Chapter 15: Fate

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P.O.V. [Name]

I tensed up as I continued to walk behind Ruby. I still wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do. I know better than anyone just what King's capable of. As we were walking I sped up a bit so that I could talk to Ruby. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked as I looked at Ruby. When I said this she turned to look at me with a smile.

"Yes, I know you're worried but I'm sure I can handle it. Plus I have all of you with me," Ruby said as she looked at us. We all smiled and nodded hearing this and continued to walk with her. We arrived at the area we had agreed to meet King and when we arrived we saw that King was already there laying on the ground.

"About time you got here," King said as he kicked himself up off the ground. "I was starting to think you all got cold feet," King said with a smirk as he looked at us. When he said this I tensed up and looked at Ruby. She didn't seem intimidated by this and she slowly approached him. As she did I looked up and I saw a bird above us and smile. I was glad to see that he was already here and he began circling around King.

I watched as Ruby's weapon unfolded and her eyes began emitting a strange energy and her weapon began glowing with the same strange energy. When she did King's smile faded and he seemed to get far more serious seeing this. Was he . . . scared? I smiled at the thought and began to watch with anticipation at the thought of what could happen. If he was scared then that means that Ruby might actually be able to defeat him.

Ruby looked at the male and charged forward her weapon ready as she did. As she did King seemed to become concerned as both her weapon and her eyes began glowing even bright. Becoming so bright that it almost hurt to stare at the intense light she was radiating. Then without warning, she brought her weapon down on the male only for him to raise both of his hands to stop the attack.

As Ruby's weapon crashed into him I saw a bright flash that grew quickly before eventually faded and as it did I saw Ruby in front of King who seemed to be guarding against her attack. "I'm speechless," King said as he looked at Ruby blankly. "I feel like such an idiot," King said as he looked up at the female in front of him. "To think I was actually on guard against such childs play?" King said as he looked up at the figure in front of him.

King then tossed Ruby away and looked at his hand. I could see some steam coming off of it and he smiled. "Although I guess I should thank you," King said as he looked up at her. "It had been such a long time since I had last felt pain, that I had nearly forgotten what it felt like," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. After hearing this Ruby dashed towards the male her scythe ready to attack.

She swung at him clearly planning to cut off his head only for King to raise his hand to the side and catch her blade. King then grabbed the piece of metal and pulled on it turning as he did before moving back so that he could slam his elbow into Ruby's face sending her back several feet. "I've got to ask, what are you thinking?" King asked as he looked at the female in front of him. "You know your defeat is imminent so why even bother?" King asked as he looked at Ruby.

"We won't know it's pointless until I try," Ruby said as she once again charged towards the male. As she did King returned the favor charging at her once he had closed the distance between them. King jumped up slamming his knee into her stomach, sending her in the air slightly before he raised his leg kicking her in the face, and then jumping up and grabbing her head to slam her down onto the ground.

As he did Ruby fired a shot from her scythe bringing it towards King forcing him to dodge the attack. As he did he looked at her and saw that she was once again running towards him. He had to admit she was ambitious if nothing else. Ruby once again swung her weapon towards him and King held up his arm covering it with some of his grimm armor. As her weapon clashed with his arm I watched as it scraped off him and then he pulled back before punching her in the face.

As he did Ruby was sent back and got up once again. I had to admit her determination was impressive. Ruby then used her semblance to dash past the male at an incredible speed stopping once she reached the other side of him. Ruby then grabbed his arm and tripped him so that she could lift him into the air. She attempted to slam him down on the ground but as she lifted him he redirected himself so that he would kick her in the stomach sending her back.

This sent Ruby back several feet and a circle appeared around Ruby and a moment later the ground beneath her began surging with electricity, so much so that Ruby began floating in the air. During her confused state King quickly closed the distance between them electricity surrounding his hands as he did before he pressed his palm against the female's stomach and began electrocuting her. He carried on for a few seconds before stopping and letting the female fall.

"What a shame, you had such great potential. What a waste," King said as he looked down at Ruby. As he did I noticed Qrow suddenly change direction and began to rush towards him. He transformed at the last moment before he reached King. As he did King slide under his attack and moved away from her. "A two on one huh?" King asked as he summoned a staff with a strange design at the end.

"Not what I had in mind but, at least it'll be interesting," King said as he rushed towards the male in front of him. As he did Qrow blocked the attack as Ruby slowly managed to get up before pushing him away. The two then charged at him in unison with King stopping Ruby at the front and then pushing her away only for Qrow to rush behind him. King jumped in the air only for Qrow to slash where he had been just moments ago.

King landed on the side of a building and then darted toward Qrow planning to kick him only for Qrow to stop the attack. However, as he did King began launching a flurry of kicks each sending the male slightly off-balance before he turned and kicked the male's side sending him away. Once King landed he disappeared from sight only to reappear below Qrow a moment late and used both of his legs to kick Qrow high into the air.

As he was there King appeared beside him and threw his staff at the male only for Qrow to avoid the attack by changing into a bird. He was about to fly away but stopped when he felt something hard hit him and began to fall to the ground. As he fell King held out his hand and his staff suddenly changed direction as he caught it. King then began to run towards Ruby knowing it would be a moment before Qrow was ready to fight again.

King began launching attack after attack not giving Ruby a moment to rest or think about what was happening or what she was doing. Once Qrow had recovered he looked at the male and aimed at him before firing a shot only for King to jump back and avoid the attack before once again moving towards him. King then jumped towards him and kicked sending him back before once again turning his attention to Ruby.

King then jumped towards her and began rotating in the air before crashing into her and her weapon sending her back. When he landed Qrow swung his scythe down planning to attack him before jumping back as he looked at the figures in front of him. King then pulled back as he was in the air using his staff more like a spear as he threw it towards Qrow. As he did the male jumped back and rand towards him only for King to once again disappeared before appearing in front of him and slammed both of his hands down onto the male sending him to the ground.

King then landed on his staff sending it up so that he could grab it before looking at the two in front of him. King then ran towards Ruby and slammed his staff into her weapon before jumping back as it exploded. As it did this sent Ruby back and into a building. However unlike before it seemed as if she wasn't getting back up. After seeing this we all began to rush towards King, well all except Ayuri who was walking over to Ruby to get her to safety. As we did we all continued watching as King and Qrow began to fight.

King then summoned a sword as he looked at Qrow and their blades clashed. However, due to the weight Qrows weapon had he was able to overpower King and send him back several feet before rushing forward Qrow then raised his weapon above his head and began twirling it above his head before swinging it down and forcing King to block the attack. Qrow then swung at King once again this time aiming for his feet only for King to jump over the attack.

When he landed King swung his sword into the air disarming Qrow for a minute before he brought his weapon back down cutting one of Qrow's shoulders as he did. King then kicked Qrow in the face sending him back and Qrow caught his weapon before holding it out and hooking it on a nearby pillar and moving back towards King cutting the pillar in half as he did. Their blades then once again clashed with each other and then Qrow jumped into the air and kicked King in the stomach sending him back a bit.

As he did the two once again rushed towards each other and Qrow swung his scythe before raising it up to hit King with the blunt side of his blade sending him back only for King to land a moment later and once again rushed towards him. They once again began clashing once they reached each other and without warning, King turned and raised his blade knocking Qrow's scythe into the air.

After seeing this King knocked him down and pushed his blade through Qrow's hand causing him to let out a grunt of pain. "That all you got?" Qrow asked as he looked at the male in front of him. King then raised his hand and the Qrow's scythe landed in his hand before he raised it and swung it down. As he did we Pyrrha threw her shield keeping him from cutting off his head and then Nora hit her shield sending it towards King and sending him back.

As he did King smiled and his blade disappeared from Qrow's hand and King threw Qrow's weapon towards him letting it land in the ground beside him. It seemed like he was giving Qrow the option to fight if he was still able to. Which was good because we'd most likely need his help for this.

We all charged towards him at once hoping to catch him off guard as we did. I reached King first raised the sword made of ice as we did. However, before I could swing it down King uppercut me and sent me back. Once I landed I once again ran towards him and looked at the others as I did. I watched as Jaune tried to attack him from behind only to be met with failure as King grabbed his sword and moved it away before kicking him in the stomach sending him back as well.

Yang then attempted to punch him in the face only for him to lean over to avoid the attack and then turn and raise a leg to kick her in the stomach as well sending her away before flipping up to knee Blake in the face in the air. As he did he once again turned to counter Nora who was running behind him however whenever he punched her he seemed a bit surprised to see that it did little to stop her. In fact, the force from the punch actually sent himself away instead of Nora.

Ren then approached him from behind and attempted to kick him only for King to move to the side catch his leg and then throw him away from him. Nora then once again approached him and this time King seemed to put in a little more effort as he raised his leg to kick her in the chest before turning to kick her in the jaw and send her back. After this, it was Ayuri who not only shot a bolt of electricity at him or rather past him to hit Nora before King jumped up in the air to kick her in the face sending her back.

Weiss was the next to approach him and he jumped up and flipped to kick the back of her head sending her to the ground before he jumped back to catch the figure running behind by surprise. Once he closed the distance between them King turned and punched Nora in the throat sending her back before charging forward to the figure behind her and jumping up to hit Jaune in the jaw with his knee before turning to kick him in the face sending him back.

King then once again jumped back and turned this time to attack me. As he did I held up my arms in front of me to try and block the attack however as I did I felt several kicks on my arms before he eventually broke through my defense and kicked me in the face sending me back a bit. Once I landed I once again charged towards him ready to fight once again. I watched as he jumped backflipping as he did to kick Blake in the back of the head only for her to disappear and reappear behind him with her sword raised.

This was short-lived however as King turned to hit her wrist to send her sword away from him and then hitting her in the face and then again in the chest to send her back. I can't believe this even with all of us coming at him at once he's still able to hold us off, actually, it looks he might be able to beat us all at once. He then once again jumped back to hit Jaune by slamming his elbow in the back of his head sending him to the ground and then moving on to the figure behind him.

He uppercut Ren and then slammed his knee into him. However, while he was doing this I was able to close the distance between us with my ice blade ready to attack. He then moved back to both kick me in the stomach and slam both his hands into Ren's stomach sending both of us back at once. I watched as Ayuri ran towards him only for King to sweep her feet out from under her and then turn while she was in the air to kick her in the face.

Pyrrha then charged towards him with her javelin ready and King moved to the side avoid her attack before closing the distance between them and hitting her in the wrist sending her weapon into the air. As he did I watched as her weapon was covered in a thin layer of aura. However, it disappeared a moment later when King hit her into the stomach bringing her down onto one knee. As he did King stepped on her knee and used it to flip himself back into the air kicking her in the face and sending her back as he did.

While he was in the air he kicked her weapon and sent it towards Jaune that blocked the attack with his shield. When King landed he rushed forward and turned kicking Jaune on the back of the head once again sending him down to the ground. During this Weiss was able to close the distance between them and tried to stab him. As she did King ducked under the attack and then punched her in the stomach sending her back only for Yang to approach him from behind which he attempted to punch in the stomach as well only for her to block the attack.

As she did King moved closer and slammed his elbow into her chest and then raising up to kick her in the stomach sending her back. This time it was my turn to attack as I closed the distance and swung at him only for him to duck and avoid the attack before landing on his hands and attempting to kick me in the face several times. As he did I held my hands up to stop the attack however unlike before he didn't break my defense and Nora and Yang both approached him from opposite sides.

As they did King pushed himself into the air so that they would run into each other before landing on my shoulders and kicking me on the back of the head sending me away. When he landed he grabbed both of the female's heads and forced them to headbutt each other disorienting them before punching them both in the chest sending them away. Blake once again approached him from behind after this and caught her sword turning it so that it would cut her side.

As he did Blake winced in pain and then kicked her in the stomach sending her back and into Jaune. Ayuri then rushed towards him with her weapon and he kicked her in the stomach sending her away before grabbing the collar of her shirt and pulling her back so that he could slam his knee into her face and then jump up to kick her sending her back once again. Only for Ren and Pyrrha to approach him from both sides. As they did King grabbed Ren's head and jumped to kick Pyrrha in the stomach which she blocked with her shield before slamming Ren's head into the ground.

As he did King turned on the ground to kick Pyrrha in the side which she once again blocked before King raised his other leg to kick her shield into the air. King then grabbed Pyrrha tossing her over his shoulder and then jumping to kick her in the chest which she stopped with her javelin however she was still sent back. I closed the distance seeing this and then he turned to punch me in the chest sending me into the air slightly before turning to once again kick me on the back of the head sending me straight to the ground.

Yang then ran towards him and he jumped towards her before grabbing her collar and landing on her legs and then punching her in the face repeatedly. As he did I watched as a powerful aura surrounded her and she exploded with rage sending King back. When he did he was sent towards Nora who grabbed him with her hammer in an attempt to hold him in place as Yang charged towards him.

King then grabbed the hand to Nora's hammer and lifted her off the ground slamming her into Yang forcing them both to hit the ground. I then watched as he turned still holding onto Nora's hammer and threw Nora into Jaune sending him back and then kicking Yang sending her into Ayuri. However, this seemed to be our chance as five us managed to close the distance at once! We were all ready to attack with two of us in the air and one directly above him.

However, this was short-lived as he sent out a shockwave forcing all of us to miss our attacks. That alone was enough to deter us, and we all once again attempted to attack him at once. King kicked me in the stomach sending me into the air before turning to kick me in the ribs sending me away from him. He then turned and jumped to bring his knee to Weiss' face disorienting her before punching her in the stomach and then bring his foot down on the back of her head.

The other three were met with just as much success as he kicked Blake in the jaw sending her into the air and then punching her in the stomach to send her away. He then uppercut Ren in the jaw sending him into the air before he turned to and jumped up slamming his foot into her head sending him back down to the ground. King then kicked him up and then punched him towards Pyrrha who was forced to catch him so that he would take any server damage from hitting a building.

After he did this I began looking around and noticed that some of us were starting to get a bit exhausted as we began taking longer and longer to attack him. So in an attempt to give the others time to rest I decided to fight King by myself for the time being. I thought about anything I could do to try and stall for time. But I couldn't be too obvious about it otherwise King may just get bored and start attacking someone else.

I ran towards King gather a large amount of dust and turning it into sound dust to send concentrated waves of sound towards the male. As I did King moved side to side avoiding the attacks and I jumped high into the air seeing this and began sending even large waves towards him. He once again began dodging seeing this and then leaned down to jump towards me. I braced myself and a moment later I felt a sharp pain in my face as King sent his knee towards me.

Before I had time to retaliate he wrapped his legs around me and we were suddenly sent towards the ground. King flipped at the last second so that I would hit the ground head first. As I did King covered his arm in armor and pointed it towards me. As he did I grabbed his foot and gathered a large amount of dust causing an explosion that sent him back. As it did I gathered some more dust to form an ice dagger as I looked at the male in front of me.

As I did King smirked and walked towards me showing that he clearly wasn't intimidated by me, only stopping to pick up a small rock for some reason. I jumped towards him and attempted to stab him in the head only for him to duck under the attack and then move behind me to grab my arm and force his knee into my back sending me back a bit. I immediately turned ready to continue.

King then stepped on my foot so I couldn't get away and then punched me in the stomach before getting off my foot and grabbing my shoulders to jump on me as he did with Yang. However, instead of punching me he kicked me away. When I landed I moved towards him and attempted to kick him in the face twice before trying to stab him once again this time aiming for his throat instead of his head.

As I did he blocked both of my kicked and then caught my blade before punching me in the stomach and uppercutting me. As he did he opened his hand revealing the rock he had picked up and it exploded sending several tiny rock chunks towards me face that left behind several scratches and forced me back a bit. King then picked me up by my collar and punched me in the face sending me back several feet before I came crashing into a building.

As he did I began panting heavily and looked up at him. It seemed like he was still too strong for me to try and attack him one-on-one. However, as he looked at me I smiled as I saw a figure rushing towards him. It was Pyrrha, I was a bit worried that she might get hurt but out of all of us, she was the most skilled so she had the best chance of beating King after Ruby of course. Hearing something approaching him King turned to look at what it was and summoned a staff seeing her preparing himself to fight.

Pyrrha then jumped towards the male with her javelin in hand. King held up his staff to stop the attack and the two looked at each other for a moment before either did anything. King then jumped up to push her back slightly. When she landed she lunged towards King and he jumped back and turned to avoid the attack. When he landed Pyrrha once again went to stab him with her javelin and he ducked under the attack to avoid it.

Pyrrha then swung her weapon low attempt to hit his feet only for King to jump up and turn so that he was looking at her once again and brought his staff down on her weapon forcing her javelin to the ground. King then stepped on her weapon and ran past her before jumping and turning with Pyrrha turned around jumping to attack him which King stopped with his staff and was sent back.

Pyrrha then brought her weapon down on his staff and as soon as it hit the ground King jumped up and disarmed her. Pyrrha jumped up with him and I saw a thin layer of aura appear around her weapon before it moved back to her hand and she attempted to bring it down on the male once again. As she did King swung his staff to the side pushing her weapon back and then King hit her in the stomach with the end of his staff.

This moment was all King needed as he began his assault. Hitting her in the face to send her back and then lowering his staff to raise it up hitting her shield and sending it away. Her shield was covered in aura a second later however by then King had already hit her face and followed it up with a second even more powerful hit. I watched as she shrugged this hit off and went to once again lunge at King with her javelin.

As she did King grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to him before raising his staff. As he did I heard a loud snap as I watched her arm bend unnaturally. Pyrrha let out a loud scream after this and King moved the staff to hit her head and then turn to the side to hit her waist. King then began hitting her head repeatedly, before delivering a more powerful blow that sent her into the air.

However, this was short-lived as King held out his hand and she moved back towards him. I watched as King continued his assault in several different ways before eventually, Pyrrha fell to the ground. After seeing this I felt myself boil with rage and once again rushed towards King ready to fight once again. I wasn't willing to let him get away with hurting the one I love!

As I did he punched me in the face and then uppercut me sending me into the air. Due to how exhausted I was it was hard to keep up with him. King then jumped up and moved above me before slamming both of his feet into my stomach sending me down to the ground. I let out a loud gasp feeling this and looked at King he was gathering some fire in his hand and sent it towards me.

I moved out of the way seeing this and looked at him as he landed on the ground. I once again ran towards him seeing this and move in front of him so that I could uppercut him. However, it seemed like he had been expecting this as he covered his head with armor. When I punched him I was able to send him back however the throbbing pain in my fist suggested that it may have done more damage to me than to him.

When he landed we ran towards each other and grabbed each other's hands. I jumped up and kicked him in the stomach to send him over me. However, as I did he tightened his grip so that he would land behind me and then lifted me up so that he could slam me into the ground. King then gathered some fire in his hand and then sent it towards her causing a large explosion. As he did I jumped into the air and I gathered some dust and turned it into electricity before sending it towards him.

I then jumped up and flipped several times before trying to kick King in the head only for him to catch my leg and then slam me on the ground, and then kick me in the back sending me into the building behind me. I didn't have a moment to rest as he rushed forward slamming his elbow into my chest forcing me to cough up a large amount of blood before he moved back. "Alright, who's next?" King asked as he stared at the figures in front of him.

It seemed like after seeing this Ren's rage got the better of him and he charged towards the male in front of him. However, since he didn't have time to summon a new weapon I was hoping that Ren would fair a little better than the others. He jumped up and turned to kick him forcing him to stop the attack. Ren then turned to attempt to hit him with the blade of his weapon forcing King to block the attack with his grimm armor.

Ren then jumped up and brought both of his blades down forcing King to once again block the attack. He then attempted to turn and kick him once again however this time King grabbed his foot and threw him against the wall behind him. Once he did King dashed towards him and pinned him to the wall by his throat a second later. As he did Ren raised his legs and kicked King in throat sending him back.

Once he landed Ren grabbed his weapons and began shooting at him. King then raised his hands gathering some electricity before slamming his hands down on the ground sending the electricity towards him. Ren jumped as it reached him causing it to explode and for him to be sent towards King. Ren once again charged towards him and King tripped the male before pushing him to send him off balance and then punched him in the face sending him to the ground.

Ren recovered rather quickly from this before once again attempting to attack King with his weapons. As he did King blocked the first attack before countering with an uppercut to send him back before punching him in the stomach sending him back several feet. Ren seemed to struggle this time when it came to recovering however when he did he once again charged towards King. As he did King uppercut the male sending him into the air.

As he did King grabbed his feet and slammed him down on the ground. King then picked him up and jumped up to kick the male in the stomach sending him back and crashing into the wall behind him. I then saw Yang approaching him and he smiled as he took a fighting stance. "I've been wanting to see what makes you special for long time goldie locks. Try not to disappoint," King said as he looked at her.

I watched as Yang continued to run towards King before she did something rather unexpected. Yang turned and used her gauntlets to push herself away and around King. When she landed she once again fired at the ground to send herself towards the male and prepared to punch the male in front of her. When she did King turned and punched her in the face catching her off-guard and forcing her to fall down. "Come now Goldie-locks you didn't really expect the same trick to work twice did you?" King asked as he looked at the female.

Yang grit her teeth hearing this and charged towards the male in front of her once again. She went to punch the male only for King to dash past her and use her own tactic against her by turning and running towards her punching her in the face when she turned to look at him. King then uppercut her sending her back slightly and Yang attempted to hit the male's head which he was forced to block and was sent several feet back due to the weight behind her punches.

Yang seeing this chased after him, not giving him a moment to rest or think as she once again hit King in the face, and followed this up with a powerful uppercut sending him back slightly. When he managed to land Yang punched him in the chest, then finally turning to kick him in the stomach sending him onto his back. Seeing this Yang ran towards him and jumped up pulling back as she did clearly about to attack the male while he was down.

However, as she did a dome of electricity surrounded the male and sent the female back with a powerful shock. King then got up rather bored as he did and began stretching slightly. "Sorry, Goldie-locks but you don't hit hard enough," King said as he looked at her, clearly mocking her at her attempts to attack and hurt him. Despite the fact she was doing fairly well against him it seemed as if she fell for his rather obvious trap and rushed towards him a bit angrier than before.

As she went to punch him King moved to the side and grabbed her wrist and head before moving down to slamming her head into the ground. King then used the wrist he was holding onto to throw her against one of the several walls around them. He then dashed towards her and Yang managed to avoid the hit that completely shattered the wall behind her. King then ran after the female and jumped up with some electricity gathering in his fist before slamming his fist down onto the ground.

As he did the ground in front of him shattered as the electricity surged through it and went towards Yang exploding under her feet as it reached her. As it did King then closed the distance between them and grabbed her by her collar. "Come on blondie, at least try to make this somewhat challenging," King said as he looked at her. When he said this Yang's semblance seemed to activate as a miniature explosion came from her and she punched the male sending him back.

Yang then charged towards the male with her newfound power and prepared to attack him once again. However, the only thing this changed was the fact that this time King dodged the attack and not block them. King turned to kick her in the stomach and then punch her in the face sending her back. This didn't seem to phase Yang as she merely continued her assault on the male. However, King countered with a rather powerful blow to the head sending her back slightly and disorienting her.

King then picked her up in her disoriented state and slammed her onto the ground twice before throwing her away from him. As he did the female used her gauntlets to stop herself firing a shot and then running back towards him. When she reached him the two grabbed each other's hands and seemed to enter a slight contest of strength. King then released her and jumped up slightly punching her in the face sending her to the ground.

This time King decided not to give her a moment to rest as he grabbed her shoulders lifting her up only to slam her back into the ground. King then threw her into the air slightly before punching her stomach to send her much higher and then jumping after her. Once he was above her King raised both of his hands and slammed them into her stomach sending her down to the ground. King then held up a hand gathering a large orb of electricity above him and then sending it down after her.

After the dust cleared I saw that the aura from before had faded from Yang. She seemed to be okay for now at least, but she was in no condition to fight. I once again felt rage fill me and give me enough strength to charge towards him forming a sword made of ice and a sword made of electricity. As I did he summoned his own weapon a staff with two large metal orbs on each end. He slammed the weapon into my stomach sending me back, and into a building and through it so that I would land on the roof. I then watched as King hit one of the nearby crates sending it into the air before hitting it again and sending it towards me.

As he did I jumped back only for a large explosion to send me back. King then landed in front of me and separated his staff into two pieces and slammed the two large metal balls sending a large sound wave towards me sending me back. King then used his staff to propel himself into the air and then slam it into me. As he did I was sent to the ground and I looked up at the male in front of me only for him to kick me in the jaw sending me back.

King then threw his weapon towards me and both ends exploded sending me into a wall before the weapon once again disappeared. That's it, I think that's the last of my energy. Everything's numb, it's hard to think and despite my best efforts, I can't get anything to move. It seems like I'm going to have to leave the rest up to them. I watched as another figure came close to hitting King using her stealth to get close only for King to dodge at the last moment.

King looked at her and smirked as he took another stance. "I've always heard a black cat was bad luck but I got to say it seems like you're the unlucky one in this situation," King said with a smirk as he looked at the female in front of him. Blake did seem a bit irritated seeing this but didn't let it get the better of her or even affect her for that matter as she remained still waiting for King to make the first move.

King then rushed towards her and jumped up in an attempt to kick her twice only for her to block the first attack and for her shadow to appear during the second. Blake then began swinging her weapon at the male forcing him to begin dodging her attack and summoning his grimm armor to block the ones that he couldn't. Then without warning King punched her in the face disorienting her slightly.

Blake once again began trying to attack him only for him to grab her wrist and lift off the ground before slamming her down onto the ground and then jumping up to try and slam his feet down on her face. Once he did Blake's shadow once again appeared as she moved behind him. Seeing this Blake once again began swinging her katana at the male forcing him to use his armor to block the attacks that she was sending at him.

King then kicked her blade up and electricity began to gather around his hands before he pushed them into her stomach electrocuting her and sending her back. Blake then put a cartridge of dust into her weapon and once again charged towards him. As she did her shadow appeared once again however this time it was solid black and didn't fade like the other times as it began to charge towards the male as well.

The figure then jumped up and King began to block both of their attacks trying not to lose track of one of them by accident before a large pole made of concrete shout up from the ground and he turned to hit both of them and sending them back before he walked over towards the shadow and hit it in the face with the pole, and then impaling it with the pole before turning to look back at the original Blake.

Blake once again ran towards him to hit him with her katana only for King to grab her wrist and jump behind her kicking her in the back to push her away. King then pulled back and when she turned to look at him he charged forward hitting her in the face and knocking her off her feet. King then grabbed her waist and slammed her down to the ground before grabbing her by her collar and lifting her up into the air.

King stared at her for a moment before throwing her into the air and then moving beneath her to jump up and send her even higher into the air. Once he did King grabbed her head and turned to throw her into the ground before landing on top of her knocking her out. As he did a glyph appeared below King. He seemed confused seeing this and before he could react he was encased in a large dome of ice.

I smiled seeing this, he was completely frozen. However, before I got too excited I calmed myself. Last time I thought I had won it backfired and before long my suspicion was proven right as Weiss' iceball began to rumble and crack. The orb then exploded and shards of ice were sent in all directions leaving a few cuts behind on us. King chuckled seeing this and looked at her. "Your semblance is interesting, I'll admit I might even be a little jealous," King said as he looked at her.

Weiss then used her semblance to make a glyph beneath King. When she did King jumped back and a large ice spike came from the ground. King and Weiss then began to clash or rather King was attacking and Weiss was dodging most of his attacks. King then punched and began leaning over finally connecting an attack by hitting Weiss in the face. However, this one attack was all King needed to turn the battle as he stood up and continued his assault.

King jumped up to kick her in the stomach and then slammed his elbow into her face before pulling back to punch her in the chest sending her into the wall behind her. When he did Weiss once again used her semblance to summon to large spikes of ice around King both of which he dodged and then they moved towards him which he jumped to avoid as they crashed into each other.

As he was in the air Weiss used her glyphs to create a large ice pillar that curved and crashed into him sending him to the ground, and then another below him that launched him into the air. King then jumped down and slammed his fist down where she was creating a small crater as Weiss jumped back. As she did King jumped forward and punched him in the chest before jumping to slam his knee into her face.

King then jumped in the air and gathers some electricity around his hands before throwing it at her. As he did Weiss jumped back and avoided the attack letting the attack hit the ground and scorch the concrete beneath them. A large pillar of the ground then came out and King kicked it forcing it to fall over. Weiss barely managed to avoid being crushed by the large stone pillar as she looked at the ground.

King then closed the distance between the two of them and slammed his fist into her face knocking her out as well. "Let's see how many are left?" King asked as he turned and saw Nora running towards him. King sighed seeing this and looked at her as she approached him. Seeing her approaching King summoned a sword and took a stance as he waited for to close the distance and then without warning Nora launched herself in the air towards him.

A moment later Nora clashed with him running past him and King turning around to stop her next attack the ground shattering under them as it did. King then grabbed her hammer and threw her away from him. When she hit the wall she immediately got back up and rushed towards him once again. Her fortitude truly was amazing to think about and her hyperactive personality did make her dangerous and unpredictable.

Nora once again raised her weapon and King summoned a second sword to stop the incoming attack. It seems like her armor wouldn't be enough to protect him from the sheer strength that Nora had. Nora then pulled back seeing this and swung at him forcing King to use his swords to block the attack only to be sent into the air a moment later. Nora then swung at him sending him back and when he landed he dashed forward to attack her his blades clashing against the handle of her hammer at a rather intense speed.

This came to an end however when King crossed his blades to stop her attack and then turned them to bring her hammer down to the ground. When he did he stepped on it and then jumped up to kick her in the face sending her back slightly. As she did King shot out two white glowing orbs of a strange fiery energy. As he did Nora knocked both of them away and they began rotating around her.

King smiled seeing her obvious confused and began to gather some more of the same fiery energy as he ran towards her. Once he did he began sending out an orb after every attack he made and it began floating around them. King then jumped up and all the orbs began gathering and condensing in his foot before he kicked towards her causing a large explosion that sent her back. I watched as she crashed into a building an emerged a from the dust a moment later.

However, she was panting heavily and she seemed to be heavily injured so she probably won't last much longer. King smiled seeing this and when she swung at him King jumped over her attack and kicked the back of her head sending her to the ground before kicking her back up and then in the side to send her back into the wall and with that, the fight was over. King then turned towards the last opponent that was standing and smiled as he looked at him.

King looked at Jaune and began to notice several things wrong. His stance was off, he was hiding behind his shield to the point it would have obstructed his vision, and he seemed incredibly nervous. King turned his blade so that it was resting on his shoulder as he looked at the male. "Level with me blondie, you're a newbie aren't you?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Does it matter?" Jaune asked as he looked at the male in front of him. King rolled his eyes hearing this and looked at the male in front of him.

"It does since I'm feeling a bit generous, I'll make you a deal third string. I'll take it easy on you," King said with a smile as he looked at the male in front of him. Jaune seemed a bit surprised by this but didn't lower his guard as he looked at the male in front of him. "Alright third-string get ready," King said as he took an attacking stance. "Because here I come," King said as he suddenly dashed forward without warning.

As he did Jaune raised his shield to block the attack. However, this was short-lived as King followed it up with a flurry of attacks attacking his shield repeatedly sending him back with each strike not giving Jaune a chance to think. This came to an end when King jumped up and slammed his sword down on Jaune's shield forcing Jaune down onto one knee. King then landed on his shield and looked down at him.

"How you holding up third string?" King asked as he looked down at the blonde in front of him. Jaune grit his teeth hearing this and threw King off his shield. As he did King flipped in the air and landed on the ground with a smirk. Jaune then charged towards the male with his shield in front of him. Jaune then took a swing at him which King easily dodge and then moved back to kick Jaune in the stomach sending him back.

When he did Jaune held his stomach but grit his teeth and quickly recovered as he looked at the male in front of him. "Not bad third string, now-" King began as he twirled the blade around and grabbed it so that he was holding the blade backward. "Let's see how you do when I'm serious," King said as he dashed for hitting Jaune's shield with the handle of his blade before turning to attack his shield with the blade sending him back with each attack.

King continued his assault launching slash after slash at the male in front of him. King then jumped up and slammed his blade down on the shield and King rolled over his shield landing behind him. Jaune's eyes widened seeing this and he swung his sword at him, King ducked under the attack seeing this and jumped to the side raising his blade and cutting Jaune's back. Jaune grit his teeth feeling this and turned to swing at him once again.

King once again dashed under the attack and cut the back of his leg. As he did Jaune swung his shield back in an attempt to block the next attack. As he did King turned and jumped past him to cut his face leaving behind a rather deep cut on his cheek. King then dashed forward and Jaune raised his shield stopping the attack. Only for King to turn and slam his blade down on the shield forcing it down and leaving another small cut behind on his cheek.

Jaune then swung once again and King ducked under it before raising his sword leaving a cut behind on his arm. The cuts weren't fatal or even deep for that matter but they were starting to accumulate quickly, and they'd start taking their toll quickly. King continued his assault leaving behind several small cuts behind. King then jumped over the male flipping as he did and landing two large gashes on his back and waist.

When he landed King turned and pushed the blade into Jaune's lower back causing his to let out a gasp as he felt the blade pierce through him. King then pulled the blade out and kicked Jaune in the back sending him away. "Count yourself lucky I didn't aim for anything vital," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. I can't believe it, even with all of us combined . . . we still couldn't beat him.

"Now then," King said as he turned towards Ruby. "I've got some unfished business with you," King said as he began to walk towards her. "Poor little rose, you're about to lose all your petals wither and then die," King said as he looked at the figure in front of him. Because of how close he was to killing me last time we fought, I don't think he's joking. I struggled to pull myself out of the wall but all I was able to do was move my fingers just a few inches.

I watched as King began to gather some energy in his hand and pointed it at Ruby. "No!" Yang said as she once again stood up and began to rush towards King. It was more than obvious just how angry Yang was, her eyes had already become a bright crimson red and her hair was now glowing as if it were on fire. She went to punch King and I saw him chop her in the stomach sending her into the air slightly before it seemed to get rid of all her power.

I tried to get up to no avail and began to crawl towards King. I had to stop him, I can't let him kill her. I saw Yang slowly get up off the ground as well and began to make her way towards him. She tried to punch him however he managed to stop it with some of his armor. King then slammed his foot onto the ground sending Ruby up and he grabbed her. "I wonder how you'll die first? Will it be by internal bleeding, choking on your own blood, by your broken bones, or will the crushing be too much for you?" King asked with a smile as he began to slowly crush her.

As he did I could hear a few cracks and Ruby screamed loudly not being prepared for the pain of what he was doing. As he did Yang literally exploded with rage as she charged towards him. "You bastard!" Yang screamed as she began throwing punch after punch at the male. I could see the steam coming from her fists and the fire burst from her fists with each hit she made. "Stop! I said stop!" Yang screamed as she was forced to listen to Ruby's pained screams.

"Damn it listen to me!" Yang said as she began trying to choke the male, however, this didn't seem to stop him at all and it became obvious how quickly Ruby was approaching her end as she coughed up some blood. Some tears began to build in Yang's eyes as she saw this and she began to struggle even harder to free her. "Stop! Please!" Yang said I could hear the anger fading and the desperation building in her voice as she tried to do anything she could to free Ruby.

She punched, kicked, and even clawed at his face, and tried biting him at one point. Anything she thought would help, she attempted. "Please stop! I . . . I can't lose her too!" Yang said practically pleading with King for him to stop. "Please, she's my sister. I love her! Haven't you ever felt like that before? Someone that you'd be willing to give everything you had for? The person that always makes you happy no matter what? Someone that you'd do anything for?" Yang asked as she looked at the male.

"The one person you could never live without," King said as he looked at the female. I was a bit surprised hearing this and it seemed Yang was as well. I then saw King's grip loosen a bit before he opened his arms and let her fall to the ground. As he did Ruby let out a loud gasp most likely not have been able to breathe under his tight grip. "Now get off me before I change my mind," King said as he looked back at Yang.

As soon as she did King faded from sight and we looked at Ruby. I ran to her as fast as I could and broke the last vial of dust I had so that I could use the dust to start healing her. "Call an ambulance, this won't be enough to save her," I said as I looked at Yang causing her to nod and leave to get help. I can't believe what I just saw, King actually looked like he understood what she was saying. He actually showed compassion, and let her live! I doubt we'll be lucky enough to get this chance again so we better make sure we use it.

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