Part Five: I Could Never Leave Your Side

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Thank you guys for the couple of votes on the previous chapter! With your guys support, I might actually finish this story until the end :D Then I'll my first complete story! *screams in excitement* Just a few more chapters to go before the end... Can FantasyStories14 do it? The anticipation is killing me! Haha xD

After being alone for almost an hour, I finally start to slowly make my way back home. My eyes still sting from the salty tears that had shed from them. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they turned red by now.

Reaching home, I sigh as I open the front door. Of course, I do not feel like getting scolded by Kadaj because of leaving so suddenly. Stepping inside, my eyes are locked on the ground, not wanting to see anyone at the moment.

"Yazoo, you had me so worried," Loz's voice calls out to me from the kitchen entrance.

Before my mouth can even open, Kadaj's voice is heard from the staircase.

"Brother! I'm with her at last!" He exclaims in joy. I raise my eyebrow and glance at Loz, who is now mastering another cheesy smile. What's going on here? Wait a second... could it be... Lightning? Already?

I realize my thoughts are correct as Lightning herself makes her way down the stairs. Her hair is still that beautiful rose color, her eyes are as vibrant blue as ever... Light hasn't changed a bit, except for the sorrowful expression planted on her face. She too, looks as though she's been shedding tears.

"The goddess Etro gave me the permission to come back home earlier than I had planned," Lightning explains as she approaches me.

I just stay silent and let her hand wander to my face. Her eyes stare straight into mine as she asks, "Have you been crying?" One more tear rolls down my face as she speaks.

"Whoa... Have you really been crying that much?" Kadaj approaches me as well. "You're eyes are just... red."

Loz sniffles from behind me. "It makes me sad just looking at him."

Lightning then grabs my hand and leads me over to our leather couch so we can sit down. She looks at me as if she wants me to speak to her, but I'm still far too upset to say even a word. I know the both of us are hurting deeply because of Serah's sudden death. Why is she being so kind to me right now? Why is she making sure I'm all right when surely she must be suffering more than I am? Her sister just got killed.
Honestly, I didn't think Lightning cared enough about me to actually sit down with me like this. What's going through her head right now?

Lightning pulls my head down to her shoulder, having me lean on her. She then wraps her right arm around my body, actually embracing me.

"I know what you're going through; the pain of losing Serah," she tells me in a very quiet voice. "But I'll be here for you, Yazoo. I'll be here for you to lean on." Her voice sounds choked up as she continues to speak. She now hugs me tighter which makes me want to hold her as well, but being trapped in her own embrace prevents me from doing so.

Taking in what Lightning had told me, I close my eyes and let the tears fall once again. I begin to sob, but in sorrow of Serah's death or in happiness of Lightning's support, I don't know. Suddenly I feel another weight sit down on the couch next to me and join the embrace. Unable to turn my head and see who it is, I'm guessing it's Loz. Especially when I hear his signature sob, I know for sure it's him. Loz was always kind of the crybaby in the family, but at least he's doing it for a serious reason this time.
Kadaj is the only one who hasn't joined the three of us. I wonder why... Oh that's right. Maybe it's because he's not even upset about Serah dying...

Right after I finish that thought, I feel a hand softly touch the top of my head. My eyes shoot open, having a clue who it might be. "Is it okay to break down now?" Kadaj's voice is just about as chocked up as the rest of ours. Could I be wrong about how he feels about my beloved? "Our lives...won't be the same without her."

What Kadaj says is true, our lives may never be the same without the wonderful, beautiful Serah Farron here. But noticing how we are now... we still have each other. Yes, moving on will be beyond difficult, but I feel as though we can do it, as long as we keep helping each other out like this. Despite feeling like I want to shut myself out from everyone, I could never leave the side of these people. They're still my family.

Then again, for some reason, I don't believe that Serah is dead. It's like there's something in my heart telling me she's still here. But... why? Serah, are you truly dead? If so, why is my heart telling me otherwise?

End of part five


Another chapter! I still hope you guys are enjoying the story :) This is like, the first story I ever started writing on WattPad, so it means a lot that folks are reading it. Anyway.. spoiler alert! We might be seeing Serah again real soon! Wanna know how when she's supposed to be laid to rest at Valhalla? Please vote or comment and I'll update soon :D

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