Chapter 1

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Hoji's P.O.V.

4 months later...

My parents sent me away, saying I was possessed. Well, maybe I was, sprouting fox ears and a tail randomly.

They thought I was being possessed by a kitsune; a mythical fox that was known for its many tails. I only had one tail, but then, young kitsune only had one tail, so maybe I was possessed by one.

I was 6 years old when they sent me away. It was a few weeks after I was bitten by that vixen. Flixa, I think she said her name was. She seemed to have talked to me in her mind at the time.

My parents sent me to the country to live with my grandparents. They didn't let me say goodbye to Wakiya. I bet he thought I disappeared off the face of the earth.

He never knew I was part fox. I couldn't tell him.

But now I was finally going home. I had controlled my ears and tail, keeping them hidden, so my grandparents and parents thought I wasn't possessed anymore. They agreed to let me home.

I stared out of the train window at the scenery passing by. I wondered what Wakiya was doing now, and if he had changed at all since I had seen him last.

The country landscape eventually turned into city. I was nearly at Beigoma.

I couldn't wait to see Wakiya again. When the train finally pulled into the station, I was first off it, dragging my case along and running down the streets to Wakiya's house.

I knocked on his door. One of the maids opened it.

"Hi, is Wakiya here?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes, he's in his room."

I pushed past her and ran upstairs as fast as I could.

Opening the door to his bedroom, I slowly peered in. Wakiya was sitting on his bed. His hair was longer than the last time I saw him, and he was thinner, too.

He looked up as he heard me come in, a gasped. "Hoji?"

"Wakiya, I'm back."

Wakiya ran to me, and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back. Under his clothes I felt just how thin he was.

"Wakiya, are you ok?" I asked him worriedly.

Wakiya stared at me, tears suddenly filling his eyes. "My friends..." he whispered. "Shu and Valt... They're dead."

I gasped. I had heard of Valt and Shu. They were strong bladers. But I didn't know Wakiya knew them. "What happened to them?" I asked gently.

Wakiya told me about the drama with Ella, and the way she had brutally killed Shu, then killed Valt, who brought her down with him. It was horrifying.

"I still haven't gotten over it," Wakiya said at the end. "It's like I keep reliving the moment I saw Valt die over and over again."

He began crying again, and I put my arm around him. I wanted to help him, and I needed to tell him that I was a fox demon. But seeing as a cat demon killed one of his best friends, it didn't seem like the right time.

But I knew I had to tell him at some point anyway.

"Wakiya," I began. "The reason I disappeared is because... I'm part fox."

Wakiya's eyes widened. "You mean... you're one of them?"

I nodded. "Yes. A vixen named Flixa bit me about 7 years ago."

Wakiya just stared at me for a minute, then eventually said, "Can I see your ears and tail?"

"Ok," I uncovered them, two point black and white ears, and a matching tail.

Wakiya stroked my ears. "They look cute on you," he murmured.

I blushed. "Thanks..." I replied.

Wakiya stroked them for a while more, then sighed. "Everyone I know that was part animal died. I don't want to lose you too."

"You won't," I reassured him, putting my arm around him again. "I'm staying right by your side."

"Promise me you'll never go away from me again?" Wakiya stared at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

I smiled. "I promise."

So that's the first actual chapter! I hope you like it so far!!!

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