8- keeper of the tomb

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I claim no right or claim to own any of the characters featured in both the Ghost Rider series and/or the Yugioh series as all of the creatures and spells that I am using for the story are actual Yugioh cards from the game. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. As I appreciate any and all advise given to me as I also appreciate any help given to me for this story. Thanks!

8 - keeper of the tomb

After Mahad went back to the Shadow Realm, Yugi collapsed in exhaustion as he still felt weak. Even being in a graveyard wasn't helping him. His breathing became heavy as he transformed into his true form.

"Its not working. Whatelse can we do to help him?" asked Odion.

"I know of someone who can help. He is like us. Please trust me." stated Danny.

"Do it!" Yugi and Atem replied weakly before loosing consciousness.

Meanwhile...Mana walked the Earth discusted by what she saw.

'Humans are nothing but filth. Where are you Atemu?' asked Mana to herself. She pondered over why Atemu would have forgotten her. 'You loved me once before Atemu but it seems that not even I knew the true you. I will have you again as you will succumb to the darkness. So come and find me Atemu.' Mana thought to herself as she walked.

Elsewhere...Yugi had regained consciousness finding himself in an unfamiliar place. He could also feel Atem's powers returning faster than he thought possible. He could feel warm blood trickling down his throat. But whom he saw before him was unfamiliar to him. Yugi could see the mark of the Midnight Sons on his chest. A tall brunette spiked hair male with jet black eyes stood before him. The male pulled away wrapping up his arm as he allowed Yugi to sit up as Danny stood besides the mysterious stranger.

"Take it easy Yugi, you are safe. This is a close and personal friend of mine Tristan Taylor also known as Shriker. He is one of us so don't worry he knows." stated Danny.

"The pleasure is all mine. How are you feeling?" asked Tristan.

"Better. I could feel his power returning faster than I thought possible. How is that even possible?" asked Yugi.

"I will show you." replied Tristan as both he and Danny helped Yugi up to his feet. They all entered into what looked like a museam. Ancient artifacts from Egypt, more importantly from Atemu's pyramid. Locked behind a large glass case was a large tablet that was glowing. Yugi could tell that this was the same tablet that he had once seen back in Atem's pyramid when he first teamed up with Merik. "My family are acheologists as we have been named special keepers to an ancient tomb that we had discovered by accident. I used my resources to gather these all here." stated Tristan. Yugi placed his hand on the glass as the tablet emitted a bright light engluffing Yugi. The light blinded everyone as Yugi screamed in pain. When the light finally disappated it revealed Yugi still in his true form as besides him stood Atem in his true human form from back in ancient Egypt. He looked exactly like Yugi only he was much taller and more muscular. Extra golden bangs which looked like lightning bolts were spiked up against his black and mahagony trimed hair. His eyes were blood red and slitted like a cat's. His skin was a tanned Egyptian as a pair of large black leather wings rested against his broad back as he was wearing a set of ancient Egyptian clothing.

"What in the world?" asked Tristan.

"Can it be...Atem?" asked Danny. Both Yugi and Atem collapsed onto their knees afterwards.

"Its the tablet's power. It can fully restore me back to my full human form although the effects are only temporary. I should thank you Shriker for gathering these artifacts and taking care of them." stated Atem as he got up to his feet. Atem walked over to his human host offering him a hand up. "I think that its time that you all learned the truth to my ancient past and with the tablet here, I can use my full powers without any reprocausions. I am sorry about earlier Yugi. I didn't mean to hurt you like that aibou." stated Atem.

"Aibou? Doesn't that mean light in Egyptian?" asked Yugi as he allowed Atem to help him up.

"It does. It is because you are my light Yugi." replied Atem.

After all of the Midnight Sons had gathered, Atem use his powers to operate the tablet's power as a light surrounded them transporting them through time and space back to ancient Egypt. All of them could clearly see Atem as he appeared like he did now only much younger.

"When I was younger, I was born different from others. I was born as a vampire with incredible powers. No one knew the truth of what I was but everyone seemed to know about my unusual and unique powers. It was because of these powers that I was named pharaoh. When I became pharaoh, I was always in the public eye as I couldn't feed without someone learning the truth about what I was. The one whom noticed that something was wrong with me was one of the court magician's Mahad." stated Atem as the events played out showing Mahad taking Atem aside slitting his own wrist to feed Atem as he took it hungerily. "Mahad could sense my power and seemed to know that I was not like everyone else. I knew that I could trust Mahad as I told him of my secret. He became the very first Caretaker. Over the years my powers grew even stronger as I had fought off my share of people trying to take either my crown or my power. One of them as you have met was Centurious. After defeating Centurious is when I first met her, Mana." stated Atem as images flashed showing Mana helping Atem as he came stumbling out of the pryamids after his battle with Centurious as he was in his human form. Mana helped and treated Atem until Mahad had shown up. "During the time that I was with Mana, I had fallen in love with her and asked her to become my wife. For a while it was peaceful as I never once told the Mana about the truth to what I was but my powers became well known as some began to call me the angel of death. Our peace was short lived as he came, Zorc the dark one. His dark and evil power was nothing like I had ever sensed before. Zorc threatened to destroy the world. I couldn't allow him to do it as I had my wife, the people of Egypt, and my unborn child to think about. So I went to face against Zorc using my powers to seal Zorc's dark power into myself as I sent Zorc to another dimension never to return. I then put the power into the ten mystic items giving them to Mahad trusting him to take care of everything." stated Atem as the events played out showing them Atem's battle with Zorc and him sealing the forebidden power into the items giving them all to Mahad. "Mahad was named Caretaker as he was to protect my secret and to watch for when I would return again as I had told him about Uriel's proposal and promise as I became the spirit of vengeance. I told Mahad to scatter the mystic items only keeping the mystic eye. After I had passed on, Mana had died during child birht as my child passed on shortly after. For centuries, I have watched as Mana, my wife was reborn several times as all I could do was watch her suffer and die. I am beginning to believe that it was during those times that she began to change."

"And now she is this Black Rose and she is trying to bring back someone that you yourself had banished. What in the world is she up to?" asked Odion as they all found themselves back at the museam. All Atem could do was shrug his shoulder as he had no idea.

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