3- reuniting with friends

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I claim no right or claim to own any of the characters featured in both the Ghost Rider series and/or the Yugioh series. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. As I appreciate any and all advise given to me as I also appreciate any help given to me for this story. Thanks!

3 - reuniting with friends

Yugi spent several hours with Seto and Blaze catching up on old times. Yugi knew that he couldn't stay long as he still needed to find the other Midnight Sons to warn them about what was comming. Atem seemed to know that the two of original Midnight Sons still possessed their mystic items. Bakura Ryou also known as Blade possessed the mystic ring. Bakura is a half human/half vampire so like Yugi, he would also age very slowly. Duke Devlin also known as Wolverine is a mutant with incredible healing powers and an adamantium skeleton. Because of Duke's powers, he would also age very slowly. Duke possessed the mystic necklace. These where the only two original Midnight Sons that were still around. Atem knew where all seven mystic items were but whom possessed them now was a complete mystery to him. Before they left Kaiba Corp, Atem took over Yugi's body to establish a new link with Blaze and the mystic scale making him the new official member of the Midnight Sons. Atem then gave control back to Yugi as he left Kaiba Corp to connect and find the other Midnight Sons. Yugi allowed Atem to guide him to where of the mystic items was at as they drove into Hell's Kitchen. Hell's Kitchen was home to Joey Wheeler also known as Daredevil, a blind hero whom possessed the power to see without seeing thanks to his radar sense. Yugi stopped at a phone booth to see if Joey still livefd within Hell's Kitchen. Once he got an address, he drove over to see his old friend and ally.

Yugi parked his bike outside before he walked up to the front door. A teenage male answered the door as he had short brown hair and glassy blue eye. In his Caucasian hands he held a seeing eye cane.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"I am looking for Joey Wheeler, I am an old friend." replied Yugi as he could feel the symbol on his right hand tingeling. The boy simply smiled as he stepped aside allowing Yugi to come in. The boy lead Yugi to the living room as Joey was sitting on a chair reading a brail book. Joey's once bushy sandy blond hair was turning white as you could still seem some streaks of sandy blond in it. He looked up revealing his honey brown eyes with no visible pupils in them.

"Whom is it Danny?" asked Joey.

"Come on Joey whom else would claim that they were an old friend and come all this way to see you?" asked Yugi. Joey's eyes widened when he heard Yugi's voice.

"Yugi Moto, do my ears betray me?" asked Joey in shock.

"If they do then you better get those ears checked." replied Yugi. Joey put down his book getting up walking over to where Yugi was as the two hugged each other.

"I have a feeling that I know the reason to why you are here so allow me to introduce you to my son Danny, he is the new Daredevil. (I chose to use Danny as Joey's son because I loved Danny Ketch's character from the Ghost Rider series) Danny this is Yugi the one that I have been telling you about." stated Joey. Befor Danny could say anything, Yugi transformed into Atem as he knew that even though they were both blind, they could both clearly see the spirit of vengeance when he took control over Yugi's body. Danny's eyes widened when he saw Atem's firey form manifest.

"It is nice to meet you Daredevil, I am Atem, the spirit of vegeance that resides within Yugi. I take it that your father had told you everything." stated Atem as Danny nodded his head yes.

"What brings you and Yugi here anyway Atem?" asked Joey.

"We aren't certain but according to the new Caretaker it seems that a darkness will cover the world. If I had to guess, it has something to do with evil resurfacing. This is why we are finding the mystic items and the Midnight Sons." answered Atem.

"That makes sense." replied Joey. Atem used his powers to make Danny the new Daredevil for the Midnight Sons and making him the owner of the mystic key. Atem then gave Yugi back control over the body as the teen told Danny that Atem knew how to reach him if and when he was needed.

After his visit with Joey and Danny, Yugi drove towards a large mansion that read 'Xavier's School for the Gifted' on a name plate on the main gate. Yugi remembered that Duke was a member of the X-Men, a team of mutants that was put together by Professor Charles Xavier. Yugi buzzed the intercome as the gates opened up allowing him in. Yugi drove up to the mansion as a young man came out to welcome him. He wore his black hair up in a pony tail as his green eyes smiled at Yugi. Yugi recognized him instantly as he did look a little bit older. Duke was dressed casually as his muscular body could be clearly seen through his shirt.

"Yugi Moto, what in the world is going on my friend? I haven't seen you since we did battle against Zarathos." asked Duke.

"Not much Duke. But I fear that evil maybe starting something. According to the new Caretaker, Pegasus's grandson, he and the Pegasus that we knew saw darkness covering the world as a faint light was trying to destroy it. Maybe you can confirm what is going to happen by using the mystic necklace." stated Yugi. Duke nodded his head as he closed his eyes calling upon the power of the necklace. Visions danced within Duke's mind as he could see a great battle taking place as evil forces battled against the Midnight Sons. When he saw the image of Zarathos, Duke reopened his eyes quickly.

"He's comming back Yugi. Zarathos is going to return again to take what he believe is his." stated Duke which caused Yugi to curse out loud.

"Thanks Duke. I have all ready met the new Caretaker, Punisher, and Daredevil. Each are off spring of the original members. I still have to locate Blade and Doctor Strange." stated Yugi.

"Well you and Atem know how to reach me if and when you need my help." stated Duke as the two friends shook hands before Yugi went off to find the remaining two members of the Midnight Sons.

Yugi arrived at a large house that seemed magical and mystical in design. After parking his bike, Yugi walked up to the front door. Just as he was going to knock on the door, it opened suddenly to reveal a teen with a bald head as he did have a long black ponytail in the back of his head. The right half of his face was covered in Egyptian hilogrifs that seemed to be burned into his Egytain tan skin. Egyptian markings surrounded his dark purple eyes.

"Pleae come in Yugi Moto, we have been waiting for you." stated the teen. Yugi nodded his head following the teen inside as he was lead to a room where he saw two familiar figures talking. One was a goth dressed teen with long spikey white hair and blood red slitted eyes. The other was Egyptian as his hair had gone a light grey color. Yugi smiled when he saw them.

"Odion, where is your manners? You forgot to introduce yourself to our guest." stated Merik.

"Forgive me. My name is Odion Ishtar, the new Doctor Strange. It is nice to finally meet you Yugi Moto." stated Odion formally as Yugi looked at Merik in confusion.

"Odion id my younger brother Yugi. Because of an unforeseen accident, he got exposed to magic which is now a part of him. This made him the most logical chose to become the next sorcerer supreme." stated Merik. (I know that in the series Odion was Merik's older brother but for this story I made him younger)

"What seems to be the trouble Yuig that you have to come looking for the Midnight Sons?" asked Bakura.

"According to Duke and the new Caretaker, it seems that evil is on the move as it seems that Zarathos will return." stated Yugi.

"I thought that you had destroyed him the last time we had done battle against him and his forces." stated Bakura.

*Apparently it seems that someone is going to bring him back. But whom it is, I have no clue. I knew that it would be only a matter of time before something came up.* stated Atem mentally as he took over Yugi's body. "I had to reestablish the link with the mystic items turning them over to the new members whom are taking over for the ones we knew. There is a new Caretaker, Punisher, Daredevil, and of course Doctor Strange. We have to be on vigil until we can figure out whom is bringing back the enemies that we have destroyed in the past." stated Atem before he used his powers on Odion making him the true owner of the mystic rod and the new member of the Midnight Sons.

*If it was only this easy the first time around to find the mystic items and our allies.* stated Yugi.

"Come on Yugi, nothing is ever that easy." replied Bakura.

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