Chapter 2: the commotion

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As soon as Samuel and the twin sisters exit the pub, it was already dark out. Fortunately, there are street lamps and some businesses that provide light which makes the port town look nicer in night time. When he looked into his watch, it was 10:15 pm.

"So, do you want to go anywhere in town or go to an inn to sleep?" He asked.

"Its still some time, we could go to that item shop. I heard it sells snacks, and we haven't ate any food yet. Maybe you should buy a snack for you to eat" suggested Cherry.

"Oooh! I hope they're selling that silver hair pin I always wanted, those things are one of the trends these days despite the high price!" Said Mila giddily.

"Calm yourself, Mila. We can get you that silver hair pin" he said.

The trio walked through the street, and there was a mansion right behind the item shop. Samuel assumed that the the people who lived there has owned the item shop, due to its location. When they entered the item shop, there were two soldiers talking to one merchant who is selling weaponry. Apparently, the soldiers are questioning the merchant about the weapons that he was selling, which were fakes. Samuel was thinking of letting the merchant join his entourage, but unfortunately he noticed that the merchant is actually a rebel in disguise. So he ignores it, seeing that it's the soldiers who can decide on whether or not they see through the ruse or fall for it. As for the twin sisters, Mila was staring at the silver hair pin in the display case while her sister was talking to the item shop employee.

"How much is this granola bar?" Asked Cherry.

"Its ten gold coins" replied the employee.

She reached into her coin purse, and pulled out ten coins and give it to the employee. The employee hands over the snack bar to her, thus completing the transaction.

"Sister, can I please have that silver hair pin?" Asked Mila.

"Hmm... I wonder how much does it cost?" She questioned.

"It'll be at least three hundred eighty eight gold coins" replied the employee.

"What!? I don't have that kind of money!" She exclaimed.

"Even if you're the well known Veldt sisters, you still have to pay. That is the law" said the employee.

Luckily for the twins, Samuel came in while holding a bag of trail mix. They told him about the silver hair pin and how Mila wanted it, so he decided to threaten the employee by showing some magic. The employee relent and allows him to have the silver hair pin and the bag of trail mix, which he gave the silver hair pin to Mila. Then the trio left the item shop, knowing that they've caused enough trouble for the poor employee. Since there's not much else to do, they went to an old house that has been repurposed into a barracks for the soldiers. Inside, there were over ten soldiers sleeping on the floor, so the trio had to walk upstairs. In one room, Samuel shared his trail mix with Cherry while Mila ate half of the granola bar. After that, they went sleep on the floor since the bed is old and would collapse if they were to get on it.

The next morning.

The pub was closed off since it became a crime scene, and neither the pub owner nor the bartender know who killed the manager to the Amazing Veldt sisters. Few soldiers are busy investigating the pub, including backstage. One soldier, whose name is Gunther, was tasked with patrollin the area around the pub to see if there's any clues. While he is investigating the alleyway, he came across a youth running down the alley towards him.

"Halt! In the name of the empire, state your business!" He ordered.

"Rats, an imperial soldier. I'm here to rescue a certain someone" said the youth as he felt like he was caught.

"If it's something to do with the traitorous commander, I'm afraid that she is locked up in a cell somewhere in town" he said as he smirked beneath his helmet.

Without even realizing, the youth had already stolen his armor and uniform. When he looked down, he was shocked that he is now naked while the youth is wearing his armor and uniform. Blushing, he immediately grabs a large cloth to cover his private part.

"Sorry, nothing personal. I am using this as a disguise to rescue that certain someone, I hope you don't mind" the youth apologized.

Gunther glared at the youth while blushing, and then he runs away humiliated. As he ran, numerous soldiers saw him and grabbed him. He tried to free himself, but it was futile. It wasn't long until the general arrived after one soldier reported, and from the looks of it, he wasn't happy.

"Gunther, what happened to your armor and uniform?" Asked the general.

"A thief has stolen them! I suspect that he is working for the rebels, we ought to apprehend him!" Answered Gunther, feeling anger and embarrassment.

"I am sorry, but you know the rules of the empire military: when you lose your armor and uniform, you are breaking the dress code and thus forfeit your life" apologized the general.

Gunther realized that his life is over, he panicked and pleaded for his life. Unfortunately, none of the soldiers wanted to hear his pleads. Just as one soldier readies the sword to end his life, a voice shouted at them to stop. Everyone turn their attention to the left and they saw Samuel, along with the twin sisters accompanying him, approaching.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Shouted Samuel.

"Ah, the emperor's right hand man! We were just about to execute this naked soldier for violating the dress code, you know the rules" said the general sheepishly.

Samuel looked at Gunther, and he can sense some potential on joining his entourage.

"General, I order your men to spare this one" he said.

"But sir! He broke the rule" complained the general

"Listen, he can join my entourage if you can spare him. He might as well be useful" he said.

"Fine, as soon as he put something to cover himself up" grumbled the general.

"Th-thank you, Lord Samuel!" Said Gunther as he expressed his relief.

Samuel reached his hand, using magic to pull a long cloth. Once it reached him, he grabbed it before coming towards Gunther. He then wrapped it around the soldiers waist, so the others would spare him. Cherry and Mila blushed upon seeing Gunther, the way he is now wearing only a waistcloth as a means to cover himself. After that, Gunther became the new member of the entourage. But this was the beginning of the rebels subterfuge, and Samuels rise to villainy.

Authors note: here is chapter 2, but I know it's somewhat funny. Fun fact: Samuel is basically an anti villain who only does evil acts when it's necessary, especially since he doesn't have any friends up until now.

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