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( ZION CITY, NEVADA, FRIDAY, November 14 2021, 09:21 AM ).

" Hello residents of Z-City !! ", A beautiful blonde woman says to a camera before her, looking smart in a gray fitted suit, " This is Hillary Valentine speaking to you live from the 73rd Alpha remembrance day ceremony at Alpha Square !!! ", she spun around in the noisy crowded park as confetti rains from a passing float.

The camera crew gestures for her to continue after they've got a wide shot with festive background.

" yes as you can see, many have gathered today from far and wide to celebrate the yearly anniversary of the day the first Alpha hero emerged, Block Buster ", she gestures to a towering statue of a male lifting a old timely car that was erected behind her.

Hillary giggles as pack of excited tourist jump around behind her, after they realize they are on camera.

" Alpha pride!!!  ", they yell flashing their Block buster banners and merchandise.

" Alpha pride!!  ", She yells back excited then turns back to the camera, her hair still neat and straight, " as you can see here today, everyone is excited to show their support for the first hero that kick started a revolution of our costumed Saviors-".

Her voice is suddenly drowned out as a loud, ground shaken boom rocks through that area, knocking the people off their feet and rattling surrounding glass wares.

After the tremor fades, Hillary and her crew slowly stagger to their feet looking frazzled like others around them.

" what was that ?  ", She yelled in in a panic tone, looking around as the are stampeding people around her.

Then her attention snaps to a group of scream in the distance, a gasp escapes her lips as she sees in the horizon, the Union bridge falling apart into the Union bay.

" oh my God ", a person struggles to utter while others just stare, speechless.

Until a voice yelled around them, "  in the air ", prompting people's heads to look upwards, getting a brief glimpses of 2 streaks of blue and red heading in the direction of the bridge.


Meanwhile at top the damaged Union Bridge, The citizens flee out of the vehicles as the concrete platform beneath them began to fissure and fall apart. Sending unfortunate automobiles to the shallow depths of the bay beneath.

Among the many abandoned vehicles, a broken school bus dangled at the bridge's edge, having been made to swerve off the road due to the initial shock wave of the blast. It inhabitants look out, still trapped within, unable to move out.

" okay children.. Let's stay calm... No sudden movements...okay ! ", the teacher aboard the bus says to her scared seated students in the best calm tone she could muster, but her sweaty face betrayed her.

The try their best to sit still as the sounds of tittering and cracking echo in from outside.

" oh my God,  we're gonna die man... ", a teen said from the back seat, " fall off and be one of those statistics thingies on the news ", he held his head, others around him begin to grow anxious and murmuring ensues.

The teacher clears her throat, " that's enough Mister Ford...your behavior while understandable... It ultimately useless for the time being...", she says with a small growl as she felt some dust trickle her nose from the outside.

" b-but it's the truth Ms. Belle ...", he paused as another echo of tension is heard from the bridge cables, " it's game over man, game over...Jerry Ford... Gone at the age of 16...by way of street pizza ", he whines, causing his class mates to panic as well.

" That's enough Mister Ford, you are... You're... ", Belle tired to speak as the urge to sneeze starts to take her, " you are not-ACHOO !! ", she let's out a loud sneeze and the is a vibration through the whole bus, everyone goes silent.

The sound of more tension could be heard from outside followed by a Snap.

The bus slips off the edge and free falls towards the murky depths bellow, all its inhabitants scream in terror.

Then just as quickly as the descent started,  the bus stops with a thud as it hits something.

" w-what ? ", Ms. Belle asked no one in particular as she looked around in confusion, her hands still trembling.

" outside ", a voice yelled and everyone moved to looks out their windows, just in time to see the bus slowly lowered towards solid ground by a familiar slim male clad in red and black spandex with a grey domino mask.

The outline of another figure is briefly seen holding up the crumbling bridge.

" Holy s*it it's The Crimson Defender ! ", Jerry yelled just as the Alpha Hero set the bus gently down near Alpha square.

Crimson Defender cleans his gloved hand and does a small flirty wink to the people in the bus, " stay safe now... ", before zipping off back towards the bridge.

The people in the bus begin to murmur in excitement and even the bus driver let's out a relieved sigh as he opened the doors.

" Jamie,  Jamie ", Jerry taps a staring fair skinned teen causing him to jolt, " Jamie... Did you see C.D just saved us...and I think he even winked at me ", he says as he stood up to join the queue exiting the bus.

" alright everyone... Single file out ", Miss Belle's voice chants to the students from outside.

Jamie just glanced back at the bridge then stood up, " yeah, sure thing Jerry ", he says lowly and looked down with a small smile.


( HENDERSON, NEVADA, FRIDAY, November 14 2021, 09:37 PM ).

A bored Jamie is seated at a table with 3 other individuals, who are all casually eating plates of pasta.

The television blares in the background about the recent bridge rescue by The Guardian and his sidekick The Crimson Defender .

Jamie tiredly pokes at his meal.

The dark skinned woman seated before him, swallows her food then says, " so James how was your school field trip today ? ".

" indeed...the one to the Alpha museum in Zion City I believe ? ", The mature male seated beside the woman chimes in as he cleaned his brown beard with a palm.

" yeah... It was boring...I mean who gives a test at a museum ", James grumbles with a small pout then ate a fork full of his pasta.

Both adults let out a laugh.

"....that's it?! I heard the Union bridge broke down and that even The Guardian and the totally awesome Crimson Defender showed up...bet it was pretty cool huh ", another snarky voice comes in from the other dark skin male seated beside James with a smile, "...huh, huh, huh... "

James just squints and shifts to the side, as the other male start poking him with his elbow repeatedly.

" Mom, Dad...tell Mike to quit bugging me and for him to stop referring to himself in the 3rd person. ", James yells out to the 2 adults.

" Michael stop bothering your brother at the table ", Their mother says as she cuts up her steak, Michael let's out a small playful boo and James get back to his meal.

" thank you ", he says with a small smile and briefly stuck his tongue out at Michael. 

" But good job out there Michael ", their dad says with as small nod.

" haha shucks dad ", Michael blushed then grinned from the compliment, rubbing his curly brown hair.

" careful Dad he might get a stroke if you keep filling his head with ego...the brain needs some oxygen after all ", James snarks just low enough to be heard, Mike rolls his eyes and their mom chuckles.

" now don't be so cruel James, you have to admit...he did look cool saving your bus ", their dad says after laughing himself.

He huffs with a small smile, " yeah... Jerry wouldn't stop bugging all day ", before taking the last bite of his food, " glad you guys showed up by they way,  I was a bit worried for a sec....but yeah you guys looked cool as always...even if you keep wearing tights ", he snickered at the last part.

" I swear I am not sure why most heroes wear spandex materials actually ", Their mom says after a pause, "...maybe it's more aerodynamic or the flashy-ness gives us a good distraction ", she shrugged and placed a hand on her chin.

Then 2 distinct beeps are heard and both parents take out there cell phones almost simultaneously.

" hmm ", both let out as they look at the screen.

James packed his empty plate, "...hero stuff with the Ultimates I assume ".

" huh oh no we just need to finalize stuff for our move to Zion City ", their mom says as she gets up from her seat with her husband.

" yeah...just a slight payment mishap with the roofing, but we should be fine to move there next week ", their dad says as he puts on his glasses and grabs car keys from the table, James nods before leaving for the kitchen with his dirty dish.

" that's great,  you guys go quickly...don't I'll handle the dishes ", Michael says eagerly as his parents move towards the door, they give him looks of slight skepticism.

" have a safe trip to Vegas you 2 ", James walked back out of the kitchen, a smile on his face.

" sure thing bud, we'll try not to take long back ", their dad grins before he walks outside.

" take care of the house you 2...love you both ", their mom puts on a Fedora before shutting the door behind her.

Jamie jolts as Mike zoomed past him with a gust of wind as he cleared the table, the sound of his ( Mike's ) chuckle is heard from the kitchen.

James shook his head, " idiot ", before he went up the stairs towards his room.

He slumps onto his bed after he enters, letting out a small tried groan.

Not long after he rests on his bed he is interrupted by loud knocking and Michael's voice, " hey dude...can I come on ".

" fine sure ", he grumbled and covered his eyes with his arm.

The door slipped on and Mike's glasses wearing face stuck through, " hey dude... Are you excited that we're gonna be moving to Z-city...", he floated into his room over the dirty rug.

" yeah...I happy ", the teen groans and sat up.

"...and you're excited you are gonna be going to the same school as your awesome big bro ", Mike lands at the foot of his bed and struck a pose to show off his developing muscles.

James just blinks in silence then says in a highly monotone voice, "...oh I'm ecstatic ".

" wow I can just feel the joy from you ", Michael gave his brother a sarcastic look, the latter of which responds with an eye roll.

" hey don't give me that look, Jessica is the lying sibling not me ", he says tossed his pillow at his brother's face.

" true, our older sister's illusion ability did get her that law scholarship...", Mike says as he peels off the pillow, " but I don't need to have mom's psychic abilities to know something is up with my dear little bro ", he chuckles and rubbed his hand hard in James's similar curly brown hair.

" hey hey,  stop it...", he says and managed to break free from his much stronger sibling, " you are just a year older than me,  do you always have to beat it in ".

Mike briefly chuckles at Jamie's messy hair, " of course... It's a year you will never have ".

Jamie frowned and rubbed his temples, " what do you want here anyways?  ".

Mike's smile fade and he adjusts his glasses, " you just... Seem a little off lately Jamie...heck you're going to be early on a Friday! So.... WHERE ARE THE DRUGS !! ", he forced a laugh.

James froze then joined in with the awkward laugh, " oh man... Your fake laugh sounds so retarded Four eyes... ", he stops to catch his breath and look down, " no... I'm fine... Just a bit bummed I guess ".

" oh why so ? ".

" well we're moving to a new city, and I'm going to attend a new school... Just a bit stressful since we just moved to Henderson like 8 months ago!  ", he groaned and fell back onto his bed.

" yeah I guess moving around a lot is sorta stressful...but I mean this way we get to explore every state eh?  ", he jests then looked at his brother, " yeah...it's never easy living with a family of superheroes...", his voice drifts off and the is a rush of wind.

Jamie sat up again feeling the gush, ' I need thicker pjs ' , he says in his mind and shivered , just as the same gust of wind passed in and Michael is sorted by his bed with a bowl of steaming ravioli.

"...but I'm sure having a family of heroes has it's perks ", Mike smirks and offered him the meal, " so I made sure to get some ravioli while me and dad were stopping Tremor in Italy, since your totally cool big bro knows how much you love Italy food ".

" gee thanks ", James smiled briefly then sighed, "...and you forgot the utensils ", he gestured to just the bowl of food he set on his lap.

Michael froze then folded his hands, " well... no one is perfect ".

James just starts laughing then gently punched his brother on the shoulder, knowing any harder an he might break his fingers, " just go get some forks and join ya goof ".

Michael chuckled himself, " fine fine...just pick a movie ! ", he floats slowly away as if deflated.

After his brother exits he shakes his head reached for the nearby remote on his counter top, " well so much for an early night...wonder what movies are on by 10:30 ", the television comes on.


Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed the first chapter, like, read and comment to me your opinions.


Signing off.

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