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I wasn't awake, yet I wasn't in sleep either, I was somewhere in between. I knew it wasn't for my mind, it was for my body to heal.

I was pulled out of the light slumber by the voices behind the locked door. True, the walls were extremely sound proof, but I had a feeling mine and their hearing abilities weren't quite the same.

"Director, the boy isn't ready yet, he still needs to rest." the same voice of the dangerous lady said, getting closer to the room. "And who are you to tell? The last time I checked, you were no doctor, Agent Romanoff." a rough, cocky voice answered her in a tone I knew all too well, the tone of a man who sits on higher position than others. "No, that I am not, but D-" "you work for SHIELD, Romanoff, or have you suddenly forgotten?" the question was met with silence.

The opening of the door made me jolt lightly, my glare didn't falter.

A tall man stepped in the room, his one eye taking in my beat up body. I sensed no pity, I didn't even expect it. There was simply strong curiosity, disgust and hesitance.

"Why is he still here not in the cell? I don't see anything wrong with him." He said in a cold voice, his one eye not even sparing Agent Romanoff a glance. "Doctor Banner said his vitals are still low." Romanoff said, standing in the doorway her arms crossed.

I bared my teeth at the man as be dared to take another step closer. The tall, dark coloured man narrowed his eye. “Can he even understand humans, or does he simply have a body of a man and a mind of an animal?” he asked, and oddly enough, I felt offended.

I narrowed my eyes, holding back my instics that commanded me to kill, lash out to the man as he took a step closer, ignoring the low growl vibrating throught my chest.

“He is not a dumb animal, he understands clearly what's going on.” a new voice answered cruffly, sounding slightly angry. I couldn't see the person, but I didn't feel the need to know, since my number one threat stood merely couple metres from my bed, from the bed I was still tied to.

The man with one eye stopped, clasped his hands behind his back and and stared at me in suspicion and curiosity. There was a flash of annoyance when the unknown voice spoke. “Director, I assure you. There is no reason to lock him up. Hydra needs to be flushed out.” 

“But until then what?” Director asked mockingly, taking a step aside to reveal the owner of the voice. “Until then what Mr Barnes? You suggest we let him walk loosely throught the building and possibly, be triggered to kill my agents?” the dark coloured man asked, and it was obvious he wasn't going to let me go. Frankly, I was not surprised.

I peeked at the man on the doorway, he seemed vaguely familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it. “No, sir, that can't be done.” the red headed woman said, her voice cruff. After saying it, Barnes' steel cold eyes snapped at the woman, glaring at her. “But I could keep an eye on him, make sure nothing goes wrong, sir.” the Director glanced at me, his lips in thin line.

“Agent Romanoff, I give you one week starting from today, to get him talking. If he doesn't talk in seven days, he shall be put into Raft and be dealt with by me personally.” After mentioning the Raft, it was as if the temperature went colder in the room, the tension thickened and it made my bones ache.

“It was not a question, Romoff, it was an order.” he turned on his heels, his clothes making a shuffling sound in the quiet room. The Director stopped on the doorway, looking at the man emotionlessly. “its already bad enought that Stark is allowing one of former HYDRAs walk freely here.”

With that the dark skinned man disappeared from my line of sight, leaving behind a room with two tense assassins and me.

The man stepped in the room, letting out a relieved sigh. He walked with confidence over to my bed, ignoring my bared teeth and narrowed eyes.

He sat on the foot of the bed, making me shuffle back as much as the humming cuffs allowed me.

He had wide shoulders, dark hair that reached his shoulders and icy eyes that studied my still form. “You look... Well, slightly different since the last time I saw you.”

I stared at him, trying to remember where had I seen him. Directors words echoed in my mind another one of former HYDRAs. That must mean that man sitting in the foor of my bed, looking like a mission gone wrong is either in the same situation that I am, or he willingly walked away from Hydra.

A hostage or a traitor.

“I take it you don't remember me. Its alright, you'll remember soon.” there was awkward silence, he was not sure what to do or say. He shuffled his feet, trying to keep his left hand out of my sight. I stared at him suspiciously, catching my stare, he held the eye contact, yellow meeting blue.

“Wheres Steve? He spent the whole night here yesterday, maybe he got something.” the red headed woman asked, still standing near the door. Her stance was guarded, she was making sure I wouldn't bold out if I got rid of he cuffs somehow.

“In the kitchen, apparently, he refused to eat.” the man said, sounding disappointed and accusing as he raised an eyebrow at me.

I didn't even move, keeping a close eye at the two. I noticed a ring wound the mans ankle as he shuffled his feet again, it had blinking green light.

So, he was a prisoner here.

I relaxed slightly, hoping we could escape together of there was a chance.

“Do you remember anything?” the woman asked, her green eyes searching my stoic face for answers. Apparently, she had noticed my relaxing shoulders.

She was good at her job, which made mine much harder.

“Come on, I remember one time when we got out and you talked to me. Its alright, they worn silence you here.” the man said quietly, I could still feel how uncomfortable he really felt.

He felt out of place.

The woman took a step closer, making me glare at her and show my teeth. She stopped, looking at the man. “He must know something, he doesn't threaten you. Steve only managed to sit near his bed yesterday, and look at you Barnes.”

Barnes looked slightly suroaied by her statement. “I'll leave you two to talk, we have a week, better start working now.” she said, her icy tone sending chills down my spine. As the firey haired woman left the room, part of the freezing coldness left with her.

“She doesn't hate you or anything.” the man said with the same quiet tone, his cold blue eyes clued to the closed metal door, only way out. “She hates what you've been turned into. A child soldier. She has personal experience with that area.”

I didn't udneratand why was he still talking, he didn't have handcuffs, he could walk out the door and get out of this place, wherever we were. Based on the Directors words, we were at some kind of tower? Or someone who went by the name of Starks house.

For some time there was silence as I stared at him, making him uncomfortable. His skin was pale and even thought his hair was fluffy and shiny, it was dull colour. His blue eyes were surrounded by dark circles, making me believe he doesn't sleep as much as his body demands him to.

He cleared his throat, snapping his eyes back to me again after staring at the lonely vase decorating the room. He looked lost.

“Just, we have seven days. Please kid, you must understan that whatever you know about Hydra, you gotta tell these people. If you do, there's chance that one day you can be a free person.”

I looked at him, and I knew my facade had cracked for a second, for a split second and he had caught it. He wanted me to tell these people? To abandon my faith to Hydra? To betray them?

“Don't look so surprised.” he said coldly, I narrowed my eyes, feeling uneasy. “Hydra has done nothing to deserve your loyalty, kid. They have mistreated you, abused you your whole life. They took away your childhood, they ruined your life, don't you want revenge, kid? Don't you want justice for what they've done?” he said, and for a second I wasn't sure was he trying to tell that to me, or himself.

There were flashes of manger and pain in his blue eyes but they were gone the moment the doors opened, both of our shoulders were tense and eyes narrowed as he looked expectedly at the door.

A man from yesterday stood there, smiling gently. “Oh, you're here Buck. I got him some clothes, thought it would be nice to get out of here and eat in the living room. Almost everyone's gone at the moment, so there won't be any commotion. What do you think? Breath of fresh air?” I knew he was talking to me, asking me. His eyes light eyes didn't even seem offended as he was met with silence.

He held a pile of clothes in his hands, carefully walking closer to place them on my bed.

“I don't think Fury would like that very much.” Barnes said, his voice filled with annoyance. He didn't seem to be as relaxed as he was couple of minutes ago. “He gave Nat free hands, seven days. He didn't say anything about keeping him in this room for a week. I'll call Banner to check up on him now, the food will get cold if we waste any more time.”

Mentioning of food made Barnes face go paler slightly, Steve didn't say anything, only looked at him sympathetically.

“I'll meet you in the living room, Bruce has the keys to his handcuffs.”

I did some research.

Nick Robinson is 1,88m

Chris Evans is 1,83m

Sebastian Stan is 1.83m

Robert Downey Jr is 1.74m

Tom Holland is 1.73m

Which means, Nick Robinson is so damn tall. I did not expect that, I thought he would be shorter then Cap, guess I was wrong. I'm 1.64m how tall is everyone?

Also, sorry for so late update. I'm not sure when the next one will be, my apologies. I hope you weren't disappointed by this chapter, if you were, feel free to tell me.

All the love - a person who believes that Loki will save her.

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