2- old friends

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I claim no right or claim to own any of the characters featured in both the Ghost Rider series and/or the Yugioh series. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. Thanks!

2 - old friends

The voice sounded familiar as Yugi noted the glowing symbol of a pryamid over an eagle with its wings stretched out besides the pryamid (zelda triforce eagle symbol) glowing on top of his right hand even through his fingerless glove. Yugi stood up quickly turning around but whom he saw looked much younger than the person that he remembered. He looked exactly like Pegasus but much younger as he had plantium blond hair which covered his right eye as he looked at Yugi through his greyish blue visisble eye.

"It can't be...Pegasus?" Yugi asked in question.

"I be Pegasus, Max Pegasus but whom are you and how do you know my name?" asked the younger Pegasus.

"You could say that I am a friend." replied Yugi. Pegaus's visible eye widened when he began to see Atemu's spirit. Pegaus gasped when he saw Atem.

"Oh my lord...it's you." stated Pegasus as Yugi just smiled and nodded his head.

Inside of Pegasus's home had brought back old familiar memories to Yugi. The younger Pegasus brought over a cup of tea handing it to Yugi.

"This place definately brings back memories. So you are not the original Caretaker that I once knew." stated Yugi casually.

"No, I am his grandson. In the Caretaker line it is up to the sons to pass on the Caretaker's duties. Since grandpa Pegasus had no sons, that duty was passed onto me."

*When did he pass away?* asked Atem mentally.

"About a month ago. He trained me in what little time he had remaining left to become the next Caretaker." replied Pegasus. "May I ask why you two have returned after so long?"

"I am not certain. I just felt this need to come back home." replied Yugi.

"I see. So what my grandfather and I have seen through the mystic eye is coming." stated Pegasus as he moved the hair that hung in front of his right eye revealing the mystic eye. "Through the eye we have seen an impending darkness covering the world as a faint light fights to destroy the darkness. Both my grandfather and I have no idea of what it all means."

*Sounds like we have to find them again. Who should we find first?* asked Atem mentally. Yugi understood what he was refearing to. The Midnight Sons had to be gathered again. Yugi knew that most of them had to be at least in their seventies or eighties.

"I think that I may see a close friend. It is his companies logo that's on everything electronic. So I know that he has to be around. Let's just hope that they took Pegasus's advice." stated Yugi.

*One more thing before we leave.* stated Atem as he took control over Yugi's body transforming into his original form as Yugi's golden bangs became pale yellow as the rest of his maroon spiked hair disappeared as flames erupted from his skull. Yugi's skin became much paler as marking appeared underneath his eyes. A pair of scarlet red triangles streaked down as a pair of capital C marks curled over the streaks. Yugi's eyes became black as his pupils changed color as they now glowed a bright shade of blood red and his irises became slits. In the middle of his forehead sat a diamond shaped purple gem as a pair of fangs emerged from out of his lips. Yugi's clothes changed replacing what he was wearing with black leather motorcycle clothing. Yugi now a black leather jacket with a white v-neck collar and a white capital Y on the jacket. On one of the sleeves appeared a strange symbol (the medallion of power featured in the Ghost Rider second series) that could also be seen on the motorcycle as four long white spikes ripped from his shoulders as a silver chain hung across his chest. Dark blue white spiked bracelets rested above his black leather gloves. A dark blue white spiked belt sat on his hips above a pair of gray jean pants as he wore a pair of black leather motorcycle boots, this was his original form that he had first appeared in. He would only transform into his truest form in extreme cases and emergancies. Atem walked over to the younger Pegasus placing his hand over Pegasus's mystic eye. "Forgive me as this may hurt a bit." Atem stated before he spoke in Egyptian. Power resinated through Atem into Pegasus's eye. Pegasus yelled out in pain as the power flowed into him then vanishing quickly as Atem removed his hand. "It seems that the previous Caretaker had placed a spell on the eye only to be removed by me. You are now the new Caretaker as I hope that you are up to the task." stated Atem.

"Of course Atemu." replied Caretaker.

Several days later Yugi appeared within Las Vegasus Nevada as he drove into the Kaiba Corp parking lot. It still surprised Yugi at how many people offered to buy Atem's mystic motorcycle. Yugi had to decline their offers because the mystic motorcycle becomes Atem's hellcycle. Yugi entered the building finding a robot for a receptionist.

'That is so typical of Kaiba to go high tech.' Yugi thought to himself as he went up to the desk.

"Can I help you?" asked the robot.

"I am here to see Seto Kaiba. I am an old friend." replied Yugi.

"Stand by, scanning." stated the robot as its eyes lit up scanning Yugi. "Approved, please follow me." replied the robot as it got up from the desk. Yugi did as instructed as the robot lead Yugi to a large office. The robot opened the door to reveal a figure sitting behind the desk with his back turned to them. "Master Kaiba, I know that you wish not to be disturbed but I feel that you may want to see this visitor as he is an old friend." stated the robot. The figure behind the desk turned around to reveal a much older looking Seto Kaiba. His once brown hair was now all white as he still had his electric blue eyes. Seto's eyes widened when he saw Yugi.

"Thank you very much, you are dismissed." stated Seto as he got up from his desk. The robot left to continue on with its duty. "Yugi is that truly you?" asked Seto.

"Its good to see you old friend." replied Yugi as the two embraced in a hug quickly parting.

"Look at you, nothing has changed. You still look the same." stated Seto.

"One of the perks to being a half vampire, as I don't age as quickly. But look at you...so what has changed since I have last been around?" asked Yugi.

"Lots my friend but, what brings you here?" asked Seto.

"The usual trouble. I could use some help from the Punisher." replied Yugi as Seto Kaiba used to be the Punisher fifty years ago.

"Then its not me that you need to see but rather someone else. Come with me Yugi!" stated Seto as he showed Yugi to another room. Inside of what looked like a training sight stood a teen with some what dark orange brown hair as he looked exactly like Seto did when he was younger except for the hair coloring. Seto pressed an intercome button interupting the teen's training. "Son could you come here please. There is someone that I want to introduce you to." stated Seto. The teen nodded his head as he put away the shotgun that he was using strapping across his back.

"Your son?" asked Yugi in confussion.

"He is the Punisher now. I have a company to run as I am also not as young as I used to be. So when he was old enough, he took over as the Punisher." replied Seto as the teen entered the room. "Yugi may I introduce my son Blaze Kaiba the new Punisher (I chose to use Blaze's name because I kind of liked the Blaze that appeared in the second series of the Ghost Rider comics). Blaze this is the one that I have told you about. This is an old friend of mine Yugi Moto also known as the Dark Rider, Atem. Don't be fooled by his appearance there is more to him than meets the eye." stated Seto. Blaze looked over Yugi through the same electric blue eyes that Seto possessed before he finally stretched out his Caucasian hand.

"It is nice to finally meet you Mr. Moto. My father has told me alot about you." replied Blaze as Yugi shook his hand.

"Please just call me Yugi. Blaze, I trust that Seto has told you everything." replied Yugi as Blaze nodded his head yes.

*That makes things so much easier. Yugi spend some time with your friend to catch up on what you have missed. I know that you need this.* stated Atem mentally.

*Thanks Atemu!* replied Yugi as he could feel Atemu's presence slip away to the back of his mind.

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