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My posture was rigid, tied to a hospital bed that smelt unfamiliar. The air was thick with some kind of sweet scent, I sniffed my surroundings, trying understand where I was.

No windows, only soft blue coloured walls, white floor and a surprisingly soft bed. There was an oxygen mask hanging near my bed and some kind of machinery was behind me. A vase filled with sweet smelling flowers made me frown, I was definitely not with Hydra then.

I could smell scents in the air, male scents. And a woman who smelt of gunpowder, an agent most likely.

The door opened with a quiet hiss, making me snap my eyes at the intruder. Sensing his emotions made every muscle in my back stiff, the man was furious, angry and filled with hatred.

He was a man with average heigh and wide shoulders, he had quite curly hair. He smiled softly at me, hiding his anger behind the welcoming facade. He said a soft hello to me, his gentle brown eyes looking at me expectedly. I knew better than to fall for his soft voice and stayed silent, staring at him emotionlessly.

He sighed softly, it wasn't form annoyamce but tiredness. His face was pale and the dark circles were under his eyes. He peeked at the corner of the room, my eyes following his. A small red dot was blinking at us.

Someone was watching from the camera, someone was always watching.

“I am doctor Bruce Banner, but you can just call me Bruce, I don't mind.” he said quietly, pushing his glasses up his nose, his dark eyes scanning something from a clipboard. He seemed slightly anxious, I was pretty sure he would have already read his patients file before entering the room. He pulled out a small jar from his white doctor coat and took a step closer, making me tense and clench my teeth as I glared at him.

He halted, letting out a sigh of tiredness as he slowly pulled a chair closer, yet he remained at the distance.

“When you got injured, you passed out. But the moment you did so, the collar around your neck...” he traced his own neck as he unintentionally winced, his dark eyes clued to my neck. “started giving you electricity, it was a horrible sigh. Steve was the closest to you and he crushed the the collar with his shield, but the damage was already done. You were quite beat up” he whispered the last part, his eyes filled with sympathy as he looked at me from the distance.

Yet again, I refused to answer. I was feeling slightly dizzy and I was in unfamiliar place. Not to mention the guilt that made my heart heavy.

The moment Bruce Banner moved his chair and stood up, I snapped my glowing eyes at him and flashed him my pointed teeth, hissing at him, challenging him to try and do anything. His eyes widened and I could swear there was a spark of green twirling in his dark eyes. He was frozen, looking down at me.

The door opened and hurried footsteps entered the blue coloured room, making me growl at the hasty intruder. I glared at the woman, surprisingly, she glared back. “Silence.” her voice was cold and strong, making me go quiet immediately.

“Bruce? Bruce breathe. It's alright,” she said in completely other tone, gentle and quiet. I stared at the man, noticing his heavy breathing and his skin that had green hue to it, yeah, definitely green.

“Bruce, its okay, go and sit down. Your tea is in the living room.” the man, Bruce looked between me and the red headed woman. “n-no I can't, the patient--” “the patient will be alright, he needs commands at the moment, he doesn't understand simple talk. Now go, we don't want...” she trailed off, but the man seemed to understand as he stumbled away, wringing his hands.

The moment Bruce Banner disappeared, I snapped my eyes at the woman. Even thought the man had been angry and good at hiding his emotions, he did not give off the vibe of poison.

The woman, however, was a viper. Every cell in my body was tense as she kept herself at the distance, her green eyes cold and calculated. “I'm going to apply this on your neck, and you're not going to hiss, growl or bite at me.” it wasn't a question, it was pure and confident command.

There was the same small jar in her hands, but her hands were dangerous. She was dangerous. She stepped beside me, her eyes filled with silent warning as she opened the jar, the smell made my nose tingle.

I suddenly sneezed at the smell, and I could swear her lips moved upwards slightly.

I held my breath as her fingers neared my throat, million scenarios ran through my head, she could kill me with one swipe of her fingers and I'd be dead. If she noticed my distress, she said nothing.

Her fingers were cold and I almost gagged at the smell of the ointment. “I will not hurt you, unless you attack us. And you will not do that.” she was dead serious, and I knew I had to be careful in her presence.

Her emotions, however, were a mess. She was angry, she was sad and frustrated. But there was no pity, if anything, there was admiration. I couldn't understand what for.

She pulled back, taking a step away from my bed. I could breathe again, I was still alive. I couldn't decided if it was a good or a bad thing.

“How's our patient Nat?” a voice behind the woman made my eyes snap to him. Weak and tired, there was still hatred in my heart for the man on the doorway.

The woman, Nat, placed the jar with the ointment on a small table, turning towards the man. “If you don't count the bruising and silence, he seems to be doing good.” she said, crossing her arms.

The man smiled at me, his blue eyes filled with warmth as he held something in his hands. That smell made my mouth water. I, however, didn't falter and kept glaring at him.

He stepped in the room “Hey buddy, I thought you'd be hungry and made you some lasagne.” he said softly, walking closer to me with the lasagne. I tensed, making him halt and frown.

“Doesnt seem to be fan of close proximity. I suggest you leave it on the table by his bed.” Nat said, the man with heavy built nodded and softly placed it by me, I stared at him.

“Have I... Have I done something wrong?” he asked me quietly, he was slightly crouched I noted, I couldn't tell was it because his back was aching or because he didn't want to seem so threatening.

He was met with silence, yet his blue eyes were still searching my eyes.

“They were able to swipe his memories, but I think the feelings still remained, he's angry at you.” The man looked at me, hopelessness in his eyes as he backed away. “But you know I--” “I do, but does he? Heck, I don't even think he knows how old he is.”

They both snapped their eyes at me, looking at me expectedly, a pair of blue and a pair of green eyes. I said nothing, deciding not to interfere with them.

The man sighed as he looked down at me. “it's going to be a long way.” Steve smiled sadly, his blue eyes encouraging. “stay, try to make truce. I'll go and try to keep your friend out of here for a little while. I don't think flashbacks are good at the moment.” the woman with flaming hair said as she walked out, leaving me in the room with the blue eyed man.

He cleared his throat as he took a seat on the chair Bruce had sat some time ago.

He clasped his hands in front of him, resting his chin on his knuckles. “So, my name is Steve Rogers and I wish to help you.” he said quietly as if not to disturb the silence.

“Eat before it gets too cold. Meanwhile, I'll tell you a... Story, how that sounds?” I almost wanted to scoff at the man, who did he think I was?

He sighed, reaching for the odd looking food as he took a piece of it, placing it in his mouth. “See? Nothing poisonous, it's safe. Go on, try it.” he held out the fork for me, waiting in silence. In a flash I snapped the fork out of his hands, briefly considering stabbing it into his palm, but the womans warning still rung in my ears.

He looked at me wide-eyed as a soft smile played on his lips. He held out the dish, I took that as well, yet, I did not eat it, simply held it on my lap so he wouldn't be too close.

His blue eyes flickered between me and food, disappointment covering his blue eyes.

“I am no ordinary human either, I was a weak kid once, but then I got caught in an experiment...”

The moment he mentioned him being an experiment, I was drawn to his story.

So, I listened how he spoke of who he is and what it was like before. How he was afraid when he realized he was not in his time anymore.

I breathed in his story, clinging to every word as he told me how it all was. The food, however, stayed untouched, it didn't go unnoticed by the man, yet he said nothing.

Steve Rogers stayed in the room for a long time, he spoke of many things. Many pointless things, until the moment he told me I needed to rest. And that nobody was going to enter the room until I was asleep.

I didn't believe him.

So, I stayed up, staring at the darkness and wondering what tomorrow would hold.


Sooo... Thoughts about this chapter?

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