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When Ten and Mike were back at home, Ten sat in front of the window like every night and watched the stars. She loved the stars. "Hey Ten?" Mike asked suddenly. Ten turned to him and looked at him questioningly. "I want to show you something.." he said. She was confused and went to him. "Wait a minute I'll be right back...I just want to get something.." said Mike and ran up to the kitchen where he got a colander and ran back down again.

She watched him confused as he grabbed a flashlight and went into the tent. He went out again and turned off the light before reaching for her hand. She smiled and took his hand, he went with her into the tent and lay down with her. "Do you want to see something cool?" he asked and she nodded. He smiled slightly before he did the flashlight under the colander and turned it on. The light of the flashlight shone through the holes of the colander, shining against the blankets that surrounded them. It almost looked like the two were under a starry sky and it was really beautiful. Ten looked around the tent like a little kid who gets a new toy and lifted her hand lightly and wanted to touch one of the lights. Mike watched the brown haired girl until he saw her hand. He didn't know why but he reached for her hand and crossed his hand with hers the next moment. Her attention was on mike who also looked at her. "I've noticed how much you loved to watch the stars...and because we can't go out there, i did this...I hope you like that too.." he said softly. She smiled, sat up and leaned down slightly to him. His eyes widened, his heart beat a hundred times faster than usual and his cheeks turned pink as he felt her lips against his cheek.

"It's..beautiful.." she whispered. They knew somewhere deep that they had come closer and soon could no longer deny what they feel for each other.

The next day when Ten woke up she looks around, she grabs the bottle next to her and take a sip.

She turn around to see mike who still sleeps. As she looks at the watch from mike she saw that it was 5 1 2. Mike has to wake up at 8 1 5 so she let him sleep and watched him a bit. She had a dream about three kids. Two girls and one boy. She don't know who this three kids are but she knows she was one of them. She got a strong headache through the dream and felt weak.

She smiles to herself softly as she notice that mike was close to her again and forgets that she feels so bad from the dream. He looks somehow peaceful and has a very little smile on his lips. She wondered what he dreamed that he was so happy?

Mike PoV

It was a normal day, i was playing D&D with the boys in my basement when I suddenly found someone next to me. I turned my head to the side and discovered Eleven. She looked at me smiling and I smiled back. She was back, by my side.

Suddenly i remembered me on Tini, where was she? "Guys, where is Ten?" I asked. All three guys looked at me with a special look. "Don't you even remember what happened to her?" Lucas asked and I heard from his voice that he almost hated me for talking about her. What happened to her? I don't remember anymore?

I felt Eleven hold my hand and looked at her like she at me. "She died, so I'm back with you how you wanted it," she said. What? No. She...she is not dead. "No...she's not dead...no I... we were in the arcade with her yesterday...me and her...we...ten..." I said, feeling like my whole stomach pulled together and my voice cracked. "El's right the way you wanted it...now you have El again and you're guilty of Ten's death...she just wanted to help you because you were the first person which was important to her...that's why she is death, to make you happy!" said Lucas. Tears formed in my eyes "I just wanted to have eleven back...she was important to me too", I said and looked at my friends. "No, stop lying, don't you remember what you said? Ten's nothing just a girl we found." Said Dustin and my stomach hurt more and more.

"She's important to me! I just said that because you annoyed me all the time that I was in love with her! She made me happy again!" I yelled.

All of a sudden everything disappeared and everything was black. I felt something grabbing my shoulder and turned around. Ten...

"Ten!" I said, hugging her tightly. She hugged me too and I felt tears running down my cheeks. "Please don't go.." I sobbed quietly and buried my face in her hair.

Her grip loosened around my waist and we both met our eyes. Her little hand wandering to my cheek and she gently wiped the tears away with a small smile on her lips. "Never..." she whispered and then I did something totally unexpected, I pulled her to me and pressed my lips against hers.

He almost jumped in shock and gasped. 'It was a dream...' he thought and laid back confused. Why did he dream of kissing Ten? He touched his lips and looked up at the ceiling.

"Mike?" Ten whispered beside him questioningly. Immediately he stopped touching his lip and looked at her. "Everything ok, did I wake you up?" He asked. She shook her head and looked at him. She watched him for a while as he slept, she found it interesting how his facial expressions changed every few seconds. From happy to sad then happy again to surprised and then shocked.

It was still dark and they both met their eyes. He felt bad that he had tried to distance himself from her the last week. She don't deserved that and he actually don't want it to distance himself from her. But he was confused, she confused him.

He wanted El back and now he can't lose Ten. He would broke if he lose her. "I'm sorry.." he said softly and looked into her eyes. She was confused and frowned.

"I'm sorry that i was such a douchebag to you last week.." he said a bit sad and looked down and not in her eyes anymore.

Suddenly she grabbed his hands what he saw because he looked at his hands and then back up to her. She smiled slightly and looked at him "It's ok.." she whispered. Her voice made his heart beat several times faster. She grabbed his hand, let his stomach celebrate a party and her eyes made him disappear into a completely different world. What was wrong with him?

"I need you.." he whispered and looked into her eyes again. He really need her. "I need you too..." she whispered back and was the first time sure about that what she said.

He smiled like her and pulled her into his arms. She hugs him from the side and buried her face in his chest. He put his head on hers and sighed.

Why does he allow that? Why does he allow her to become so important to him every second they spend with each other? She sighed too and closed her eyes. 'I need you so much..' she thought.

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