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"I've known you for ten years." Bucky Barnes muttered quietly, his icy blue eyes staring at the table intensively, unlike my startled, yellow ones.

I waited patiently, not moving a muscle. I tried to analyse his sentence, tried to regocnise his angular face and those piercing, cold eyes that refused to meet mine. I couldn't see his eyes, therefor, I didn't know was he lying or saying the truth. The man was tense, but he continued.

"I don't remember much. But I remember you... you were brought in as a kid. I think, no, no, I know you used to laugh back then. Most of it is still quite foggy." the man chuckled sadly as he raised his eyes from the floor.

I could see him struggling, but for my sake, he lowered his sky high walls and let his emotions shine through his icy eyes. Whatever emotion that his blue orbs held, caught me so off guard he mustve seen the surprise on my face. The cold, icy orbs were shattered, sadness and years of tiredness had cracked the stoic facade. There was so much sadness, quilt and self-hatred hidden behind his stony expression I could hardly understand how he was still functioning.

"I was your mentor back then, you were intelligent, and they knew your parents personally. At least, that's what I had gathered from their talks. That's why they chose you as their play-thing. Somehow, someway, you were the only child whose body accepted the serums they injected you with. It was Winter Soldier who trained you most of the time. But in a way, I am him, and he will always be me. It doesn't matter how much I loathe it. That thing will always sink its claws into my brain." he growled the last part in disgust, looking back down, hiding his broken eyes from me.

I couldn't remeber him, and that frustrated me the most. Why couldn't I remeber my own mentor? Why couldn't I remeber Winter Soldier? Why couldn't I remeber Bucky?
I balled my hands into fists, feeling my claws pierce the pale skin.

"I'm so sorry. We were in the same cell for years, Soldat had started seeing you as his own, I protected and trained you. And then, one day, they took you away. Like always, they said nothing, didn't even warn us. They just came, pulled you from your blankets and just like that you disappeared. I don't... I don't remeber what happened then, but when I woke up again, I was chained and beaten down, in a newer, more secure cell. I tried to tell myself to stop caring, that you were probably dead. But without even realising, I had started snooping around for hints, for reasons why they took you away and where exactly. I just... You reminded me of someone I once knew. Losing you was like opening an old wound all over again. I just... I couldn't let them take that one person who mattered. I'm so sorry I couldn't find you. Apparently, you found me again." he breathed, a gentle smile tugging at his lips.

He was so relaxed, as if the weight of the world had been lifted from his tired shoulders, as if he had been realised from the bonds pulling him down for an eternity.

My insides were churning and I could feel the blood draining from my face. Why couldn't I remeber this man from my past? Why couldn't I remeber him, Bucky? Yet I knew he was telling the truth, his eyes didn't lie. And the relief I could sense from him, wasn't the one a liar would give off. He stood up slowly, concern flashing through his eyes?

"Atlas? Atlas breathe, okay? Breathe, its okay, you probably don't remeber and its fine, no one is expecting you to. It has taken me months to remeber, you've been here only for a couple of days. I'll help you, okay? You're safe here, I can protect you here. Atlas, relax your hands, okay?" he said gently, slowly pointing at my balled fists, I inhaled, smelling the irony blood that dripped from my clenched fingers. Startled, I relaxed my palms, staring at the long nails that had turned into sharp claws covered with blood.

A voice from the corner of my brain whispered monster.

I stumbled up, unable to stop the thoughts that raced throught my brain. Bucky raised his hands in defeat, standing slightly crouched even thought he wasn't that much taller then I was. "take it easy Atlas. It's fine."

But it isn't, it wasn't fine! I wanted to shout at him, it wasn't okay that I couldnt remeber such an important fact.

It wasn't okay that I could remeber nothing!

It wasn't fine that I was... I was a monster!

It wasn't alright that I was just a stupid experiment for them, just a play-thing like he said.

It wasn't fine.

My breathing was hard, irregular and I could feel the blood rush to my face as I turned to leave. I couldn't be in his presence, I couldn't bear the guilt of not remembering.

Wide eyed I almsot dripped over my feet as I made eye contact with Steve who was tensely standing near the door, his eyes filled with concern as they rested on me. "Atlas, don't worry. Hey--" I brushed past him, easily dodging his arm that he tried to blocky he doorway with.

"Don't move you two idiots. Let him exhale." an angry, smooth and familiar voice stopped the two muscular men from following me. I didn't say my thanks to him, but he could feel my gratitude.

I jogged throught the halls, pushing my mind, trying to see throught the black mist that held my memories.

I whimpered, feeling my throat close in. Suddenly I was too aware of the humming that came from the walls, or the thousands of footsteps from down, down below. I could smell the floors, sweaty bodies and vehicles. I could sense everyone from hundreds of miles, stress, kiddiness, sadness, annoyance, tiredness, jealousy and so, so many emotions.

I opened my mouth, desperately trying to fill my lungs with oxygen, trying to keep my heart beating, blood in my veins running.

But everything was too bright, too alive. Without realising it, I had sunken on the floor and curled up in the corner. My eyes were closed, but I could still see the brightness throught the close lids, I threw my hands over my ears, pulling the strands of dark coloured hair to distract myself.

I growled, trying to dull out the sounds, the smells. The quite growls turned into whimpers of pain when I couldn't achieve peace in my own mind.

I banged my head against the wall, hoping, praying it would help me..
It didn't. Beads of sweat covered my forehead as I laid there, shaking and trying to keep breathing.

"uh, FRI, Sensory Overload Mode, activate now." a voice whispered somewhere, and the light was replaced by darkness, just how I liked it.

But my ears were still ringing, I could still hear the echoes of voices.

Someone sat down next to me, placing their hand between the wall and my head in non threatening way. All I could hear was my own, increasing heart rate.

"Hey, uh, hold your breath, it helps me." the same voice whispered, I could swear it was so quietly I mightve imagined it. But I followed the inductions, closing my mouth as I bit the inside of my cheek.

The person gently took a hold of my hands, untangling my fingers from my long hair. After awhile, sitting in the silence and me trying to get my heart back in normal rate again, I slowly, hesitantly blinked my eyes open. Feeling too tired to shy away from the doe-eyed stranger staring down at me in wonder and pity.

"I have some advil Mr Stark made just for my metabolism, I have couple left if you want. Helps with the migraine that's about to follow. Oh, I'm Peter by the way, Peter Parker."


All babes in one book, seriously guys.

What do you think of new cover?

Also, face reveal thingy.

So, here it goes....

Hope yall aren't disappointed ;)

Lol okay, (the real thing will be taken down soon)


Hello, its me. Nice to meet you.

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