17- battle part 2

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I claim no right or claim to own any of the characters featured in both the Ghost Rider series and/or the Yugioh series as all of the creatures and spells that I am using for the story are actual Yugioh cards from the game. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. As I appreciate any and all advise given to me as I also appreciate any help given to me for this story. Thanks!

17 - battle part 2

After being forcefully seperated Atem slowly regained feeling back to his body.

"Are you two all right?" asked Bakura as Blaze helped Yugi sit upright while Duke helped Atem. Atem slowly opened his eyes to see Yugi by his side as he knew what had happened.

"Oowww...I didn't think that it would hurt that much." replied Yugi.

"That's the least of our problems. Can you continue on Yugi?" asked Atem in concern. Yugi slowly nodded his head as Blaze helped him back up to his feet while Duke helped Atem. Atem then turned to Odion. "Can you teleport us to the valley of the kings? Both Mana and Zorc are there within my pyramid." asked Atem.

"Consider it done!" replied Odion as he used his magic to teleport them to their destination

Moments later...Atem, Yugi, and the Midnight Sons arrived in the valley of the kings. The valley had been majorily altered through some very powerful magic. Atem's tomb and pyramid had been changed as it now looked darker, evil and haunted. The once regal looking tomb now looked like something from out of a horror movie. Atem snarled sharply as Zorc was going to pay for what he had done. Atem lead the way as he knew full well that Zorc was expecting them. Everyone made their way into the tomb going to what appeared to be the thrown room. Zorc sat on the thrown as Mana stood by his side.

"Welcome Atemu to your death." stated Zorc with a wicked smile on his face.

"If anyone is going to die here it will be you Zorc. I hope that your happy Mana as you will be joining him." snarled Atem.

"Mana is no more my dear Pharaoh Atemu, I have become Black Rose. All I ever wanted is you but since I can't seem to have you then I have no choice but to destroy you. This will be our final good bye my king." hissed Mana. The Midnight Sons moved to attack Zorc before Atem could stop them.

"Fools!" snapped Zorc as he unleashed a powerful blast.

"Big Shield Gardna!" yelled out Atem as a large Shadow Realm creature appeared in front of the Midnight Sons holding a rather large shield which blocked Zorc's attack. Zorc's thunderous laughter fill the tomb.

"Come now you can do better than that!" stated Zorc. Atem stepped in front of the Midnight Sons as the Big Shield Gardna vanished.

"Please leave this fight up to me." Atem told the Midnight Sons.

"No way Atem. We have see you this far. We are with you through this to the very end." snapped Wolverine as the other Midnight Sons aggreed with him.

"Thank you my friends." replied Atem as he looked at Yugi whom just nodded his head.

"Please stop with all of these sentimental feelings. No matter how you look at it, you are all going to die!" hissed Mana.

"We will see about that!" snapped Pegasus. Atem unlinked the mystic chain that hung around his chest infusing it with hellfire and his magic. Atem silently called for the Magician of Black Chaos to come forth to protect Yugi.

*Please stay back aibou. Without me within you, you are just an ordinary human with no special power. I don't know what I would do if I had lost you.* Atem told Yugi telepathically. Yugi just nodded his head that he understood as the Magician of Black Chaos appeared in front of him. Atem then turned his undivided attention back to Mana and Zorc. Atem flicked his wrist as the chain came magically undone sending the links flying at Zorc and Black Rose. The Midnight Sons all moved at the same time each using their talents and powers to attack Zorc. All of the attacks hit Zorc at the same time as he seemed hardly fazed by the attacks. Zorc got up from the thrown weilding another blast. Atem quickly pushed everyone down as Zorc unleashed the blast. The blast completely missed them but blew a portion of the temple away. Atem cursed to himself as he knew that even with the Midnight Sons by his side, he was no match for Zorc. He had no choice but to summon them in order for them to help him like they did so many years ago. *Buy me some time.* he told the Midnight Sons telepathically. The Midnight Sons nodded their heads as they got up attacking Zorc again as Atem rose to his feet. {I call upon the powers of the powers of the ancient gods that exist to come forth and to aid me. By the ancient coven that has been formed, I call upon thee to help me defeat my enemies. I call upon the Egyptain gods that exist within the Shadow Realm to come forth and aid my hand. Now come forth Slifer the Sky Dragon, Oblisk the Tourmentor, and the Winged Dragon of Ra!} Atem chanted in Egyptian. Thunder clashed within the tomb as the three gods that Atem had summoned appeared by his side. The gods glared at Zorc as they understood why they were summoned. Zorc threw off the Midnight Sons glaring at Atem and the three Egyptian gods. Zorc began to laugh which raised a questioning look to Atem's face.

"Don't you think that I would be ready for them this time? They might have succeeded last time that you had summoned them in order to defeat me. But this time it will be different." stated Zorc before he turned to Mana. "Now is the time my Black Rose!" stated Zorc. A smirk stretched across Mana's face as she gathered up her magic into her hands. "This is good bye my love." she stated.

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