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Hey guys-

I guess I ended up updating around the same time after all. I hope you guys like this chapter. Above is Daniel Gilles as Charles Berkshire.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

L I F E  W I T H O U T  Y O U
lucille granger

Onyx didn't make it. When I heard Blaise cry that 'She d-didn't ma-make it', I was heartbroken. I felt empty for a while, though Draco managed to comfort me despite his exhaustion.

Draco told me about other people who didn't make it; Fred Weasley, Lavender Brown, Professor Snape, Bellatrix, and many more.

Voldemort himself didn't make it, which meant that Draco and Lorenzo were free of torment forever; It was all thanks to Neville Longbottom and Harry Potter, along with Ron and Hermoine.

Hearing about my sister and her friends' successes during the battle made me content. It made me feel relieved to know that they made it; that they survived.

Lucius couldn't look at me. He couldn't bare to lay his eyes on me; He hated my presence. I tried to ignore it, but it's hard when the grandfather of your child can't even speak to you solely because of the purity of your blood.

Lorenzo got hurt. Badly. Luna tried everything with her frail little hands, but you can't heal a wolf scratch. Things like that are irreversible.

We sat in the dining room. It wasn't Narcissa and Draco that sat at each ends of the table, no. It was Lucius and Draco, who hardly glanced at each other. It was almost as if Lucius was ashamed.

I sat near Draco, while Luna and Lorenzo sat next to me as well. Blaise sat across me, dwelling in the chair; lifeless, clueless, unable to compose any words. I pitied him, really. I couldn't wrap my head around the death of my very best own best friend. In fact, I couldn't wrap my head around all of it.

The manor was gloomy. The events that occurred were yet to marinate.

Anytime I glanced over at Draco, exhaustion would plaster over his face. He was tired. I knew he just wanted to sleep.

Anytime he would look at me, he'd be worried. He'd look at me with worrisome.

We have yet to speak about my pregnancy, but it can wait a day or two.

I think Draco needs some rest.

And to be honest I think I need rest, too.

"Things will change from this day forward," Nacissa protruded my self conscience, "For a lot of us, really."

"No doubt about that. I mean-. Look at me. There's a bloody wolf scratch on my leg. Soon enough I'll be howling like the others," Lorenzo couldn't help but chuckle. "Come on, you're allowed to laugh," He assured us. I cracked a weak smile, and so did Luna.

"Which is why I invited your father over," She responded, "Mr. Berkshire has every right to kno-"

"Bloody hell, Narcissa," He muttered under his breath, "Mate's hardly ever here, why should he know I'm bloody cursed for life!"

She sighed. "Lorenzo, he's still your fath-"

"He's also a bitch!" He reprimanded.


A knock emitted from the foyer.

"That must be him," Narcissa softly spoke, as she sat up from her chair and walked towards the door to let him in.

I looked at Draco and reached for his hand, which startled him given that he was staring into abyss.

"Are you alright?" I asked him quietly.

He scoffed. "Not even close," He responded, but grabbing my hand, "Eventually."

Draco took my hand and placed a gentle kiss upon it. My chest tightened and my heart fluttered, feeling loved and cared for. The bare minimum of affection and I already want to marry him.

The man of the hour strutted into the dining room, dressed in all black. He looked fancy; he definitely looked very rich. I've never seen Lorenzo's father before.

"Morning," He announced, as he took a seat beside Narcissa and across Lorenzo.

Lorenzo's face riddled with disgust.

"Morning, Charles," Lucius responded, "Would you like a drink?"

"Ah, a bit too early for all that," He remarked.

Lorenzo's father glanced over at all of us, then back at me. He quickly looked away once more.

"It seems that all the kids are shaken up," Charles chuckled.

"Um-." Narcissa immediately got cut off by Lorenzo's smack on the table.

"You're joking, right?" Lorenzo stammered. "Lives have been lost, I have a bloody scratch on my leg that has officially altered my way of life, and you're laughing because we look 'shaken up'?"


"No, don't. I find it ridiculous how you have this sudden audacity to come up in this manor after almost 5 years! It took me being wounded for you to come around!" Lorenzo snapped, "And look at this!" He rolled his sleeve back, revealing his dark mark. I sucked in my breath. "The thing I dreadfully tried to avoid my whole bloody life caught up after me later on, and you're sitting across me laughing like a fucking bitch! You want to know who gave me this? My own fucking mother!"

Charles was speechless. He was unable to compose the right words to say, and to be fair, what else could you say after that?

"I'm sorry," Charles softly spoke, "I'm truly sorry that you had to go through that-."

"Just save it, dad. Truly just save it. I reckon you have somewhere else to be?"

Lorenzo's eyes started to water.

"Very well," Charles responded flatly. He got up from his chair and glanced at us all once again, "Lucius. Narcissa."

He walked out the dining hall and exited the manor without saying another word.

"Do you see that? Did you see how incompetent he is?" Lorenzo snarled, "You shouldn't have invited him, Narcissa. You really shouldn't have-."

"You're right, Enzo. I shouldn't have, and for that I apologize-." Narcissa got cut off once again by Lucius himself.

"Oh please, Narcissa. Charles had every right to know about his condition-."

"Speak when spoken to, father," Draco seethed.

I gulped. Draco clenched his fists.

Lucius looks at Draco in shock. I, the same.

"I'd say the same for you, Draco," He bantered, as a grin grew across his face, "Just cause you're expecting to be a father doesn't quite make you one...yet."

"Lucius," Narcissa interfered.

This enraged Draco. He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes.

Then he opened them again. He exhaled and unclenched his fists.

He just let it slide.

That's new.

"So were you ever going to tell me about Lorenzo being my cousin?" Draco steered the subject onto something else.

Everyone but Blaise glanced over to Narcissa as she looked back at us in nervousness.

"Um-. Of course," She responded lowly.

"Well, why was it kept secret in the first place?"

"It was Charles' request-."

"Was it, now?"

"Yes, Draco."


"I'm off to get some rest," Lorenzo interrupted, "Shall we, Luna?"

"Ah, yes," She stammered. Luna helped Lorenzo get up from his seat as he winced.

"So will I," Draco added, "Lucille, let's go."

As Draco got up, so did I.

"I think I'll just stay right here," Blaise croaked, looking down at the table, "I'm not really tired."

"Well, that's alright, Blaise. You just let me know when you'd like to rest, okay?" Narcissa responded.


Draco grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers as he dragged the both of us across the foyer and onto the stairs.

He climbed up the stairs quickly, dragging me with him. As we reached to the top, I was out of breathe.

"Are you okay?" He immediately stammered, with anxiousness splayed across his face.

"Yes, I'm fine," I responded lowly. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

I led the way to Draco's room with his hand clung onto mine.

Once I stepped in, the smell of expensive cologne and mint grew potent, which concocted comfort within me. It was a relieving feeling, really.

It felt as if I was right where I belong.

I set Draco onto his bed as he sighed. He was truly exhausted. Dark circles formed under his eyes, and he moped around.

"Um-. Do you-. Do you want me to get you into some clean clothes?" I suggested.

"Alright," He responded weakly.

I removed his black blazer, then carefully unbuttoned his long-sleeve blouse.

Draco watched my every move.

"I could never even bare to think about life without you, Lucille," He breathed. I pulled off his blouse and dropped it to the ground. He suddenly pulls my body close to his, knocking the wind out of my lungs, "Life without the both of you."

I looked down at him as his grey glistening eyes consoled comfort into mine.

"I love you, Lucille."

My face immediately felt warm.

"I-. I love you, too."

I bent down to his face and gently kissed his lips, as he kissed me back once more.

Draco gently let me go, as I was free of his grasp.

I walked over to his dresser to look for a clean top. I pulled the heavy wooden mahogany cabinet open and it revealed neatly folded black t-shirts- and black only.

"I guess this will do," I muttered. I grabbed a shirt and closed the cabinet.

I walked back over to Draco and unfolded the shirt, pulling it over his head. He ended up doing the rest of putting his shirt on, as he huffed.

Draco removed his shoes and his constricting black dress pants, leaving him in only his black boxers and a black t-shirt.

I've never seen him in a plain t-shirt before. It only accentuated his fair skin tone and platinum blonde hair, but Merlin was he gorgeous.

Draco laid down, pulling the duvet covers over his body. He shuddered and deeply inhaled.

"Come lay with me, Lucille," He cooed.

I did not hesitate.

I climbed in bed right next to him as he willingly wrapped his long arms around my tiny body.

I nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck as I heard his heart beating calmly, as well as his breathing.

"I'm tired," He retorted.

"Close your eyes, Draco. Go on ahead and sleep," I responded softly.

"Will you be here when I wake up?" He mumbled lowly.

I looked up at him as his eyes were already closed, and his lips slightly parted.

"Yes, Draco. I'll be here when you wake up."


Ok I guess I lied. I updated once again KSKSKSKSKS. You guysssss this chapter was cute af EEEEP. Ok aside from Onyx's death I'M SORRRRRY.


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