18- sacrifice

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I claim no right or claim to own any of the characters featured in both the Ghost Rider series and/or the Yugioh series as all of the creatures and spells that I am using for the story are actual Yugioh cards from the game. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. As I appreciate any and all advise given to me as I also appreciate any help given to me for this story. Thanks!

18 - sacrifice

Mana threw the blast at Atem as all time seemed to slow down. Nobody saw Yugi move as he pushed the Magician of Black Chaos out of the way running in front of Atem as the petite teen took the bront of the attack.

"No...Yugi!" everybody shouted out in unison. (I know that I am bad as I am killing Yugi. So sue me!) Yugi went down hard as Atem rushed to the human's side.

"No aibou...why?" Atem asked as a wave of tears came to his eyes.

"I couldn't allow them to kill you as you are the only hope for the world." Yugi replied weakly while coughing up blood.

"Don't talk aibou, your hurt badly." stated Atem as the tears streaked down his face.

"Lets face it Atemu, I am dying. I don't regret anything as I am glad that I had met you and was able to help you." replied Yugi.

"I couldn't have asked for a better human host." Atem stated sadly. Tears began to flow down from the Midnight Son's faces sadened as they were loosing a persom whom had changed their lives. Atem held Yugi's hand as he coughed up some more blood.

"Atemu, don't loose hope. My light will always be with you. You must stop Zorc." wheezed Yugi before his eyes slowly closed and his hand went limp. Yugi's light and innocence was gone forever. Atem laid Yugi down carefully crossing the teens arms across his chest. Atem then took the pyramid keychain that Yugi had clipped onto his belt buckle before he rose to his feet slowly.

"May Ra watch over you Yugi. I will never forget you." replied Atem as he wiped away the tears from his eyes. Atem then looked at the Midnight Sons whom were also crying. "Nobody else shall die for me. Please stay back and allow me to handle this." he stated as he held on tightly to the pyramid keychain. The pyramid puzzle that once belonged to Atem returned to its normal size (the size of the one that Yugi and Atem wear) as Atem broke off the chair that hung around his chest attaching it the the puzzle as he wore it like a necklace. The mystic crown still sat on his head as he got back up to his feet. Bakura took off the mystic ring that hung around his hip handing it to Atem.

"You need this more than I do." stated Bakura. Atem took the mystic ring nodding his head while thanking Bakura. One by one the Midnight Son's stepped forth handing over their mystic items to Atem.

"What are they doing Black Rose? What are they planning?" asked Zorc.

"I am not sure." replied Mana.

"Thankyou my friends for everything." Atem whispered as he placed each item on. The ring rested on his hip, the necklace around his neck, the eye in the middle of the crown, the bracelet around his arm, the tablet (which becomes like a duel disk) on his other arm, the scales became a staff, the key hung off of his hip along with the ring, as he held onto the rod in his other hand. Atem then walked over to his mystic motorcycle taking off his leather jacket as he assumed his true form as he took the medallion of power (which was the gas cap if you hadn't figured that out) off of the bike before he then turned to face Mana and Zorc. Mana gasped when she saw Atem as he looked almost like he did back when he was alive despite having fire for hair. Atem stood along side with the ancient gods whom had not moved since he had first summoned them from the Shadow Realm. Sorrow and pain was stretched across Atem's face which brought a questioning look to Zorc's face. The Midnight Sons all stood a good distance back as they allowed Atem his wish to face the two alone. They all prayed that Atem would succeed. "No longer will I stand by and allow you to threaten the world. You have killed many innocent lives as I can not allow your dark reign to come about." stated Atem as he turned to the three Egyptian Gods. {I command the three Egyptian gods to fuse together with me making their power my own. I envoke upon the powers contained within the medallion of power to bring forth the one true light in order to forever destroy Zorc the dark one. I summon thee to come forth and to use me as your vessel. Now come forth oh Ruse, the Creator of Life and Light!" (I don't know if this is an actual character or not but it is the being that appears in the very last epsiode when Atem battles against Zorc in the t.v. series) Atem chanted in Egyptian as all of the mystic items as well as the medallion of power glowed.

"No...not him!" Zorc screamed out as he tried to reach for Atem but he was pushed back by the light and power emitted by Atem. The three Egyptian gods began to merge together as they then merged into Atem as his whole entire body began to change taking on the form of Ruse. Atem felt no pain as his body willing under went the transformation.

The void...Atem came face to face with Ruse, the Creator of Life and Light.

"Pharaoh Atemu, are you certain that this is what you want? By giving up all of your powers that have been contained within the mystic items and the medallion of power, it will end up costing you your life." stated Ruse.

"I understnad that Ruse. In order to truly defeat Zorc, I am willing to sacrifice my life for this as Yugi gave up his own life to ensure that I stop Zorc once and for all." replied Atem as he knew that this was the right choice.

"If that is your wish, then I shall honor it Atemu." replied Ruse as his powers washed over Atem.

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