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Hey guys-
I hope you guys like this chapter! It's super super adorable haha. Anyways, this chapter will UNFORTUNATELY be the only chapter im posting for today🥺 I know, I know. I'm sorry. But that's because I'm working on the next chapter and it's going to be prettttty long FOR UM PERSONAL REASONS. Please stay tuned. I love you guys so so much.

Without further adieu, I present to you...


lucille granger

During lunch, I didn't have an appetite, so I decided to spend time with Lorenzo in the courtyard to kill time.

My mind has been heavy- thoughts are racing at an unexplainable speed.

It's almost like, where do I start?

I should've been smarter; I should've known better. I should've just told him to use condoms anyways.

I knew the vials would stop working over a long period of time. I knew the bloody consequences when having unprotected sex.

I knew how to get pregnant, and yet I didn't take enough precaution.

A part of me feels ashamed; irresponsible, that's for sure.

But I was too invested in us. I was too invested in pleasing Draco whilst receiving the same pleasure back. I was too invested in trying to dig deeper and I was too invested in trying to peel back all that trauma to reveal who Draco truly was.

Do I regret peeling it all back? Never in a million years.

I just regret being so bloody irresponsible in the process.

On top of that, how do I tell Draco?

The big question is when?

"Lucille, are you alright?" Lorenzo interrupted my cloudy head of mine.


We sat on a stone bench, bathing in the sun to receive its 'healing properties', or whatever Enzo said.

"You and Mrs. Malfoy knew about my own bloody pregnancy even before I did, why would I be alright?"


"I'm not done talking," I snapped, holding my finger up as he huffed in defeat, "I had every right to know the moment it was suspected, Enzo. So, why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell Draco?"

"Because Lucille, given the circumstances, knowing about becoming a possible parent while you have an assignment to fulfill for the Dark Lord can take an absolute toll on your ability to execute the task-"

"Fuck the bloody task!"

"Lucille, you're thinking irrationally-. You don't mean that-"

"I do!"

"You don't-"

"I do!"

"Lucille for fuck's sake we're not 12 years old anymore," He huffed.

Silence emitted, though chatter from behind and around us filled the cold air. The crunching of snow beneath everyone's feet among the people around us were coming from all directions.

"Sorry," I lowly apologized.

"No, don't be sorry, Lucille," He assured, "You have every right to be upset."

I bit my lip nervously. "How do I tell Draco?"

He sighed. "You don't."

I looked at him with confusion. "Excuse me?"

"Not yet, at least," He added, "Do you want him to fuck up his assignment?"


"Then end of discussion."

I scoffed, "No, not end of discussion! I need a bloody explanation!", I snapped.

"Lucille, if you told Draco he wouldn't be able to focus. He'd fuck up his task, leaving you and his family in complete fucking danger. Your child needs his father back in one piece," He responded sternly.

Your child needs his father back in one piece.

It's something I never expected myself to hear.

"After everything is over is when you can tell him, Lucille. And I know how bloody difficult it is to keep that to yourself, but think about your child," He assured, as he tucked my hair behind my ear.

I was in defeat.

I was also in complete shock.

I'm pregnant with Draco Malfoy's child.

How do I tell my sister? Who do I even tell? Do I tell people at all? How about Onyx? Blaise?

"Hello!" A cheery yet calming voice interrupts my clustered thoughts. I look up to see Luna Lovegood with open arms.

"Hello," I respond hesitantly. She dives in for a warm and long embrace, then pulls away gently, smiling ever so cheerfully.

"My darling," Lorenzo softens, pulling Luna close to him as she softly giggles. He pulls Luna onto his lap and places multiple kisses on her cheeks and face. "I missed you so, so much."

"The feeling is very mutual, Mr. Berkshire," She softly spoke as she was cradled into his embrace. She then realizes that they aren't alone, so she does a little gasp and hops off of his lap. "Affection later, Lorenzo, we have a long time for all that."

Luna wedges herself between Lorenzo and I and smiles at me and him back and forth.

"Is everything alright?" She queried.

"Um. Yes," I responded.

"That didn't sound promising, Lucille. Are you sure?"

"It's best not to pry, love. She's having gloomy day," Lorenzo suggested.

"Oh, nonsense Lorenzo. I can fix that," Luna assured. She turns to me and places both her hands on my head, which completely caught me off guard. Luna turned my head to face hers and she stared into my eyes with determination.

"Luna?" I question, "May I ask what you're doing...?"

No response, just pure staring. It was like this for a couple seconds. Behind Luna was Lorenzo with a cheerful smile.

"She's fascinating, innit?" Lorenzo commented.

"Wow, Lucille!" Luna blurted, placing both her hands back down onto her lap, "Your child really cares about you."

My eyes widen as I look at Lorenzo. He's got a cheeky smile that matches Luna's.

"What...do you mean?" I ask.

"Your child, in your womb? Oh, Merlin's Beard, did you not know about your pregnancy? I'm sorry, I should've asked before I read your aura. I'm deeply sorry-"

"Luna, it's okay," I chuckle. "I just-. I want to know what you mean by my child really cares about me?"

"Isn't she fucking amazing?" Lorenzo cheeked, as he intertwined his large hands with her tender ones.

"Well, your child's aura right now is way stronger than yours-. That's all I could pick up right now. You see, I was trying to read yours, but your child said 'No, read me! Read me!' and so I did. I couldn't help it," She softly giggled, "Anyways, your child is worried that you're worried. I guess you could say that your child wants you to know that everything happens for a reason, and to just sit back and enjoy the ride,"

I couldn't help but feel all warm inside. Luna truly is different.

"Wow, thank you for that, Luna," I beamed, "It truly means a lot to me."

"Of course, Lucille," She responded. "And it seems to me that it's a secret, correct?"

I nodded yes.

"Okay, I can keep a secret. I'm good at keeping secrets," Luna assured me.

"You surely are," Lorenzo added, as he placed a kiss on her forehead as her fair complexion tinted of rosy pink on her cheeks.

As Lorenzo and Luna continued speaking to one another about Merlin knows what, I unfortunately disassociated once more.

There are many questions I have yet to answer for myself.

I can tell Hermoine later, just not right now.

I can tell Onyx and Blaise later, just not right now.

I surely can't tell Draco yet. I'll tell him after everything that's supposed to happen.

As for my parents, I'll tell them later.

I'll tell everyone everything later.

Right now, I have to focus on myself.

I need to start taking care of myself, for I have someone to bring into this world.


After school, Lorenzo insisted that Luna, him, and I spend some time together. We ended up going to Ravenclaw's dormitories.

This was my first time stepping foot in Ravenclaw, and to tell you the truth; It was so bloody comforting!

As we walked down the corridors, I wasn't cold! It was very well lit, so the paranoia of someone following me would never even cross my mind.

Lorenzo lifted Luna out of nowhere, carrying her bridal-style as they ran down the corridor. She let out a contagious soft laughter, which was definitely a serotonin booster

Lorenzo was truly in love, and it made me happy.

It made me happy that Lorenzo was happy.

As I sped up to their pace, we reached Luna's room. Lorenzo gently set her down as she went on her tiptoes in attempt to kiss him.

"Come down here, you," Luna gestured, as Lorenzo laughed and bent down to give her the kiss that she was longing for. Luna was 5'2, making Lorenzo 10 inches taller than her.

Luna unlocked her dorm and as we stepped in, the smells of pumpkin, tulips, sweet honey, and fresh parchment hit my noise. I loved every bit of the smell in the room.

Luna had light purple bedsheets and a light purple comforter on her bed. She also had different crystals on her bedside table, ranging from small to medium sized. Her wall consisted of muggle band posters, posters of a diagram of different flowers, and unique looking tapestries.

Lorenzo plopped himself onto Luna's bed as Luna pulled up three bean bag chairs towards the middle of the room.

"You can take the super soft bean bag chair, Lucille. Go on!" She suggested. I smiled and sat onto the incredibly soft bean bag.

Luna grabbed a long candle and placed it in the middle of the mini circle she created with the bean bag chairs. She struck a match on the match box and lit the candle up.

She threw the matchbox aside and sat on the beanbag chair across me. Luna flashed a smile at me, and I couldn't help but smile back.

Luna is really something else.

"My love!" She exclaims, as Lorenzo shoots his head up, "Come sit down here with us."

Lorenzo got up from Luna's bed and jumped onto the only vacant bean bag chair left, which blew out the candle.

"Fuck, sorry, my love," He immediately reached over to the matchbox and lit up the candle, then placed the box below the candle mantle.

Luna breathed in slowly, then slowly exhaled. "So, how was everyone's day?" she questioned. "Luce, you can start."

I bit my lip nervously. "Um. Well, I mean-. It was pretty shocking, and to this moment it's still pretty shocking-"

"What was shocking?" She interrupted.

"Finding out I was pregnant," I responded.

"Ah," She spoke. "Well there's no need to worry about it, Luce. I've already manifested positivity in your future. If it doesn't happen, you can certainly kick my shins and call me a cheeky git," Luna giggled.

I let out a soft chuckle, and so did Lorenzo. I glanced over at Lorenzo and he hasn't laid his eyes off Luna ever since he sat down. It makes my heart flutter seeing Enzo so happy.

Luna's constant reassurance made me feel down to earth and connected. It truly made me feel way better.

"Thank you for that, Luna," I consoled. She smiled.

A moment of silence emits, but it's not an uncomfortable silence. I'm in safe space with two great people who truly care about me. It's as if anything I say or do will stay within these walls.

"So um, since we're all here together, I think it's best if I share something about me," Lorenzo breaks the silence, "Though Luna already knows this. Um-. In fact, Luna knows a lot," He chuckled, "So I guess I'm just going to tell you, Lucille."

The way he said that made me pretty anxious but I was ready.

"Alright, shoot," I responded, as I made myself comfortable on the bean bag chair.

Lorenzo cleared his throat and fiddled with his rings nervously, the way Draco does.

"So, um. This may or may not be a lot to to take in," He continued, "So do you know... Bellatrix? Bellatrix Lestrange?"

"The one who recently escaped from Azkaban?"


"Yes, I do. What about her?"

He huffs. "Well um. We all know she's Narcissa's sister," He gulped, "But not all of us know that... Bellatrix is my....mother."

Excuse me, what the fuck?

"I'm sorry-. I thought you said that Bellatrix Lestrange was your mother,"

"I did,"

"You did?"



"So that makes you and... Draco.. cousins?"



"Has she tried reaching out?"

"Are you mad? Fuck no."


"Does Draco know?"

"No, not yet."

"Why was it kept a secret?"

"My father didn't want people knowing he had a love child with Bellatrix Lestrange."

"Makes sense, if you ask me," Luna interrupts.

"It does," I agreed.

"Narcissa took me in as her own when I started going to school because my father said 'I remind him so much of my mother' and it made him angry," He added, "But I don't care. I loved the Malfoys. I love Draco, I love Narcissa, and I tolerate Lucius."

I chuckle. I think we can all agree that we love Narcissa.

"You're definitely nothing like Bellatrix, that's for sure," Luna assured him.

"I'd like to think that," He responds. "I mean, what if I became a Death Eater, too?"

"Like Draco?" Luna preened.

"Who told you that?" I interrupted.

"I did," Lorenzo responded, "You can trust Luna."

"You can trust me!"

I can trust Luna.

"Well, anyways. You could never be a Death Eater," I added, "What, is that your biggest fear?"

Lorenzo gulped. "Yes."

Luna immediately crawled towards Enzo and placed a kiss on his forehead. "You won't be a Death Eater when you're with me, my love,"

Lorenzo pulled Luna close to him and placed a longer kiss onto her lips. As they pulled away, a cheeky smile grew across his face.

"I love you, Luna Lovegood," He mumbled lowly.

"And I love you, too, Lorenzo Berkshire," She spoke softly.

The whole night consisted of conversations from childhood to upbringings. We talked about things that I would have never touched bases on.

All three of us opened up to each other about things that needed light shone into them.

I got to know Luna more; she's charismatic, full of positivity, so cheerful, lovable, and an overall amazing person. I can definitely see why Lorenzo is so head over heels for Luna Lovegood.

Though the night consisted of laughter and serotonin boosting, I still couldn't stop thinking about Draco.

And the child that sits comfortably in my womb.

I guess I just have to 'go with the flow'.

I guess I'm okay with that.


Just a cute little filler. Please stay tuned for more! Don't give up on me I love you guys so so much <3


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