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lucille granger

The first dinner back and I already want to leave. Draco's been being super rude for no fucking reason for the past 2 hours.

"I mean, look at you! You're wearing a fucking tight button-up, thigh-high socks, and a short skirt. It's your last year at Hogwarts and suddenly you think I should fucking respect you while you're looking like that?" Draco snaps, stabbing his asparagus with his fork aggressively.

"It's just human decency, Malfoy. I don't understand why you act as I've been under your skin. I haven't even said much to you this whole day..." I respond slowly, pushing my food around on my plate.

"Free the ass, Lucille. Just wear no skirt at all, and maybe then he'll respect you," Lorenzo jokes, throwing a carrot slice into the air and catching it into his mouth, then winking at me. I scoff and roll my eyes.

"Why don't you just shove it, Lorenzo," Onyx snaps, slapping the back of his head yet again. Lorenzo winces and continues eating.

"I just think it's funny that you think you're entitled to my respect. I, Draco Malfoy, a pureblood, do not need to respect your kind". Draco sternly states. He continues eating and Onyx looks at me in despair, almost like she feels bad for me. His words suddenly make my chest tight and my palms sweat.

"Loosen up a little, Malfoy. It's our last year. I think it's time you two become friends," Blaise suggests, scooping mashed potatoes onto his plate. "It's been 6 years. We've all been a group for so long, and the only two that don't get along are you and Luce".

I glance over at Blaise and smile as he smiles back. Blaise has always been nice to me. I don't think he's ever hurt me before. He's a kindred soul, Blaise.

"I'll loosen up when I fucking want," Draco snarls.

"Draco you're a dick," Enzo jesters followed by a slight chuckle.

Irritation grows rapidly and Draco puts down his fork and slams the table with both his palms, which caused me to jump. He closes his eyes and huffs. He glides his tongue against the inside of his cheek and climbs over the bench of the dining table.

"You all are fucking annoying. I'll see you guys later," He snaps. Draco then storms out, with his plate still with food. I toy my food around again in embarrassment.

"Just ignore him, Luce. Maybe once he gets a little drunk he'll loosen up. You won't have to worry about him alright?" Onyx rubs my bare thigh with her cold hands, sending chills to my spine. She's the only person I'd let touch me as she does. It's more of a best friend thing, and it's not sexual. She and I even kiss. To me, it's because she's my best friend. But to others, specifically Malfoy, Blaise, Goyle, Enzo, and Crabbe, they think it's hot. I think they're fucking pigs.

"Drunk? Drunk when?" I question, as I finally scoop up some veggies and eat.

"The boys' dormitories. Blaise's room. A couple of Slytherins will be there for a little drink and fun. We're gonna be celebrating our last first night back," Onyx responds, finishing everything up on her plate.

"You can try the muggle-herb, too," Lorenzo raises his eyebrows up and down. A giggle escapes my lips because of how stupid he looks.


"Do I have to wear anything specific?" I ask Onyx, standing in the mirror in just my underwear and bra. I've noticed that I've gotten way curvier. My waist appears more cinched and my thighs have gotten thicker. I've also grown a cup bigger. I was a B-cup last year, and now I'm a C.

"No, it's fucking Blaise's room, not the Yule Ball," she reprimanded. I rolled my eyes, disregarding her sassiness.

I slip on a snug fit white tank top and light blue pajama pants that accentuated my figure. I topped it off with a Slytherin Quidditch sweatshirt given by Blaise himself. It's super baggy, so it makes me look puffy. I tied my hair up and slipped on some comfortable moccasins. I applied light mascara and clear lip gloss I got from a newly opened boutique in Diagon Alley.

Onyx wore spandex shorts and a baggy House of Hufflepuff shirt that covered her shorts.

It was past curfew and Onyx and I was already giggling as we walked down the hall heading over to Blaise's dorm.

Onyx tried to hold in her laugh, so she was snorting as we wobbled down the hall like idiots.

"D-. Do you remember w-when Lorenzo got plastered the night before our O.W.L.S. test?" She laughed, unable to contain herself.

Lorenzo got shit-faced drunk the night before our test, and during the test, he puked all over his parchment and robe. Thanks to emetophobia, it created a vomit chain among 4 other students.

"Of course I remember that! I even told him to slow his roll the night before," I responded giggling. My face was already aching from the wide smiling I've been doing.

While being hand in hand with Onyx, warmth from within emits my body. The feeling is nostalgic. The realization hits me. These moments will be the last moments I walk down these corridors past curfew. I'm going to miss the cold and dungeony air that I smell every night and every morning whilst being here.

Once we reach Blaise's corridor, we knock on the door with a specific pattern exclusively for our friend group.

Blaise opens the door, and it immediately smells like fire whiskey and another pungent smell.

"Ah, the duo!" Blaise exclaims lazily. I glance over to see the boys, Susan Bones, and Pansy sitting on the ground in a circle formation. For fucks sake, Pansy?

I take a seat between Lorenzo and Crabbe, while Onyx sits between Susan Bones and Goyle. Pansy and Draco are sitting across me and Lorenzo, and Blaise has his back against the bed, facing all of us; thus, creating a circle.

In the middle of this formation are bottles of fire whiskey and the muggle-herb that Lorenzo apparently brought. That must be where the smell and fog are coming from.

Onyx immediately pours herself a shot and downs it without hesitation. I look at her in shock.

"I don't know what you're so surprised for, Luce. I've been doing this since year 3," she snorts, as she pours herself another shot. She's going to regret that tomorrow morning.

I gaze the people in the circle. Everyone seems to be having a splendid time but one; Draco Malfoy himself. For some reason, I want him to speak to me tonight, or at least look at me. He's been looking at everyone but me.

As the night progresses, the atmosphere happens shifts towards the groggy yet cheerful side. I've noticed that Draco has been downing shots like nothing; and the same thing with Lorenzo and Crabbe. I've been taking shots every now and then. I like watching the people around me slip into intoxication so that I can tell stories once they're sober.

But tonight, I decide to be a little rebellious and live on the wild side. After all, it's my last year at Hogwarts.

"Lorenzo, could I try some muggle-herb?" I cooed in his ear. He looks back at me and smiles, eyes glistening from the fireplace behind us.

"You? Lucille Granger?" he perplexed. "Anything for you, gorgeous".

For some reason, the way gorgeous slipped off his tongue sent chills down my spine. My face warms up and my mouth salivates as he starts stuffing the green herb into some sort of glass thing. He pulls out a small box of matches.

Everyone else has tried it but me, and I'm pretty nervous.

I glance over to Onyx and I notice that she's making out with Blaise while a fire whiskey bottle is in her hand. I look over to Draco for a split second only to see Pansy run her mouth as he seemingly disassociates. I look once more to fully examine him; he's wearing a white shirt and grey sweatpants and white socks. He's fiddling with his rings on his hands as Pansy continues to speak. What a sight. How could someone so bitter and rude be that... beautiful?

Come to think of it, almost all the men are wearing grey sweatpants but with different shirts.

"Lucille, you're going to want to put this..." Lorenzo places the glass item by my lips gently, "right here. And then part your lips open like a lip lock. And when I ignite the herb you inhale, alright? Like you're sipping a drink," he orders.

I part my lips gently, allowing the glass item to somewhat sit between my lips. He ignites the match and puts it into the bowl, igniting the herb. I then inhale it deeply.

"Good girl," Lorenzo mutters, eyeing me as I continue to inhale. "Now hold it in for me, and fight the urge to cough".

I hold it in but unfortunately, I let it out, coughing vivaciously. I hear Onyx giggle. I look at her and she's watching me. I smirk at her as she throws me a thumbs up.

It tastes very earthy and rich. To remove the taste, I take another shot of fire whiskey.

As I put the shot glass down I look over at Draco and his eyes are meeting with mine. Suddenly, my heart stops. He looks upset. Am I going to get yelled at again? I quickly look away and wipe my mouth with my wrist.

"Do you want another hit?" Lorenzo offers, holding the glass piece towards me. I look into his eyes and they're red with his hazel irises. His long lashes bat slowly, attempting to stay awake almost.

I nod and bite my lip. He brings the bowl-looking piece up to my mouth and I part my lips yet again.

"Can you stop fucking offering her the goddamn weed?" Draco snaps out of nowhere. He jolts up and pulls it away from my mouth. Suddenly, a wave of slowness is absorbed into my body. Everything suddenly feels slow.

"Why don't you taking a fucking hit and sit down, Malfoy," Lorenzo snaps. I look at Onyx and she's entangled her legs with Blaise's. They're both watching Draco and Lorenzo bicker at each other.

"Can't you see she's clearly gone out of her fucking mind?!" Draco shouts back, causing me to jolt in fright. I can't really comprehend what's going on, but I know it's not good.

"Alright, boys. Settle down-" Onyx gets up and tries to pry between the mishap. I minimally scoot back away from the circle right by Crabbe. I end up leaning my head against him as I watch the mini argument I have no idea what for. It's comfy here, on Crabbe's shoulder. He seems pretty out of it, too.

"You know what, it's Lucy who's fucking asking me. I have no idea why you're being a prissy bitch," Lorenzo snarls.

"Isn't this how you get girls to sleep with you?" Draco snickered.

"Bold of you to make fucking assumptions that I want to sleep with Lucille!"

"Can you two not? We're here for a good time, not fucking bickering!" Onyx interrupted.

"Well tell daddy-issued Malfoy to fuck off my business! He's been semi-quiet the whole time but god forbid when Lucille, whom he hates dearly, takes a hit of muggle-herb it's the end of the fucking world!" Lorenzo shouts, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"Crabbe?" I cooed. "Do you have any idea what's going on?"

Crabbe nods no, as I lean back onto his shoulder again.

"Why do you care, anyway?" Lorenzo spits.

Draco looks at Onyx, Blaise, and Pansy nervously. "I-I don't. She's just hogging the fucking herb".

Everyone in the room is not sober at all. I try to look at everyone's eyes and they're all red, too. It's like seeing people with candle-light for eyes. Light bulbs. Haha.

"Bullshit," Lorenzo snarls. "Lucille? Could you come here for a second?"

I jolt my head up and smile. "Huh?" I ask, then smiling.

"Come here, Luce. Come by Enzo," Lorenzo beams. I get up slowly but end up getting grabbed gently by Lorenzo.

"I have been summoned," I giggle.

"I think I know why you care, Draco. You won't admit it but I think I have an idea," Lorenzo shakes his finger in Draco's face, with Draco standing still. He looks like a statue, Draco. Like a pretty statue.

"And why's that?" Blaise questions, sitting on the floor while pouring another shot.

Lorenzo smirks at Blaise and Onyx, and lastly, Draco. He turns to me and without hesitation his lips crash into mine. My body suddenly feels electric; I'm suddenly enthralled, wanting a smidge more. My lips gape open gently as his tongue enters my mouth. My tongue meets with his and they glide with one another. His hand slithers behind my head and he grabs a fistful of my hair, pulling me closer to him. He bites the bottom of my lip and pulls away.

"Because of that," Lorenzo states. I wipe my mouth with my wrist and sit back down onto the ground, pouring a shot, not really knowing what's going on.

Suddenly, I hear a punch noise. I look up and see Draco throwing a fist at Lorenzo's face. Blaise, Onyx, and Pansy break up the fight before it gets too intense. Goyle and Pansy hold back Lorenzo while Blaise and Onyx hold Draco back. I look back down and grab my shot glass and drink it. The whiskey sends a slight burn down to my throat leading to my stomach. I am very much clueless. A lot of shouting is happening, but I seriously have no idea what they're shouting about.

"You know what you are? You're a fucking bitch, Malfoy!" Lorenzo shouts.

"Cry about it you fucking blood-traitor!" Malfoy responds, still both being pulled away from one another.

As the shouting continues, I stand up slowly. Immediately, my world is spinning. Holy fuck, Crabbe is spinning.

I plop onto Blaise's bed face first and my body melts at the comfort. The shouting continues to emit the atmosphere. I close my eyes and slowly drift into Merlin knows where.


So... What do you guys think? Is it too shocking? Have no fear guys; Lorenzo does NOT LIKE LUCILLE LIKE THAT!! You will never catch them kiss again. It was only to prove a point. This is strictly Draco Malfoy, so don't be mad at me!! It just had to happen.

Anyways, leave a vote, comment, and add to your library!!

(edited March 11, 2021)

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