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Welcome back to this endless game, hylean hero.

With that, Link jolted up awake. He looked around his surroundings, expecting something to emerge from the darkness and slice his very being in half. But there was only silence in the empty, cabin. Link stood up and rubbed his tired eyes. He looked through a nearby window to see it's almost dusk. He figured that it was almost dinner and so he went to his leather pack for fresh change of clothing. When he was reaching to open his pack, his mother's pocket mirror that he had left out while he slept, caught his eye. He looked at his reflection and realized that there was something odd pointing out of the sides of his head. He lifted his hand towards the odd portion. The moment his fingers make contact with the odd portion he retracted them in shock. They were attached to him. He grabbed the pocket mirror and used it to get a better view on what was actually attached to him. He blinked in utter shock and horror at what he saw from the mirror. It was his ears. Pointy, elf-like ears, replaced his normal, human ears instead. Link started to panic, when suddenly knocking came from the entrance door of the cabin. Link's eyes widen in terror. He looked around in panic, he was trying to see what he can use hide his pointed ears without creating suspicion. Then he remembered his beanie that he had packed in his leather pack, he hurried to his bag and searched his back for any sign of his dark, forest-green beanie. Soon he found his beanie and quickly puts it on. He ran to the door and opened it, to reveal Annabeth at the door. Link greeted her with a small wave. She replied with a smile.

"I hope you had a good rest." She asked, Link didn't want to concern her about his now pointed ears, so he just responded with a nod. "I discussed your situation with Chiron, but with the new prophecy we seem to have our hands full. I'm sorry, Link, you might have to wait until we figure out the prophecy." She explained, Link nodded in understanding. He didn't mind waiting, in any case he rather not discuss about his problem. He's already freaked out by what's already happening to him right now.

They went to the dining pavilion and they went to their cabin tables. As Annabeth sat with her siblings, Link sat alone at the edge of the Hermes table. He didn't really know anyone in his temporary cabin.

Chiron, in his wheelchair disguise and Mr D, sat at the head table. Chiron called for all of the demigods' attention towards him as he was about to make a announcement. All the tables went quiet and the people looked towards Chiron's direction. Chiron cleared his threat before he began to talk.

"This noon, a new prophecy had been said by our camp's oracle. I shall say the phrases of the prophecy.

Shall rise,
with the shadows of the past.
Will finish the final task,
with the light at his side whenever he asks.
The hero will have peace at last." When Chiron had finished saying the prophecy, the tables of the different cabins started to murmur to themselves about the prophecy. "As we all know, the prophecy always rhyme at the last two phrases, but this particular prophecy is different. Mr D, the head cabin members and I shall discuss this further tomorrow morning. For now be at ease, we will run daily activities normally." With that said, the demigods stood up, grabbed their plates of food and tossed some of them into the fire to their godly parents. Link just donated his food to the messenger god Hermes, since he was staying in Hermes cabin.

As Link ate his food and demigods bickering over the prophecy, the atmosphere turned odd with mixtures of different kinds of feelings. The chattering from the demigods stopped, which left the pavilion in silence. Link looked around at the different tables to see everyone's eyes staring at something above him, he slowly looked above him to see a glowing, holographic symbol of three triangles connected to each other to create larger triangle, but with the left corner triangle glowing yellow as the other two stayed white. Chiron stared at it in confusion, curiosity and disbelief at the same time. Heck, even Mr D himself is in utter disbelief.

"Which god or goddess has that symbol?" Link heard one of the child of Athena whisper to his sibling.

"Maybe it's a Titan's symbol?" Asked a Hermes child asked her brother beside her, the brother shook his head.

"Can't be, all the Titan's are in-prisoned by the gods remember?"

Link started to panic. He didn't understand what's happening or ether this has never happened before. But with all the confused faces and comments, he thought the his second guess is most likely what's happening right now.

Chiron silenced the whispering and chatter around the room. Everyone payed their attention to him, waiting to hear what god or goddess has claimed Link.

"It seems that we have a camper with an unfamiliar godly parent." Whispering started again within the cabin tables, Chiron silenced the tables as he continued. "This may just be a minor, small god that had claimed our new camper. For now he shall continue to stay in the Hermes cabin until further notice." Chiron explained, most of the chattering had stopped but still few whispers here and there from the cabin tables.

After that uncomfortable event, Link lost his appetite and sat there in silence.

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