Part Three: Lost Without You

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A special thanks to @TARDIS-in-the-Sky for being the first to vote and comment on the previous chapter! :D
Time to continue my story...

I wake up to the sun shining brightly through the window. I roll over to my side, hoping to see Serah sleeping right next to me. I utter a small gasp as I notice she's no longer there. Thoughts from last night fill mind. Didn't we sleep together last night? Why would she just leave my side like that? My heart almost stops beating once I finally realize something... Serah must have already left for Valhalla.

Knowing it's probably futile, I jump out of bed, throw a shirt on and bolt downstairs. Serah might have already left, but that's not stopping me from checking.

Once I'm finally downstairs I notice Kadaj sitting on the couch, reading a magazine of some sort. Isn't he aware Serah might be in danger? Obviously he's been awake longer than I have, surly he must know something about Serah's whereabouts.

"Brother Kadaj," I rush over to where he sat. "Where's Serah? Do you know?"

Kadaj sighs and puts his magazine down. "Yes, I know. But you probably won't like it."

I blink at Kadaj for a brief moment. "Just tell me! I'm worried she might have traveled to Valhalla on her own..."

"Ding ding ding! You guessed it!" Kadaj suddenly blurts out, flicking my nose afterwards. He then rises from the couch and starts heading into the kitchen.

"Okay, first of all... ouch," I say to Kadaj as I follow behind him. "...and second of all, aren't you worried at the slightest? Serah could be in serious trouble by now. We need to go after her."

Kadaj walks up to the stove and puts his hand on his hip. "Look, Mr. Paranoid... Serah's been on crazy journeys like this before. There's no need to get so uptight." He lifts up the lid to a frying pan, revealing scrambled eggs and bacon. He then hands me a paper plate. "And plus, she's bringing Lightning back, right? That's all I needed to hear."

How can he be so tranquil? I know he hasn't bonded with Serah as much as I have, but they're still friends. To me, it just sounds like Kadaj doesn't even care if Serah dies or not, he just wants her to bring Lightning home. And if that's what he's really thinking... screw him.

Although I admire Kadaj fixing breakfast, I do not feel like eating with my beloved being away. I understand that he deeply wants Lightning back, but that's no excuse to put my partner in danger. Especially when Lightning's perfectly capable of coming home by herself. Setting the paper plate down on the counter, I start heading out the kitchen.

"Hey, where do you think you're going? It's time to eat," Kadaj calls out to me.

"I'm not hungry," I simply reply, knowing that he's probably pissed off now.

"Excuse me? You're not hungry? You get back here and eat, Yazoo! I woke up early just to make you this breakfast!" I hear Kadaj yell as he just gets louder and louder. He then groans in defeat, knowing I don't care to hear him blab his mouth right now.

On my way back upstairs I bump into Loz. "Yazoo, good morn--"

I just walk right by him, not in the mood to speak. All I want to do now, is find a way to contact Serah.

Finally back upstairs, I grab my cell phone and dial Serah's number. I tap my foot as I wait for her to answer. She doesn't pick up. I try again, and still no answer. Panicking, I try several more times but she still doesn't answer. Serah, please pick up. No, she couldn't have already died out there. I won't allow it.

"Pick up the phone..." I say aloud, tears filling my eyes.

Someone knocks on my door. "Hey, Yazoo. It's Loz, I just want to say good morning."

I just ignore Loz as I continue to try to call my partner. Loz suddenly decides to come in. He watches me with his worried eyes as he slowly approaches. "Are you okay...?" He carefully inquiries.

Frustrated, I throw my phone on the floor and scream with all my might. "She's not answering! She's not picking up the phone, Loz!"

Loz just stares at me in shock. "Hey hey... just calm down..."

"How can I be calm when my partner is in danger in another world faraway from me?!" I yell at Loz, completely losing my mind. "I have to make sure she's safe!"

"Yazoo, you can't just call her. There's a poor connection on Valhalla, remember?" Loz tells me, rubbing my back in comfort.

"Then I'll just have to go and bring her back!"

"No, you can't do that either!"

I then hear someone else coming upstairs. Kadaj makes his way in without any hesitation. "What's with all the yelling? And breakfast is getting cold, I didn't make just so it could sit around and be ignored."

"Yazoo's losing it. He wants to go to Valhalla and bring Serah back immediately," Loz explains to Kadaj, who just rolls his eyes.

"Oh boy, doesn't this sound familiar?" Kadaj looks straight into my eyes. "You're acting just like your girlfriend, being all paranoid about a loved one being away."

What Kadaj says is true. I realize that I'm acting just like Serah did when Lightning first left. Now I completely understand how she felt. But it's hard for me to feel this way about Lightning because we were never that close. So I just kept assuring Serah that Light was strong enough to fight her battle alone. And now, that's exactly what my brothers are telling me. I know Serah is strong, but I still have the urge to go and get her. I'm a fool... What the heck am I doing getting all freaked out? I need to trust how strong Serah really is.

"You should trust your partner," Kadaj tells me, as if he just read my mind. "Don't you think that's what Serah would want?"

Staying silent, I cross my arms over my chest. Honestly, I'm a bit embarrassed by how foolish I acted.

I've made up my mind. I will trust Serah and her strength until the day she returns. It'll be hard, I know. If she dies, my life would literally be over... I wouldn't know which way to turn.

"Now let's eat, you two! I'm not letting my perfectly made eggs and bacon go to waste."

End of part three


Please vote or comment if you'd like to read more ;D Thanks a bunch for reading ☆

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