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Hey lovelies-
Thank you guys for the feedback! One reader said they wanted Lucille to talk more. You ask, I give! Before I continue I should explain why she doesn't talk much; She's shy and content, usually keeps to herself, but character development is on the way! Again, thank you guys for the amazing comments and votes, you guys are the best. I will update on October 5th, I'm gonna have a hectic weekend!

Without further adieu, I present to you...


draco malfoy

As soon as she left the room, weight was lifted off my shoulders and I sighed. You're a fucking toad, Draco.

A part of me felt that I shouldn't be doing this to her; that I shouldn't be sleeping with her or even touching her, but I can't help it. Over the years she's gotten... irresistible.

Lucille was someone I couldn't touch, and that angered me. Now, I don't want anyone touching her, because that will anger me. Now that I have her melting at my fingertips, I simply cannot get enough of her.

She looked guilty as she drank the vial, but it had to be done. I can't let her carry a child of a bloody Death Eater.

Suddenly thinking about being chosen, guilt infiltrates my body. I exit the empty room and walk down the hall, straying further away from the class I'm supposed to be in right now. I don't have time for that shit right now.

Given the task to kill Dumbledore has been heavy on me ever since I stepped foot in Hogwarts after returning from summer break, but Lucille and my friends have managed to put my mind at ease; hence why I cannot just get rid of her.

Lucille started to blossom in year 3. Her plump lips became fuller, the curves of her body were accentuated, and my Merlin her breast. I noticed everything about her, and now that it's my last year being here, I thought might as well do whatever the fuck I want.

To tell you the truth, I hate thinking about her. I hate looking at her. And the way her soft voice spoke; all innocent and fucking annoying. Her wide smile and green eyes; I despised her for many things. One of them was her being so irresistible. It made me mad that she had this power over me; my knees buckle anytime she says my name, and that makes me fucking angry.

I hate feeling. I hate feeling emotions. I hate her. I hate Lucille Granger.

So I fuck her with no mercy to compensate for the hate, and Merlin does it feel amazing. I've had sex with multiple people many times before, but it never left me wanting more the way Lucille does. And that angers me.  I think it has a lot to do with me being in control of her most of time, even though I barely made the decision to do so yesterday. But it was long overdue; I've always wanted to fuck her since she blossomed. I've always wanted to taste Lucille, and once I tasted a smidge of her juices I knew that I was screwed; I'm stuck.

I turn right to a hall with an empty wall, which would soon turn into the door of Room of Requirement where I was tasked to repair a bloody cabinet of all things. But it wasn't just any cabinet.

It was a Vanishing Cabinet.

As the large doors appear, I entered the room. I glanced over the many things towering atop one another, searching for this fucking cabinet.

I finally found it, and I pulled off the tapestry that covered it.

How am I supposed to repair this damn thing when all I can think about is Lucille?

I take a huff and start preparing the start of history in the making.


lucille granger

After all my classes were finished and the day was pretty much over, I was starving. Onyx and I rushed along with Lorenzo and Blaise to the Great Hall, awaiting the delicious warm meals on the table.

"You think I aced Snape's test?" Onyx questioned

"You studied with me, of course you aced that test," I beamed. Blaise slung his arm around Onyx and placed a kiss on her forehead as she smiled a cheesy smile. For some reason, my heart felt warm for the both of them. This was expected; them being together and all.

"I think Lucille should tutor us all," Blaise jeered. "I have no clue what we're doing in Transfiguration".

I chuckled as Lorenzo swung his arm around me as well. All four of us entered the Great Hall and my ears rung as people chattered and laughed. It instantly felt warm and comforting. My stresses from all the work I did today slowly withered.

I sat next to Lorenzo as Onyx and Blaise sat across us. I looked over at the food and instantly salivated. The food palette consisted of colors of green, brown, and orange. Vegetables and meats scattered across the table in large dishes that had serving spoons in them.

Without hesitation, I started scooping vegetables and meat onto my plate.

"Lord, I am starving," Onyx complained as she started scooping food onto her plate as well, "The vial's side effect is being ravenous".

I started shoving food into my mouth as if I haven't ate in days when I stopped my tracks. "Wait, the vial causes that?"

Onyx nodded as she started shoving food into her mouth, too. Fuck, it's The Vial.

I disregard the notion and continue eating.

"Luce, do you want to join us later at the Astronomy Tower? 11:00 PM," Lorenzo suggested.

All I wanted to do after this was go to bed; my body is exhausted, as well as mentally.

"I think.. I'll pass," I responded lowly, as I continued eating. "What are you guys going to do?"

"Smoke muggle-herb. I have a fuck ton left and I want to get rid of it before they do a dorm sweep," Lorenzo responded.

"Are you feeling alright, Luce? You're eating as if you took the vial, too," Blaise jeered. I choked up on my food.

"No! No I didn't take it!" I responded immediately, "Why would I! I don't have sex". My palms sweat and I internally cringe.

"Woah, Lucille. I was only joking," Blaise assured.

"Who was the first guy that got in your knickers again?" Lorenzo questioned, in which resulted in my face warming up. "What was his bloody name again? Fuck".

"Cedric Diggory?" said Onyx, scooping a slice of meat into her mouth.

"Oh, right. Bless his soul," Lorenzo cooed. "Anyways, what year were you in. again? Year 4, right?"

"Yes, why?" I responded.

"Nothing, I just forgot who you first slept with, is all," Lorenzo specified. He threw a grape in the air and catched it with his mouth. "Do you plan on shagging anyone this year?"

My throat tightens and I find myself sort of inaudible. I don't ever plan  on telling anyone about what Malfoy and I did.

"I-I don't know. It'd be nice, though" I lied. With guilt, I only wanted to sleep with one person only, and that was Draco.

"Well, there's plenty of men in this school willing to, y'know, fuck you," Blaise commented. Onyx smacked his chest as he winced.

"She doesn't have to shag anyone if she doesn't want to," Onyx blatantly stated, flashing a smile at me. I smiled back. If only you knew, Onyx De Loughrey.

Looking back at it now, sex compared to Cedric Diggory with Draco Malfoy was nowhere near the fucking same. Though I only slept with Malfoy once and with Cedric multiple times, it could never be the same.

And thinking about Draco's previous sexual partners only makes me upset. But why?

I finished up my food and drank a whole cup of water. I huffed and stretched my back while sitting.

"That was so delicious," I groaned.

"I'm gonna eat more," said Onyx, putting more food on her plate.

"You sure you don't want to tag along later, Luce? It'll be funnnn," Lorenzo attempted to convince me, but I was really pooped.

"Enzo, you know I'd come if I wasn't so pooped," I responded, wrapping my arms around him and resting my head on his shoulder.

"You should get some rest. You surely do look exhausted. What'd you do yesterday?" Onyx probed.

"Nothing," I fretted.

"Alright..." Onyx said with uncertainty. It seemed as if she knew what I was hiding, or more like she knew that I was hiding something in general. She eyed me for a few seconds until she looked away. "I'm gonna be with Blaise and Enzo alright? I'll be back around 2 AM, is that okay?"

"Of course it is, Onyx. I'll be asleep anyways," I respond, getting up from the bench. "I'll see you guys tomorrow?"

"Yes, madame. Now go get your beauty sleep, princess," Lorenzo ordered. I smiled at him and gave him a hug as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

I wave good bye at Onyx and Blaise as I exit the Great Hall, heading towards the dungeons.

I speed down the halls, eager to get out of this uncomfortable uniform and into loose clothing. Right now, I just want to lay in my bed and melt.

As I arrive at my dungeon I immediately throw my book bag onto the ground and undress my heavy robe and unbutton my blouse. I remove my skirt and save the best part for last: removing my thigh-high socks. I slowly remove each sock as the relief concocts in my body. I rub the parts where my socks left marks. That has got to be the most comfortable thing to do.

I walk around my room in my bra and underwear as goosebumps form on my skin due to the air being so cold. I open my dresser and search for a baggy t-shirt. Once I find one, I slip it on and I hop onto my bed. I slip under the covers and close my eyes, drifting off into a slumber.


Pounding on the door emits the room, causing me to jump out of my sleep. For fucks sake. I look out the window and the lake is pretty dark, which probably means it's already nighttime. I look over at Onyx's bed and I see that she's not here yet, so it must be barely 10 pm. Pounding on the door happens once again. Who the fuck could that be?

I stretch my legs and yawn as I get up, waddling over to the door with my hand in my shirt.

I open the door to see Malfoy standing there with a smug look on his face. He looks exhausted; angry, even.  Frustrated.

"Can I help you?" I pester. He storms into my room and shoves me aside. The fuck?

Draco slams my door closed and locks it. He turns around and walks towards me. Frustration is plastered on his face, which makes me feel a bit worried. He grabs my waist without hesitation and kisses me. I pull away and look into his eyes. Bags are formed under them.

"Are you okay?" I gulped.

"Just shut the fuck up, Lucille," He seethed through his teeth. He pressed his lips against mine aggressively, pulling my body closer to his. His cold hands wandered around my warm body, emitting chills and forming goosebumps all around. His hands slither under my baggy shirt, causing me to shudder. I snap back to conscience and sort of shove him away from me, realizing that he can't just walk in here and expect me to fuck him at his will.

"Draco," I breathe. "Is something bothering you? You look... drained". I cooed softly.

"For fucks sake, Lucille. Do you always have to ask questions?" He snapped. He inched closer and pulled me to him, placing kisses on my neck. This didn't feel right. I needed answers.

I lightly pushed him away, but he wouldn't budge. Draco continued to kiss my neck and nip at the sensitive parts of my skin.

"Draco! Stop it, please!" I pleaded. With that, he immediately pulled away and stared into my eyes with worrisome. For some odd reason, tears started to pool in my eyes. I stepped back and he stood there with guilt.

"Fuck, Lucille, I-. I'm sorry," he gulped, inching closer with guilt in his eyes.

"N-no. Stop moving closer, Draco," I demanded, fighting back my tears. "You can't just-. You can't just storm in here in the most unprecedented times demanding sex".

Draco just stood there. His frustration withered and it formed into worrisome. He looked guilty.

"I'm sorry, Lucille," He cooed. Draco's aura softened and this was very rare for me. He looked lifeless.

I sniffled and crept closer to him. He looked down at the ground. I bit my lip nervously, hoping that this awkward tension would soon disintegrate.

"Um," I said. I slowly wrapped my arms around him, with my head against his chest. Fuck, what am I doing? What if he doesn't want this? What if I'm crossing barriers? But then again, what if this is just what he needs? I can hear his heartbeat, and for some reason it's calming.

Suddenly, his arms cling around me as well. Holy fuck, he's hugging me back.

I look up at him, and I notice that he truly does tower over me. He looks back down at me and our eyes meet. Beneath all that silver was sadness and exhaustion. One thing is for sure; he wouldn't tell me anything about how he's feeling, but it seems like he really just needs this right now; me.

For some reason, a sudden urge hovers my body and I stand on my tiptoes, pecking his lips with mine gently. As I pull my head away slowly, he looks at me in awe, his body softening. He dives in for another one. One kiss slowly turns to 3, then to more.

Kisses turn passionate. They're warm, and they're wet. We shuffle towards my bed. Draco lays me gently on my bed and he slowly unbuttons his white long-sleeve blouse, his eyes not shifting away from my figure. We don't talk, but our company speaks louder than words. It seems as if he doesn't want to talk right now, and that's alright.

He removes his blouse and starts unbuckling his belt. The sound of the metal sends shivers down my spine, given the notion that we're about to, you know. Draco climbs on top of me and continues to kiss me.

This was far more different than yesterday. This felt like it meant something. His tongue twirled with mine. Our mouths were one. He pulls away, breathing heavily yet softly as well. His blood-rushed lips placed wet kisses onto my neck, as I let out a soft moan. His hands slither under my shirt. He raises my shirt higher, indicating that I remove it. I raise myself to assist his removal of my shirt. Draco throws my shirt into abyss and admires my body.

"You're stunning, Lucille," He whispers. Stunning.

Draco leaves trails of kisses from my neck down to my stomach. Soft and gentle moans slip out my mouth. I am eager for his every touch, wanting more by the second. Draco seems more gentle right now, and I'm loving every moment of it.

Malfoy tugs on the hem of my underwear, and I raise my waist for him to remove them. I am exposed to him. He spreads my legs and places a kiss onto my heat, causing me to jolt. I shiver at the warmth from his lips to mine below. He pulls my waist closer to him with his mouth in level to my heat. Draco uses his tongue and slowly massages my entrance. I arch my back at the pleasure. Why is he being so delicate? Besides, I feel amazing right now. His tongue digs deeper, finding my clitoris. My thighs slowly wrap around his head, only encouraging him to pay more attention to my clit.

"Draco," I moan softly. His cold hands grab onto my thighs as he eats me effortlessly. It becomes so intense that I'm squirming. The rings on his fingers press onto my skin, making me feel 100x wetter. He grabs tighter, indicating that I stay in place. My stomach twists and turns, churning and jumping. "I think I'm-. I-." I mutter.

With that, Draco immediately stops. Ouch, literally! I look down at him and he flashes a devilish smirk. "Save that for later, Lucille," He breathed. I'm breathing heavily, unsatisfied. Draco gets up and removes his uniform pants. He climbs back onto the bed and positions himself between my legs.

Draco takes out his lengthy shaft. The sight of it makes me suck in, preparing for the difficult part: bearing with his large size. I guess it's just something I have to get used to.

"May I?" He cooed softly, looking deeply into my eyes. I nod yes.

Malfoy rubs his tip against my entrance, causing me to shudder. His breathing soon becomes heavy as well. Without hesitation, he rams into me. I let out a shocked moan. Draco chuckles at this. He pumps into me gently so that I get used to his size once again.

His pace progressively fastens. I can feel his eyes watching my every reaction to every thrust. It feels like absolute magic. I fit him like a tight glove; like a missing puzzle piece. Draco lowers his head by mine and passionately kisses me while bucking his hips against mine. Our mouths gape open, softly grunting into each other's mouths. He moves his mouth towards my neck and starts leaving kisses yet again. As he pulled away from kissing my neck, his breathing was shallow. He pulled out at an instant, causing me to flinch.

Draco brings my legs up to his shoulders, and rams himself into me once more. He thrusts deeper and harder this time.

"Fuck, Lucille," He murmurs in frustration. I grab ahold of his sides, digging my nails into them absently. I felt loud moans coming in, so I quickly covered my mouth to avoid any attention from outside the dungeon.

But Draco removes my hand aggressively. "Don't ever try to be quiet," He muttered.

With that, I wailed because of the pleasure I was receiving aggressively. Draco continuously pounded into me, harder and harder. I felt his eyes remain on me, watching me come more and more undone. I bit my lip. This was fucking great; it was passionate.

As the hip-bucking and deep strokes progressed, I was about to cum.

"I'm c-coming, Draco," I whimpered.

"Together?" He breathed. I struggled to nod, but he got the memo.

His pace was aggressive and harder. My eyes became watery in reaction to such an overload of pleasure. I bucked my hips against him, almost reaching my end.

Our bodies both came undone. He rolled his head back, with his lips parted. He breathed raggedly, releasing everything inside me. I let out one last moan as I climaxed.

Draco pulled out of me, in which made me wince.

He plopped next to me, still heavily breathing, making the both of us. I looked over at him and he looked at me. He let out a soft chuckle, and so did I.

Was this side of Draco soft? Will I continue seeing this side of him?

I dismissed those thoughts, embracing the present.

He scooted closer towards me, opening his arms and wrapping them around me. Woah.

I gently placed my head against his chest. Our breathing soon leveled back to our normal patterns. We sulked in the energy we just created.

"It's a little cold," I cooed softly. He chuckled softly, sitting up and pulling the covers from our feet over the both of us. He wrapped me into his arms yet again.

Our bodies were so close to each other beneath this blanket creating warmth. Was this the same Draco Lucius Malfoy that tormented me all my whole school years? I was finding it impossible, yet possible at the same time.

Draco traced squiggly lines and patterns onto my bare back, confiding comfort underneath these sheets.

"Draco?" I whispered.

He looked at me, eyes meeting. "Hm?"

I bit my lip nervously, hesitating to ask the question. I didn't want to ruin the moment, but I knew it had to be asked.

"Do you care? About me?" I gulped. He looked at me, then looked back up at the ceiling.

"I always have, Lucille Granger," He responded softly.


B-R-FUCKING-B I'M LITERALLY CRYING ASKFHKJSDFLKJWBFIUWHFNSHFB . I had to, I HAD TO!!! As always, please please comment and vote!! <3 It means a lot. Thank you guys for reading!

If there are errors, PLEASE PLEASE let me know so that I can fix them! It's currently 3:11 AM and I am dyyyying to get this done for you guys before I go MIA until October 5th. I hope you guys liked this chapter <3

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