13- Zorc the dark one

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I claim no right or claim to own any of the characters featured in both the Ghost Rider series and/or the Yugioh series as all of the creatures and spells that I am using for the story are actual Yugioh cards from the game. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. As I appreciate any and all advise given to me as I also appreciate any help given to me for this story. Thanks!

13 -Zorc the dark one

"Atemu, my darling...we can get married all over again this time we can be together forever and have as many children as we want. But first I will need your help to bring back Zorc." Mana stated as she cupped his face with her hands. Atem's dark eyes never left hers.

"If that is what you wish my queen, then I shall do as you command." Atem replied in a cold voice as wicked smile stretched across her face.

Meanwhile...the Midnight Sons began to regain consciousness from the blast that Atem had thrown at them.

"Ooowww...man what happened?" asked Danny.

"Atem went evil. But how could that happen?" replied Duke.

"The rose that Atem had destroyed, some of its dark magic must have infected Atem." answered Odion.

"So Mana has him now...we have to get him back before he unleashes Zorc!" stated Yami.

"But how? None of us could stop Atem. How can we?" asked Mako.

"Yugi would find a way. Knowing my little brother, he is trying to get Atem back but even in spirit form, he won't be able to do it alone." Yami answered. Everyone looked at Yami knowing that he spoke the truth. Yugi has never given up and he has always been there for them, it was time that they returned the favor.

"Yugi left some residual trace for us to track him. I can see it clearly through my mystic eye." stated Pegasus moving his hair away from the eye to show that it was glowing.

"Then we have to act fast before its too late." stated Blaze. All of the Midnight Sons nodded their heads in agreement as Odion pulled out the mystic rod using its magic power to open a portal.

Elsewhere...Yugiu had existed a portal as it was pitch dark. He could tell that he was still in the void that existed between him and Atem. He could sense the dark powers lingering in the void as he couldn't sense Atem's presence.

'This isn't like the last time that Atem went dark. Somebody is doing this but who? Could it be Mana?' Yugi asked himself. Suddenly a white orb brightened up the dark void as Yugi could sense a familiar presence within the orb.

{We met again my Pharaoh...allow me to help you.} stated the orb in Egyptian. Yugi was a bit grateful that he could speak and understand Egyptian as easily as he could English.

{I think that you have me confussed, I am not Atemu. My name is Yugi Moto, I am the human body for Atemu.} Yugi replied in Egyptian. The orb floated around Yugi as the face of a young Egytpain woman appeared within the orb (the face is of Ishizu Ishtar whom also played Isis from Atem's memories).

{Forgive me. But you do look like Lord Atemu. I am fully aware of what happened as I maybe of some help.} stated the spirit.

{I don't mean to be rude but, whom are you?} Yugi asked.

{I am Isis. I used to work for Lord Atemu when I was alive that was until...} Isis stated as her voice became lost.

{Mana had killed youl. So how can you help me? I can't reach Atem from the void as it seems like I am being blocked out.} asked Yugi.

{Simple, we destroy the one whom is controlling him.} answered Isis.

"I hope that your right." Yugi whispered to himself as he followed the glowing orb.

Meanwhile...Atem stood inside the chamber halls with Mana by his side. All of Atem's enemies looked at him with discust while Black Rose began to finalize the preperations to bring back Zorc.

"Now remember my love, after we bring Zorc back, we will destroy those dam Midnight Sons. Once that is done, then we can finally be together." stated Mana.

"As you wish my queen." replied Atem as he stepped into the spell circle. A chant in Egyptian slipped from out of his lips as his power began to increase.

In the void...Yugi felt this sharp jar of pain run though his body which caused him to collapse down onto his knees. He could feel what Atem was doing as a sharp curse slipped from out of his lips.

"Atem don't do it!" Yugi yelled out at the top of his lungs as Isis floated by his side. {Don't worry about me Isis but we have to hurry. They have begun to call back Zorc.} Yugi hissed as he allowed hius wings to rip from out of his back. Yugi flew after Isis as they entered a chamber filled with thousands of black roses. Within them stood Succubus holding a single white rose. Succubus seemed fully aware that they were there.

"So you have shown yourself at last. Once I turn this rose black, Atem will be forever Black Rose." hissed Succubus.

"Not if I can help it!" snarled Yugi with both claws and fangs fully extended. Without Atem, he couldn't summon help from the Shadow Realm. Succubus was swift as she twirled from out of Yugi's way as her hair acted like ropes snaking around Yugi's body binding the teen. 'Dam it!' he snarled to himself. *Please if you can hear me creatures of the Shadow Realm, please help me. I can't allow Atemu to bring Zorc back.* Yugi cried out mentally. Suddenly a blast knocked Succubus off of Yugi freeing the teen. As Yugi got back up to his feet, he could see the Magician of Black Chaos standing before him.

{Mahad!} yelled out Isis.

{Isis get him back to Lord Atemu. He is the only one who can stop the Pharaoh!} snapped Mahad.

{Yugi quickly grab the white rose, its your portal out of here!} shouted out Isis. Yugi lept at Succubus as Mahad blasted her managing to free the white rose. When Yugi grabbed a hold of it, a portal opened up before him.

Meanwhile...Atem had envoked the spell as a large rift betwen dimensions opened up allowing Zorc to step through. All most everyone went down to their knees excpet for Mana and Atem.

"Finally...I am free. Thank you Mana for arranging for my freedom. What do we plan to do about him?" asked Zorc pointing at Atem.

"We had an agreement Zorc that once you were free, Atemu would be mine to do with as I please." replied Mana.

"Fine but don't say that I didn't warn you." replied Zorc. Mana took Atem by the hand leading him back to her chambers. It was time that she got what she wanted from Atem

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