Chapter 1: the Amazing Veldt Sisters

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When Samuel enters the pub, he can see that there's already soldiers in there. Few soldiers are playing with darts on the board or playing poker, some are at the tables drinking away, and others are sitting at the bar area ordering the bartender. At the back of the pub, there was a medium sized stage with curtains that are used to conceal the backstage. He sit at the table, patiently waiting for the show to begin. He knew that the soldiers are running the poor bartender ragged with their constant ordering for refills, even the waiters and waitresses are constantly picking up empty cups and glasses from the tables whenever a soldier was too drunk that he fell asleep. He can care less about the soldiers who are rowdy, since it's the generals problem.

"May I take your order?" Asked the waitress.

"No, I'm good. Thanks" he replied.

"Are you sure? Because if you don't like liqueur, we have water. Although, the bartender himself is way too busy with the imperials that we're almost out of liqueur. Even the chefs here are constantly at their feet preparing meals, so it'll be a long wait" she questioned.

"Eh, I'll take a glass of water. Also, I'll hold off from ordering meals until then" he said.

The waitress nodded before going to the bar area, picked up a glass cup and filled it with water, and came back to the table. She placed the cup full of water on the table, before going back to work.

Samuel took a sip of water as he waited, but it wasn't long until the show begins. The pub owner come out through the stage curtains, ready to announce.

"Sorry for the short wait, I was busy speaking with my wife. Without further ado, allow me to introduce to you all: the Amazing Veldt Sisters!" Announced the bar owner.

Suddenly, a cloud of smoke seeps through the boards that make up the stage. It gets bigger until two silhouettes appeared, and when the smoke clears, revealing two women no older than twenty three. Both of them look identical to one and another, as both of them have long brown colored hair that are tied into ponytails. They both wore cocktail dresses, high heeled shoes, and cloth bracers. In their hands, they hold feathered fans in their right hands and wands in their left hands. However, it can be easy to tell them apart is due to the fact that their outfits are different colors: one sister wore deep blue while the other sister wore gold colors.

"Thank you for introducing us, Mr pub owner. My name is Cherry" said the lady in blue, as she gives a welcoming smile.

"And I'm Mila, so let this show start!" The lady in gold added, feeling enthusiastic.

Both sisters waved their wands as smoke comes from the tips, forming into images of animals as it trails. Everyone stared in awe as every image of animals move around before dissipated, and this is just the start of the show. The sisters began dancing, but every step and spin is punctuated with sparks and smoke. The crowd of soldiers, except for Samuel, cheered and whistled upon seeing them dance. Then the sisters did backflips, that is also punctuated with sparks when they land. After that, they bow as the crowd claps at their performance.

"Now, for this act, is there any willing volunteer here?" Asked Cherry.

The soldiers raised their hands up, hoping to be chosen to volunteer. Mila looked around, seeing as many hands up.

"I'll choose... You there!" She said as she pointed at the soldier sitting at the table to the far right.

Then the soldier got on stage, eager to perform an act along with the sisters.

"Now then, what we're doing will surprise all of you. So be prepared for some amazing magic!" Warned Cherry.

"I shall cast... toad!" Exclaimed Mila as she pointed her wand at the soldier.


The soldier disappears in a puff of green smoke, and when it clears, it reveals a small green colored frog in his place. Everyone was amazed upon seeing this, though the few soldiers were scared about their friend turning into a frog. Then Mila casted the toad spell again, it reverses the transformation as the frog turns back into a human soldier. Everyone watched as the soldier who volunteered got off the stage in fright, since he didn't know what the sisters are capable of. However, Samuel was amused by the act but he can tell that the sisters were hiding a lot of troubles behind their smiling faces.

"Thank you all for coming! It has truly been an experience of seeing this magic! We'll be seeing you all the next night!" Mila thanked.

The sisters exit the stage through the curtains, and every soldier were applauding and wanting to see more for the show. As for Samuel, he entered into the backstage when no one was looking. In there, he can see props and stage settings, but he spotted the twin sisters entering their makeup room. He went to the makeup room, since he can sense that there's something troubling the twin sisters. When he entered the room, he can see them sitting on the chairs feeling exhausted.

"Um, excuse me. Are you the Amazing Veldt sisters?" He asked.

"Yes, we are. Let me guess, you're here for an autograph? Sorry, but we can't do autographs" Cherry answered.

"But I'm not here for an autograph. May I ask, what's troubling you two?" He asked.

"It's our manager, he's always a money grubbing loser. He treats us as if we're just a meal ticket for him to exploit, and if we perform bad, he just yells at us and hit us. We even tried quitting, but he blackmailed us about selling us out to the Aeshopia empire due to us being magic users. Ugh, sometimes I wish someone would free us from this torment" said Mila as she felt tormented, thus revealing her and her sisters true feelings about their job.

"What if I were to take you away from here? At least you two can perform freely and practice your magic as much as you want, that way, you two can be treated fairly" He questioned.

"Really? But it's not that simple. If our manager notices that we're missing, he would be very angry and start looking for us" said Cherry.

"Don't worry, I can handle him. After all, I am the emperor's right hand man" he said.

"Wait a second... you're the emperor's right hand man!? That's why you came here for!? To take us to the empire and use us as soldiers!?" Exclaimed Mila.

"I won't turn in both of you to the emperor, I promise! If he sees you with me, I'll just tell him that I simply made you two as members of my entourage and that you're just simple dancers. That way, he will buy into this illusion and you two will be safe" he reassures.

"Ok, but we're watching you" said Cherry.

With that done, the trio were about to leave until there was pounding at the door.

"Cherry and Mila, it's me. Your manager" said a gruff sounding voice coming from the door.

There's no response from them, and then the manager burst through the door and sees Samuel with the twin sisters.

"Hey! You're not supposed to be here, get out or I'll make you leave!" Threatened the manager.

"That's my cue! Time for you to disappear, you wretched man!" Said Samuel.

"What do you mean by tha-" before the manager can finish his sentence, Samuel cast thundara on him.

It created a medium level damage electricity which incinerated the manager into fine ash, which surprised the twin sisters.

"Shall we go?" Samuel asked.

The twin sisters nodded without a word, then they and him exit the makeup room and leave the pub.

Authors note: what do you think of the twin sisters performance? What comes next afterwards?

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