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Link and Annabeth were able to head back to their cabins safely and unnoticed.

The next day, Annabeth told Link to do his normal activities while she would talk to Chiron about the information that will help with the prophecy, resulting a quest that they would volunteer for. Link agreed and went to his first lesson.

Annabeth went to the Big House and opened the door. Chiron sat on his wheelchair and was reading a book about the history of the first car, she approached him.

"Chiron." She said, getting Chiron's attention. He placed down his book on a nearby table and turned to Annabeth.

"What is it Annabeth?" He asked worriedly, Annabeth took a deep breath and explained what she and Link had discovered last night, but not in full detail. She didn't mention about how the quest is for Link, she didn't want to put more pressure on him.

When she had finished with her explanation, Chiron was about to gather the leaders of all of the cabins for a urgent meeting, when they noticed campers running past the Big House through the window and heading towards the battle arena where the sword training was being held by Percy. Annabeth and Chiron went outside to investigate, Annabeth stopped one of the campers that was heading to the area and asked why everyone was heading there.

"Haven't you heard? Some guy is battling with Percy, I've heard that this guy has been fighting him ever since this morning! I can't believe there's a guy as good as Percy!?" With that he bolted towards the arena. Chiron and Annabeth went to the arena and to their shock, there was indeed a young boy fighting Percy. The boy had a sword on his left hand and a wooden shield on his right. The shield was tattered with deep slashes on the wooden surface of the shield, most likely caused by Percy's sword, Riptide. But the fact that this person is evenly matched with her boyfriend wasn't the reason she was shocked, it was because that very person was, Link.

Both Percy and Link were covered in dirt and bruises. Sweat dropped over their faces as they eyed each other down. They circled each other, waiting for any sudden movements. Soon the wait was over as Link charged towards Percy with his blade in position to slice at the correct moment. Unfortunately, as Link delivered an attack that could have been fatal, Percy parried it and delivered a slice back. Link responded to it quickly and raised his shield as Riptide dug deep into it's wooden surface, adding to the other deep cuts that Riptide had decorated it with. Percy pulled Riptide out, Link took this moment to strike at Percy's sword. As Link's sword was inches from finally swiping Riptide away, Percy sidestepped to Link's right and ripped the wooden shield from Link's hand with a powerful blow from his sword. Link closed his eyes and bit the bottom of his lip to resist a pained scream, as the metal handle of his shield scraped his wrist. Now without his only defence gone, the only option left for Link was to face his opponent head on with all his might, but with every movement he took with his bruised body meant pain and exhaustion, with the sun high above them didn't help Link at all. Percy and Link charged towards each other and their swords clashed. Metal scraped on each other as the two tried to push each other down. Exhaustion started to drape over Link, but as for Percy he continued to push Link down. Soon Link's feet started to drag on the ground as he tries to keep his position, but unfortunately, with a strong swing with Riptide was all it took to fling Link's sword to the other end of the arena. Everyone in the arena cheered from the amazing display from the two combatants. The overseer for the match, who was a son of Athena, ran to the both of them and raised Percy's arm.

"Percy Jackson is the victor!" He announced, Annabeth and Chiron was astonished. It was a great display from the two but a huge surprise from Link since he just arrived to camp only 3 days ago. It seemed as though he had held a shield and wield a sword as long as a senior camper.

Annabeth and Chiron approached the two. Percy was the first to notice them and he waved.

"Congratulations Percy for winning, yet again another duel, and to you Link." Chiron turned to Link, impressed with his skills and said. "You are a skilled warrior, no doubt." Chiron said, Link nodded. Annabeth smiled towards Link, she walked over to him but suddenly Link collapsed on the ground. Annabeth, Percy and Chiron rushed over to him.

"He's dehydrated. We need to take him to the medical-wing." Chiron informed. Percy looked at Link's clothing.

"What is he wearing? A beanie and long sleeves in summer?" Percy said, Annabeth frowned at Link's clothing.

"What were you thinking Link?" Annabeth said worriedly at Link's unconscious figure. They took Link to the medical-wing and called for an Apollo child to help hydrate Link and deal with his bruises.

After the Apollo camper told them that Link would be fine before dinner, she left, leaving Annabeth, Percy and Chiron by Link's bed. Annabeth was the closest to him.

"Let's remove his beanie at least, to help him stay cool as he recovers." Chiron said, Annabeth nodded and reach for Link's green, woolly beanie. But when she took them off, their eyes grow wide in shock at what they saw.

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