Prologue: arriving at the moon base

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Siegfried, the dragoon, boarded into the small craft called the Lunar Shrimp along with three of his teammates. He heard news about the Empire reverse engineered the technology from the moon and created small vessels that takes anyone to the moon, he also heard a rumor that there's people living on the moon in which he's curious. His teammates include: Sonya the White mage, Laura the Black mage, and Eric the Scanner (a futuristic take on the Blue mage). They all sit on the seats as the Lunar Shrimp starts to take off in which Siegfried and Laura looked out the window, and watched as everything is getting smaller and smaller as the Lunar Shrimp is further off the ground.

"Wow! Look how small everything is down below!" Sonya said while pointing.

"I see, it's because we're riding in this craft that is going to the moon" Siegfried answered.

"Wait, I thought there is no oxygen on the moon.... Are we going to suffocate!?" She panicked.

"Calm down! What the researchers have discovered that the moon itself has emanating some kind of magical aura that allows anyone to breath even on the moon, meaning that we'll alright" Laura assured.

Eric takes off his visor to rub his eyes, but his vision blurred from an experimental serum as part of becoming a scanner, so he relies on his visor to see things clearly. However, as a Scanner, he can scan what enemy attack in order to copy for him to use said attack (example: goblin punch, bad breath, white wind, etc). He then puts his visor back on and noticed that the blue sky outside is turning darker with fewer clouds, in which it tells him that the Lunar Shrimp is leaving the atmosphere.

"Eric, I'm sorry we didn't prevent the scientists from experimenting on you which almost costs your vision" Laura apologized.

"It's ok, the experimental serum they've injected me was still in development" he responded.

"No it's not! It's our fault they did this to you!" She retorted while on the verge of crying.

It is true, Eric and Laura were childhood friends who grew up in a backwater town located in the border of the empire. Last year, the empire created a new job class called the Scanner for the expedition on the Blue moon. They enlisted Eric for the tests to see if he qualifies as a Scanner, in which the scientists injected an experimental serum that allows him to use monster attacks he copies, but at the cost of him having blurred vision. Since then, Laura felt nothing but guilt of being powerless to stop him from becoming a Scanner, so she trained in using black magic (offense magic that uses fire, blizzard, thunder, and status ailments) to become a black mage in order to no longer feel powerless anymore.

As the Lunar Shrimp exits out of the planet's atmosphere, the team looked out the window and saw not just the stars but the moon. The moon itself glows in a baby blue color, which astonishes them since they only saw it in a different shade of blue at night. They saw the Blue moon getting bigger and bigger as they get close to it, but it wasn't long until the Lunar Shrimp landed on its surface. Then it's door opened, and the team exit out of it. They saw that the surface of the Blue moon has numerous craters with small crystals that dot the landscape. The view of their world from the moon was breathtaking, yet they saw a man approaching them from a road that is lined with crystals.

"Welcome to the Blue moon, explorers!" He greeted.

"Who are you?" Asked Siegfried.

"I am your tour guide to the moon, call me... Nathan" Nathan answered.

Then the team followed the tour guide down the road, in which it takes them to the moon base. The moon base consists of seven small buildings that are surrounded by a steel wall with gate, in which Nathan slides his key card just so the gate opens.

"Why is there a steel wall?" Asked Sonya.

"It's to keep the monsters from destroying the moon base, in which it also repels them" Nathan answered.


Within the depths of the Blue moon, a peculiar mage presses a button that turn on the lights. He walked down a row of pods before stopping at one that is labeled "wendigo" in which it contained a blue skinned humanoid with horns, pointy ears, wearing only white underwear, and hair that matches his skin. He pressed the button to drain the pod of its fluid, in which the blue skinned humanoid slowly opened his eyes.

"Awaken, Wendigo" said the mage.

As Wendigo reached his hand up to the oxygen mask that covers his mouth and nose and peeled it off, a blue fiery aura emanates all over his body (It's actually cold when touched). Then the pod lid opened, thus he stumbled out of his pod before falling on the stone floor. He struggled to stand up and felt the droplets of fluid freeze on his bare skin before falling off, fixing his attention to the armored man.

"Why did you wake me?" He croaked.

"I have a job for you, a team of four adventurers has come to the Blue moon to explore. They want to find the eight elemental lunar crystals, so I want you to kill them. I need the other crystals from the planet, so I will wake your brethren as well" replied the mage.

Wendigo grinned with a mouth full of sharp teeth, and left the room without a word while leaving frozen footprints.

Authors note: who was the mage and what does he want the crystals? Stay tuned for more!

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