Atemu it is nice to see you once again.* stated the spirit.

*Vengeance, when did you awake?* asked Atem.

*Shortly after you got rid of the darkness that learked within you.* answered Vengeance.

"All right, I am now confussed." stated Yugi.

"Don't worry, I will explain everything." stated Yami as both spirits vanished.

Both Yami and Yugi went to a local resturant to catch up on lost time. Yugi found it hard to believe that he actually had an older twin brother that he never knew about.

"How come mom and dad never told me anything about you? I don't even think grandpa knew that I had an older twin."

"To tell you the truth, I don't think they even knew about me. The doctor that had delivered us seperated us when we were born as you got to stay with mom and dad while I was sold to an adoption agency. The family that adopted me was never told the truth about where I came from." replied Yami.

"So how did you find out about me and stuff?" asked Yugi.

"Vengeance, the spirit that is with inside of me told me all about you and Atemu. Vengeance is the darker part to the spirit of vengeance that exists as he will often reflect that darker nature in his appearance. Growing up, I felt anger, hatred, and betrayal not knowing the truth about myself or my past. Because of the darkness that learks with inside of me, it made me the more praticle host for Vengeance. I had stummbled upon his cycle during a gang war as I was shot. You can probably piece together what happened next." stated Yami as Yugi nodded his head.

*The reason to why you have Atemu within you is because of your strong human emotions, innocence, and light. You have more in common with Atemu than Yami does. If Yami was raised with you, he could have easily been Atemu's host instead of mine.* stated Vengeance mentally.

*That would mean that you have the crown that I once wore back when I was pharaoh.* stated Atem mentally as Yami nodded his head. Yugi couldn't hold back his tears when he heard Yami's story. He felt sorry and sad that his older brother had such a rough life. Yami got up walking over to Yugi hugging the petite teen close to him.

"Its all right Yugi. I don't blame you, our parents, or grandpa for what happened to me. I blame it on the people whom thought that they could make some easy money. And just because I have a darker outlook on life doesn't mean that I can't feel or even show human emotions." stated Yami as he patted Yugi's head fighting against his own tears. Yami didn't realize just how strongly his little brother was going to feel when Yami told him what he had been through. Yami could feel the strong waves of emotions as they poured out of Yugi as the two brothers just cried in each other's arms.

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