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Hey guys-

Just a subtle little filler for you guys. Writing the next chapter as we speak, most likely will be posting that today, too.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

M I N T 

lucille granger

Draco slept for 25 hours. He slept for 25 uninterrupted hours, minus the bathroom breaks.

He skipped yesterday's lunch, and yesterday's dinner. During his 25 hour hibernation, I managed to get a few things done. I cleaned his room by sorting out his dressers and bookshelves, I watched Luna try healing Lorenzo's wolf scratches, and I comforted Blaise as he sat lifeless on sofas, dining chairs, and even on his bed. 

I still haven't fully accepted Onyx's death, because it seems too surreal for me. I refuse to believe that Onyx is dead. I refuse to. 

It's the next morning now- the day after all of it.

The whole manor feels unsettling. It's as if I were able to see the cold blue hues.

I surely could feel them.

A knock on the door suddenly came from Draco's door. 

I got up from the bed to see who it was.

As I opened the door, Narcissa stood there with two fresh towels in her arms.

"Hello," She breathed, "H-here's some towels. Breakfast will be ready soon." Narcissa handed me the towels and smiled.

"Thank you," I responded.

She went back downstairs as her footsteps receded. I closed the door and placed the luxurious thick towels onto the dresser. 

I glanced at Draco to see him peacefully sleeping. I didn't want to wake him up, but he had to eat. 

"Draco," I said softly.

No response.


No response.


Draco jolted, fluttering his eyes. He looked around the room, aggravated.

"Fuck's sake, Lucille. You don't need to fucking shout," He muttered, then turning over.

"I wasn't-. I wasn't shouting," I responded, "Anyway, get up. You have to get cleaned up," I yanked the duvet off his body, "And you have to eat something."

He groaned as he tried pulling the cover over his body once again, though I grabbed it off the bed completely.

"Lucille, I don't have time for games," He stated flatly. "Give me. The duvet."

"No, get up and take a shower," I demanded.

Draco sat up with a half-woken face. He looked adorable. I was internally pinching his cheeks.

"Could you shower with me?" He asked softly. 

I gulped.

"U-Um-. Yes. Okay," I stammered. 

Draco got up from the bed and made his way towards me, as my heart started beating faster.

He tucked my hair behind my ear and looked into my eyes. 


As he pulled away, he removed his shirt and threw it onto the ground. He started heading towards the bathroom that was conveniently connected to his room


I went ahead and grabbed the two thick towels, then headed towards the bathroom as well. 

I entered the bathroom and immediately saw Draco bare naked turning on the shower.

I couldn't help but gasp.

He turned his head and look at me with his beady grey eyes.

"Let me take your clothes off," He ordered softly as he gestured towards me slowly, "You can't shower with your clothes on, Granger."

Draco gently grabbed my shirt from the bottom, then pulled it over my head. I sucked in my breath as the cold air came in tact with my warm tempered body. 

He went ahead and slowly dropped down my pants, following my underwear. I stepped over them as he tossed them elsewhere. He came back up in level and unclasped my bra, then tossing it as well.

"Come," He said, grabbing my hand as he led me to the shower.

Draco stepped in first; the warm water pattering onto his glistening body. I followed shortly after. He looked up at the shower head as the water rained on his face. Then, he got his hair wet. His veiny hand ran through his platinum blonde hair that soon enough scrunched up into small faint waves. 

He turned around and pulled me close, as the water ran onto the both of us. I sucked in my breath at the sudden temperature of the water. 

"You look beautiful when you're soaking wet," He softly chuckled. I playfully scoffed and rolled my eyes, then blushing shortly afterwards. 

I glanced around for a shampoo bottle when I spotted a bottle of mint scented shampoo.

Of course it's mint shampoo.

I reached over for the shampoo bottle, but Draco grabbed my wrist before I could even grab it.

"What are you doing?" He queried.

"I'm gonna shampoo your head, silly," I responded, freeing from his grasp. 

I grabbed the mint shampoo and squirted some onto my palm, then I set the shampoo back down.

"Lucille, this is ridiculous," He seethed.

"Oh, quit whining. You know you want me to," I sneered, as I rubbed my palms together.

I started massaging his scalp as the suds of the shampoo multiplied. He closed his eyes out of pleasure.

"This actually feels really nice," He stammered, as his lips parted. 

A giggle escaped my lips. I knew he'd like it.

Once his head was full of soap, I gestured him to place his head under the warm water. 

After his head was rinsed, he pulled my body close to his.

Our bodies were pressed up against each other. It was as if his soft skin melted onto mine; almost like we were one. The glass of the shower soon fogged up, and the steam radiated off our bodies.

"Let me do the same thing," He ordered. 

"Okay," I responded softly.

We switched positions as I had my back against him.

Draco reached for the same shampoo bottle and poured some onto his hands, then lathered them together.

"Now we'll both smell like mint," He chuckled. 

Draco's hands went to work immediately. His fingers massaged my scalp, lathering my roots and the ends of my hair. I knocked my head back with my eyes closed, taking in all the passion.

"Draco," I muttered, "Have you done this before?" 

He scoffed, "No, Lucille, I haven't."

That was the answer I was hoping for.

Otherwise I would've completely lost it.

Draco positioned my head under the shower head, as the suds flowed off my head and down to my body.

As the water rinsed my thick head of hair, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Draco then took his right hand and placed it onto my stomach.

"Are you scared?" He quivered.

"Of what, Draco?" 

"The baby," He responded.

I gulped.

"U-um," I stuttered, "A little bit, yeah," I turned around and clung my arms around his neck as his worried eyes met with mine. "Are you?"

Draco huffed. "Very."

I rested my head against his chest when I noticed that his heart was beating incredibly fast.

"Why are you very afraid?" I probed.

All silence but the water pattering onto the ground of the shower. The hissing of the shower head. Our shallow breathing. 

"I don't want to become my father," He blurted. "I refuse to raise our child with the idealisms of my father, Lucille."

I looked up at him when I noticed that his eyes started watering.

"You're not going to become your father, Draco," I responded.

"You don't know that-."

"Oh, but I do, Draco," I retorted. "You won't become your father, I'll make sure of it,"

Draco dove down and pressed his wet lips against mine. A few more pecks, then he pulled away.

"Alright, Lucille," He breathed, "I trust you."

I smiled. "Good."

As I turned back around to rinse my hair a bit more, Draco slowly felt around my body. Goosebumps suddenly formed, as his hands grasped gently onto the both sides of my waist.

He craned his neck down and placed gentle kisses on the side of my neck down to my shoulders, as I emitted a soft moan out of pleasure.

"I love you," I spoke breathlessly.

"And I love you, too, Lucille."


Hey guys! So, sorry for the dry filler D: I hope you guys liked it anyway.

Did I hear spice coming next chapter?????

D I S C U S S I O N 

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