Chapter 3: School days

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P.O.V. [Name]

I sighed as I slowly woke up and leaned up before I began to stretch. When I did I saw Ayuri looking at herself in the mirror. She had already changed into her school uniform and was now spraying herself with what I could only assume was perfume. When she did she took a step back and twirled slightly before sighing. "No matter what I do this outfit just isn't cute," She said a bit distressed as she looked down at what she was wearing. 

I then began to stand up and she turned to look at me. "Oh, you're awake," Ayuri said as she began to walk towards the door. "I'll give you some privacy," She said as she walked over to the door stopping in front of the entry. "I'll meet you outside when you're ready," Ayuri said with her usual bright smile as she finished walking out the room shutting the door behind her. I smiled slightly seeing this and began to change into my own school uniform before walking out of my room. I had expected to see Ayuri by the door waiting for me however to my surprise that wasn't the case. 

I looked around for a minute trying to find her before I sighed and began to walk towards the first class that I had for the day. Grimm studies with professor Peter Port. I sighed as I looked for the class for a few minutes not being able to find my class. I then felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned to see the same red haired female from before staring at me. "You seem a bit lost," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. "Do you need some help?" She offered as she looked at me. 

"Y-yeah," I said with a slightly embarrassed sigh as I showed her my schedule. She took and glanced over it for a moment before chuckling slightly and handing it back to me. 

"What's so funny?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of me. 

"It's nothing really it's just . . . Professor Ports class is in the other direction," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. I stopped hearing this a bit shocked hearing this before I mentally facepalmed and began to walk the other way. When I did I noticed that she repeated the action and began to walk down the halls with me.

"Kind of funny that we run into each other like this," I said as I looked at the red haired female in front of me. 

"No, Ayuri asked me to find you and make sure you got to class on time. She said you overslept so you might need help finding your class before classes officially started," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. I smiled slightly hearing this and looked down the halls we were walking down. 

"I see," I said as I thought about the pinkette, she really is to nice for her own good. "So Pyrrha what class do you have?" I asked as I looked at female beside me. 

"It just so happens that I also have grimm studies," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. I smiled slightly hearing this and she suddenly turned stopping in front of the room. "Here we are," Pyrrha said as she looked at me and I smiled. I watched as Pyrrha walked into the classroom and I followed closely behind her when she did and I began to look around the room. I noticed that he had several diagrams of different types of grimm on his board and that his room also seemed to be decorated with the heads of grimm. However I was a bit confused by this. 

I understood what he was trying do since it was clear that these were meant to be nothing more than trophies. However I knew from personal experience that after a grimm was killed it evaporated and just sort of faded away. I tried to clear my head of these thoughts dismissing them as simple decorations and looked around the room. When I did I saw Ayuri sitting in the front row and it seemed as if she had saved me a seat. When she saw me she smiled and waved at me. When she did I returned her smiled and walked over to her before I began to sit down beside her. 

"What happened this morning? I thought you were going to wait for me?" I asked as I looked at the pinkette beside me. 

"Y-yeah, s-sorry about that. I-It's just that, Pyrrha stopped by and we started talking and I sort of got distracted and ended up walking to class with her because she wanted me to meet her team. I-I'm really sorry," She said as she looked at me wearing a slightly guilty and apologetic expression. I sighed hearing this and shook my head. 

"No, it's fine," I said as I looked at Ayuri. She smiled slightly hearing this and we heard the door open and saw a male who seemed to be a bit older than the rest of the professors that I had seen so far. He had gray hair and a gray mustache and appeared to be slightly overweight. 

"Now then students are you ready to learn how to capture your prey known as the creatures of grimm?" The male asked as he looked at the rest of the class. Everyone was quiet hearing this and I tried to hide my smile hearing this. He then cleared his throat and began his lecture. I had intended on paying attention to what he was going to say however he wasn't a very interesting guy and I found myself beginning to tune out what he was saying. 

I looked at a few of the other students and saw that most of them weren't paying attention either which did make me feel better. I noticed that many weren't paying attention however the two that stood out the most were a female with black hair that slowly turned red, that was wearing a hood, who appeared to be sleeping in class. And a female with long black hair, golden eyes, and a bow on her head who wasn't interested in what he was saying and was instead reading a book. 

I was a bit relieved to see so many people weren't interested in what he was saying. It showed that the problem wasn't me, and that it was him giving a relatively boring lecture. I then turned to Ayuri who was writing in her book. However I noticed that while it seemed she had began taking notes that as the lecture had continued her notes slowly turned into several doodles on the page and she had actually moved onto the next page and had began to draw something entirely different. 

"Now then," The male said as he reached for the weapon that had been handing above his diagrams. "It's time for a live demonstration," He said as he began to search through the class. His eyes eventually stopped when he noticed Ayuri and he smiled pointed the weapon at her. "You!" He said as he looked at Ayuri. When he did Ayuri tensed up slightly and he smiled. "Now don't worry, this is a light exercise. Something that even the most basic huntsman should be able to do. But on the off chance that something does go wrong, I'll be here to step in," He said as he looked at Ayuri. 

When he said this Ayuri nodded and began to walk to the front of the class. When she did Port looked at her and let her prepare her weapon. I watched as she slowly reached for the box that she had on her hip. I smiled as I leaned forward to see what type of weapon she had, I was always interested to see what kind of weapons other people used as well as how they used them. I watched as a long handle came from the box and the rest separated into several needles giving her weapon the appearance of a broom. 

I then watched as she straddled it and a small amount of electricity came from her hand forcing her broom into the air letting her float. She then looked at Professor Port a bit nervous and he nodded before cutting the box open and letting the Grimm that had been inside out. When he did the Grimm which turned out to be a Boarbatusk. It looked around for a minute before it spotted Ayuri and began to charge towards her. When it did Ayuri panicked and sent herself into the air. 

The boarbatusk looked around for a minute clearly confused before it once again located Ayuri and jumped into the air. Ayuri once again moved herself out of the way this time sending herself to the ground. I watched as the Boarbatusk landed on the other side of her and began to roll up and move towards her. When it did Ayuri once again panicked and sent herself into the air. "You need to attack it!" I heard Ruby say from the other side of the room. 

When I turned to look at her I saw that both she and the rest of her team seemed to be paying attention now. "Don't tell her what to do, you dunce! It's distracting," A white haired female said as she looked at Ruby. I can only guess that this was the partner she had mentioned while we were training. I chuckled slightly seeing this interaction and turned back to watch my partner. As much as I hate to admit it, she's right. Ayrui will have to eventually attack otherwise we'll be here all day. 

I watched as the Boarbatusk still in it's wheel-like state jumped into the air after Ayuri. Once again panicking I was ready to watch her fly back down to the ground. However to my surprise it seems as if she decided to take Ruby's advice and gathered a small amount of electricity in front of her before shooting it towards the boarbatusk. It wasn't a lot only around the size of a baseball but it seemed to be more than enough to paralyze the boarbatusk for few brief seconds before it fell back tot he ground. 

Ayuri smiled seeing this and I watched as she pressed a small button and several needles shot from her broom and into the unguarded stomach of the creature. It may not have been the most exciting match to watch but it was more than enough to satisfy professor Port. "Thank you," He said as she looked at the pinkette in front of him. Ayuri nodded hearing this and began to make her way back to her seat panting slightly. 

"You did pretty good," I said as she sat back down beside me. 

"Not really, all I did was run the entire time, and when I did attack it was only because someone gave me advice," Ayuri said as she looked at me. I was going to try and console her about this but before I could Professor Port once again began his lecture. I sighed hearing this and once again began to space out. I was more than excited when the bell finally rung dismissing us. I of course followed Ayuri since it seemed like she knew where we were supposed to be going. 

After a few seconds of walking we arrived at the cafeteria. I was impressed by not only the amount but also the quality of food that Beacon appeared to have. After I got my tray I began to look around for somewhere to sit. "Hey," I heard a familiar voice say beside me. When I turned to see who was calling for me I saw Yang and Ruby sitting a table with a few others that I didn't recognize. I smiled and went to walk towards them stopping for a moment to find Ayuri. 

"Hey," I said gaining her attention. "This way," I said as I began to walk towards the several figures in front of me. When we took a seat I smiled as I looked at the figures in front of me.

"Who's this?" The blonde male asked as he looked us. 

"This is someone we met the other day," Yang said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Hi," I said as I waved towards him. 

"Well I guess we should introduce ourselves," Yang said as she looked at us. "I'm Yang, and this is my sister Ruby," Yang said as she looked at Ayuri. She seemed a bit nervous hearing this and nodded. "This is my partner Blake," Yang said as she gestured to the black haired female beside her. 

"And this is my partner Weiss," Ruby said as she gestured to the white haired female beside her. I nodded hearing this and looked at the two new females in front of me. 

"Nice to meet all of you," I said as I looked at all of them. "I'm [Name] Brabwen, and this is my partner Ayuri," I said introducing both of us. 

"Well then, I guess it's our turn," Pyrrha said as she looked at us. "You already know who I am, this is my partner Jaune," Pyrrha said as she gestured to the male beside her. 

"My name is Ren," The other male said as he looked at me. 

"And I'm Nora!" The remaining female said rather eagerly as she looked at us. I was a bit nervous hearing this and looked at her only to see her once again sit. "Anyway as I was saying," Nora began as she looked at the several figures in front of her. I chuckled slightly hearing this, I keep finding myself thinking about how nice the outside world is. 

Even something like this, while I used to eat with others in the tribe all the time they were always so serious and there weren't very many people that were this kindhearted. Then again most the tribe knew the threat that we were dealing with. I can't imagine that anyone here apart from Ozpin and Qrow know about Salem. I sighed as I stood up and looked at the figures in front of me. "I'll be back in a minute," I said as I began to walk away. 

I sighed as I walked into the restroom. I then began to think about all the things that were going to undoubtedly happen. I know that Ozpin tries to shield the citizens of Vale from who Salem is and what she's capable and while that's not a bad thing, I think he should at least tell more of his staff what's going on. It's hard for others to trust you if you're rapidly keeping secrets from them. I shook my head trying to clear my head of these thoughts and began to wash my hands. 

I then heard a loud crash outside and walked out of the restroom to see the cafeteria in complete ruin. "What happened?" I asked as slowly walked up to Ayuri, being sure to look around all the destruction that had taken place while I was gone. 

"Food fight," Ayuri answered as she looked at me. 

"What?" I asked a bit shocked as I looked around. "All of this was from a food fight?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of me only to receive a nod. "There's no way all of this was from a food fight. The tables are destroyed, that wall is shattered!" I saw as I gestured to the mess around me, only for a loud crash to come from above us followed by solid thud a few seconds later. "Yang just fell through the ceiling!" I said as I looked at the female in front me. 

Ayuri shrugged hearing this and began to walk away. "Don't go to the bathroom next time," Ayuri said as she walked out of the room. I stood in silence for a moment before I sighed and followed her to our next class. It was set up differently from every other class that I had seen so far. While it had seats they were arranged differently starting several feet off the ground, and there was a wide area at the center of the room with a screen on the side. 

It only took a few seconds for the teacher to walk in behind us. A blonde female with her hair tied back in a bun with bright green eyes. "Hello everyone, my name is Glynda Goodwitch," She said as she looked at the several students in front of her. "This is my combat class, do I have any volunteers for the first match?" Glynda asked as she looked around the room. 

I watched as a few people raised their hands and she seemed to pick two people at random. When they walked into the arena she pointed at one of the two rooms that were on either side of the arena. "There are two locker rooms for each of you. I'll give you seven minutes to walk in and change into you combat gear, as well as ready your weapon. When you're finished please come back out," She said as she looked at the two. 

I sighed hearing this and while I watched the match I wasn't that interested in what was happening. I watched as several matches followed however none of them were really that interesting. "Any other volunteers?" Glynda asked as she looked at the several students in front of her. 

"If no one else wants to, then I'll go," Pyrrha said as she raised her hand. Glynda nodded hearing this and pressed a few buttons on her board so that her face would appear on the screen that was in the room. 

"Thank you miss Nikos," Glynda said as she looked at the red haired female in front of her. 

"Happy to help," Pyrrha said with a smile as she walked onto the field. 

"Now let's find you a match," Glynda said as she looked at her board and after pressing a few buttons I looked at the screen and to my surprise saw four people's faces on the screen, team CRDL. I leaned forward seeing this now a bit interested in what was about to happen. I of course knew who Pyrrha was so I was looking forward to what she was capable of. 

I watched as the two entered the locker rooms and I waited eagerly for them to return. It took them almost no time at all as they all walked out wearing their combat attire. "You may begin," Glynda said as she looked at the five in front of her. I watched as she ran forward and the four men all run towards her at once. I was amazed at what she was capable of, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised but none of them landed a single hit on her. I'll admit they were close a few times but she never seemed worried so I can only guess that she let them get that close. 

"And that's the match," Glynda said as she walked to the center of the arena. 

"Lucky shot," Cardin said as he fell over clearly trying to justify his loss. 

"Well done miss Nikos, you should have no problem qualifying for the tournament," Glynda said as she looked at Pyrrha. 

"Thank you Professor," Pyrrha said as he looked at the female in front of her.

"Tournament?" I asked aloud as I looked at the figures in front of me. I didn't know there was a tournament being held. Not that it matters, I probably can't enter since I'm only on a two man team instead of a full four man team but even so, it would have been nice to know about it. 

"Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow but we have time for one more sparing match. Any volunteers?" Glynda said as she looked up at the crowd in front of her. After a few moments of silence I noticed someone raise their hand. 

"I'll do it," I looked over to see a male with grey hair and grey eyes with his hands raised. 

"Mercury is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent," Glynda said as she looked at her board. 

"Actually," Mercury said as he looked around the room. "I want to fight her," Mercury said as he pointed at Pyrrha. 

"Me?" Pyrrha asked as she looked at the male in front of her. I will admit that I was just as confused by this as she was. After what I just saw it would probably be better to avoid fighting her. 

"I'm afraid, that miss Nikos has just finished a match. I recommend you chose another partner," Glynda said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"No it's fine!" Pyrrha said a bit panicked as she looked at Glynda. "I'd be happy to oblige," She said as she looked at the male. I watched as he smiled hearing this and walked down to the arena. I'll give it to him he's really confident if he still wants to fight her after what he just saw, that or he's really stupid. Maybe it's a bit of both?

I watched as the match once again began and this time I was bit impress by how well Mercury seemed to be doing. He was doing better than I expected at least, however as the match came to an end I noticed something rather odd. There was a small black outline around Mercury's leg. Did . . . Did Pyrrha just use her semblance? No, that can't be it, I remember reading a magazine about her saying her semblance was polarity. 

I guess it's possible that she controlled the iron in his blood but that would take an incredible amount of skill, not to mention it would be overkill for a simple sparing match. Maybe Mercury used his semblance, I don't know what his semblance is so it's possible. If it was his semblance then it kind of sucks that he missed unless he could have hit her and that was just to make a point to himself, but if that was the case then why did he give up?

However before I could think over what I had just seen a bit more Ayuri's voice pulled  me from my thoughts. "That was an interesting match," Ayuri said as she looked at me. 

"Yeah it was," I said with a smile as I looked at the female in front of me. 

"That will conclude today's matches," Glynda said dismissing the class. When she said this I stood up and followed Ayuri out of the room. 

"So got any plans for the day?" I asked as I looked at Ayuri. She nodded when I asked this and turned to look at me. 

"Well I was going to train with Pyrrha for a bit. After what happened today in Professor Port's class I think it's pretty obvious that I need to start training some more. Then after that I was going to go to my store. What about you any plans for the day?" She said as she looked at me. I shook my head hearing this and sighed. 

"No, I only arrived in Vale a bit ago," I said as I looked at her. 

"Oh," Ayrui said as she looked at me. "Well then you can join us if you want," Ayuri said as she looked at me. I looked at her hearing this and she seemed a bit embarrassed. "S-sorry, you don't have to if you don't want to. I just thought since you didn't have anything to do today, it would be nice was all. But you don't have to if you don't want to," Ayuri said as she looked away a bit nervous. 

I smiled slightly hearing this and nodded. "No, that sounds great actually," 

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