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Link is in his room packing up all his things into his leather backpack, it was hand made by his dad, his dad gave it to him in his 9th birthday. He takes his drawing pad which was a gift from his mother last Christmas, from his bookshelf, he walks towards his closet and opens it, taking out a blue plain shirt, light brown jeans and puts them into his bag. He looks around his room, what else would he like to bring with him to camp? He looks around until he notices the mask, it's in it's usually place, but this time when he looks at it, time seems to stand still, he shook off the feeling and looked back at the mask. Should he bring the mask? It is the only thing that was left by his real parents, but he wasn't certain of that. He slowly reaches for the mask, he took it off the hook that held it and puts it into his bag, he's ready to head off to camp with Chiron.

He went downstairs and went to the living room, where his mother and the horse man -which is now in a wheelchair- is waiting for him. His mother walks towards him, and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"Stay safe, Link..." She says, tears ran down her face, Link gave his mother a soft smile and hugs her one last time, she hugs him back.

"Bye mum..." He let go of his mother and walks towards Chiron who was at the front entrance door of the house, Link opens the door and let's Chiron exit through the door first, and than he follows, waving at his mother who waved back, he closes the door and follows Chiron to camp.

The cold winds blew on Link's face, the wind made him feel relax, he felt like he was sailing across the clear blue ocean and he would see islands all around him as he sailed, he never tried sailing before, he never even been to the beach before ether, but for some reason he felt like he has been sailing before, and the cool wind that would blow on his face is the same feeling that he would feel when he sailed, maybe he had a dream about sailing before?

"We have arrived." Chiron says, Link snaps back to reality and faces a gate above him, saying 'Camp Half blood', there was also a huge barrier. "I Chiron, grant permission for Link Hillson to enter Camp Half Blood." Chiron gestures Link to enter through the barrier, and so he did, he walks through the opening in the barrier and into camp, Chiron follows behind him. "Welcome Link, to Camp Half Blood." Link stares in awe at the huge camp filled with demigods, Chiron leads Link towards the Big House, Chiron enters the Big House followed by Link. "Mr D, we have a new camper joining us." Chiron says." Link sees the person that Chiron was talking to, it was a man wearing leopard printed clothing.

"Welcome to camp, whatever your name is...." Mr D says in a bored tone, Link stands there being silent as usual, "Hey, aren't you gonna tell me your name, or do you want me to name you?" Mr D said, Link continues to be silent so Chiron answers for Link.

"He's name is Link, Lydia and Peter's adopted son. He does not talk much." Chiron answers, Mr D rolls his eyes,

"I can see that he doesn't talk much, but at least he's better than the son of Poseidon." Mr D says, as if on cue the son of Poseidon, or mostly known as Percy Jackson, enters the room, "Well speak of the devil." Mr D says, Percy who just came inside had a confused look.

"Say what?" Percy says, Chiron walks towards Percy, who is now out of his wheelchair revealing horse legs replacing where normal human legs are supposed to be.

"Ah, Percy what brings you here?" Chiron asks,

"Oh, I was looking for Annabeth. I just wanted to ask her a question." Percy replies, Chiron nods but than asks Percy something, Chiron gestures Link to come and join with Percy and him into their conversation.

"This is Link, he is Lydia and Peter's adopted son. They used to be here in camp, they left camp 8 years before you came. When they left camp they got married and moved into a house not far from here, but than they found Link at their door step and adopted him, he was only 2 months old during the time. Peter and Lydia would sometimes come into camp to discuss with me in private about constant sightings of monsters watching Link, and sometimes trying to attack him, so his parents and I have decided to send him here, in camp, but he does not know any knowledge of Greek mythology. Now that I have explained the situation, I would like you to help Link fit in with the other campers, and ask Annebeth to help educate Link with Greek mythology." Chiron explains, Percy looks down at Link, who was up to his shoulders and gives him a friendly smile.

"Sure, and don't worry Link, I had a similar situation when I first came to camp." Percy says, Link smiles a bit and gave a small thumbs up.

"Link doesn't talk much." Chiron informs Percy, Percy did an 'Oh....' face, than he leads Link outside of the Big House and gives him a tour of Camp Half Blood. Percy shows Link the different cabins for the deferent sons and daughters of each god, than they enters the Hermes cabin, the Hermes kids inside the cabin looks towards the front door and see Percy and Link at the door, they look at Link, than to Percy. "He's uncertain..." Than all the Hermes kids groan, Percy looks back down to Link, "Don't worry, you'll fit into camp in no time."

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