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A nightmare infected the young elf-eared boy once more as soon as his eyes closed, being exhausted from the long battle from this morning.

Annabeth had stayed with Link when Percy left to dinner since some friends would be arriving tonight from Camp Jupiter, Annabeth having to explain to Link about the other camp so the boy could understand. The daughter of Athena acted in a way that Link considered her like an older sister, as he had grown close to her in a short amount of time. She had walked with him back to the Hermes cabin without anyone noticing them, telling Link to rest and hide his pointed ears until they figured something out.

Now he regretted falling asleep, having known what would await him everytime he met darkness he would've learned that sleep was not his best friend, but his eyelids couldn't help but fall as they were heavy with exhaustion.

The nightmare showed a girl that looked to be the same age as Link, having tan skin and crimson hair, her eyes reflecting the moon's soft blue glow, making the girl's eyes look like pearls as she ran through the thick forest. There was a loud howl that echoed through the night, causing the girl's pace to quicken, stumbling as she ran until a gate came to view, Link recognizing it straight away, Camp Half-Blood's borders. The girl continued to run until the sound of an arrow could be heard flying towards her and the dream ended without any further clues to what the dream meant.

Link gasped for air, his eyes wide awake and he soon took in his surroundings, seeing that the cabin was empty, the boy concluded that dinner was still going until he noticed rays of light peeking out of the curtains that were covering the windows. Link was confused to why no one woke him up for breakfast.

He stood up and went to freshen up in the bathroom with the fresh new set of clothing his mother had given to him before he left with Chiron to camp. It was his father's old camp shirt and the jeans his mum and dad were planning to give it as his present for his upcoming birthday. He was about to leave the cabin, his gazed fell on the mask feeling it stare into him, he shook his head thinking he was being crazy and went over to the door and opened it. He glanced over his shoulder to look at the mask one last time then headed out to the pavilion.

Link arrived at the pavilionand everyone's eyes snapped towards his direction. Link flinched at the sudden attention, unsure what's going on until Annabeth rushed over to him, she grabbed his shoulders firmly.

"Link! Are you okay?" Annebeth asked in deep worry. Link looked at Annabeth in confusion, the senior camper frowned. "Link...do you know of a girl with red hair?" She asked, Link's eyes widened when he remembered his dream.

"Y-Yes..." Link nodded slowly. A camper stood up suddenly from his table, an Ares kid, and spoke while pointing at Link.

"He doesn't belong here! He's no demi-god!" He exclaimed, the entire Ares campers, except for one boy in a purple shirt, shouted in agreement. Some campers from other tables joined in.

Percy, Annabeth and seven individuals glared at the campers that were targetting the young camper before they stood. Percy most specifically losing his temper.

"Hey! Mess with Link you have to deal with us." The son of Poseidon gestured to his friends who supported him. The campers quiten down and sat back down, the Ares campers knowing that even they could beat the seven and the other senior campers in the group when they're all together against them.

"W-What going o-on?"Link asked, confused to why people were so furious with him.

Annabeth turned back to Link with a worried look.

"You should sit with Jason at the first table, his table has more space and privacy than the others." Annabeth instructed Link. "He'll explain, right now I have to talk to Chiron with Percy." She said before letting Link go and followed Percy over to the Big House.

Link did what he was told, passing the other tables while reviving scowles and glares from some of the campers before sitting down at table one, Zeus's table, where he met a tall blond boy with a scar on his lip. The boy smiled at Link before he introduced himself.

"I'm Jason, the son of the Roman version of Zeus, Jupiter. It's nice to finally meet you Link."Jason said with a smile, only for the boy to stay quite, Jason's smile wavered and he cleared his throat before speaking again. "U-Um, you're probably upset about why people are angry at you." Link gave a small nod, the feeling of being resented seemed familiar and somewhat nastolgic, but painful. "Last night a group of scouts found a girl at the entrance of camp, being shot by pig-like monsters." Link gave Jason a confused look. "We saved her before she could get hurt but as soon as she entered camp's borders she asked for you." Jason told Link, who blincked and pointed at himself. Jason nodded. "Yeah. Then to everyone's horror she said that Gaia was alive and that she was helping another entity, some god or titain named Ganon." Link's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the name, his body suddenly started trembling. Jason furrowed his brow at Link in concern. "Link are you alright?"

"Girl. Where?" He asked the son of Jupiter.

Jason blincked at Link and rubbed the back of his head unsure if he should tell Link where the mysterious girl was, but decided that Link deserved to know.

"She's in the infirmary recovering." Jason told the younger boy. Link nodded and stood, Jason stood after him. "Hey, I'm coming with you." He said, smirking at Link. "I heard a lot of interesting things about you from Annabeth." Link winced and immediately pulled his beanie further down, to make sure no one would notice his ears. Jason placed a hand on Link's shoulder. "Yeah, she told me about that-" He pointed at his left ear. "-that.  Don't worry, you're secret is safe with us." Jason assured him. Link looked at Jason in confusion.


"Yeah." Jason nodded in response. "There's Piper, Nico, Leo, Frank and Hazel." He listed out to Link, counting them out with his fingers. "You can trust them. We've experienced a lot of weird stuff that even an average demigod wouldn't experience in their life, we just have bad luck." Jason joked, chuckling lightly.

"T-Thank you..." Link said, greatful for Jason and his friends for helping keep his secret. Link smiled lightly.

They left the pavilion, Link having to pass the stream of glares once more, but only this time Jason glared back at them. The soon arrived at the infirmary and Link recognised the same girl from his dream. The girl was laying awake in bed, she looked exactly the same except for her new green shirt that said, 'The Frog Squad', on it. Link assumed that one of the campers lended it to her, he never knew one of them was a frog lover.

The girl turned his attention towards them when the two boys approached her. She immediately shot out of bed when she saw Link.

"You're L-Link!" She exclaimed wide-eyed at the sight of the teen. "You have to help my parents! Please I beg of you!" She said while tears steamed down her cheeks. Link took a step back from her in surprise at her sudden plead, unsure what to say to her.


Jason came between them and gave the girl a concerned look.

"Woah, woah. Calm down, can you tell us who you are and what's the matter?" Jason asked for Link.

"My name is D-Doni. Zelda told me to find Link sinxe he's the only one who can save my parents." Doni told them. Link's eyes widened.

"You know Zelda?"


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