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Brian was just falling asleep when he realized he was arriving. 'Finally,' he thought, getting out of the car after taking his backpack. He looked around and sighed.

He picked up his backpack and started walking. He drove here for two days by bus. In the meantime, he has rented a room rather said a small apartment and registered at the high school here. Tomorrow was his first day so he has to go shopping today. Hawkins was a small town. But he liked it, he went to the house where his new home was and took out the key from a pot plant standing next to the front door. The landlord told him that he was there. Brian opened the door and looked around, a small smile forming on his lips. The apartment was perfect and the furniture he had was not bad either.

He threw his backpack on his double bed and decided to take a shower. He took fresh clothes from his bag and got into the shower. After he got ready, he grabbed his purse and key and left.

He bought things the whole day. So food, drinks, school clothes, clothes, decoration. When he was back home, he put everything together and decided to go to sleep after he made his dinner.

The next morning he woke up from his alarm and got ready. He then went to the kitchen and had breakfast. After that, he snatched his bag and keys and went to his new school. He has never been in one since he lived his entire life in a laboratory and for about 10 years in a kind of prison/lab in Russia.

When he arrived, he looked at the school. He imagined the school bigger. He took a deep breath and watched a few children and Teenager in his age who slowly arrived at the school. He finally wanted to find her again, finally holding her in her arms again and telling her how much she means to him. Even though he has not seen her for 10 years, he loved her more than himself.

He missed his little sister. Why did they have to take her away from him? Why her?

He sighed as he felt his eyes on him again. 'Is it really that annoying to be the new one?' he thought. Suddenly, people's attention escaped him and turned to a car, which entered the parking lot at a very fast pace. Brian didn't really care, and goes into the building for the secretary where he met the director. The director told brian everything he needed to know and gave him his schedule and locker number.

The director told him that there are two more new students and that there were siblings. Brian was not interested but didn't want to come over unfriendly and let him just tell. The director finally brought Brian to his class and told the teacher of the grade. Brian quickly introduced himself and took the seat in the back of the last corner. He received a lot of attention, first of all from the girls.

Again, he not really care about it. The teacher continued with the lesson and Brian listened and even joined. Even though he never attended school, he was not stupid. he was even really smart.

When the lesson was over he made it the student and left the class. His look was totally focused on his schedule so he didn't see the girl he ran against. She gasped furiously and looked at him "Earth an idiot can you pay attention to where you're going?" asked the girl. He looked up and frowned at the girl. She had dark blond hair which wavy went up to her shoulders. She had blue eyes and freckles (Robin). "Sorry" he mumbled and wanted to pass her but she stopped him. "You are the new boy, right?" she asked. Brian sighed and nodded, "Yes, my name is Brian and you?" he asked. "Robin..what's your next class?" she asked. "History," he said. "Me too, come with new kid if you want to know where the class is.." Robin said and left. Since Brian really had no idea where his class was, he went with the girl.

Both sat in the back and robin started a conversation with him. "Where are you from?" she asked. Brian sighed again and looked at the girl next to him. "Russia...since yesterday here.." he just said and glanced back to the teacher.

"You have no accent?" She said when she heard him speak. He leaned back in his chair and tucked his hands into his pants pockets. "By birth I'm from Hawkins...just moved to russia ten years ago and now back here.." he lied half and she nodded.

Both talked for the whole lesson and got to know each other. Brian often had to lie, at the end of the lesson they went out and went to their lockers whoch were next to each other.

They continued talking as suddenly the whole corridor became quiet. Robin and Brian were also quiet and saw where the hallway looked. There came a boy with dirty blonde long hair, tight jeans and jeans jacket. His walk style reminded Brian of a cow boy. "Then this is the second new idiot.." Robin said and crossed her arms as she watched him walk down the hall with a dirty grin and cocky face. Girls gazed after him swiftly when Brian's and billy's eyes met. Billy's expression changed for a second, he felt weird. He shook off the feeling and went on. 'Ok what was that?' brian wondered.

After the moment Brian was looking around as his eyes met a small group of boys coming into the building. There were four guys including Mike, Will, Dustin and Lucas.

"Yes Ten is fine," he heard Mike say. 'Ten? Like 010? It may be? That would be too easy. But he looks like the boy which Lila saw in her vision' he thought. "World at Idiot again?" Robin asked, pulling Brian out of his thoughts. "Huh? What?" He asked, looking questioningly at her,"it rang, we have to move on to the next class," she said, Brian nodded to her and followed her to the class, his gaze returning to the group and focused at mike who also looked to him because Mike didn't know him and wondered who that was, Brian broke his look and went into the class.

He had to stick to the boy..

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