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lucille granger

I stand in front of the mirror, examining my body. The newborn sun hits my dark brown hair, making it a light brown shade with minimal streaks of auburn. I glance over at Onyx, sound asleep. She arrived back at the dorms late, I assume.

I look at my inner thighs and I notice slight bruising. I gently press against them and wince. I notice other marks on my chest. I check my neck to make sure I don't have any on there, but soon enough I discover a small nip not too obvious. Memories of last night soon surface, but I look away from the mirror before I'm stuck rewinding the scenes again.

I put on my uniform as usual and head out the door earlier than ever just to head over to Hogsmeade.

I suck in the cold air of the corridors. Why is it always cold? I reach the commons and notice a few early birds chatting, such as Lorenzo.

"Oi, you're up early," Lorenzo beams from the couch. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Good morning," I greet as I make my way towards the couch and give him a hug, "What're you doing up early?"

"I would ask you the same thing," Lorenzo responds, shutting his book closed. "I'm studying for the fucking O.W.L.S test yet again. McGonagall thinks I got stupid". He huffs and I chuckle, empathizing for him yet finding it funny that McGonagall took a while realizing that. "And you? Where are you headed at this time?"

"Hogsmeade," I reply, huffing and taking a seat right next to him. "Onyx is asking for vials".

"Woah, vials as in.. The Vial?" he glares at me in shock. I nod, and he lets out a laugh. "Called me sick and now she's over here letting Blaise spunk in her, too! Hypocrite," He jeers.

"Do you want to tag along?" I suggest. He sarcastically taps his temple, pretending to think.

"Hmm.. Do I want to study for this test or go out and shop?" He states. I roll my eyes. "You already know the answer".

And with that, we both get up from the couch and head out the commons.

Lorenzo usually always walks fast, so it's a little painful to be walking at his speed. I wince every 2 minutes because of how literally numb my legs feel. It felt like I did a work out the night before.

"You're a slow poke today, Lucille," Lorenzo joked. He ran his fingers through his hair as the sun hits his skin, taking a deep breath in and a deep breath out. As we exit the school and into the courtyard, I hear soft conversations around me held by students who favor waking early to enjoy the sun. "Beautiful day, innit?"

"Indeed," I respond with energy. We trot side by side heading to Hogsmeade. "While we're there, do you want to visit Honeydukes? I could go for some chocolate frogs".

"What kind of question is that? Duh," He responds, slinging his book bag over his shoulder before it slipped, "I might actually grab a few vials from J.Pippins' Potions as well".

"Gross," I comment as he lightly shoves me.

"Don't judge me, Lucille Granger. Sad you're not get action, is it?" He snickers.


We enter Honeydukes and the aromas of cocoa, peppermint, and pumpkin instantly hit my nose. My mouth salivates instantly as I move closer inside.

"Find me chocolate frogs, will you?" I plead to Lorenzo as he shifts towards the end of the store.

"Mhm!" He responds. I look around to find some snacks for Onyx. I grabbed a few Cauldron Cakes and Exploding bon-bons.

I take the items and bring them to the hostess. I smile and say hi.

"Is this all, miss?" The middle aged woman asked.

"Um yes, for me. I'm just waiting on him," I respond lowly, pointing at Lorenzo.

"Do you want 3 frogs or 4 this time?" He asks from afar. I hold up 3 fingers and he nods, grabbing 3 chocolate frogs.

Him and I used to come here every weekend in year 4 up until he hit puberty and started shagging girls left and right.

We quickly pay and head out the door. We head towards the potion shop afterwards.

"Do you think it's going to cost me over 5 galleons?" I questioned, rattling my pouch.

"Are you stupid? It shouldn't cost you no more than 5 sickles each!" Lorenzo laughed at my idiocy, as I swing my bookbag and hit him with it.

"Well, I never bought these bloody vials before," I specified. "I wonder what it tastes like. Do you have any idea?"

Lorenzo gave me a stupid look as if I said the most stupidest thing ever.

"Look at me, Lucille Joan Granger," He urged, "Does it look like I having fucking lady bits?"

"No? That's a st-"

"Okay so why would I drink the goddamn vial, woman!?" He teased. I rolled my eyes and smirked as he laughed. "You ask weird questions, Luce".

"Oh, I'm aware".

Lorenzo holds the door open for me as I enter the shady store. It smells like hickory wood and wax.

"Onyx is crazy if she thinks I'm getting her 25 damn vials," I contorted as I walked further inside the store.

"Ah, don't worry about it. I'll buy it," Lorenzo insisted. I turned around and looked in his eyes.

"Are you sure?" I hesitated.

"I'm a Berkshire. 500 vials won't hurt my financial stability," He responded, swinging his arm around me for reassurance.

"Yes, we all know that," I cowered.

"Who's we?" He questioned as we looked around for the damn potions.

"Our whole clique, of course. We didn't forget when your mother invited us to your manor for your 14th birthday".

Lorenzo was incredibly wealthy, though he's never worked an hour in his life. But the money can't compensate for the lack of parental figure in his life. He's basically raised himself, but the Malfoys really took him in as their own.

As we look for the damned vial, I pick up a few incense sticks for my dormitory. Scents of orange, lavender, honey, and earthy smells is what I chose.

"Oi! Malfoy! What're you doing here so early?" Lorenzo exclaims behind me. I froze in my tracks.

"Could ask you the same thing, Berkshire," He prodded, feeling his presence from afar behind me, "You with a Hufflepuff again?"

"Her? No! Merlin, no. It's Lucille," Lorenzo specified. I turned around slowly and smiled an awkward grin. His face went from excited to seeing Lorenzo to sickened by the sight of me. "We're here getting vials". I smacked his chest after telling him our business as he winced. "What?"

Draco's face plastered with worrisome. "For what?"

"For Onyx. And some for me, as well," Lorenzo responded, finding the rack of potions and grabbing the small vials, fitting about 5 in each palm. "What're you getting from here?"

Draco looked at me in disgust, then looked back at Lorenzo. "I'm also here for a couple vials". What? So he's sneaking around with other women? Ugh! And to think I let him have sex with me?

"Malfoy purchasing vials?! You're nasty, mate. Malfoy the Shagger is back, I see," Lorenzo chuckled.

Regret riddles my body as he walked closer to me. "A shame you brought the mudblood with you. We would've been able to catch a drink before school started, Lorenzo," Draco snarled lowly, making eye contact with me.

"It was actually me who tagged along with Lucille. We can still catch a drink," Lorenzo assured, "You fine with parting ways after this, Lucille?"

"O-of course. I have to head back to Onyx anyways," I said with little to no energy.

"Great, you do that," Malfoy snapped. What the fuck is your issue, Malfoy? It enrages me how he's putting up this façade that he hates my guts. In fact, I'm positive that he truly does! And that he's fucking me just to fuck me. Ugh!

I pick up a few vials, putting them in a little basket provided by the shop. I watch Malfoy grab a few, and my heart aches every time he picks one up. So he's really out here fucking multiple people.

For some reason it truly bothers me, though there should be no reason. I don't fancy him. I don't want him like that. He's rude, and he's a bully. He's disliked me since the very beginning. Any nice gesture back then meant nothing. It was as if his distaste in me aged over the years. It doesn't make sense how he decided to just kiss me, and do all types of intimate things with me, then act like I'm the filthiest person to exist.

I bring the vials to the counter with Lorenzo beside me. We combine the vials together and the clerk rung up the price.

"I'm glad you two are taking preventative measures," The elder clerk beckoned, making me internally cringe.

"Oh, no! No, w-we're not-" I stutter.

"No sir, we're just-. We aren't-," Lorenzo stutters as well.

"No need to explain anything, young ones. Young love is inevitable," He responded, counting the vials.

Draco snickered. "Sir, she's a mudblood. Lorenzo has standards, and she does not apply," Draco intruded. I turned around and gave him a smug look. All he did was smirk.

The elder's joyous mood slowly withered as his emotions grew with disappointment.

"So totaling to 40 vials, that will be 1 galleon and 4 sickles" The elder chimed.

Lorenzo pulled out 2 whole galleons. "Keep the remaining money, sir," Lorenzo pleaded. Although he was spoiled, he always knew how to give back to the community.

"Thank you, young man," The elder beamed.

Lorenzo and I stepped aside so that Malfoy can pay his fucking vials for his fucking whores.

"Don't worry, Lucille. I don't care if you're not a pureblood," He whispers to me. Lorenzo always finds way to enlighten me.

"Thank you, Enzo,"I respond lowly.

Draco finishes paying and we head out.

"Alright, well, I'll see you in Charms, Luce. Get back safely please," Lorenzo announced. I gave him a hug good bye and Malfoy scoffed.

"Don't get too drunk, Lorenzo," I retorted, shaking my finger at him before I turned around and headed back. He laughed and I smiled.

"Fucking strange," Malfoy muttered to Lorenzo. Lorenzo also laughed to that, too, but only to avoid awkward tension.


I walk down the corridors on the way to Charms with Onyx. I hand her the small vial and she examines it.

"How dainty and cute," she gushes. "Thank you, Lucille".

"Of course," I told her. "You won't believe who I saw buying vials, too".





"Blegh! Who is he ejaculating in?" Onyx exclaimed with disgust.

"Exactly! He was just plainly rude in general! I was with Lorenzo, too. He happened to wake up early for the O.W.L.S test. McGonagall wants him to retake the test".

"Did he buy vials, too?"

"Of course he did," I jeered. She giggled and so did I.

Onyx popped the small cork off the vial and drank the vial. She scrunched her face in utter disgust.

"For fucks sake!" Onyx croaked. "That is not a pleasant taste at all".

"What's it taste like?"

She smacks her lips a little, trying to point out the taste.

"Like... a really bad batcb of pumpkin pasties," She stuck out her tongue and pointed her finger in her mouth in disgust.

"Disgusting..." I commented. We entered Charms class and saw Lorenzo and Blaise sitting next to each other.

"Good morning, lads," I beamed, taking a seat. "I'm glad you showed up to Charms, Enzo. Did you drink a lot?"

"A jug or two, but I'm fine," Lorenzo responds.

I pat my robe looking for my wand. After patting for 4 seconds I realize it's not with me, and my heart drops out of my arse.

"Fuck!" I exclaim.

"Language, Ms. Granger," Flitwick sternly stated.

"Professor, I forgot my wand back at my dungeon. May I go on ahead and grab it?" I pleaded. He thought for a few seconds and huffed.

"Make it quick. I expect you to have all your items ready before you enter my class, everyone".

I rush out the classroom and speed walk down the halls. The only thing on my mind is grabbing my wand and getting back to class.

But that goes downhill when I am suddenly grabbed with my eyes shielded by a cold hand. I squeal per usual, but sort of already knowing who the damn person is. We stumble into a room and the door is shut shortly after. Their hand was taken off my eyes and Malfoy stood right in front of me with a devilish smirk. He dove in for a kiss but I looked the other way before he could even kiss me.

I'm enraged.

"Why won't you kiss me?" He hissed. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Seriously? You're asking me why I won't kiss you?" I snap, pacing around the empty room with desks and tables in frustration. I'm just about to explode. "For starters, we started getting touchy out of fucking nowhere! And you! Why are you kissing me behind closed doors but can't give me a smidge of respect in public?" I shout.

Draco just stands here, hands in his pockets. He looks really good right now. I can't help but check him out. Black school pants, luxury dress shoes, and a black blazer with a white button-up inside. His platinum blonde hair is styled the same way it was when we were in year 4; that was when he got beautiful.

"Why should you deserve my respect?" He spat.

"And why should you deserve me?" I snarled back. He stood there in silence with frustration plastered on his face.

"Because you and I both know that years of frustration and hatred can turn into lust very quickly," He retorted, inching closer to me. "Are you going to keep asking questions or are you going to let us enjoy the ride?" He tucked my hair behind my ears, looking deeply into my eyes. I bit my lip nervously.

"I-. I don't want to have meaningless sex with you, Malfoy," I reprimanded, stepping back away from him, which only made him inch closer yet again.

"Are you sure? Because the way I remember it, you didn't mind when I was fucking you mercilessly..?" His words made me shudder. At an instant, a flashback plays, but I put it to a halt.

"Stop inching closer, M-Malfoy," I stutter, backing up. Soon enough, I'm pinned against a wall. What's new.

He places both his arms between me on the wall, leaving me trapped. Draco brings his face to mine and places a kiss on my lips. A sweet and gentle kiss. I can't help but kiss him back. He cups my face with his right hand and our kiss becomes passionate.

He pulls away and breathes deeply. His grey eyes staring directly into mine yet again. Internally, I melt at the sight. "Does anyone kiss you, Lucille?" He questions.

"No," I respond lowly.

He grins. "Good".

He pulls away from me and grabs something out of his pocket. He holds the small item in his palm and opens his hand, showing me the item.

The Vial.

"Drink this," He demanded.

"Wh-what?" Confusion is plastered onto my face up until I remember- He released himself in me.

"I don't like wearing condoms. I also despise mudblood babies. Drink this".

I grab the vial and pop the cork open. I cannot believe I am doing this.

"Were the other vials you purchased for your other fuck toys?" I snarled, staring at the cloudy liquid in the vial.

He chuckles. "Are you jealous, Lucille?"

My throat tightens.

"I could care less," I responded, knowing damn well I'm. The thought of him entering me while entering other woman bothers me, though I cannot say anything about it; I don't want to seem weak, but I am.

"I'm not spreading disease, I obtain one partner at a time," He states. "Drink up".

I pinch my nose closed at drink the vial, hoping I don't taste it.

"Good girl," He cooed, brushing his back index finger against my cheek. He lifts my chin up and places a kiss on my lips. "Now, get to class".

I scoff and roll my eyes, walking away from him. I exit the empty classroom and make my way towards my dorm to grab my wand.

If this is how it's going to be then so fucking be it.

Two can play at that game. Maybe his true feelings will surface soon, because Malfoy wouldn't purchase me a vial with his own money if he didn't care.


Hi guys! For some reason, this got a little popular (but not really) out of nowhere, and I"m glad! Please make comments and react, and votes are very very important to me! It means a lot.

Thank you guys for reading this fanfiction. I have a really good feeling about this. Add this to your library to receive updates and more!

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