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( ZION CITY, NEVADA, MONDAY, November 17 2021, 10:02 AM ).

"🎶 Last night at the show we saw him...going out of his tree...🎶 ".

"🎶 well you're walkin' and a talkin'... 🎶 ".

"🎶 YOU'RE MY WALKIE TALKIE MAN 🎶 !!! ", both Michael and his mother scream in unison as they sing along to ' Sterigram's Walkie Talkie Man ' playing from the car's radio.

James groans audibly from the backseat as his focus while observing moving traffic is broken yet again by these 2 family members, " what is with you 2 today ".

" oh sorry James, we just thought playing your favorite song  would get you excited for you first day at school ",  his mom says as she turned down the volume of the song,  still keeping her eyes on the road ahead.

Jamie chuckles and mumbled under his breath , " oh it was my favorite song until now...", his fingers tap the board from anxiety.

Mike rolls his eyes and turned back, " are you sure your super power isn't salt ".

" pfft...are we there yet ", he went back to looking out the window as the car was now going up the mountain path.

" very close actually ", Their mom replied as she swerved off the main road, aligning towards an empty path on the mountain's side.

" we're taking a shortcut! ", Mike informed him with a wide smile.

James gave him a look before looking back outside quick enough to see the car heading towards the face of the mountain, " hmm Wow wait That's Not-Gahhhhh !", he braced for impact with his arms and legs.

But instead of the car crash he expected, they just drive through the wall into a lit up tunnel with red brick walls.

His slowly quoted down and fades into a ".... Wha?!  ".

" no feet on the chair James ", their mother spoke calmly.

James slowly put his legs and arms down, his heart was pounding as his expression turned from fear to embarrassment upon realizing he had been screaming.

Michael started laughing, " oh man...that priceless look on your face...if only my glasses were electronic...turn ya into one of those internet cat videos ", he adjusts his glasses to see James frowning and breathing hard, " haha hey,  I freaked out too on my first day ", he gave him a warm smile then turned back forward.

James exhaled deeply and look around the walls of the tunnel as they drive through , " so... The school is eh underground?  ".

" not quite dear... ", his mom spoke up as the emerge out of the tunnel into a lush green space with a large building situated at the side of the mountain, " Paragon Academy is at the center of this mountain...almost on a artificial rift valley if you will ", she says and began to slow down as they near a parking lot.

James went silent as he was looking at the new environment beyond his window in awe. He didn't notice that the car had stopped until Michael came up to tap on the glass in front of him.

He blinked, " oh...yeah ", he strapped on his bag and push open the door to step out onto the pavement.

Their mom's window goes down and she says, " have a good day at school boys,  Michael watch over your brother okay? ".

" sure thing mom ", Mike placed an arm around his brother's shoulder to pull him close, James just grumbles.

" love you 2! ", she blew a kiss to them.

" love you mom ", Mike says back happily then gave the silent James a light squeeze.

" gah-love you too mom ", the younger boy yelped out.

The dark skinned brunette smiled at her kids before the window goes up,  she waves back before driving out if the lot.

James glared at his brother, who smiled back goofily, "...put me down four eyes ".

Mike lets go of his little brother , " oh sure...Come on, your handsome awesome brother gotta show you around ", he grins at him.

" ...surreeee ", Jamie just walked past him towards the main building in front.

" hey wait up! ", he flew after him, reaching the doors before the other male, " gotta let me lead remember... I go here New kid ".

James just smiles and shrugs, having not been called new kid in a while. Felt nice having an excuse to be dumb -

The door pops open with a ding after Michael just touched the handle, " DNA recognizing doors... They electrocute those who aren't registered ".

"ah...neato ", James says with a slow nod, what was this prison?

" yeah... Come Come, we need to register you first ", Michael pulled James in with him.

Both boys were now inside a large, empty,  bright white hallway, blue and silver lockers lined the sides of the arc space with yellow spiral stairways extended up the 8 visible floors.

James felt as if the were seemingly infinite branching hall ways, each was mark by a word and numbers for identification , but he still it looked like a..., " a maze...is this supposed to make us late for class intentionally ".

Michael chuckled to himself,  " maybe...i wouldn't be surprised if Crowley was behind that... ", he starts to float again, " but only a few of us actually use the ground to move... Let's go... Crowley is probably pissed now ", he flew forward and up the stairway.

James just huffed and followed him up the stairs on foot.

After a few more twists and turns , both males were now before a gold glass door that stood out in white hallway with the words ' principal Douglas ' carved there for display.

James gulped a bit feeling a bit uneasy, Michael snickers at this and simply pushed the door open.

The strong smell of lavender immediately greets both Alexanders on their way into a room that looked like an every day principals office  with desks, cupboards with presumably files , pictures of staff on the walld, ceiling fans, house plants, and a scowling secretary.

James jolts a bit upon making eye contact with the female, ' that's a welcoming face - '.

" Alexander...", the mature lady began in a tone that did poorly in hiding her displeasure , "...how may I waste my time on you today ? ",  She let put a small yawn.

" well Mrs Crowley...can I start by saying how beautiful you look today ", Mike tells the senior with a wide smile , Crowley's look of disinterest did not falter, " hmm...tough crowd, we I'm here to register my Brother! for DNA recognition software...", he gets to the point , adjusting his glasses.

Crowley grunts and her green eyes now fall upon James , who was standing behind Michael with a nervous smile.

" hmm...that would be all you may leave now Alexander ", she just says after some seconds.

Michael blinks , " but he is my- ".

" I'm sure you have classes to get to...you may leave! ", Crowley cuts him off and got out some files.

Mile grumbled a bit but turned to leave , " I won't be far bro ", he tells James before he walked out the door.

James only had time for a nod before he is called by the secretary.

" take a seat ".

The teen obeyed and sat down perched at the edge of the wooden chair.

Crowley reads the file , " I am going to ask you a few questions to check with your information...", she glanced up at him briefly enough to see his silent nod, " good , first questions...full name and sex ".

James almost gave her a look that said ' really ', but instead managed to say , " James Miles Alexander, Male ".

" age? ".

" 16... ".

Crowley nods, " child of of Theodore and Starlia Alexander...popularly know as the heroes Guardian and Lucid ", she read more of his file then asked , " any abilities ? ".

".... Eh ", James gulps a bit and his nervous smile creeps back in full force.


Back outside, Michael was crouched by the door, his ear rested on the frame as he wondered how his sibling was fairing with Mrs. Le Blanc.

A few students murmur after they walk past him in the hallway, giving him questioning looks.

Afterwards the a familiar click and whirl from the door. Mike jumps up to his feet, dusting himself as he tried to look casual.

James walks out rubbing his arm with visible discomfort, the door shut itself behind him.

" how did it go?! ",  Mike asked in a quick whisper, causing his voice to rise a little.

" it was... Odd, I mean did she really need blood samples ? ", James laments with a small groan, his brother held in a chuckle.

" yep old Mrs. Crowley...A Very interesting specimen ",  Michael told him with a grin as he ran a hand into his sand blonde curls.

" interesting isn't quite the word I want to use now...anyways she gave me a note and told me about an orientation? ",  He said in an unsure tone, as he hands the note over.

" oh... Yeah, that thing ",  Mike face palmed with a groan before turning to leave, " come on we gotta get you to the gym... ".

James followed him, looking around in the bright hall as they went then stopped on the teenager guiding him,  " hmm... It's odd you know, odd that you go to a school like this... ".

Michael glanced back as he went down some stairs, " hmm? Is it because I'm too awesome for a place like this one? ", he gave him a goofy grin, Jamie rolled his eyes.

" not that... It's just that, aren't you supposed to be in a class? ".

"... Well I am being a caring sibling and showing my lil bro around on his first day ",  He answers with a cough, rubbing his nape

James let out a sarcastic hum, " right.... You are skipping classes because your are just that caring and selfless...", he laughs as they were now on a different floor that had wooden walls and smelled of polish.

" I... Oy shut up,  we're here okay! ",  The older teen blurts out as they stood before some dual green doors with the words Gymnasium above it.

Jamie chuckled lowly as he went forward, about to push the door open only for the other Alexander sibling to stop him with a hand on the shoulder.

" good luck in there... Remember to smile if you feel awkward ",  Mike beams to him, adjusting his glasses before patting his brother softly on the back, " see you later lil Green ".

" You know you can't keep calling me that in public... ",  Jamie told him, Mike just laughs and flew away in a gust of wind.

The remaining male exhaled to himself before pushing the doors forward, the room within looked like any regular high school gym, with retracted bleachers, an indoor court, large lights and even that faint smell of despair mixed with cleaning wax.

Jamie quickly scuttles to join a group he saw gathered at the center.

They all seemed to listening to a large Caucasian male in a grey track suit and red baseball hat, who was scolding a scaly looking male.

Jamie was about to make a mental joke on how stereotypical obvious the gym teacher looked, then he was called out.

" hey you! ", a Barry tone voice calls out.

The biracial teen blinks and the ' gym teacher ' was now visibly pointing at him, " eh... Me? ", how was he called out already?!

" Yes you, late guy...can I see your slip ", The fit male walked over and took the paper from the slightly nervous teen, " hmm, an Alexander huh... Well then, you are in team three until I call Mr. James ", he points to a group of 3 by the basket ball stand.

Jamie only gave a small nod before strolling over to the said third group, a males and a smiling female glanced over upon his arrival.

" oooo looks boys we got a new one ",  she states with glee and darts forward to briefly startled Jamie, extending a hand out, " Hi I'm Mandy, You? ", she beamed silently motioning to her still extended hand.

" eh James... ", He finally took her hand, most of his attention on rainbow braids of the tanned slim female.

" cool, cool, welcome Jack...well trench coat and scowl face over there are Casteline and Logan-".

" Hogan ! ",  The tallest member corrects and glared at her, his tanned face was in a frown.

Hogan's piercing heterochromia eyes and outlines of dark sideburns made him rather menacing looking, even if his purple spiky hair spoke other things.

" sure sure, Hogan, Logan, what's the difference really ",  Mandy shrug and barely stiffle a mischievous chuckle, giving James a small side wink.

James couldn't help by smile a little, Hogan sent them both a beast like growl about to say something.

" could you guys quiet down...I can't hear who Coach Darius called ",  Casteline said back in a low and lazy tone, he was focused on the center of the gym.

Darius looks at his clip board before yelling, " Next student, the Di Angelo triplets... ",  as he said this 3 dark haired teens dash forward to him, each with the same goofy smile, " Well introduce yourself and show us what you can do... ".

The triplets nod and do mock salutes, " sir yes sir! ".

Darius just rolled his eyes a little as the young males got into a formation.

" I am Marco... ".

" Marci "

" Marcee ".

The three stop to do a brief bow, just before each one of them split and a clone of each triplet stood at there side.

The class stare in amazement with a few including Darius clapping for the 6 Di Angelos, James couldn't help but stare in awe.

The 6 males all do back flips then high five each other, the clones getting reabsorbed back into their source, returning their numbers back to 3.

" thank you Di Angelos ", Darius comments as the 3 teens left back to their spot, the coach glanced at his board, " Next up...Luna, introduce yourself and show your ability... ".

A red haired girl in sunglasses and an orange jumpsuit strolled out, she rubbed her elbow before beginning, " hello I'm Luna...I...have sparkly light powers I guess ",  she said unsure then raised her hand up, a spectrum of light shone out to the other surrounding students.

James was starting to feel intimidated, he glanced over to the 3 teens beside him. Casteline was yawning, Hogan was on his phone and Mandy was twirling the unbraided sections of her hair.

Darius gave a small nod, a few claps could be heard before Luna goes back to the crowd, a bright blush on her face.

" alright the last up is...late guy!Alexander, introduce yourself and show us an ability ".

James coughed as he choked on his own saliva, " oh.... ",  he walked and stood at the center as seen before.

" well go on, I don't have all day you know! ",  The coach pipes up as he took off his hat to reveal a full patch of black hair.

".... ",  James's face just got into the same nervous smile from before, " eh...  ".


Thank you for reading, the song the Alexanders were singing is below. Until next time,
like and comment your opinions.

Michael. W

Signing off. 


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