Chapter 3: the rebel subterfuge

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"So, what do we do now?" Asked Mila.

"Hmm... I've heard the rebels are planning on retaking this town later today" said Gunther.

"We've got time to spare. As soon as the soldiers prepare for the battle, we might as well return back to the imperial capital to report" said Samuel.

It wasn't long until every imperial soldier has prepared their weaponry, and mount their magitek machinery. Over at the horizon past the town, the entire military of the Kingdom of Meontis are marching alongside with the rebels. It was time for attack, but the magitek machinery that the imperial soldiers were piloting suddenly malfunctioning and ceased to work. The general, upon seeing this, was taken by surprise and anger.

"We've been sabotaged! Men, abandon the machinery and join us on foot! There has been a saboteur among us, so flush them out as soon as we're done defending our base!" He shouted.

Samuel and others watched as the battle has started, and from the look of things, the imperial soldiers will surely lose the occupation of the port town. When things turn ugly, they had no choice but to flee towards the harbor where the airship was docked. They boarded the airship along with few imperial soldiers who had fled the battle, and the airship had risen from the waters of the coast and flew away.

"Are these the Amazing Veldt sisters?" Asked Gunther.

"Yep we are! Glad to meet yet another fan" said Cherry with a smile.

"It is nice to meet an addition to this entourage. My name is Mila, and this is my sister Cherry" Mila introduced.

"Wow, it's not often I get to meet celebrities. My name is Gunther, a former soldier of the empire" he introduced.

"You know... I like you wearing only a waist cloth, so I can see some muscles on you" said Mila as she brushed her hand on his yellow hair.

He blushed upon hearing this complement, which made the sisters giggle.

"Alright, once we get to the imperial palace, I might as well report this to the emperor. On top of this, I'll tell him that I've recruited you three as members of my entourage and that you'll be safe" explained Samuel.

"Haven't you told us this already?" Questioned Cherry.

"Sorry, just reminding you all" he apologized.

The airship flew to the south, heading towards the imperial continent. It took few hours to get there, and when it arrived at the imperial continent, it enters the airship hangar and lands. Samuel and others got off the airship and heads towards the palace. The outside of the palace has the industrial look to it, the way it's covered in metal and pipes that allow steam flow through. Samuel sighed as he looked upon it, knowing what the emperor would say if he give the report on what is happening at the port town. Regardless, he and the others entered the palace. After walking through the corridor, they reached the throne room. The guards opened the door to allow them to enter the throne room, and at the back, the emperor was sitting on his throne waiting in anticipation.

"You've came back, Samuel. I take it that everything is going as planned?" Questioned the emperor.

Before Samuel can say anything, the emperor's eyes were fixed on the three people he had recruited.

"And who are these motley trio? Two are identical twins, and one man wearing only a piece of cloth" he added.

"Your majesty, these two are the Amazing Veldt sisters. Dancers famed around the Kingdom of Meontis, and have performed magic tricks on stage. And this man was a soldier whose uniform and armor has been stolen by a thief that was under the employ of the rebels, I spared his life by persuading the general. I recruited these three as members of my entourage, therefore, they can be of use" Samuel explained.

"Hmm... How interesting, but I never heard of the Amazing Veldt sisters. But they can raise the troops morale by dancing and performing magic tricks, and as for your naked friend... I don't think I can think of something for him to do, other than keeping him in the rooms of the palace" he said.

"Thank you, your majesty" said Samuel.

"However, you still didn't give me the report on the current status of the occupation at the port town" he said as he bent forward.

Samuel explained how the rebels sabotaged the magitek machines, just so the army of Meontis might have a chance of retaking the port town. Upon hearing this, the emperor became furious at this outrage.

"You moron!! Haven't you been supervising on the soldiers like I ordered you!? Instead, you've done nothing but recruit these... these... motley crew of yours!! Now, get out of my sight you insignificant drooling dunderhead!!" Bellowed the emperor.

Samuel and others walked away, and exit the throne room. He was very upset because he knew the emperor would say that, so he guided the trio to his room. As they entered his room, he outright took his frustration out on the wall. Pounding, and yelling angrily at the wall due to how much he hates the emperor. He finally calms down when Gunther and the twin sisters comfort him, something he didn't have at the time: someone to comfort him.

"I really hate his imperial majesty. He was insulting me and never was impressed at my magical expertise, ever since that experiment that made me who I am" He said softly as to keep the emperor from hearing this from the walls.

"I can feel such pent up frustration coming from you, and we all feel sorry for you" said Cherry.

"I've been bottling up my frustrations ever since that time I got angry with his imperial majesty, and got really vocal about it. He just threw me into a cell and told me not to do that again, or else my neck will be for the axe" he explained.

"Now what do we do?" Asked Gunther.

"Well... for starters, me and my sister have to practice our magic in secret as well as our dance routines. As for you and Samuel, you two can watch us" replied Mila.

Authors note: this is where next chapter will take place two months from now.

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