15- face off

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I claim no right or claim to own any of the characters featured in both the Ghost Rider series and/or the Yugioh series as all of the creatures and spells that I am using for the story are actual Yugioh cards from the game. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. As I appreciate any and all advise given to me as I also appreciate any help given to me for this story. Thanks!

15 - face off

After seeing Yami scatter in a fragment of lights, Yugi collapsed drained as he could sense that something was wrong. Atem's darkness still lingured causing a small rift to form between Yugi and Atem. Atem's worst fears had come true as he had brought back Zorc and given into his darkness all thanks to Mana. Yugi had lost almost everyone he had ever loved or cared for. Even though Yami was a fragment of his soul, he had come to know Yami as a friend, brother, ally, and colligue. Now he was gone. Mana was going to pay dearly for this.

In the void...Atem collapsed as the tears poured down his face.

"What have I done? Mana is this truly what you want? Ra, please help me." Atem cried out. Atem could feel someone helping him back up to his feet. He turned hius head slightly to see the Magician of Black Chaos by his side. "...Mahad...?"

"I am here my pharaoh, rest easy." stated Mahad.

"Leave me my trusted friend, there is no hope for me. The darkness within me seems much stronger than ever before. I don't know how this will effect Yugi and me. I am certain that my host can feel it too." stated Atem. He knew that if he faced against Mana now that his darker half would take control. Atem didn't want to put Yugi through any more pain.

{Lord Atemu please don't dispare. If you give up and give in, evil will win. All of the good that you have done up to now will be for nothing.} stated Isis as she materalized besides Mahad.

"She is right Lord Atemu. We must find a way to link both you and Master Yugi together." stated Mahad.

{But that would require some serious magic power.} added Isis.

"There is only one person that I know of whom has a strong magical power. Lets hope that this works." replied Atem.

Meanwhile...Yugi finally regained consciousness finding both Danny and Blaze by his side. Yugi felt sore and weak considering all that he had been through. He could tell that Atem felt bad about what had happened. But it wasn't his fault as Mana casted a spell on him making him obey her commands.

"Yugi, how do you feel?" asked Blaze.

"A little bit better." replied Yugi weakly.

"You're lying Yugi. Admit it that you're worried about what's going to happen." stated Blaze.

"Perhaps you're right. Have you seen Odion?" asked Yugi.

"He said that he was going back home to retieve some spell books. What's going on Yugi? Your aurora has changed. It fluxes between light and dark." asked Danny. Yugi sat up slowly trying not to wince in pain.

"Atemu had completed part of the prophecy by giving into the darkness and being taken by evil, it fractured our soul damaging it. Both of our worst fears have come to past as we all know that the battle is very close at hand. We have to be prepaired for what's going to happen." replied Yugi. Yugi looked past both Danny and Blaze to see Odion as he bowed his head. "Now if you excuse me, I need to speak with Odion in private." stated Yugi. Both Danny and Blaze left the room as Odion closed the door behind them. "You could sense it, couldn't you?" asked Yugi.

"I sensed it, that's why I went home to retrieve the spell books that I have. The bond between you and Atem is breaking because of what happened. My magic may only delay what is happening." replied Odion. Yugi only nodded his head as Odion opened up a book with the mystic rod in hand.

Several hours later...blood curdeling screams echoed through the house as power shook the foundation. The Midnight Sons bolted up the stiars to see Atem in his fullest form helping a physically drained sorcerer supreme. Odion's outfit had changed as it looked like he was wearing a full body black spendex suit with a white pitchfork in the middle running from the chest down. His cape looked tattered as it was now grey in color. A white mask with the black symbol of the medallion of power covered his face.

"...Strange...?" the Midnight Sons questioned in unison.

"It's me." replied Odion as his voice sounded much darker than usual.

"What on Earth happened?" asked Pegasus.

"His and my magic clashed. We managed to form a temporary seal. Now we must put an end to this evil once and for all." stated Atem as he pulled out the crown that Yami had left behind placing it on his head. Using his magic, he summoned forth the tablet shrinking it down in size for Tristan. Then he opened up a portal to Egypt. "Now lets put an end to this evil threat once and for all!" stated Atem as the Midnight Sons cheered in unison as they stepped through the portal.

Egypt...the Midnight Sons existed the portal coming face to face with Zarathos and a crew of villians by his side.

"Where is Mana and Zorc?" snarled Atem.

"In the pyramid but the only way you are going to get to them is through us." replied Zarathos.

"I destroyed you once before Zarathos and I will do it again!" snapped Atem.

"Just try it Dark Rider, I am much more powerful than before." replied Zarathos.

"We will see about that." added Atem.

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