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*There might be spice, so viewer discretion is advised*

lucille granger

I walk down the corridor with my head pounding and Onyx passive-aggressively venting about last night.

"Like, how could Blaise just leave me with a blanket?! Not a shirt of his. No, but a blanket! Was the sex not great? You know, he always gets on my damn nerves," Onyx rambled as I struggled to keep myself to the ground.

I have no clue what happened last night. After I tried the muggle-herb, my mind completely went blank. It's a blur to me, but I feel as if something terrible happened, and it's only a matter of time until it unravels.

"Y'know, Onyx. It wouldn't hurt if you just made things official with him," I recommended, tying my hair up.

We got to Charms class just in time before a scurry of students burst in last minute.

"I'd rather keep my sanity, thank you very much," She responded as I chuckled softly. "Is Enzo a good kisser?"

"I have no clue, but if he woos half the school then I assume so," I responded as I took a seat. She looks down at me with a smirk, and my face puzzled with confusion. "Why... are you looking at me like that?"

Her face instantly drops and she takes a seat, still looking at me. "You don't remember, don't you!" she gasped, hand over her mouth.

I look at her with confusion.

"Backtrack for me? I have no idea what you're talking about," I respond quietly.

She huffed and a smile grew across her face, waiting for her to tell me.

"You kissed..." she whispered, as she started pointing to someone heading our way.

"Does your head hurt?" Lorenzo interrupted, "Because mine sure does". I look up at him and he smiles. I notice that he has some sort of cut on his cheekbone. I look back at Onyx and my jaw instantly drops.

"No fucking way!" I whisper-shout, trying not to cause a scene.

"What, what happened?" Lorenzo takes a seat across us.

"Do you remember us kissing?" I nonchalantly question.

"Of course I do, love," He responded. I groaned in embarrassment. "Your little boyfriend punched me in the fucking face after that".

Onyx let out a snort but stopped immediately, "Sorry".

"Wha—. Who? Who punched you in the face? My boyfriend? Who's that?"

"He and Blaise have already arrived," He says as he looks behind me.

I turn around to see Draco and Blaise enter the classroom. They make their way towards our table. I turn back around at Lorenzo as confusion grows on my face once more.

"Why in the hell would he punch you? Did you say something to him?" I whisper shouted before they reached our table. "And why would you call him my fucking boyfriend!"

He just shrugged and chuckled. I definitely have to talk to him after class.

Blaise and Draco take a seat at our table with Blaise next to Lorenzo and Draco next to Blaise.

"Morning," Blaise announces, glancing at all of us. We all say morning back weakly in unison. Draco just keeps quiet.

A few moments of silence lingered at our table, making it awkward pretty fast. I look over at Onyx and she's toying with her bracelet on her wrist, looking down at her lap. I look over to Lorenzo who's flipping the pages of his Charms book. Blaise keeps batting his eyes at Onyx, seeming a bit nervous. Draco is just sitting there; lifeless yet again.

"Quite a night, wasn't it," Lorenzo breaks the silence. No one comments. "Do you guys remember the part where Malfoy plummets his fucking fist on my face?" He snaps. Draco lets out a scoff, following a smirk, indicating that he may be irritated.

"Lorenzo, stop it," Onyx sternly stated.

"I remember pretty vividly," Blaise added.

"Oh? Do you also remember that part where you left me on Draco's bed with just a blanket?"

Blaise immediately looked down in shame.

"You guys fucked? On my bed?" Draco asked with a straight face, but with frustration in his voice.

"Look, man. You left, a-and Luce was sleeping on mine and Onyx and I—"

"It doesn't matter anymore! Just shut up about it!" Onyx raised her voice, which enabled silence at our table.

"Good morning, class! Welcome to your last first day! I made sure that this specific class was strictly all year 6 so that we can cover all the required charms before you head off and start your life," Professor Flitwick announced cheerfully. "I'm delighted to be your teacher yet again".

I huff and pull out my hazelwood wand and Charms book. Today was going to be a long day.


Soon after Charms ended, Onyx, Blaise, Lorenzo, Draco, and I left the classroom together like we always do; like we've been doing for the past 6 years. I pace with Lorenzo because I still needed to know why Malfoy punched him.

"Enzo, why did he do that?" I said as I lightly tapped his cut cheekbone with my finger. He winced and smacked my hand away.

"You're a fucking idiot, first of all, that hurt," He snapped. I couldn't help but giggle. "Secondly, I think you should ask Malfoy. You have time to talk to him. We have 25 minutes before Potions".

The thought of talking to Draco makes my palms sweat. I hate his mean remarks, and all I want is for him to fucking respect me.

"No, I'm too scared," I responded. We all were heading towards the Slytherin Commons, but Draco turned the other way as if he had somewhere important to be. Strange.

"Scared? What the hell is he going to do to you?"

"Punch me?" I retort. He scoffs.

"He punched me because of you," He lightly responded as we entered the commons.

What? Because of me?

"Fuck, did I do something wrong?" I worried.

"No, idiot. I seriously don't know what the fuck even happened. I was plastered. We all were".

He walks away as I stand here in the commons, sulking in my thoughts.

Onyx stands right next to me as Blaise follows Lorenzo.

"Sooo we talked," Onyx said with a little sass.

"About?" I continued. We made our way onto the couch and talked there.

"Him and I. Clearly I can't resist Blaise," she responds, tying her hair up.

"So what are you guys? Dating? Friends with benefits?"

"Just... really good... and I mean really good friends..." Onyx swooned. I gagged at her heart eyes.

"I knew it," I smirked.

Malfoy enters the commons and heads over to Lorenzo and Blaise. Lorenzo and Malfoy make up automatically all the time; it's been like that since we were younger. Lorenzo would always go back to Draco's manor and his family for the holidays because Lorenzo's wealthy and busy family never had time for that stuff. The Malfoys pretty much took in Lorenzo as their own; his family name is popular and a sign of wealth. It holds a strong pureblood lineage, so of course, they'd take him in.

"I'll be back," I told Onyx. I walk up from the couch and head towards the boys who are standing by the large window that shows the beautiful view of the dark lake.

I stumble behind Draco and tap on his shoulder gently. He stops talking to them and turns around. Fuck. My heart suddenly races as our eyes meet.

"What." Draco seethes through his teeth.

"Um, c-can we talk?" I stutter. You're such a sleazeball, Lucille. Stuttering?

Draco rolls his eyes. He aggressively grabs my arm, pulling me with him.

"Where are we going?" I nervously ask. He's walking fast and I can't keep up, so I trip a few. He takes me to an empty corridor and pushes me against the wall then turns around. The wind was knocked out of my lungs for a second.

"What do you need, Lucille," He said calmly yet frustrated.

"Um," I bite my lip, touching my arm where he pulled me so aggressively. "Why did you... punch Lorenzo?"



Still silence.

"I—. Was it something I did? I apologize for whatever it was. I— was drunk and—"

With a sudden movement, he turns around and has me up against the wall out of frustration. He places both his hands against the wall with me in between them. My heart flutters and my palms sweat.

"Stop fucking talking," He whispers up close, his warm breath radiating on my face. I take a whiff of him up close and the instant smell of something minty and a citrus cologne hits my nose, salivating my mouth. "Do you ever just stop talking?"

I gulp as his eyes are staring deeply into mine. He takes his hand and cups my face gently. His thumb runs over my bottom lip as he parts it away from my upper lip. Our breathing patterns rhyme, and he's examining my every facial feature.

"A shame that Lorenzo's already kissed these," He mumbled, eyes on my lips. "You want to know why I punched him?" He removes his hand from my face.

I bat my eyes, still trapped between his two arms. I nod. "Do tell," I breathe.

He lets both his hands down from my entrapment and scoffs.

"He made a mistake kissing a fucking mudblood" He snarled, "I guess you could say I knocked some sense into him".

Draco takes his finger and pushes a strand of my hair from my face behind my ear.

"You need to watch your alcohol intake next time, Granger".

And with that, Draco walks away. The smell of mint and citrus cologne stride away with him He slips back into the commons leaving me against this wall almost breathless. What the fuck was that? What the fuck just happened?

I swallow my saliva and walk back to the commons in utter struck. Malfoy and the boys continue talking to one another like nothing ever happened, and Onyx is on the couch struggling to do her homework.

"So, what happened," Onyx questioned, writing on her parchment.

"U—um. He just told me that he was knocking some sense into Lorenzo for kissing a m-mudblood" I stammered. When I'm frustrated, confused, or even upset I tend to stutter.

Onyx stops writing and puts her quill down. "Do you want me to beat him? You know I can beat him, right?" She declares.

I let out a soft chuckle acknowledging how much love Onyx has for me.

"No need, it's Malfoy. What do you expect?" I assured her as I sat next to her.

"It's just a shocker that he would even punch his best friend that way, you know?"

"Yeah, I totally agree," I say as I glance over at Malfoy, Blaise, and Lorenzo laughing together. "Strange trio, they are".

"No doubt there, Granger. Money does weird things to you," Onyx blurted as she continued to write.


Onyx and I enter the Potions classroom, with Blaise and Malfoy following behind. We didn't have a class with Lorenzo. We take a seat close to the front of the class. This is the same class I have with Hermoine, Harry, and Ron.

Seeing them three makes me feel guilty.

"Do you think we'll all be in the same house?" Ron questions, stuffing his mouth with full of licorice wand.

"No doubt! I mean, where ever Hermoine goes, I follow. After all, we're the bestest bestest sisters ever, and we're all we got in that huge school!" I cheer, munching on chocolate frogs.

Harry splits a pumpkin pasty with me and Hermoine watches us all eat sweets. She's not really a sweet fanatic.

"Plus, we've always talked about being in Gryffindor since we were little," Hermoine added. She looked at me and smiled.

"Can you teach me what you know?" Harry asks Hermoine.

"I think my sister knows more, but if one day we get into a funny argument definitely come to me," Hermoine asserts, following a laugh, "Which will never happen. You have the both of us; we're a pair".

"Forever!" I exclaim as I stuff another chocolate frog into my mouth.

"Will all four of us be forever?" Ron asks, scratching his head. His rat crawls onto my lap and I give it a good pat on the head with my finger.

"Duh, Ron. Best friends forever, ever heard of that saying?" Hermoine gushed.

"Nothing can come between us, right?" I ask the three. A moment of silence emits our booth, and the only thing audible is the train going speedy fast on the track.

"Nothing. We promise" Harry responds, sticking out his pinky. We all somehow intertwine our pinkies together and share a laughter

"Lucille! Are you fucking there?" Onyx's voice interrupts my heart-wrenching flashback. A tear pools in my eyes but before they could hit the cold air I wiped them with my robe sleeve.

"Yeah, sorry. What's up?" I ask

"I said did you bring your textbook because I forgot mine at the commons,"

I sighed and pulled out my Potions textbook.

Just then, Harry, Ron, and Hermoine walk in chuckling. They seem pretty happy, and I'm glad.

Although I could've been with them, too.

"Ugh, fucking Gryffindors," Blaise mutters, in which made Draco chuckle.

I kept quiet like I always do. Anytime they bicker about the Gryffindors, specifically Harry, Ron, and my sister, I always keep quiet. I think that's partly why we aren't close anymore. At all, actually. When we go home for the holidays, Hermoine and I hardly ever speak to each other. It's heart wrenching, but I guess that's what happens when you're sorted into a different house.

Chatter fills the room, and it immediately comes to a halt when Professor Snape appears.

"Majority of you all are year sixes. I should not find myself repeating my words ever, but if I am ever put in that situation then I assume you do not belong in this class..." Snape numbly announces, creating an unsettling feeling in the room. "You all know what my expectations are. But if you don't, then I pity you. Ask the peers around you. I'm sure they know".

Professor Snape continues to speak about expectations anyways.

I can't help but think about my interaction with Draco earlier. I mean, what was that? Why did he touch me like that? Thoughts spiral and it soon gets interrupted as Snape announces the following task for today.

"I hope most of you remember the Amortentia potion, and if you haven't, then turn to pages 359 and 361. Read all about it. I'll be passing potion samples around the room. I advise that you do not ingest it, do not touch the bare potion, and most importantly do not create the potion without my permission". Snape snaps.

"This fucking Amortentia bullshit again?" Blaise bickered as I chuckled. Malfoy and he sat in the table across from Onyx and me.

"I'd love to know what you smell, Mr. Zabini," Onyx teases, twirling her hair. She flashes a grin and Zabini does the same. Ugh, cheeeeesy.

Snape passes the potion samples around, and when it finally reaches our table, Onyx immediately grabs it.

"Tell me what you smell, Onyx," I ask her. She smiles and takes a whiff of the potion as the three of us watch.

A cheesy smile grows across her face and passes it to me without saying anything. I pause.

"Okay... So what did you smell?" I ask her.

"Yeah, what did you smell?" Blaise jeered with a grin, sort of teasing her.

"We all know she smelled Blaise, can you fucking hurry up with the damn potion?" Draco snapped. Onyx's emotions dropped and scoffed.

"I smelled sweet fruit and the Quidditch field," Onyx enunciated. "Your turn, Ms. Granger".

I gently pick up the potion in the round vial and take a whiff.

"Blegh. What the hell?" I groan, "Is it the default smell of this potion mint?"

"Mint?" Blaise queried. "Who the fuck smells like mint?"

"Oh! Wait, I think I'm getting something," I continue to inhale it. For some reason, this smell is making my insides melt. "Like umm.. I can't put my bloody finger on it. It's like, some sort of cologne, but there's some mint too. Mint and cologne. Mint and cologne?"

I put the potion down and shrug. "How odd".

Blaise, Onyx, and Draco are all looking at me in shock. What the fuck now?

"Mint and cologne, I see. Does that smell familiar to you, Onyx?" Blaise sarcastically questioned. I bit my lip in anxiousness.

"I think so.. It's almost like-. It's almost like I can smell it right now, too?" She and Blaise start smelling around like idiots. They continue sniffing up until they were right by Draco Malfoy.

"Ding ding ding!" Blaise bantered, shaking Draco with his hands on his shoulders.

My heart beats fast and my palms sweat once again. My throat tightens and my head feels light-headed. You've got to be fucking joking.

"Th-. There's no way?" I was puzzled and in shock.

"The potion doesn't fucking lie, Granger," Draco smirked sinfully, "Does little mudblood Granger fancy me...?"

"Uh-. Um, w-why would I?" Anxiousness grows within, and I suddenly want to crawl in a hole and never come back out.

"Who wouldn't want to fancy Draco Malfoy in the flesh? He's got beautiful eyes, beautifully chiseled features, and I'm pretty sure he's immaculate in bed," Blaise jesters. Onyx lets out a soft chuckle as she returns to her seat beside me. My face suddenly feels warm after Blaise mentioned his possible immaculate performance in bed.

"I'm irresistible, I get it," Draco swooned, "But don't think I'd give your kind a chance," he mutters. Ouch.

I ignore his last few words and I slid the potion over to Blaise.

Blaise inhales and he immediately smiles. "Chanel No. 5, pumpkin pasties, and clean linens".

Onyx blushes and Blaise flashes a wink. Cheesy yet again.

Draco grabs the potion from him and he takes a few deep whiffs. We wait for him to explain what he smells, but to be honest I could care less. He's fucking heartless and he has no idea what love feels like.

He swooshes the potion around the vile like a glass of fine red wine and smells it once more. He then sets it down.

"So? What did Malfoy smell?" Onyx asks him, elbow on the table as she leans on the palm of her right hand with her chin.

Draco glances over me and our eyes meet. Air is taken out from my lungs, leaving be breathless for a short moment. Why in Merlin's name does that feeling keep happening? It's almost unbearable!

He opens his mouth to speak as the three of us are at the edge of our seats- well, not me, but Onyx and Blaise.

"Nothing," Draco responds flatly. That's complete bullshit!

"There's no way your Amortentia didn't smell like anything!" Onyx blurted. She rolled her eyes and straightened her sitting position.

"You're telling me it doesn't smell like Pansy anymore?" Blaise demurred, scrunching his eyebrows.

"Merlin, fuck no. Never again," He snarls.


I head over to Blaise's dormitory to retrieve a couple of items for Charms before I head to my own room, not really in the mood for lunch right now. Exhaustion infiltrates my whole body, countering with my whole mood.

The Slytherin Corridors are empty and I can hear the echoes of my shoes hitting the cold ground. I drag my body down the hall, fighting the exhaustion. Once I reach the boys' corridors, I make a sharp left to the hallway where Blaise's dorm is.

I pull the spare key of his room from out of my bra. I enter the key into the keyhole and hear a soft click. I push the door open and the smell of fucking cologne and parchment hit my nose immediately. I shut the door behind me and head over to Blaise's bedside table where he told me the ink casings for quills were.

Suddenly, a cold hand grabs the back of my neck and pulls me closer to them. I let out a scream as I get shoved onto Blaise's bed. My throat tightens as I flip over to see who's done it. I breathe heavily as soon as I meet eyes with Malfoy himself.

He grabs both my legs by the space between my calves and my thighs, and pulls me closer to him, with his hips in level to mine. Electric feelings shock through my body, and adrenaline is pumping. He hovers over me and takes his hand to grab onto my neck aggressively, but not painfully.

Am I having some sort of fever dream? Everything is happening so fucking fast!

"I know you can't resist me, Lucille," He snarled through his teeth, "And to be fair, I can't resist you either, Lucille Granger". My heart is rapidly palpitating as his words send chills all over my body. Goosebumps form on my bare thighs and arms.

His face is so close to mine. I can feel his warm breath brush against my face. His lips are almost touching mine, but both his and I's lips gape, sharing the same breath. He takes his thumb and gently glides my plump bottom lip. He's still between my legs, with his hips against my heat. Any movement he makes sends indescribable sensations. My skirt does no job of covering my underwear at all when I'm positioned like this.

"Floral, like orchids. Sweet, like honey or caramel, and a lemony citrus smell," He whispered. All types of alarms in my body went off. "That's what you and my Amortentia smell like".

He lets go of my neck and pulls away, propping himself between my legs. He looks over at my bare thighs. He brushes his fingers against my thighs as I let out a soft moan. I immediately cover my mouth with my hand in shock. Woah, what the fuck Lucille?

He chuckled.

"Feeling alright, Lucille? You can let out all the noises and whimpers you want. No one can hear you" He cockily jeers.

"I-. I'm-. I-," was all that could come out of my mouth.

Draco gently tugs at the hem of my thigh-high socks, slowly bringing them down.

"These make me weak to my knees, Lucille. Are you aware of that?" Draco breathed. I bit my lip, still not fully grasping what the fuck is going on. My body is running on all types of adrenaline rushes.

He pulls them back up and pulls away from between my legs, leaving me on Blaise's bed breathless yet again. I sit up immediately and fix my hair nervously, not really sure what else to say.

"Grab whatever you need and get the fuck out, clear?" Draco snarls yet again. He grabs my chin and looks me straight into the eyes, "And if you speak of this moment, you're going to pay". He aggressively let go of my chin and stormed out of the dormitory.

I sat on Blaise's bed, dumbfounded and speechless.

I slap my face with both my hands to see if I was dreaming or something. Can someone fucking tell me what the hell is going on?

I gather the items needed and storm out of the dorm immediately. I speed walk down the corridor. Without paying attention to where I'm headed, I bump into Lorenzo.

"Merlin, Lucille! Can you watch where you're fucking going?" Lorenzo snaps, following a laugh. I look at the ground, then back at Lorenzo feeling very flustered. "Are you okay? Why are you so red and out of breath?"


"And why are you at the boys' corridors?"

"I— I needed to get things for Blaise. F-for Charms," I responded, choking up.

"Okay...? Well watch where you're going and calm down," Lorenzo suggested. I nodded as I walked away quickly, trying to get the fuck out of the boys' corridor immediately.

As I arrive at my room, I drop everything on the ground and frantically pace the room back and forth.

What in the actual fuck was that?!

The Draco Malfoy?! Between? My? Legs?

Smelling ME in the Amortentia potion?

I slap my face with both hands fast, still trying to see if I'm under some sort of hallucination spell.

The first full day back and things have already gone places I couldn't even imagine.


So... How do you feel? Vote, comment, and PLEASE leave anything suggestive or just a silly comment!

(edited March 11, 2021)

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