12- dark temptation

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I claim no right or claim to own any of the characters featured in both the Ghost Rider series and/or the Yugioh series as all of the creatures and spells that I am using for the story are actual Yugioh cards from the game. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. As I appreciate any and all advise given to me as I also appreciate any help given to me for this story. Thanks!

12 - dark temptation

Mana walked back and formth in her chambers as a dark plan formed in her mind. An evil grin moved slyly across her face as Succubus entered Mana's chambers bowing her head.

"You had summoned me Black Rose?" asked Succubus.

"Yes, I have a task for you alone Succubus as it requires your special powers." stated Mana.

"I see so it is time. Do with me what you will." replied Succubus. Mana smiled as she began to chant an old Egyptian spell transforming Succubus into a beautiful red rose. Mana then walked over picking up the rose as she opened up a portal to the human world.

"Now go and complete your task. The dead shall arise as Atemu will be mine." she laughed as she flicked the rose through the portal.

Meanwhile...the portal opened within the graveyard in Domino City as the rose landed on top of Solomon Moto's grave. Dark power began to grow drenching the graveyard as the dead began to rise from out of their graves. They had one mission, to bring the Dark Rider Atem back to Mana. The dead began to roam the city streets stiring up trouble as they scared everyone in sight.

At that percise moment...Yugi and the rest of the Midnight Sons went back to Domino City in order to rethink their plan to defeat Mana and her plan to bring Zorc back. Atem knew that the only way that was possible was through his power. Atem and Vengeance then snarled sharply as they could sense that something was wrong.

*Hurry and switch with us!* commanded the spirits of vengeance to their human hosts.

*What's going on?* asked Yami mentally as they could see a large horde of zombies heading their way.

*Zombies? This can't be real? Are you certain that this isn't some really bad movie? I mean it's zombies for crying out loud!* Yugi stated mentally but even he could feel the dark power comming off of the zombies. Both Yami and Yugi gave control over their bodies as the spirits of vengeance stepped forth before the group.

"Everyone stay back!" Atem and Vengeance snarled as hellfire surrounded their hands as the flames that were on their heads danced angerily. The Midnight Sons did as they were commanded as hellfire drenched the area destroying all of the zombies as they turned to dust. Once all of the zombies were destroyed, Atem walked over picking up a red rose which was attached to Yugi's grandfather. It had shocked him with dark magic as he cursed out loud throwing down the rose.

*What is it?* Yugi asked in concern.

*Powerfulk dark and evil magic. This must have been Mana's doing. How low will that witch go?* snarled Atem as he destroyed the rose with his hellfire. Little did Atem realize was that Succubus was all ready within him working her powers to alter Atem.

Later on...the group sat in Yugi's house discussing what to do about Mana.

"She seems determined to bring this Zorc back no matter what means as she has tried everything in her power to stop and destroy us." stated Danny Wheeler.

"I don't understand hwat is her motive to all of this? I mean why bring him to this world?" asked Blaze Kaiba.

"Much like Zarathos, Zorc wishes for darkness and evil to reign supreme. Zorc wishes to enslave humanity and to allow demons and monsters to rule. The whole world would be plunged into the middle ages that many invision within books." answered Pegasus.

"Does anybody know what's required for her to bring Zorc to this world?" asked Duke.

"Me." replied Atem through Yugi.

"Well we can't allow Mana to get her hands on Atem in order for her to bring Zorc to this world." stated Tristan.

"So how on Earth do we find her in order to stop her?" asked Mako. Nobody seemed to know how to answer the living vampire's question. Suddenly Yugi screamed in pain collapsing down onto his hands and knees. His form fluxuated between his own and Atem's. Dark power began to leak dangerously from his body as something was wrong.

"YUGI!" everyone shouted in concern as nobody could seem to get close enough to him. Yugi's body began to change into Atem's and back as they tried to fight off what was happening to them.

*ATEMU!* Yugi screamed out mentally.

*AIBOU...YUGI!* Atem hissed as Yugi was expelled from his body as Atemu's true form erruped forth. Dark snarls slipped from Atem's lips as his true form altered into a darker and more demonic form. The flames that surrounded his head appeared much darker almost black as his once white angelic wings turned black. A long reptilian like tail ripped out of Atem's back with a long razor scythe at the end. Two dark brown demonic horns began to emerge from out of his skull as a third red demonic eye began to emerge when the jem on his forehead vanished. Evil laughter arrose from Atemu as he got up to his feet staring at the Midnight Sons. "Too late you fools!" he hissed as dark and evil magic flowed into his hands. Atem threw the blasts at the Midnight Sons before he barreled out of Yugi's house.

Meanwhile...Mana paced nervously as she waited for Atem to return to her. She could sense and feel that Succubus had succeeded in her task as she had turned Atemu over to the darkness. A portal opened up before Mana as a dark Atemu stepped forth. Without breaking a single stride, Atemu grabbed Mana pulling her close to him as he kissed her aggressively. Mana wrapped her arms around Atem as she broke the kiss smiling.

"How have I missed you Atemu. Welcome back home!" stated Mana. Atem eyed her provoctively sending chills up and down Mana's spine.

"My queen." he hissed as he began to kiss her aggressively again.

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