14- loss of a friend and ally

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I claim no right or claim to own any of the characters featured in both the Ghost Rider series and/or the Yugioh series as all of the creatures and spells that I am using for the story are actual Yugioh cards from the game. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. As I appreciate any and all advise given to me as I also appreciate any help given to me for this story. Thanks!

14 - loss of a friend and ally

Mana lead Atem back to her chambers where she forcefully kissed Atem as her hands tugged at his clothing. Atems hands rested on Mana's hips never moving. Mana moaned out loud as she explored every inch of Atem. But she couldn't help but to think that she had missed something important.

Meanwhile...the Midnight Sons were approaching fast on Mana's location. All of them hoped and prayed that some how Yugi had found a way to free Atem from Mana's spell.

*Hang on Yugi and Atemu, we will be there shortly!* Yami stated mentally. Yami knew that in the long run he would have to return back to Yugi and Atemu as he was a fragment of their lost spirit from long ago. Uriel had given him a temporary human body in order to full fill the prophecy. Vengeance was a spirit of vengeance given to him just for this mission. Vengeance knew about the truth and gave Atem the message as the spirit of vengeance had figured it out. The only one who didn't know was Yugi. In the short time that Yami had gotten to now Yugi, he hated lying to the teen as he was incredibly nice and sweet. His innocence and light tended to rub off on others. *Please be safe Yugi.* Yami prayed mentally.

In the void...the white rose that Yugi was holding vanished into starlights as the orb that contained Isis's spirit changed into a physical being. Yugi could tell that Atemu had all ready summoned Zorc back to the world. Yugi could then see a faded image of Atem lying on the floor as Yugi rushed to his side.

"Atemu...wake up!" shouted out Yugi as tears began to form in his eyes. "Isis...what's wrong with him?" asked Yugi forgetting to speak in Egyptian. Isis walked over by Yugi's side examining Atem. Even without Yugi speaking in Egyptian it seemed like she understood him.

{Mana casted a spell on him sealing a part of his essence into the rose unleashing the dark part that lives within Lord Atemu.} replied Isis.

'But that's impossible, Atemu and I got rid of his darker half ages ago.' Yugi thought to himself. Isis chanted something in Egyptian that Yugi couldn't understand as Atemu's form disappeared back into Yugi's body.

{Now I have to get you back to Lord Atemu as quickly as possible.} stated Isis.

Elsewhere...Atemu held onto Mana kissing her fircely. He broke the kiss suddenly feeling that something was wrong but he couldn't figure out what it was. Blackout then entered the chamber snarling sharply at Atem. Mana glanced up glaring at Blackout.

"What do you want Blackout?" snapped Mana pissed off that somebody was interuppting her time with Atem.

"Master Zorc wishes to see you Black Rose." replied Blackout.

"Fine...I will be right back my love." stated Mana as she and Blackout left the room. Shortly after Mana and Blackout left the room a brilliant white light filled the chamber as both Yugi and Isis entered the room through a portal. Isis bound Atem with a spell allowing Yugi to enter back into Atem's body. Atem screamed in pain as the light expelled the darkness as Atemu's body slowly returned back to normal. But it was already too late as the damage had been done. Pieces of the prophecy had come true. Atem looked up at Isis as she undid the spell.

{Isis, my old friend...thank you for your help.} replied Atemu weakly.

{Are you certain that you will be all right?} asked Isis in concern.

'I will be once I get the hell out of here.' Atem thought to himself.

Atem was several feet away from freedom when he was suddenly blasted from behind. Atem screamed in pain as he collapsed down onto his knees. His head wipped around to see Zorc, Zarathos, and Mana holding magic orbs of power within their hands.

"How did you free yourself from my spell?" asked Mana angerily.

"I feel no need to tell you!" answered Atem as he got blasted again.

"Unfortunately, we can not allow you to leave!" hissed Mana. Before Zarathos, Zorc, and Mana could attack Atem again, a portal opened up as the Midnight Sons came charging through.

"Keep them away from Atemu!" snarled Yami as he proceeded to transform into Vengeance. Everyone acted quickly using their power to off set Mana, Zarathos, and Zorc. Atem was far too weak to keep his current form as he changed back into Yugi. "Strange, get us out of here quickly!" shouted out Vengeance. The sorcerer supreme quickly reopened a portal back to Domino City.

"If I can't have Atemu, then nobody will!" snapped Mana as she manifested a spear throwing it at Yugi. Yugi could bearly move as it is as Vengeance threw him down onto the ground taking the spear as it ripped right through his body. Vengeance collapsed down onto his knees as his form changed instantly back into Yami's. The portal surrounded the Midnight Sons teleporting them out of there.

The Midnight Sons crashed landed within the graveyard in Domino City sore. Yami laid injured on Solomon Moto's grave. Slowly Yugi went to Yami's side as Yami was breathing hard and coughing up a lot of blood. A huge hole sat in his gut as he wasn't healing.

"Why Yami...why did you save me?" asked Yugi in tears as the blood tears streaked down his face.

"Because the truth is Yugi...that I was never truly your brother. If you did have a brother, he would have been proud of you. I am sorry that I had lied to you." stated Yami in a gasp of pain.

"But I don't understand why...what are you talking about?" asked Yugi sadly.

"Please don't ask me to repeat myself. But its up to you two to put a stop to Mana, Zorc, and Zarathos. You will find that I left the crown at your place in a book bag." stated Yami. The tears came rolling down from Yugi's face as Atem appeared besides him also crying. Even though he knew what Yami was, he couldn't help but to feel sad to loose a friend and ally. The Midnight Son stood back not sure of what to say or do as they were all loosing a good friend and trusted ally.

*It is up to you now Atemu. Defeat them!* stated Vengeance.

*You have my word.* replied Atem as Yami's body faded into shards of gold and crimson light as the light showered Yugi. It was then that Yugi understood what he meant. Yami was a fragement of Yugi's and Atem's lost spirit. Tears streaked down everyone's face saddened by this loss.

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