At Ease

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"There he is." Commander Knuckles pointed towards Gadget. 

Gadget mumbled, he hated getting called out in the briefings. 

Tussle stood up and hugged his friend. 

Gadget returned the hug and began crying. 

"Dude, what's wrong? Depression getting to you?" 

"I-I don't know why I'm crying." Gadget blubbered to his friend. 

"It's ok, rookie, you've had a lot going on and have been going non-stop, and know that you have stopped, everything just sunk it." the commander consoled.

"I-I was a jerk to you a week ago, Tussle.... I'm so sorry." Gadget felt his friend hug him tighter.

"Don't worry about it. You had a lot going on inside your head." Gadget nodded, Tussle led him to the group. 

All the agents stood and patted Gadget on the back as he went by and whispered encouraging words to him. 

He smiled even though tears continued to pour down his face.

Knuckles nudged him.

"So, the agents have been wondering, how's Nadia?" 

Gadget nodded, tears refusing to quit running down his face. "She's awake-" 

With those two words, Rookiez Special Forces erupted into cheers, and spooked Gadget, who was used to the quiet of Nadia's room. 

Knuckles waved them to stop, noticing Gadget's reaction to the noise. "Ok, rookie?"

"Yeah, just, I kinda got used to the quiet." Gadget rubbed his shoulder. 

The agents turned towards Gadget in expectation. 

"I think they want some more details on Nadia's condition." the commander noted. 

"You think?" Gadget sarcastically replied. 

Suddenly, Adalia ran up to them and grabbed Gadget's left arm, pulling him towards her forcefully with her good arm, her other arm wrapped securely in a sling that was pulled close to her chest. "Just tell us how our teammate is! You're the only one who's seen her!" 

Gadget gulped. 

"Easy, agent." Knuckles began. 

Adalia let go of Gadget, who in turn fell down, and walked back. 

Grunting, Gadget stood back up. 

"How's Nadia?" a female agent called, all the girls were very close and were devastated with all the female losses; they wanted to know if they were going to lose another female agent. 

"She's doing really well, she's been awake for a while, she can't talk, but she's getting better, she's a fighter." 

The agents nodded, girls sighing in relief that she was going to make it but one then froze in realization. "She can't talk?!" 

Gadget sighed. "No, but so far that's the only problem she's run into, she's going to get her voice back, she's going to be just fine." Gadget replied in an attempt to soothe them, but his voice and tone made it clear that he was trying to soothe himself.

The girls seemed to relax. 

Gadget turned to Knuckles. "So, what's the mission?" 

"Attacking and taking over land near here, now that Infinite's in prison. You up to fighting, Rookie?" 

Gadget blinked.

 Commander Knuckles was giving him a choice

"Of course. I'll fight until the war is won, unless you command me otherwise." 

"You don't need to stay with Nadia?" 

"Nadia will understand, I love her immensely, but my first allegiance must be to the Resistance, her second." 

Knuckles nodded, he was a good soldier.

 "In any other time, if the events that had led to today hadn't happened, I would gratefully accept your first allegiance, but she needs you, Soldier, I'm going to ask you to remain here." 

Gadget nodded, slightly stunned.

 "Yes, Commander." 

Knuckles nodded his head, indicating for Gadget to head back to Nadia. 

Gadget walked back.

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