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Hey guys-

I hope last chapter's spice compensated for the chapters that weren't, and for the upcoming chapters are aren't.

 I did a poll on snapchat and a majority wanted a happy ending with complications. 

So, before the happy ending (which won't be soon) must come the complications.

This is the start of the complications.

Without further adieu, I present to you...


lucille granger

H E R M O I N E ,

I am safe. I'm at the Malfoy Manor, along with my 3 other friends, Blaise Zabini, Luna Lovegood, and Lorenzo Berkshire. 
I hope you're safe, too.
There is something I have to tell you, but it cannot be through a letter. It'd be best if you came to the Manor so that we could talk about it. 

Your sister,


I folded the parchment and stuck it into an envelope. 

"Narcissa, could you seal this for me please?"

"Of course, dear. Just leave it on the table. In fact, I'll just send it for you," She responded as she washed the dishes. 

"Do you need any help with the dishes?" 

"Oh! No, I'm alright. You go on ahead back to the dining hall," She smiled.

I left the letter on the kitchen island and made my way back to the dining hall where everyone was absolutely stuffed. 

I sat at the seat I usually sit in; by Draco.

Lucius didn't join dinner tonight, so Narcissa got to sit at the head of the table opposite to Draco, which made me happy.

"Blaise," Lorenzo spoke, "How about you, me, Draco, head out tomorrow? How does that sound?"

Blaise huffed. "Where we going."

"I haven't-. I haven't actually thought this through," Lorenzo stammered.

Draco scoffed. "Of course you haven't," He seethed, "How about we catch a drink at The Three Broomsticks?"

"That was Onyx's favorite pub," Blaise responded flatly.

"O...kay well how about a stroll down Hogsmeade in general?" Lorenzo suggested.

"Onyx and I used to do that-."

"Why don't you boys visit a flower garden, grab some flowers, bring them back, and then we create a spot for Onyx right in the backyard of the Manor?" Luna interrupted.


"I think that's a good idea," I beamed.

"Okay, so flower garden it is," Lorenzo stated, "How does that sound, Zabini?"

Blaise cracked a smile, "She'd love that."

We chatted throughout the night in attempt to lighten Blaise, but of course it wasn't going to be easy. It wasn't going to be easy for me, either.

But I refuse to stress about it; it's not healthy.

Though I know I have every right to.

I couldn't even tell her that she was going to be an aunt.

She'd love to be an aunt.


I flailed my arms over to Draco's side of the bed, only to notice that he's already gone.

Little fucking prick.

I sat up and stretched, when I noticed that there's a note on the bedside table.

L U C E ,

Went out with Blaise and Lorenzo. Luna and mumsy are downstairs. Will be back in time for dinner.

Yours Truly,

Draco Lucius Malfoy

I sighed, then got up from the bed feeling groggy and sore. 

I took a quick shower, got dressed, and immediately head down the stairs to look for Narcissa and Luna.

The manor was cold; it was bright, but cold. The sun shone through from the large windows all around, and the large curtains didn't do their job, it was simply just for decor. Heat is supposed to rise, but the marble floor only radiated coldness.

I followed the two soft toned voices into the kitchen.

"Ah, good morning, Lucille!" Narcissa beamed, "Are you hungry? I didn't have time to make breakfast for you all because the boys left so early-"

"I'm okay, Narcissa, thank you," I responded, as I took a seat on the high swivel by the kitchen island, right besides Luna.

"How was your sleep?" Luna queried.

"It was good," I said.

"We were just talking about different teas that have healing properties. Narcissa didn't know she had all the teas in the world right in her cabinet,"  Luna chimed.

Narcissa chuckled, "It's true! I just order tea altogether from whatever producer and they send me bulks and bulks,"


"So now I'm just telling her what each tea can do to help," Luna adds, as she continued pointing out teas that were displayed all over the kitchen counter. "For example, this chamomile tea can definitely help you with indigestion."

"Oh?" Narcissa cooped, as she picked up the tea, "Then this is perfect for Lucius," She mumbled.

Suddenly, a knock came from the foyer.

"Hermoine's here," Luna blurted, "Were you expecting her?"

I gulped, then looked at Luna.

"How did you know it was Hermoine?" I asked her, as I got up from the swivel.

"Intuition, I guess," She responded.

Merlin, you really are unique; I love it.

I sashayed towards the foyer and opened the large doors of the manor only to see Hermoine and Ron standing right in front of me.

Immediately, Hermoine pulled me into a tight hug, whereas I did the same.

"Bloody hell, Lucille!" She raised her voice, still in each other's embrace. "I was fucking worried sick!"

As we pulled away, Ron came and hugged me, too.

"I'm sorry, I should've told you the moment I came here," I responded.

As Ron pulled away, I looked at Hermoine once again.

Frustration and worrisome was plastered on her face; it was always difficult for her to hide how she truly felt about anything and everything, she was an easy book to read; for me, of course.

"Yeah, you should have!" She snapped. Hermoine looked around the manor from where she was standing. "So, Harry told me that you were dating Draco."

I gulped. "Yes, I am."

Hermoine scoffed. "Is he here right now?"

"No. No he's not," I stammered,

Just then, footsteps crept closer from behind, and as I turned around, Narcissa stood with a welcoming expression.

"You two must be Hermoine and Ron," she beamed, "Please, come in!"

Hermoine was a bit hesitant, but Ron moved fast. He walked into the manor without even thinking about it. Hermoine scoffed and followed. 

"We won't stay for long," Hermoine stated, "Lucille wanted to tell me something. Something she couldn't say through Owl,"

"Oh, alright," Narcissa lowered her voice, "Well, if you decide to change your mind, we have copious amounts of tea that have its own healing property. Luna Lovegood and I are in the kitchen, you're more than welcome-."

"Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy, but we're just going to make it quick," Hermoine announced.

"Very well, then," Narcissa responded, as her footsteps receded.

I looked back at Hermoine.

My heart started beating fast.

Fuck, how do I tell her that I'm carrying the child of a person she absolutely despises?

"You're already nervous, might as well just say it," Hermoine interrupted my thoughts.

I was immediately flustered. I hated that she knew me like the back of her hand.

"Um-. Well, you see-."

"Lucille, just spit it out already, you're making me anxious,"

"I'm trying! Stop cutting me off!" I snapped.


We both huffed.

"Hermoine, look. Before I tell you, you have to promise me not to lash out," I pleaded.

She scoffed. "Well, when you say that it already makes me want to,"

"Well, don't!"


"You guys are seriously like 5 year olds!" Ron interrupted. 

We both looked at him in disgust.

"Shut up!" Hermoine and I said in unison.

Ron held both his hands up in surrender, and backed up a little bit.

"Hermoine," I stammered, as her deathly stare concocted anxiousness, "I did something stupid a-and it's not reversible-"

"Merlin's Beard, don't tell me you're pregnant, Lucille."

I stood there, feeling as if my heart dropped out of my body.

"Lucille, don't tell me you're pregnant," She repeated.

As I stood there in silence for her to add the pieces together, her eyes widened and she smacked her mouth closed.

"With Malfoy's?" Ron queried. I looked at him, then his jaw dropped.

"Are you stupid?" Hermoine snapped, "Clearly you're stupid? I mean, Lucille, you're stupid!" 

I huffed. "I get it-."

"No, I don't think you do! I mean, do you realize that you just-. You just fucked up your whole life! You're stuck with Malfoy!" 

"Could you not raise your voice?" I pestered.

"I mean, for fuck's sake Lucille! And all my life I truly though you were the smart Granger!"


"You're not keeping it, are you?" 

I stopped. "Excuse me?"

"Surely you're not keeping it, right?"

I bit my lip, and I was appalled by that intrusion. 

"Hermoine, let's not-" Ron interrupted, though Hermoine's courageous attitude cut him off.

"Merlin's Beard, Lucille! Please tell me you're not keeping it! Because I will gladly take you to St. Mungo's right bloody now!"

"Enough, Hermoine!" I shouted. "Enough!"

That shut her up. 

"Lucille," She stammered, "Is that really what you want?"

I gulped. I mean, was it?

"Yes-. Yes, Hermoine. This is what I want."

She was in defeat. Her lips parted but she was unable to compose the right words to say.

"Draco Malfoy is the person who literally despises our kind! Do you understand that?"

"Hermoine, he's changed-."

"Rubbish! You and I both know that he can't fucking change-."

"You don't know him like I do-"

"Well there's not much to know about him, he's pretty self explanatory!" Hermoine snarled, "Wealthy family, self-entitled, a fucking bully. Lucille, I could go on forever-."

"Hermoine, calm down-." Ron insisted.

"No! My bloody hell of a sister is making the absolute biggest mistake in her fucking life! I will not just sit here and watch her!" Hermoine yelled, "Lucille, this is Draco Malfoy we're talking about. This is a boy who bullied not only you, but me, Ron, Harry, and a handful of other fucking people!"

"He's changed, Hermoine-."

"Soon enough, you'll be running back to me, and I'll be there to tell you that I bloody told you so!"

I was enraged. I wanted to push her out these fucking doors. I wanted to slap her fucking smug face so fucking badly.

I was inaudible; what else was I supposed to say?

"Very well, then," Hermoine badgered, "Is that all?"

She couldn't look at me in the eyes, and shame riddled my body.

"I guess so," I responded.

"Then we're leaving," She snapped. "Ron, come on,"

Ron and Hermoine stormed out the manor, which left me in the foyer, utterly speechless and frustrated. 

I wanted to talk to her! I didn't just want to tell her about my pregnancy, I wanted to fucking talk to her!

A part of me feels like I deserve this.

But the other part of me wanted to just give her a piece of my bloody mind.

I huffed, and turned around, heading back to the kitchen.

As I entered the kitchen. Narcissa was stirring something on the stove whilst Luna looked at me with pity.

"Are you okay?" She queried, as I took seat right next to her.

I sighed. "No, my sister hates me,"

"Ah, no she doesn't. She'll come to terms with it,"

"Did you hear what was happening?"

"I did, but  Mrs Malfoy didn't. She was too busy talking about the teas," Luna giggled.

I glanced over at Narcissa as she was stirring something in a large silver pot.

"Lucille! Do you like Zuppa Toscana?" Narcissa asked, as she looked at me with her glowing face.

"I've actually never tried it, really," I responded softly, "Is that... what you're making?"

"Mhm!" She hummed, "Why don't you and Luna peel some vegetables? Help around the kitchen?"

"Of course!" Luna got up from her seat and headed over to the large ceramic sink, as I followed. "Is this dish for a certain someone?"

"It's for dinner, darling. Once the boys come back," Narcissa responded, as she dumped all sorts of spices into the pot, "It's Lorenzo's favorite, actually."

"Is it, now?" Luna beamed, as she picked up a potato and a peeler. I did the same, except with carrots.

"Draco never really liked this soup, but he's grown to love it given that it's all Lorenzo ever wanted," Narcissa chuckles. "Draco loves lamb, he's not a soup person. He never favored soup of all kinds but tomato. And even then so, it's such a bland soup," 

"Tomato soup?" I asked.

"Tomato soup!" She giggled. "The boys were strange growing up. Absolute complete opposites, but in many ways they were similar. Usually, other kids wouldn't finish their food, vegetables and all, but they knew how to clean their plates,"

"Draco always finished food in the dining hall at school," I added to the statement, "He'd get mad whenever people would steal off his plate; especially if it was Enzo,"

Narcissa let out a soft chuckle, "Of course Enzo would do that." 

Narcissa placed the lid on top of the pot and made her way towards us to see the progress that we've made with peeling these vegetables.

"Thank you so much for helping," Narcissa beamed, "Y'know it feels really good not being the only woman in this bloody manor,"

"Have you ever though about having another child?" Luna probed.

Narcissa scoffed. 

"Lucius wanted another," She spoke lowly, "But I just couldn't bring myself up to have another with-. With him."

Silence emitted the kitchen.

It was the question that made the atmosphere unsettling.

"I was going to," Narcissa broke the silence, "I was going to have another child, but when you're carrying a Malfoy, they're very prone to emotional distress. They're very sensitive when they're in there all nestled up in your body, if you may," 

I gulped.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Narcissa," Luna consoled. 

"Nonsense-. That was years ago. I think Draco was 3 years at the time." 

Though Narcissa denied that it was nonsense, I couldn't help but notice that she quickly wiped a tear from her eye before it even reached the the surface of her cheek.

The sound of peeling vegetables and the bubbling of the pot was all that could be heard shortly after.

Draco could've had a younger sibling. I suppose things would've been better.

Or not.

After most of the vegetables were all peeled, we tossed them in the strainer and rinsed them.

The aroma of the broth filled the air, as the kitchen warmed up. My mouth salivated at such a savoring smell.

I could easily smell all the spices and herbs tossed in the broth; garlic, oregano, parsley, a pinch of turmeric. 

"Could you take this to Narcissa? I'm going to finish the rest of these potatoes," Luna gestured to the strainer, as I picked it up and made my way towards Narcissa.

"Here are the vegetables," I said as I sashayed towards the stove, "Luna's still peeling the rest,"

"Ah, thank you dear," She smiled, as she reached her hands out.

I handed her the strainer as her cold hand brushed against mine.

And with that, she dropped the strainer to the ground. 

"Oh, blimey. I-I'm sorry, I have butter fingers," I frantically said, as I went back down and picked up all the vegetables. "I'll wash them again, no problem."

I got back up and Narcissa's eyes were filled with dread and horror. Her lips parted, and her eyes started pooling.

"Is there something wrong?" I fretted. Luna stopped peeling and walked over to Narcissa.

"Are you alright?" Luna added.

Narcissa covered her mouth as she trembled.


"I can't feel..." She stuttered. "I can't -. I can't feel-."

"Feel? Feel what?" Anxiousness was growing between Luna and I.

"I ca-." Her frightened eyes started into mine.

"I can't feel the baby."

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