Chapter 14: Planning

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P.O.V. [Name]

I was in the middle of Ozpin's room with several others around me. I had just finished telling them what King had told me about wanting to fight Ruby. "I see," Ozpin said as he looked at us. "This is a problem, Ruby's still learning to control her powers. She can do them on demand but . . . not quick enough for her to use them in combat," Ozpin said as he looked at us. When he said this a silence fell over the room and we all looked at each other.

"Well who said she needs to fight him alone?" Yang asked as she looked at us. When she said this we all looked at her and she continued what she was saying. "Just because he said she needs to fight doesn't mean she needs to go in alone. Plus even if he did, when did we start taking orders from that guy? As far as I'm concerned the more of us there are the more likely he is to suffer a beat down," Yang said as he punched her own hand. She must have been excited about the idea of getting to fight the man that had killed our mother.

"I agree," Weiss said as she looked at the blonde beside her. "We can't just stand by while he kills our teammate right? If he wants to fight Ruby then he should have to fight all of us to get to her," Weiss said as she looked at us. Blake nodded hearing this and they placed a hand on Ruby's shoulder.

"Count us in too," Jaune said as he looked at the female in front of him. When he said this we looked at him and he continued. "You're our friend, and we're always willing to help a friend in need," Jaune said as he looked at the female with a smile.

"Right so from now on we're all going to be training to help you take down King," Blake said as she looked at Ruby. I smiled seeing this and felt a hand land on my shoulder and turned behind me to see Qrow. When I did I heard an excited squeal beside me.

"Uncle Qrow!" Ruby said as she rushed towards the hugging his arm. She must have used her semblance because I can't recall a single time I've ever seen her move that fast before. "Did you miss me? Did you? Did you? Did you?" Ruby asked repeated as she looked at the male with a rather bright smile.

Qrow smiled seeing this and in a playful manner he responded "Nope," Qrow said as he looked at her. Ruby smiled brightly hearing this and looked at him. "So kid, I hear you're trying to take on someone that you might need help with," Qrow said as he looked at the female in front of him. Ruby smiled hearing this before her smile faded and she looked at the male in front of her.

"You know about that?" Ruby asked as she looked at the male in front of her. Qrow nodded hearing this as he looked at them.

"Yeah, I've been keeping an eye on you two for a while. Just to make sure you never got into too much trouble. Glad I did because it looks like you've gotten yourself into a rather dangerous situation," Qrow said as he looked at the two in front of him. They both smiled hearing this and nodded as they looked at him. I smiled slightly hearing this with all of us helping Ruby which means that this one on one fight has suddenly turned into an eleven on one fight.

"Indeed, now then," Ozpin said as he looked at us before turning to me. "I expect you have an idea on how we can defeat him," Ozpin said as he looked at me causing my eyes to widen in surprise.

"Me?" I asked as I looked at the male in front of me causing him to nod.

"Of course, you've faced King more than anyone else here so you have more experience than any of us. I'm sure you've already got some idea on how we can move forward with our plan," Ozpin said as he looked at me.

"W-well yeah-no wait I mean no! I've fought King a lot but each time I was never even close to defeating him and last time he almost killed me! I don't think I can make a plan to defeat him since I-" I began only for Ozpin to cut me off.

"Sometimes you don't need to defeat your opponent, sometimes all you need to do is not lose," Ozpin said as he looked at me. I was a bit surprised to hear this and he looked at me with a smile. "I know you can do it, I have faith that you will ensure the safety of everyone with you," Ozpin said as he looked at me. I was once again a bit surprised hearing and smiled at the thought of how much trust he had in me to do this.

I nodded hearing this and Ozpin smiled as he looked at me. "Alright, then I think the first thing we should do is let Ruby fight, at least at first. It might be possible that her training has paid off and that she's on a level to beat King," I said as I looked at the figures in front of me.

"And if she's not?" Weiss asked as she looked at me.

"Once we realize that she's not going to be able to defeat him. The rest of us will attack. Qrow should go first, he's the most skilled and experienced out of all of us. He'll be able to keep King distracted while we get Ruby to safety. Then again she may still be able to fight and if she is then we'll all attack King at once," I said as I looked at the figures in front of me.

"Is there anything we should be aware of while fighting him?" Ren asked as he looked at me and I nodded.

"Yeah, I haven't figured out how his semblance works yet so I'll give all of you the same warning I gave Ruby. Just assume anything and everything around you can be used as a weapon against you, and unless you know you're safe just assume you're in range. There have been times when I've been hundreds of feet away from him and he's still been able to land a hit on me," I said as I looked at the figures in front of me.

"Our best chances of bringing him down is to surprise him, we'll need to do everything we can to try and catch him off guard. Blake, Weiss use your semblance as much as you can. Nora, Yang don't hold back at all, take as serious as you can from the beginning. Ayuri use your semblance on Nora as much as possible, it'll confuse him while Nora just continues to get stronger. Jaune, I'll try to use my semblance as much as I can to help you while we fight," I said causing him to nod.

"Pyrrha, Ren you two should be skilled enough to keep up during the battle or at least not fall behind. You two will actually end up saving the rest of us a few times so be ready as much as possible," I said as I looked at the two causing them to nod. We continued talking like this for nearly an hour just trying to form a somewhat decent plan for when Ruby was going to fight King. Once we were finished we all began to leave the room and I ran next to Pyrrha.

"Hey Pyrrha," I called out causing her to stop and to turn to look at me. "I was thinking if you don't have anything to do tomorrow that maybe you'd like to hang out a bit?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Oh," She said as her face turned a bright red. "Y-yeah I'd like that," She said with a smile as she looked at me. I smiled hearing this and began to walk down the halls with me. As we were walking I took a deep breath and grabbed her hand. As I did I saw her turn to look at me before smiling and continuing to walk down the halls with me. I relaxed seeing this and we continued down the halls until we reached her dorm.

"So, I'll uh . . . I'll see you later?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of me. Pyrrha nodded hearing this and leaned over to kiss my cheek before walking into her dorm. As she did I smiled and reached up to touch my cheek like before. I felt the spot for a moment before turning and beginning to once again walk down the halls of Beacon. It was still fairly early and Ayuri was probably heading towards her shop so I still had some time to kill.

As I was wandering down the streets of Vale I could feel someone's gaze on me as if I was being watched. I tried to ignore this feeling at first, however, after several minutes of this feeling I eventually turned to see who was following me, only to find no trace of anyone looking at me, just the busy streets of Vale. After staring for a moment I turned and once again began walking down the streets only for the feeling to persist.

Someone was definitely following me, and if I had to guess it was most likely one of King's underlings either Crimson or possibly Elf. However, I doubt Elf with his mental state could keep himself quiet for this long so it was probably Crimson. I then turned down an alley there didn't seem to be many people nearby so this would have been the perfect chance to strike. Then again I doubt they'd care about who was around to see it, they most likely just wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.

As I was walking I began to hear something rushing towards me and opened one of the several vails of dust I had on me and turned swiping my hand as I turned the dust into wind dust causing a large gust to push my attacker away. As it did they flipped and landed in front of me and I was greeted by a figure that I had never seen before. A female around the age of nineteen was staring at me.

She had long raven black hair, with red highlights in it, and bright red eyes. She had a slender and slightly muscular build, and she was wearing very formal clothes. She was holding a thin sword that I knew was a katana. She then took a fighting stance as she stared at me and I kept some of my dust from before floating above me. "Are you with King?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of me.

"Not exactly," She said as she pulled her blade from the ground. "I'm with Crimson," She said as she looked at me. So she's with someone who's with King, and judging by how she said it . . . I don't think she's too fond of King. Well, at least that's something we have in common. I then gathered some of the dust and then changed it into a fireball before I threw it at the female. I watched as it exploded and it looked at her.

I waited for the dust to clear from the explosion waiting to see if I had managed to hit her. It was going to be a bit disappointing if the fight ended this early. However as it cleared I saw a strange dome around part of her, the side of her that the fireball would have hit. The dome was black and transparent showing how thin it was. The dome then shattered and she looked at me. She let her blade touch the ground, as it did I saw a black almost crystal-like material appear beneath her blade.

She then swiped her sword towards me, as she did several more black crystal-like spikes came from the ground and began to come towards me. As it did I jumped to the side gathering some more dust to threw two more fireballs towards her. As I did she placed the tip of her blade on the ground as two large crystals came from the ground stopping the attacks. I grit my teeth seeing this and began running towards the female in front of me.

As I was the female raised her sword, as she did a crystal came from the ground beneath me throwing me into the air. I regained my balance quickly as I landed on the ground rolling as I did before getting up and continuing to run towards her as I produced three more fireballs and sent them towards her. As I did she brought her sword up and this time a wall came up in front of her once again defending her.

I continued towards the shield and as I did it shattered and I tackled the female as some fire began forming in front of me before I sent it forward forcing it to exploded sending her away from me. She hit the ground several times and I smiled seeing how easily she seemed to fall during our fight. A moment later she began to slowly get up using her sword to help her get up and I noticed that the tip of her sword was glowing slightly.

Then without warning the same crystalline substance began to cover the ground. Seeing this I opened another vail of dust and sent it on the ground beneath me forming a circle around me to keep the area around me from becoming covered in crystals. As it passed over I suddenly felt a bit strained. I then realized why a second later, she was still trying to crystallize the area beneath me. I then felt the area shrink suddenly as she managed to overtake part of it.

I continued to try and keep her from overtaking it an eventually failed as the circle disappeared and I was thrown back a bit. When I managed to regain my balance I saw the female in front of me slowly walking towards me. I was about to move but when I tried to I felt my weight around my feet and part of my leg. I looked down to see why and as soon as I did I saw that the crystal-like structure had covered me holding me in place.

Seeing this I held out my hands generating a few more fireballs before sending them towards the figure in front of me. As I did the female covered her sword in the same crystal-like substance and began to hit the fireballs away from her. Once she had sent them all way she pointed her sword at me and the crystal sheath the was around it shot out towards me. I tried to dodge it but since I couldn't move the crystal managed to hit my arm, and as soon as it did I felt my arm become covered in the same substance.

I felt my arm become pained by the restrain and sudden pressure around my arm. I guess she was more dangerous than I thought she was. I then held up my hand and used the last of my dust to shoot out three more fireballs towards her. As I did she dodged them and sent a shard of the crystal towards me. As it did I held up my hand to block the attack and it like my other began to become covered in the black crystals.

As she closed the distance between us I attempted to punch her in the face and she caught it in her hand. As she did saw her hand glowing slightly and I opened a vail of dust and quickly covered myself with a thin layer and moment later just at I thought I was completely covered in the black crystals. However, since I had covered myself in dust beforehand I was still able to move a bit and think.

From what I've seen explosions don't do anything to it, so it's probably pretty strong. I didn't want to waste my dust and possibly only chance of escape so I changed it to something else. The dust became a blue color and a moment later I was teleported out of the crystal structure and I took a breath as I did. I looked at the female in front of me and she seemed a bit surprised by this. I smiled seeing this and began using my dust to send everything I could at her.

As I did a wall of the crystals surrounded her protecting her, I was using everything I could think of, fire, electricity, wind, explosions, nothing seemed to even scratch the crystals let alone destroy them. I then sent a large amount of dust into the air and changed it into pure energy before sending it down towards the female. When I did the wall around her expanded into a dome protecting her and once again I saw it wasn't harmed in the least. Just how strong are these crystals?

As the dome shattered and then faded I looked at her and began walking in a circle around her trying to think of what I could do to harm her. The only thing that really worked was when I tackled her but that was only because I had caught her off guard. I then held up my hand and began to mindless send fireballs towards her. As I did the female began dodging my attacks and I sent a fireball towards her feet before jumping into the air.

She seemed to lose track of me and I smiled as I began to gather some dust turning it into energy as I fell towards her. As I did she looked up at me and sent herself up towards me pulling her blade back as she did. We continued to rush towards each other and when we clashed a large pillar of the crystal appeared beneath her and she landed on it as she was sent back by my energy. However, as I fell I hit her pillar several times before finally gripping onto it to try and stop myself.

This failed since I couldn't pierce or break the crystal, however, it did help slow my descent a bit. As I did I looked beside me hearing something and saw that she was sliding down at well with the exception she had managed to pierce the crystal with her blade. I grit my teeth seeing this and sent a bolt of electricity towards her. Because of how fast my attack was it of course hit and sent her away from the pillar.

As she was falling she threw a shard towards me and I panicked. I couldn't afford to let the crystal start to encase me again so I pushed myself away from the pillar to avoid that attack and then I hit the ground taking the full force of the impact. As I did I grit my teeth as my back throbbed in pain from the impact. I used some of my dust to numb the pain before getting up and looking at my opponent.

I could feel that hit had drained a large amount of my aura leaving me rather venerable. I looked up and saw the female was coming towards me on a large crystal structure that she seemed to be riding. As she did I began firing several more attacks towards her and she began to avoid them before a large pillar made of crystal launched her into the air and she grabbed the piece of crystal that was beneath her and threw it at me.

I jumped back to avoid the attack seeing this and looked up at the female in front of me. Seeing how close she was I once again began sending wave after wave of attack towards her that she dodged before raising her sword. Once she did my eyes widened and I rolled to the side only for a spike to come from the ground where I had been laying just a few moments ago. I continued rolling seeing this and several more spiked rose from the ground following me for a bit before stopping.

As they did I kicked myself up and saw the female looking at me. She then spread her hands and several tiny needle-like shards of crystal appeared around her before she sent them towards me. Seeing this I once again reached for a vail of dust and opened it. As I did I turned the dust into a large rock that I used to protect myself. I'll admit whoever this girl is, she's a lot stronger than I was expecting.

Then again she might not be as hard to beat if I could actually break her crystals . . . in fact that would make things a lot easier and I'm sure I would have already beaten her by now if that was the case. I then used my dust turning it into water and then heating it up so that it was boiling. I then sent it towards her forcing her to once again use her crystals. As she did I ran towards the wall and I began to turn some more dust into electricity.

As I did the wall shattered and the female jumped back seeing me. Once she did I sent the electricity towards her letting it crash into her. As it did it sent her back and she once again began to slowly get up before trying to encase the ground in crystal once again. When she did I sent myself into the air with wind from my dust and I looked down at her before sending some ice towards her.

As I did she jumped back and when I landed I used my dust to form hundred of shards made of ice around me before sending them towards her. As I did I watched as she used a large wall of crystals to protect herself and I once again began running towards her knowing she wouldn't hear me approaching due to the crashing of my ice hitting her crystals. As my ice faded I jumped in the air and her wall of crystals shattered and she looked at me before turned my dust into energy and hit in the stomach with it.

When I did I watched as she was sent back. This time she took a few seconds to get up before she looked at me. When she did I began walking towards her hoping to capture her so that I could ask her questions about King or at least about Crimson. However, before I could she raised her sword and several black crystals began trailing towards me. I dodged seeing this and when I looked at where she was she had disappeared.

It seems like she got away with that last attack. I smiled seeing this and looked at my hands. I'm getting stronger . . . I can feel it. Whenever I first left and came to Beacon I'm not sure if I would have been able to handle someone like her but now . . . it was actually kind of easy. At this rate, I'll be able to defeat Crimson and I might even be able to catch up to King. Maybe fighting King isn't as hopeless as I thought it was.

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