Canaris Finale

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Gadget knocked softly on the door of Nadia's ICU room, and the door quietly opened. 

Kimberly seemed very shocked to see him. 

"It's fine, Kimberly, the commander is having me be with Nadia." 

Kimberly nodded, and led Gadget back in. 

Nadia was thrilled, confused, and terrified at the exact same time. 

He stroked her bandaged face gently. "It's ok, Nadia, it's ok...." 

 She seemed to relax a bit at his touch, and became more excited that he was back. 

"Don't waste your energy, Nadia, you need it to get better." She nodded, then placed a tiny kiss on his lips. 

Gadget felt a light pulling sensation as she kissed him, and placed his right arm around her back, drawing the she-wolf closer to him as green sparkles once again began swirling around them. As they pulled away, Gadget felt the pull subside and noticed that the sparkles that had formed while they kissed were bejeweling her matted, blood-stained fur. Gadget's heart suddenly skipped a beat. Those sparkles only formed when soulmates kissed; she was his true love! His tail instantly began to wag faster and faster, overjoyed that Nadia was meant to be his, and that he was meant to be hers. 

Another realization struck him as he kneeled there wagging: He was what had let Nadia survive! He'd seen it with his parents; those sparkles healed lovers faster than any surgery. His being there had transferred the healing effect from him to her, causing her wounds to become less fatal every minute he was by her side. Gadget cupped Nadia's cheeks in his paws and nuzzled her lovely face. 

She smiled, adoring the affection that she felt radiate off him, and copied his motions, learning how to nuzzle him back. 

An Alpha Wolf since he was young, he felt his pack instinct fire up within him. He wanted her. To defend her. To cherish her. The Alpha inside Gadget howled with longing for the young she-wolf, the creature he was deep down felt a intense adoration to Nadia, and he instantly desired her as his mate; to form a pack with her. 

She would be his mate, an Alpha Female. 

Gadget suppressed the animal as he recalled Kimberly's presence, he knew she would not allow him to have Nadia as his right then. Perhaps it was for the best, forcing him to stay in control of himself, but yet it was so hard. Gadget gently let go of Nadia as he realized the reason behind his newfound desires. Uh oh, I started Canaris Finale...... The one thought echoed through his whole being, as terrifying as the Phantom Ruby. 

Canaris Finale was the final development period in wolves, Gadget knew he was old enough, but it never crossed his mind that it would happen during the war. 

He'd heard the stories of the biological event, and it frightened him almost as much as losing Nadia did. 

Nadia touched his shoulder, noticing he had tensed up, and gave him a gentle, worried look. 

Gadget sighed and laced his fingers with hers. "It's ok, I'm just a bit tired..." 

Nadia moved back a bit in her bed, motioning to the space that she had left for him to lay his head down. 

Gadget smiled as he laid his head down in the empty space and yawned. 

Nadia pulled more of the covers onto her and closed her eyes too. 

Kimberly smiled and turned off the light, then closed the blinds since the room was still quite bright. 

Gadget's tail slightly wagged, beginning to slow as he started falling asleep. Just before he dozed off, he felt Nadia hold his hand. 

They fell asleep just like that, holding hands and glad to have each other there.

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