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Link's eyes slowly opened, to see figures of people around him. When his sight came into focus, the figures that were around him was  Annabeth, Percy and Chiron. Annabeth was first to notice Link awake and quietly get Percy and Chiron's attention.

Link slowly sat up on the bed. The three watched him closely, which made Link confused as to why. The three looked at each other as if they were having a silent discussion with one another until Chiron sighed and nodded. Chiron looked back at Link and let out a forced smile.

"Link, we are glad you have recovered from your battle against Percy," Chiron said with hesitation in his voice. "How are you feeling?" He asked with worry, Link thought for a moment. He didn't feel any pain or aches, so he was fine.

"I'm, okay." Link said with his usual, quiet tone. He scratched the back of his head, where his beanie usually itched him the most. At that moment he realised a very terrifying fact. He wasn't wearing his beanie. His eyes grew wide in horror. He quickly placed his hand on his ears, and he felt the sharp point of his ears, his elf-like ears that he had been trying to hide ever since last night, exposed. He looked back at the three in front of him with terrified eyes. He gripped the blanket tightly as his heart started to race.

Annabeth placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Link calm down, we're a little surprised but not mad. We're just worried." Annabeth said with a comforting tone, which made Link calm his heart rate as his shoulder relaxed and his body eased. He nodded but his eyes still held some discomfort and uneasiness. Percy was first to ask the question that Chiron and Annabeth had been meaning to ask Link.

"So, Link. When did you get elf ears?" Percy asked Chiron and the centaur nodded in agreement,

"Yes, I agree that is a question that we would all want to be answered." Chiron said as they all turned to Link. The elf-eared boy looked down at his blanket, unsure himself as to how his new pointed ears came to be. He retraced the events ever since the arrival to Camp Half-blood. He had first arrived and met Annabeth, Percy and Mr D for the first time. The next day Annabeth and he had discovered that he couldn't understand Greek, which had made him slightly panicked. Dreams, no. Nightmares started to appear every time he slept during his time here.

He couldn't explain how he felt, he never could. All these things and thoughts crashed down on him live a landslide, swallowing him whole, until a voice broke through his daze.

"Link!" The voice called to him, he lifted his head up and his eyes met a grey storm. Annabeth's eyes made him regain his composure as his shoulders straightened in alert. "Are you okay? You were out of it for a moment." The blond girl said in concern as she sat back down on her seat. He nodded in reassurance while trying to form a sentence in his head to explain what happened to him.

"I-...don't know." He answered to their main question simply. Chiron looked down in thought, his brows narrowed in concentration. Soon the centaur let out a sigh, he lifted his head and looked at the elf-eared boy.

"Well, for now, you need rest." He announced, "This new information will be kept between the four of us, including Mr D." Chiron explained, "Any objections?" He asked the three demigods, they shook their heads in response. "Then please take Link to his cabin." With that the centaur wheeled himself away from the trio and towards the Big House, to inform the head director of the camp.

Percy turned to the elf boy and let out an unsure grin. "Well, that was interesting?" He said. Annabeth sighed at her idiotic boyfriend but had to agree at his comment.

"Yeah, it was..."

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