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Hey there my lovelies-

Naomi, here. Thank you all for sticking by my side throughout this whole book. As you read this intro, don't fear- this is NOT THE LAST CHAPTER of the book. We're not coming to an end quite yet. *Spicy* scenes will soon come your way, so please hang tight. I can't believe I wrote all of this within the matter of weeks, and the amount of people who have came at such a speed only inspired me to keep typing. This book was only supposed to be some spicy smut, but it ended up molding into something else- something great. You guys are the absolute best. I love you all so frickin much. Enjoy this chapter. As we speak, I'm already working on the next chapter.

PS. I collided Half-Blood Prince & Deathly Hallows PT 1 and 2 altogether. Sorry for the confusion LMAO

Without further adieu, I present to you...

B A T T L E 

draco malfoy

After a long, dreadful, and exhausting week, I successfully repaired the Vanishing Cabinet.

That's one step closer to starting fresh with Lucille.

During the week without hearing from Lucille, I missed absolutely everything about her; from her touch, her taste, the way she feels, the way she feels, the way she smells so sweet, her soft little whimpers, the way she calls out my name, and the way she smiles at me. Absolutely everything.

And I was soon going to get it all back.

"Have you succeeded?" Snape interrupts. I turn around as he creeps closer to the cabinet, running his rigid fingers against it.

I gulped, "Yes."

He examined the tall cabinet, then glanced at me. "Good."

He wandered around the area where we were, as my eyes followed him.

"Um-. W-When will they invade?" I ask, gripping onto my wand with my sweaty palms.

"Soon," He responded.

I gulped. My chest tightened. Anxiousness riddled my body as I thought about the Death Eaters invading Hogwarts with Lucille in it.

Fuck, there was very little time to warn them all.

I had to move quick.

"Um. I-. I'll be back," I blurted, as I immediately sped through the room. I exited the suffocating room and ran down corridors, trying to get to Lucille, or even Lorenzo.

As I sped down halls, it was impossible to disregard the commotion occurring outdoors; thunder was rumbling, and it could be felt throughout the castle, the skies were darkening, the air was getting cooler, and though silence was portrayed, the skies were getting louder. Every second, my heart would beat faster.

"Everyone to your rooms," a familiar voice announced. I turn my head to see Professor McGonagall scurrying people into their dormitories.

I reached the Slytherin Commons and saw a handful of people looking out the window to see the lake getting darker as well. Curiosity sparked, though they couldn't put their finger on it.

Suddenly, at the corner of my eye, I see Lorenzo walking into the commons with Onyx and Blaise.

I sprint to him, with anxiety flowing through my veins.

"Lorenzo," I stammer, "You need to bring yourself and Lucille to the manor as soon as possible,"

"Woah, are you alright? You look like you just saw a ghost," He responded, "What's going on?"

"The-there's no time to explain, Enzo. You all need to evacuate Hogwarts immediately and stay at the manor, all of you, really,"

"All of us? Are you in danger?" Onyx interrupted.

"We all are, Onyx," I stammered.

"Malfoy, if you're in danger then I'm staying," Blaise stated sternly.

"I, as well. I'm not leaving you and Blaise," Onyx added.

"No, you can't. I-.It's too dangerous-" I stuttered.

"Mate," Blaise looked into my eyes, "We're staying,"

I huffed and bit my lip. "Alright," I sufficed, "But Enzo-. Take Luce and Luna to the manor. As soon as possible."

Before I could even walk away, Lorenzo grabbed my arm.

"Draco," He alludes, "Please be careful,"

I gave him a gesturing nod and pulled away from his grasp, heading back to the Room of Requirement.

On the way back, the outside became worse. The skies were filled with rage, the clouds thickened, the rumbling of the thunder with no rain grew hoarse, and the wind was whistling through cracks and seeps of Hogwarts.

I was afraid. My heart could jump out my chest right now. Not only was I afraid, but I was angry. I was so angry that this is the life that was paved for me. I was robbed of my childhood, my innocence, and almost everything else.

Life could've been different, but I need to stop dwelling on the bloody past.

I need to keep looking forward. Though being a Death Eater is for life, Lucille promised she wouldn't leave me.

Of all the promises that I've been told from just about anyone and everyone, the only person I could ever believe was Lucille Granger.

I entered the Room of Requirement  and glanced at the Vanishing Cabinet, with Snape still in the room.

"Where did you go?" He pestered.

"Um. N-nothing-"

"Don't lie, Draco, it won't get you anywhere," He interrupted. I looked down at the ground, avoiding his deathly eye contact.

I huffed. "I went to go warn my friends..." I responded quietly.

"Lucille, to be specific?" He slandered. I looked up at him in surprise.

"How... do you know?"

Snape looks at me back. "Your mother tells me everything, Draco," he responds, "Did you tell your friends anything else?"

"Um, N-no. No, I didn't," I assured.



Suddenly, clicking noises emit from the Vanishing Cabinet.

Fuck, it's happening. It's happening right now.

I back up slowly. nervously awaiting on what's coming through the doors of the cabinet.

A few more clicks and turns of the mantles occur, then, silence.

I gulped, and looked at Snape. It seems as if he, too, is worried.

The doors swing open, revealing a handful of other Death Eaters, especially my own aunt; in the flesh, Bellatrix Lestrange.

She looks around the Room of Requirement, as well as the other Death Eaters. Bellatrix inhales and closes her eyes, then exhales slowly. She flutters her eyes back open and a devilish grin grows on her face.

Bellatrix suddenly lets out a low manic laughter, which soon grew louder. It was painful to listen to, given that the root of it all was out of malice. Bellatrix glanced at me, as I sucked in my breath out of fear.

"Draco, darling," Bellatrix creeps towards me slowly, "Look how.. handsome you've become..." She takes her wand and lifts my chin with it, as I gulp out of nervousness. "You look just like your father," She grinned. I clenched at my fist, enraged of the comment, and unfortunately she took notice. "Oh, does that make itty bitty baby Malfoy angry?"

"No," I seethed through my teeth.

"I mean, you are a Death Eater, like Lucius. You certainly have his eyes, his hair, his smile. You are the mere outcome of a blueprint of a destined Death Eater," She whispered, following yet another malice grin.

I was angry.

"I am not... my father," I sternly state, looking directly into her lifeless and beady dark-brown eyes.

Her lips part, unable to compose the next words to say.

"As you wish..." She removed her wand from my chin as I huffed, internally raging with anger.

I am never going to be my father.


lucille granger

"Wake up, Lucille!" Lorenzo shouts, interrupting my deep slumber. I jump at such sudden noise and sit up, seeing Lorenzo and Luna stand by the door.

"What? What is it?" I respond groggily.

"There's no time, Lucille. We need to leave," He stammered. He stepped into the room and grabbed my shoes, then rushing towards me to place the shoes by my feet.

As I gain focus of my eyesight, I notice that Luna and Lorenzo both look startled. Anxiousness is plastered on their faces, which only makes me anxious, too.

"Is everything alright?" I queried, as I put on my shoes. "Where are we going?"

"I have to get you two to the manor immediately," He spoke, looking around the room nervously.

"What about Onyx and Blaise? What about Draco? Are they coming?" I pestered, as my heart started beating profusely.

"Lucille, I love you with all my heart but there truly is no time to talk!" Luna interrupted, "We need to get out of Hogwarts as soon as possible," Luna stepped towards me and grabbed me by the hand as she pulled me up from my bed. "The Death Eaters are invading."

I gulped. I was in utter shock. There was more to the plan?

"Blaise and Onyx decided to stay with Draco," Lorenzo stammered, as the three of headed out the room, "And as much as you want to stay with him right now, Lucille, he ordered me to bring you to the manor. I'm not going to argue with him about it, either."

Adrenaline ran through my veins, and the rumbling of the castle shook me to my core.

"Wait, we need to get Hermoine! I can't l-leave my sister," I stuttered.

Lorenzo huffed. "Lucille, she'll be fine. She's with her friends," He snapped, "Please stop asking questions and just keep bloody walking."

Lorenzo was frustrated. He was worried. Panicking, even.

But it withered as soon as Luna grabbed ahold of his large hand, intertwining her fingers with his. He glanced over at Luna as a compassionate smile appeared on his face, which then subsided as he looked forward.

The three of us sped down the growling corridors. We weren't alone; other people were speeding down, as well. Speculations were on the rise, and all I could hear were frightened people asking unanswerable questions.

"Intruders? In the castle? Where?" One boy said.

"They're saying it's Death Eaters!" Another one said.

"Are they going after Potter?" One girl said.

My pulses were rapidly beating as the questions surrounding us arose. I gulped, and looked to my left and right, seeing others running faster. It made me want to run, too, but I know I shouldn't.

Lorenzo and Luna suddenly halted in front of another hallway. He looked down the corridor and looked back at us, pulling out the Silver Spoon Port Key.

"We should head down there and teleport somewhere away from others," Lorenzo suggested.

We took a sharp turn and headed down the dimly lit corridor. My mind was unable to process the occurring events. Everything was happening so fast- mentally, I was incapable of understanding. I just went with everything; over analyzing every move would only make me sick to my stomach, and that's not good for me.

Not now.

"My love," Lorenzo fretted, "Grab ahold of the Port Key before my sweaty fucking hands drop it."

Lorenzo handed the spoon to Luna as she immediately shoved it into her pocket, still hand in hand with Lorenzo.

Suddenly, a group of strange people with dark, omen auras appeared from the end of the corridor, just feet away from us.

Lorenzo immediately stopped in his tracks, staring at the group of people afar from us.


As I stared once more, I noticed a familiar blonde standing alongside them.


"We need to turn around, and we need to turn around now," Lorenzo cautioned. We quickly turned around, when suddenly a feminine voice shouted, echoing the hallway.

"Stop where you're going!" The voice interrupted, making my heart beat faster.

Fuck, we're so fucking screwed.

I glanced over at Lorenzo as he stared back down at us.

"Whatever happens, don't speak." He mutters, as he slowly turned around while we copied.

The dark energy from the group grew larger, as they inched closer.

It really is Draco.

He was looking down at the ground in guilt, unwillingly standing alongside the Death Eaters.

But as he looked up, his grey glistening eyes met mine.

And he was shocked.

His lips parted, though inaudible; like he couldn't find the right words to say.

Looking at him in the position he is in right now made my heart ache, so I immediately looked away, trying my absolute best not to let any tears touch the surface.

But I couldn't help it. My eyes started watering immediately, though I avoided eye contact with Draco.

I could still feel his eyes burning right through me.

I glanced over at the familiar woman with the obnoxiously altered hair.

Bellatrix Lestrange.

Behind her were other people who definitely intimidated me, especially Fenrir Greyback. I read about him in many books, and for him to be standing in front of us made my blood curdle.

I was on the verge of dying on the spot.

"Where are you heading, Lorenzo?" Bellatrix growled, "Aren't you happy to see me...?" She tiptoed closer with a devilish smirk. "Aren't you happy to see your mummy?"

She stood right in front of Lorenzo, matching heights with Luna. Her small hand was placed on his cheek as he shuddered.

He was afraid.

"My son," She whispered, "You also look just like your father."

Beneath her red blistered lips revealed a decaying set of once-pearly whites.

"Mum," He stammered, "Let us go..."

Her facial expressions immediately withered, and in came the pooling anger.

Bellatrix suddenly slapped Lorenzo, in which startled Luna and I- it startled Luna so much that she grabbed my hand out of fear.

And I only held it tighter.

"Don't ever  tell me what to do," She snarled. "Do you have somewhere to be, Lorenzo?"

My eyes moved away from her as I saw Draco stomping forward, but Snape held him back.

"Let them go, Bellatrix!" He badgered with fear, trying to break free from Snape's grasp.

Bellatrix disregarded his notions. She rolled her eyes and backed up slowly.

My heart immediately dropped to the ground when she glanced over at me. A menacing smirk grew on her pale complexion as she crept towards me.

"So is this the filthy...little...mudblood... that Cissy told you to... babysit?"

I gulped.

Bellatrix grabbed my chin with her small, cold hand, and examined me. Her eyes laid on me, concocting discomfort inside me.

"Mother, let her go." Lorenzo sternly stated, trying to keep calm.

Bellatrix pauses, as she lets go of me.

"Are you are blood traitor, Lorenzo?" She queried, walking towards him once more, "Like your own bloody cousin?"

She looked over at Draco, as Draco was still welded by Snape. He looked defeated as ever, and all I wanted to do was grab him and teleport to the manor.

But I couldn't.

Lorenzo didn't respond. Instead, he avoided eye contact with his malicious mother.

"Answer me!" She snarled.

No response.

"Fine, then so be it," She huffed. Bellatrix trotted her way towards me as she flashed a smile with her rotting teeth.

Immediately, she grabbed my waist aggressively, causing me to wince.

"Get your fucking hands off her!" Draco trembled loudly, attempting to break from Snape's grasp once more. His voice was filled with anger and frustration, and defeat.

"Or what, Draco?! Or what?!" Bellatrix shouted back. Her eyes met with mine as she chanted a charm I well knew.

"Reperio Fordus." She muttered.

The small pattering heartbeat emitted through the core of my body, as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Mother, let her go." Lorenzo faltered.

Bellatrix gave me a disgusted look, followed by yet another grimacing grin.

"Cissy was telling the truth," She trembled. "You really are carrying a filthy half-blood."

She let me go, as I stumbled. Luna immediately picked me back up, our fingers intertwining.

"So you are the reason my son and nephew are blood traitors!" She taunted. "You are an absolute fucking disgrace to the wizard world."

I was unable to speak. I was unable to process the emotions created in the atmosphere.

By now, I thought I'd be able to handle being called a mudblood, or anything for that matter.

It turns out I'm not.

I glanced at Draco as his eyes were pooling with tears. He looked at me with weak eyes.

He knows. He finally knows.

"Bellatrix, we mustn't take long here," Snape interrupted.

"Oh, would you just shut up?" Bellatrix snapped. "We have time! We have time, Severus!"

Bellatrix glanced back at us, as she tightly gripped onto her wand.

"Who do I punish first?" She hissed. "My own flesh and blood, or my own nephew?" She manically laughed.

"Neither," Luna responded sternly.

"Am I speaking to you, you little fucking freak?"

Without hesitation, Lorenzo shoved her mother to the ground, in which caught the both of us by surprise.

"Don't ever call her that," He reprimanded.

Bellatrix was taken by surprise. As she stood back up, laughter croaked louder from her small body.

"I guess it's my own flesh and blood." She grinned.

"No-" I stuttered.

"Fenrir!" She shouted. "Grab my son."

"Y-You can't do that!" Luna shouted, trying to grab ahold of Lorenzo.

"Oh really?" Bellatrix tranced. "Watch me."

"Bellatrix-. Don't." Snape muttered.

She didn't listen.

The tall, scary werewolf grabbed ahold of Lorenzo. He attempted to fight back from his grasp, but it was no match compared to the abnormally large werewolf.

Lorenzo was thrown onto the ground in front of the Death Eaters. He was then on his knees in defeat.

"My dear Lorenzo," Bellatrix cooed, "Though you're a blood traitor, we can always fix that."

"Let. Me. Go." He seethed through his teeth.

"Fenrir," She called out, "Be a darling and roll his sleeve up."

I immediately knew where this was going.

Fenrir rolled his left sleeve up, revealing his forearm.

"It's time to face your fears, my lovely baby boy," She whispered.

"Bellatrix-." Snape was immediately cut off.

"Shut up, Severus!" She snarled.

Luna held onto my hand tighter. She was scared.

And so was I.

"Mother, please don't do this," Lorenzo stammered, trying his best to fight back the tears that would soon come falling down.

"Oh, but it's for the best!" She exclaimed, "That is if you want your precious Luna and Lucille to be let go..."

"Mother, p-please," Lorenzo's voice cracked. "Please don't do this to me."

"Nonsense, my love. It's only for the best," Bellatrix insisted, "Plus, it would be you and I again."

And with that, Bellatrix placed her curved wand onto Lorenzo's forearm as she muttered things under her breath. Lorenzo's eyes were closed, though tears can be seen streaming down.

I have never seen Lorenzo cry. I never wanted to.

But once I did, it was painful.

Suddenly, Lorenzo screamed. He screamed in pain. In utter pain, and it was so hard to bear. It was hard to hear.

But we heard it.

Luna was still. She was inaudible and still.

"Please, make it stop!" Lorenzo cried. "Mother, make it stop!"

"Bellatrix, ENOUGH," Severus roared as let go of Draco and stepped towards Bellatrix. He shoved her wand away from his forearm as Lorenzo collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.

Draco glanced over at Lorenzo, unable to do anything to help him. Draco was unable to do a lot of things, though deep down I know how badly he wanted to.

Lorenzo sniffled, and looked down at his forearm, which only made him cry more.

The Death Eater Mark.

"Lorenzo, don't cry," Bellatrix cooed, "It's only for the best. Because of this, your friends are free to go! Come along with us! Come along with your cousin! Let us be one family again!"

Lorenzo didn't respond.

Instead, he looked up and looked at Luna. His lips trembled, full of shock after facing his fears.

"Luna, go," was all he could say.

Luna nodded, "I can't. Not without y-you."

"Luna, GO!" He shouted.

Without hesitation, Luna grabbed my arm as we ran down the corridor.

As Luna ran, she cried. She cried and cried, sniffling and struggling to breathe at the same time. She was hyperventilating. Luna grabbed the spoon out of her pocket as she manifested immediately.

We churned aggressively, then landed safely in front of the manor.

Luna immediately collapsed to the ground, hyperventilating and crying uncontrollably.

"Lorenzo!" She cried out loud. I went down to her level and pulled her into my arms. She cried into my chest.

"Luna, we have to get inside. We have to tell Narcissa."

Luna couldn't stop hyperventilating. She was afraid; scared. As I helped her get back up, we walked towards the manor.

Luna was still shaking. Her breathing was faulty, unable to find her inner calm.

But it was understood.

As we entered the manor, I looked around the foyer seeing if anyone was home.

"Narcissa?" I echoed. "Narcissa?"

Footsteps headed our direction, and in front of me stood Narcissa. Immediately, her face grew of anxiousness.

"Wh-what happened? Where's Lorenzo? How's Draco?" She probed.

"T-They took him," I stuttered, "They took Lorenzo."

Luna let out yet another heartache wail.

"What do you mean?" Narcissa asked.

"Bellatrix took him a-and turned him into a Death Eater," I responded.

Narcissa gulped. Her eyes started watering.

"How about my son? How is he? Is he alive?"

I bit my lip nervously. "Yes. He's afraid, I know it."

"I know it, too."

Narcissa looked at Luna, noticing that she's flustered and in panic.

"You girls stay here, I'll be back," She stated, as she made her way to the door. "Stay in this manor, do you hear me?"

I immediately nodded.

Before she stepped out the door, she walked over back to us.

Her brown eyes stared into mine with pity. Narcissa gently grabbed my head and placed a kiss on my forehead, then kissed Luna's.

"Everything will be alright, okay?" She reassured us. "Just please stay in here until I come back."

And with that, she walked out the manor, leaving Luna and I to wait.

I led Luna to the living room and placed her on the sofa.

Luna was still shaking, unable to compose anything to say. But as mentioned earlier; it was understood.

I laid her down as she continued to tremble out of shock.

"T-t-tell me he's going to be o-okay," She quivered lowly.

I bit my lip nervously.

"He's going to be okay, Luna."

Soon, her trembling stopped. Luna fell into a deep slumber as I watched her to make sure that I was here if she ever woke up out of nowhere.

I was on the edge. I was unaware of the outcomes that could happen tonight.

My mind continued racing with over a million scenarios and outcomes.

But I decided to try and calm myself down by thinking about the outcome I so deeply manifested.

I was going to start my life with Draco Malfoy after all of this- or at least, try to.

We were going to stick to the plan- Own land in Glasgow, have two dogs, one or two children, live between both worlds.

Things would all soon fall into place.

I'm sure of it.

I closed my eyes, hoping to wake with Draco in front of me.


"Lucille, they're arriving soon, I can feel it," Luna's voice protruded my deep slumber. I fluttered my eyes open to see Luna standing in front of me with her glowing pink cheeks.

"Huh?" I mumbled.

Luna giggled. "I said that they're arriving soon, silly."

I don't understand how upbeat Luna is right now, but with her being positive made me feel positive.

I got up as we both headed towards the foyer.

The large doors creaked open as I saw Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco, along with others behind them.

But I wasn't paying attention to anyone else right now.

I immediately ran to Draco. Relief was released all around my body. I opened my arms and pulled Draco into a tight embrace, as he wrapped his arms around me.

I took a whiff of him; mint, cologne, and char smoke. I didn't care- I had him back in one piece.

"Lucille," He breathed.

"Draco," I responded. I pulled away and carelessly kissed him, deprived of his touch. OUr lips passionately moved as one for a couple seconds, then we pulled away. "I was so afraid," I stammered.

He cupped my cheek, then tucked my hair behind my ear. "I was, too, Lucille," He responded softly, "But I'm here now. With you. In one piece."

I softly chuckled, as he pulled me closer to him, with my head pressed against his chest. His heart beat was calming.

I was content.

"W-where is he?" Luna stammered. I lifted my head and turned to Luna, as her eyes started to water.

"W-where's Lorenzo?" She asked again, but a little louder.

"Luna," Narcissa breathed.

What the fuck?

"Draco, where is he?" I looked into his grey eyes, as they suddenly numbed.

I looked around, looking for Lorenzo.

"Where is he!!" Luna screamed, as streams of tears started to pour down her face. She then collapsed onto the ground, hyperventilating.

My eyes started pooling, too.

There's no way.

I removed myself from Draco's grasp and ran towards Luna, trying to hold her back up.

"Where is Lorenzo! Where is he! Where's Lorenzo!" She repeatedly screamed. Her screams echoed the manor, sending goosebumps all around my body.

"Love, you can't get rid of me that fast," A familiar voice beamed. Her crying soon came to a halt as we both looked towards the entrance.

Lorenzo had his arm clung around Blaise' neck, limping inside the manor. His right pant leg seemed to be torn. Beneath the tampered material was a bleeding large scratch.

Luna immediately got up and ran towards Lorenzo, embracing him tightly like there was no tomorrow.

Thank Merlin.

I got back up and walked towards Draco as relief was released into my body once more.

"Draco," I spoke softly. He looked down at me as our eyes met. "I'm glad you're back."

Though he looked exhausted and hardly had any energy, he gave me a weak smile and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I'm glad you waited, Granger," He responded.

"You're always going to be worth the wait, Draco."


I hope you guys liked that chapter D:

I'm currently writing the next chapter as we speak. This took me so long omg. I may or may not update tonight. Please get some sleep after reading!  <3 <3


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