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Hey guys-

Sorry for going MIA the whole day, my mom literally dragged me EVERYWHERE she went. The next few chapters, or from this point on, things will start to seriously change, for better or for worse, and uh.... tears may be SHED, you might be ANGRY at the characters (or me), and like OVERALL i am super super excited. At first I thought this was just going to be strictly a sex fic but DUDE LOOK HOW FAR WE'VE COME. and it wouldn't be made possible if it weren't for ALLLLL OF YOU <3 <3 

Without further adieu, I present to you...

R E D 

lucille granger

"Could you wake up, Lucille?" Onyx beamed, interrupting my sleep. I flutter my eyes hoping to see me wrapped in Draco's arms, but I guess not.

Great. He left.

I sit up and stretch, and I notice that my body aches from last night's activity.

"What?" I snapped, still feeling tired.

"They're having a brunch special at The Three Broomsticks, do you want to tag along?" She queried, as she removed her clothes and changed into new and fresh ones.

I simply couldn't turn down great food. Plus, Draco just got up and left.

"Okay," I responded groggily. I got up and immediately wobbled a little bit, but regained my balance, hoping that Onyx didn't see that. I headed over to the dresser and pulled out some clothing to change out of these fucking pajamas. "Is anyone else coming?"

"Blaise," She struggled to put her shoes on, "And Lorenzo said 'If Lucille's going then I'm going', so I guess he's coming too," She imitated Enzo's thick Sacred 28 accent, as I giggled.

"Let's get him to pay for the whole thing," I joke.

"Oh, I'll make him pay for the whole bloody thing," Onyx jeered, as I laughed.

Though I'm going out with my friends out for brunch, the upsetting feeling of Draco just leaving so suddenly begins to surface. I mean, I understand that he has a task to work on, but why couldn't he just stay a little longer?

Brief waterworks occurs, but I quickly wipe my tear before Onyx even saw me crying over the stupidest thing.

We both head out the room and the instant cold air takes my breath away.

"Bloody hell, why does it always have to be so cold?" I seethed, as I rubbed my arms to warm myself up.

"6 years and you're still not used to it," She commented, "Also, is Draco alright? It's like, the moment he came back he hasn't said hi to us or anything."

I bit my lip nervously. "I dunno, I guess he's just... really busy?" I bluffed.

"That could be it," Onyx said, "But you guys are okay, right?"

I mean, I think so?

"I'd like to think so," I responded, "Draco just has his....moments."

"No doubt about that," She chuckled.

As we reached the commons, I see Lorenzo and Blaise fooling around, chatting their morning shenanigans.

Lorenzo turns his head as our eyes meet. His charismatic attitude withers, and the corners of his mouth lay flat.

"Lucy," He breathes, "Are you alright?"

"...Yes? Why wouldn't I be," I respond, walking towards the couch and crashing onto it.

"I was just checking, is all. You were a little bit under the weather yesterday," He stated.

"You know who's been under the weather?" Blaise blurted, "Ol' Malfoy. Hasn't spoken to me since he got back, that cheeky git."

Hearing Blaise talk about Draco like that makes my blood boil, but I disregarded those feelings once I remember that he left me this morning.

Sure, I'm overreacting, but the least he could do was give me a kiss good-bye.

"Probably going through something-. Let's not budge," Lorenzo defended passively.

Silence emits.

"Anyways, shall we head to Hogsmeade now?" Onyx blurted.

"We shall," I responded as I got up from the couch.

As Blaise and Onyx headed out the commons, Lorenzo waited for me. Side by side, we walked down the corridor to leave Hogwarts for a fulfilling meal.

After the meal at The Three Broomsticks, Onyx and Blaise decided to have some alone time yet again, which left Lorenzo and I some time to spend.

Hanging out with Lorenzo never fails to make me feel content. I mean, besides Draco, Lorenzo was all I had when Blaise and Onyx were in their own little world.

We would always be in ours.

I took a seat on the bench right outside an antique store in Hogsmeade, while Lorenzo sat right beside me. The wind was crisp and cold, and the people around us were constantly moving; always had a place to be.

I took in the scenery I was in; children laughing, families hand in hand walking alongside one another, the crunch of the snow beneath the footsteps. It was so comforting.

Feeling at peace was well needed, given that things have been hectic this past week.

The feeling of peace soon came to an end once I started thinking about Draco.

I wish I could just ask him anything and everything without him feeling so defensive. Though he came back barely a day ago, we've only ever bonded with one another in the bedroom; in fact, come to think of it, that's all we ever really do.

But I truly do love Draco Malfoy- there's no doubt about it.

I just wish there was more.

"Lucille?" Lorenzo interrupted my thoughts, as I glanced at him.

"Hm?" I mumbled.

"Are you alright?" He questioned, adjusting his winter beanie. "You went from smiling to a blank expression within a matter of seconds."

"Yeah, I'm just tired," I bluffed, "Are you eyeing me?" I smile.

He grins. "Maybe," He chuckled, "But seriously, Lucille. Are you alright?"

I bit my lip nervously and kept quiet for a while to compose the right words to say.

"I'm just... upset," I responded flatly.

Lorenzo's expressions soon became aware and worried. "Why?" He scooted closer with concern.

"I'm probably just overreacting. I-It's nothing," I reprimanded.

"No, Lucille-. Talk to me. You know you can talk to me," Lorenzo's warm hazel eyes consoled comfort.

I gulped. "Is it bad that I want more?" 

Confusion grew on his face. "More...? Like, more of what?"

"Like, attention? I don't know. Spending time with another other than the bedroom? Is that too much to ask?" I sighed, "I mean, I get it. I shouldn't be selfish. He has a task, I understand. And I know how heavy that must be and I'm being so greedy and selfish but I just can't help it because I truly love Draco and I feel like we only spend time in the bedroom when we could be doing way more than just having sex-."

"Lucille, calm down," Lorenzo interrupted as he cupped my cheek, staring directly into my eyes, "Your feelings will and always be valid, so don't ever think you're selfish or greedy," He reassured. 

I caught my breath and calmed down. "You're right. I should-. I should calm down," I breathed.

"Well, put it this way, Lucy," Lorenzo tucked my hair behind my ear, "Surely Draco would love to spend time with you, and do absolutely anything and everything with you, but given the circumstances, he finds it impossible to do so," He continues, "Draco has no choice. The-." He looked left and right, ensuring that no one is near, "The Dark Lord chose him for this task, and his life depends on it. In fact, him and his whole family, and that could include you, too."

Lorenzo had a point and it was infuriating. 

"Hopefully after everything is over, the both of you will be able to do anything you want," He stated, "But right now, he just needs you to be there for him at his call. And I understand how horrible that sounds, but Lucille, he has no one like you."

I sat in silence, taking in what Lorenzo just told me. I looked down at the ground as I imprinted the sole of my shoe onto the snow. 

"I just wish he could stay longer in bed, or at least kiss me good-bye before he leaves," I added lowly. 

He sighs, "Then tell him that, Lucille. Be verbal about it. I'm sure he can make do,"

I doubt that. He doesn't like being told what to do.

"Okay," I bluffed.

Why does Draco have to be so fucking hard headed?


draco malfoy 

I was tired. Repairing this fucking cabinet took so much time out of my day. School will be back in session tomorrow and I'm nowhere near done with this bloody fucking cabinet. 

All I wanted right now was to be in Lucille's bed sleeping peacefully. Though my days are horrible and slow, it's glad knowing I have some peace to come back to.

"You're zoning out again, Mr. Malfoy," Snape interrupted my thoughts, "If you want to ensure your family... you must focus on repairing this cabinet. Otherwise, your family and your precious Lucille will be danger," He blatantly responded.

"The day's almost fucking over. Can I just continue tomorrow?" I snarled. 

"Try... again..." He ordered.

I scoffed. I help up my wand and focused on this bloody cabinet.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus," I muttered. The cabinet shudders ever so slightly; the same reaction it's been giving me for the past 5 fucking months. "Nothing. Nothing, again."

Snape sighed. "Get sleep. Be here the same time tomorrow." 

He stormed out the room without hesitation. 

Fucking strange.

I walked out the Room of Requirement with exhaustion, but looking forward to seeing Lucille. 

At least she brings peace to this fucking horrendous life that I live. 

I walk down the empty and dimly lit corridor. The only sounds emitting in the corridor are my dress shoes pattering on the stone ground and the flickering of the flames in the scones on the wall. 

I know I should be repairing the cabinet with as much as manifestation I can offer, but I find it difficult when all I can think about is Lucille.

I enter the commons to see a handful of people talking and coming back from their winter breaks. I glance over to the couch to see Blaise and Onyx conversing with Goyle.

I walk over to them, interrupting their conversation.

"Have you guys seen Lucille?" I ask them.

"Hello to you, too, Malfoy," Blaise chuckled. I wasn't in the mood for fucking jokes. I just wanted to be with Lucille right now. "No, we haven't. She was with Lorenzo the last time we saw her."

What in the fuck could she possibly be doing with Lorenzo? Why the fuck does he always have to be around her? My blood starts boiling and my palms start sweating.

"I think Lucille is in her dorm, though," Onyx added. 

Without hesitation, I walked away from them and stormed towards the girls' dungeons. 

After a long walk down yet another gloomy fucking corridor and two sharp lefts-.

There they stood. By her door.

Bodies close. 

And she's laughing. 

And so he tucks her hair behind her ear.

And places.

A fucking.


On her fucking.


Rage concocts in my body. I clench my fists and storm towards the both of them

"You.. fucking.. traitor," I seethed. 

Their heads turn directly at me and out of rage I push Lucille aside and swing a hard punch to my own bloody fucking best friend's face. 

Lorenzo topples to the ground as I grab the hem of his button-up and punch him again.

And again. 

Lucille's screaming at me to stop.

But I do it again. 

And again.

All I see is red, and I can't tell if that's my anger or his blood. 

Or both.

A body pulls me away from him and I heavily pant. I looked down at my fist and see blood. 

Onyx and Goyle bend down to pick Lorenzo back up from the ground. 

I glance over at him and his lip and cheekbone is busted, bleeding profusely, but still conscious. 

Guess I didn't punch him hard enough.

I realize that it's Blaise who grabbed me off of Lorenzo, so I shove Blaise off of me and breathe heavily.

I look over at Lucille and she's shaking; she's crying and she's inaudible.

Then reality hits.

I scared her.

Her soft green eyes meet with mine, and they're scared. 

"For fuck's sake, Malfoy! What's gotten into you?" Blaise shouts. I disregard him. All I can think about is Lucille.

I slowly step towards Lucille, as she backs up.

"S-stay where you are, Draco. Do-Don't step any closer," she stutters, tears pooling in her green emerald eyes.

I'm tired, Lucille. I don't want to argue with you. I just want to lay with you right now.

I continue to step closer.

"Draco, stop!" She shouts.

And so I stop and stare at her, my fists still stinging.

"Why?" I softly cooed in defeat. "Why can't I come closer?"

"You just hurt Lorenzo, Draco," She wept. 

"Because he touched you," I responded with no energy.

"That's no fucking excuse!" She shouted.

I'm tired, Lucille. 

"Can we just rest, Lucille," I weakly spoke.

She sobbed.

"No. N-not with me."


Writing the next chapter as we speak! <3 Stay tuned.

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