Chapter 4: Trouble

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P.O.V. [Name]

I sighed as I looked at the two in front of me. It was clear that Ayuri needed as much help as she claimed that she needed. "I think that's enough for today," Pyrrha said as she looked at the female in front of her. Ayuri nodded hearing this and put her weapon away. "So what are you two going to do now?" Pyrrha asked as she looked at us. 

"I was going to go to my store, and try to get some business before the day is over," Ayuri said as she looked at Pyrrha. 

"And I was going to go with her," I said as I looked at the red haired female in front of me. I didn't really have anything planned for the day. 

"I see," Pyrrha said as she looked at us. "In that case, I'll join you," She said as she looked at us.  Ayuri looked at her a bit worried when she said this and I turned to look at her.

"It can't hurt, after all if people see her entering with us it'll bring more business. Plus I know you want to do everything yourself, but having a bit of extra help never hurt anyone," I said as I looked at her. She looked at me a bit nervous hearing this before she sighed and nodded. 

"Okay," Ayuri said as we began to make our way towards the shop from before. We then began to walk down the streets together. 

"So Pyrrha what's your team like?" I asked as I turned to look at her. When I asked this she looked at me so I continued. "I mean, I know I met them earlier today but I didn't get to talk to them that much. I just want to know what they're like is all," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. She nodded hearing this and looked at me. 

"Well in that case I guess I should start with our team leader Jaune. He's nice, and he tries really hard to be the best team leader he can be. Then there's Ren, he's quiet and clam most of the time. Then again I guess he has to be considering how much time he spends with Nora. Speaking of Nora she's . . . energetic," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. However she seemed a bit unsure about what she said last. As if she wasn't sure that was the right word to describe her.

"I see, they sound nice," I said as I looked at her.

"They are, it's really nice to spend time with them. They're always so happy," She said as she looked at me with a smile. 

"Then why didn't you go back to your dorm with them?" I asked curiously as I looked at the female in front of me. 

"Sometimes Nora is a little . . . too energetic," Pyrrha said as she looked at me a bit nervously. As if she was once again thinking about the words she had used to describe Nora. 

"I see, I see," I said as I looked at the female in front of her. "You know," I began as I looked at the red haired female in front of me. "I knew some people like that back at the tribe. They were a bit too eager to go out and try to kill some grimm at time. At first their enthusiasm was nice but after being around them for a while, they began to get a little annoying. If Nora's anything like them, then I can probably handle her in small doses," I said as I looked at her. 

Pyrrha chuckled slightly hearing this and nodded. "Indeed, but oddly enough she does seem to calm down when she's not trying to destroy whatever she's set her eyes on," Pyrrha said with another slight chuckle. "Mind if I ask you something?" Pyrrha asked as she looked at me. I smiled hearing this and shook my head. 

"I noticed you said tribe, what was the name of it? If you don't mind me asking," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. I felt my heart drop hearing this as I realized my mistake. I hadn't meant to tell her about the tribe, heck at the moment my own sister still didn't know we were related. I tried to think of something that sounded familiar. 

"We're here," Ayuri said as she walked to the door of her store. It seems like she unknowingly saved me from having to answer the question. I walked into the building and looked at Ayuri. 

"Hey Ayuri do you need me to get any supplies from the back, or maybe stock some of the shelves?" I asked as I looked at the pinkette in front of me. At the moment I wanted to avoid being around Pyrrha so that I could avoid answering her question. 

"Uh yeah, I could use some screws and gears," Ayuri said as she looked at me. I nodded hearing this and began to make my way towards the door. I was about to walk through it before I stopped myself and looked at the pinkette. 

"What sizes?" I asked as I looked at the female. 

"All of them," Ayuri said casually as she walked over to one of her many workstations and began to work on something. I nodded hearing this and walked into the back. When I did I saw that it was a lot more massive than I had expected. There were literal thousands of boxes all neatly stacked and labeled. She had even took the time to sort them alphabetically so that it was easier to locate everything. 

I know Ayuri said this was her backup plan just in case she didn't get accepted into Beacon but I was still impressed by how seriously she seemed to be taking this. I ended up making several trips back and forth gathering the boxes she asked for so that she could take what she needed before she had me take them back. I sighed when I was finished and looked at Ayuri who was still working on her weapon.

Nothing else eventful happened throughout the day and after some time had passed we all began to walk back to Beacon. As we walked out I watched as Ayuri and Pyrrha began to talk to each other. "So Ayuri any luck finding someone yet?" Pyrrha asked as he looked at her friend. Ayuri seemed a bit embarrassed by this as her face turned a slight shade of pink and she looked at the ground a bit embarrassed. 

"N-No not yet. I guess guys just don't like short girls," Ayuri said in a joking manner trying to make light of the situation. 

"Give it time, I'm sure you'll find someone eventually," Pyrrha said as she looked at Ayuri. 

"Y-You really think so? I don't know, I mean I don't really act like a girl," Ayuri said as she looked away showing some of her insecurity. 

"Everybody deserves somebody, so I'm sure that if you give it time, your somebody will show up," Pyrrha said as she looked at the female beside her. After I heard this I sighed as I looked at the two in front of me. I'm not sure how long they've known each other but it seems like they get along well. 

So this is what it's like to live a normal life? Well maybe not normal but it's as close to normal as I'm going to get. It's . . . nice . . . in a weird way. I smiled to myself as I thought about this and continued to follow the two in front of me. However my smile faded as I heard several screams in the distance followed by a loud explosion. 

I watched as both Ayuri and Pyrrha began to run towards the sound immediately almost as if they didn't need to think about what they were doing. After a few brief moments of hesitation I began to follow them. We huntsmen in training after all, this is what we signed up for. As we approached the flames in the distance I felt like someone was watching me and stopped to look around. When I did I noticed that no one was around. 

However I couldn't escape the feeling that someone was watching my every move. Like they were still around but were hiding just out of sight. I felt my stomach start to turn as I continued to look around. Don't me, he's already found me. Before my mind could continue down this path another explosion brought me back from my thoughts and I began to run down the path towards the flames. 

As I did I saw that the explosion had occurred from one of the many Schnee Dust Company's docking stations. As I approached the area I saw both Ayuri and Pyrrha fighting a few White Fang members. Ayuri seemed be handling herself fairly well while Pyrrha . . . well I felt more sorry for her opponents than her. 

I heard some footsteps approaching me and turned to see a few White Fang soldiers. Half were holding guns and the other half were holding swords. They were rather slow so it didn't seem like they'd be much of a challenge. I smiled seeing them and reached for my sword and looked at them. As they approached  five of them had swords and three had guns. As long as I don't get careless this shouldn't be too hard. 

I watched as the men with guns stopped and began to point their guns at me. I used my sword to deflect all of their bullets and watched as the others approached. One went to swing at me which I easily blocked and backed away since I knew it wouldn't take them long to have another attack me. Just as I thought within a few seconds another was already trying to attack me and I noticed that the few that had been shooting at me stopped. Most likely because they didn't want to hit their friends. 

I used this to my advantage and pushed the male back being sure to stay close so the others wouldn't be tempted to shoot. I heard some footsteps behind me and put my sword behind my back and stopped his attack before pushing him away and turning around. I rushed towards him and brought my sword down. He struggled to stop it however I didn't want to give him time to retaliate so I kicked him in the head. 

This seemed to knock him out as he fell to the ground and I once again heard something behind me. However this time it sounded much closer, I knew there wasn't any time to block the incoming attack and jumped up moving to the side so that I could do a flip and just as I thought the blade passed by me. I turned in the air and looked at the male that was behind me. I swung up knocking his blade from his hand. 

This didn't seem to discourage him however as he charged forward and tried to tackle me. As he did I jumped up and kicked him in the shoulder putting some distance between us before I stabbed my blade in the ground to bring myself to a stop. I couldn't let myself get to far away otherwise the others would start shooting at me again. I watched as the other three that were left all ran towards me at once. 

Having little time to think I simply reacted on instinct stopping ones attack and pushing him away before placing my blade behind me to stop another attack and pushing him away as well. I then once again heard footsteps rushing towards me and turned to see the same White Fang from before try to tackle me. However this time I noticed he was trying to push me onto the blade of one of the other members. 

I once again reacted on instinct and moved to the side so that I wouldn't be impaled. I watched as he ran towards me and attempted to bring his sword down on me. I turned and moved out of the way seeing this before I went to bring my sword down on him. As I did I saw him turned to look at me and I suddenly remembered where I was and who I was fighting. I couldn't take his life. I redirected my blade at the last second trying to miss him. 

It seems I was a bit to late however as I wasn't able to avoid hitting him completely. I had cut through his mask and it fell off revealing his face. This seemed to scare him as he turned around and began to run in the other direction. I then heard some more footsteps from behind me and becoming a bit irritated I jumped backwards doing a flip over my opponent and like I thought it was the same male that had been trying to tackle me. 

I turned my blade around and hit him on the back of the neck with the blunt side knocking him out. I turned to the final male and watched as he ran towards me. with his blade. I wanted to end this rather quickly so when our blades clashed I brought our swords down and let go my sword before placing my foot on the Pommel of my sword and stomped on it sending my blade to the ground shattering his in the process. 

Before he had the chance to counter I reached up grabbing him by his shoulder and pulled him down before jumping off the ground so that I could turn and land on his shoulder. As I did I felt his knees buckle and I jumped off of him sending him to the ground a bit faster. This seemed to cause him a large amount of pain because he had some trouble getting up after I did this. I then saw a bullet pass by me just a few inches from my head. I had almost forgotten about them.

I reached for one of the vials of dust I had on me and opened it before throwing the dust in front me. When I did I used my semblance to harden the dust turning them into dust shards and sent them all forward destroying their guns in the process. Like before they seemed to become a bit intimidated seeing this and they all began to run away. 

I would have chanced after them but at the moment I had other things to worry about. Mainly trying to put out the fire that was spreading and making sure that everyone was safe. As I looked around I saw several men and women all using various means to try and put out the fire. I saw Ayuri trying to help to the best of her abilities but her semblance wasn't really meant for putting out fires, in fact it would be far more useful for starting fires. 

I then heard another scream in the distance however this one sounded much closer. I began to run towards the sound hearing this seeing as how both Ayuri and Pyrrha were a bit distracted at the moment. When I reached the location I thought I had heard the sound come from I looked around and saw nothing. However like before I gained the same feeling that someone was watching me and began to look around. 

As I did I felt the same sickening feeling begin to spread in my stomach. I looked around at the open area trying to locate the source of the scream. However that was when I noticed just where I was. This part of the dust company didn't match the rest. It was wide open area with several crate surround it. As if someone had specifically made this portion of the company into a makeshift arena. I began to panic a bit realizing this and the sickening feeling in my stomach only grew. So much so that I actually had to cover my mouth to keep me from vomiting. 

When I did I heard a laugh, a very familiar laugh, a sick sadistic laugh that implied both joy and sinister intentions. I then turned towards the sound and slowly felt myself began to shake with fear as I looked at the figure in front of me. A male a bit older than me, with pure white hair that seemed to sparkle giving it an appearance that resembled snow and bright vivid purple eyes that almost seemed to be radiating with power.

He was sitting on the edge of a building holding a female by her throat. "Wow, looks like mother was right, you really did leave," He said as he looked at me.

"K-King," I said as I looked at the figure in front of me. The male smiled seeing me and looked at me.

"Long time no see," He said as he looked at me. I could see that the female he was holding was still alive, and it looked like she was struggling to escape his grasp. "You know," King said as he leaned forward while keeping the female in his grasp as if this were a common occurrence. "At first I thought that I was being lied to, not that mother would ever do such a thing to me. However, there have been a few times that others have gotten their information wrong. I was a bit worried they had told her you left and I was just wasting my time," King said as his smile slowly widened. "I'm glad to see that I was wrong,"

"King listen, just put the girl down. It's me you really want right?" I said as I looked at the male. He smiled hearing this and released his grip on the female. When he did the female fell to the ground and then suddenly came to a stop just above the ground. My eyes widened as I saw the reason that he was so eager to let her go. She had a thin string wrapped around her throat that was no choking her. "King stop this!" I demanded as I looked at the male.

"Stop what?" King asked in a mock confusion. "I put the girl down just like you asked," King said as he looked at me trying to play innocent. My eyes widened seeing this and I began to run towards the female only for him to flick his hand in my general direction and send a massive gust of wind towards me that sent me back. "I wouldn't try anything stupid if I were you," King warned as he glared at me. "After all, you're clearly in no position to make threats," King said as he looked at me. I saw the female's face turn red and her struggling became less frantic as time passed.

"King stop this now!" I said more than angry at the male in front of me.

"Or what?" King asked in an almost threatening tone. "You'll kill me?" King asked in a playful mocking tone before he laughed slightly. "Sorry, I hate to break it to you but you have a pretty shitty track record of that. In fact, you're probably going to need someone to bail you out of this mess like always," King said with a smile as he looked at me, his smile then once again became a bit twisted as he looked at me.

"I wonder if it'll be that sister of yours?" King asked as he looked at me. I felt my heart drop hearing this, I must have made it obvious that I was worried because King once again smirked. "What? Did you really think I didn't know?" King asked with that eerie smile that almost always stained his face. "I'll admit that most likely wouldn't be so bad, I could probably have some fun chasing her down before I slaughter her," King said as he looked at me.

"King, that's not something you want to do," I warned in a rather low voice trying to hold back my urges to yell. However, trying to stay calm I thought of an idea to try and help me. I slowly began to turn my water dust into eclectic dust. If I could hit him with some electricity it's possible that I might be able to free the girl he's slowly killing.

"Don't misunderstand me, it's not like I won't enjoy the view. After all from what I've seen she's got such a great ass," King said with a smile clearly trying to antagonize me. I clenched my fist hearing this and tried to stay calm. "Of course then again there's no reason to just kill her straight away. I'm sure I wouldn't get bored of a body like hers for a long time. She'd make a perfect sp-" King began, however, being at my limit I finally snapped and sent the electric dust towards him turning it into electricity.

"SHUT UP!" I said as I looked at the male. However, it seemed as if he wasn't caught off guard as my attack changed directions before I even got ten feet away from me. The attack hit me with more force than I was expecting. I felt to the ground feeling the lingering effects of the electricity and looked up glaring at the white-haired male. King chuckled slightly seeing this as he looked down at me.

"Seems like that one struck a nerve," King said with a smile, as if he were trying to suppress his laughter. King then sighed and began to look up at the sky as if he were bored. However, after a few moments passed his face suddenly change as if he were considering something before he let out another sigh and looked down at the female below him that was currently being hung. Her face was almost blue at this point and I could tell that she was about to give in. Her eyes were rolling to the back of her head and it looked like she was going to pass out at any moment. "You said your name was Cindy right?" King said as he looked down at the female only to receive no response.

"You know, you were a lot more well behaved than most of the others. That's right don't think I didn't notice, you did exactly as you were told and fulfilled your part perfectly. So as a reward," King said as the wire suddenly snapped. "You're free to go," King said as she gasped for air pulling the thin wire away from her throat. When he said this the female looked up at him clearly horrified. "No, really you're free to go, there's no catch. After all without your cries for help I wouldn't have found whom I was looking for," King said as he looked at the female. She didn't seem to question her good luck as she quickly stood up and began to run away.

King then jumped off the building that he had been sitting on, and landed on the ground in front of me causing a large gust of wind to be sent in all directions, which was rather odd considering he wasn't that high off the ground. I then stood up seeing this having finally recovered from the electricity I had been hit with. King then began to walk towards me, "I'd like to destroy one misconception you may have. You don't have the advantage just because we're surrounded by dust. I chose this location on purpose because I thought it'd be boring if you didn't have the chance to fight back," King said as he continued to walk towards me.

"In other words, I gave you handicap. That being said," King began as the same sadistic smile from before began to spread across his face. "I know, you're a lot weaker than me so I'm not expecting much, but do me a favor and at least try to keep me entertained!"

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