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Today is the first day of summer, and a young blonde boy was up on a large oak tree in a large back yard. The boy's name is Link, Link Hillson. He is 13 years old, but he doesn't have a real birthday since he's adopted by his parents. He lives in Long Island Sound, which is north of Long Island. His house is the only house you would see in the farm road, but you would also see large strawberry fields owned by a large group of children from kids to teens, there are also a few adults that take care of the children and help with the crops, but to Link the field send him weird vibes.

"Link! Dinner is ready!" His mother, Mrs Hillson, calls out for him, Link could already smell the sweet aroma of a delicious home made blueberry pie. Link jumps down from the large oak tree he was just relaxing in and barrel rolls when he touches the soft grass, to decrease the chances of getting injured when landing, he still got some bruises when he rolled, but at least the bruises weren't that bad. He dashes towards the back door to his home and went straight to the dining room, where he sees his mother putting down plates for the household, there is only three people in the Hillson household, Mr Hillson, Mrs Hillson and Link, so the family isn't that big but they are still a family. Mrs Hillson looks towards Link and frowns at the sight of his dirty clothes, she puts the things she was holding on the table and puts both her hands on her waist, still frowning at Link, Link stand on his spot knowing what will happen next, Mrs Hillson sighs. "Link you have to take care of your clothes better, I'm not going to be able to be with you forever. Please change your clothes and put the dirty ones in the laundry before you are able to eat dinner, okay?" She asks, Link nods and was about to head upstairs to his bedroom when his mother called out to him again, "Oh, and don't forget to wash your hands alright?" She says, Link nods again and runs upstairs, he enters his room, which is filled with maps of the world, green painted walls, spring green bed to the left side of the room, oak bookshelf filled with books on how to draw, from the basics to the advanced drawing techniques, there were also books about fantasy and adventure stories to the right, finally a spring green closet to the right of his window. He walk to his closet where he could see the mask when he was found hanging on the side of the closet, the mask looks like him but with silver hair, paler skin, blue war paint on its forehead and red war paint on ether side of its cheeks, the mask creeps Link out just by looking at it, it sends him bad vibes. Link ignores the mask and opens the closet, he grabs a long dark green shirt with three buttons at the top, straight light brown jeans, he changes into the shirt and jeans he took out and went to his bathroom, and washes his hands, finally he goes down the stairs and walk towards the dining room, but than he stops at the corner of the hallway to the dining room, when he hears a unfamiliar voice, talking with his mother. "Chiron you have to admit that Link is a demigod. A hellhound tried to kill him when he was only 3!? Luckily we spotted it before it could ambush Link, he saw through the mist when we went to New York City for a few weeks, and another hellhound followed us there, and this time he saw it, we are lucky we were able to convince him that it was only a cosplayer that went over the top with their costume! We keep spotting monsters in the forest staring and watching Link like he was made out of gold. Chiron please, take him to camp." She pleaded, Link kept quiet even though he is already as silent as a rock and continues listening to their conversation.

"Lydia, I know you're concerned for your son, and I will get him to camp, but you need to educate him about Greek mythology so he knows at least a bit of knowledge of the demigod world, if I just take him to camp with no knowledge he would be confused with everything." Chiron explains, Link took a step back after hearing everything that they just said, but he accidentally knocks over a vase filled with flowers which was behind him. Crash! Link panics and runs upstairs to his room. Meanwhile with Mrs Hillson and Chiron, they heard the loud crash of the vase and became worried, they went to the area where they heard the crash and sees pieces of a vase scattered everywhere, the flowers as well. Chiron sighs, "I guess I have no choice to bring him to camp now, once he knows he's a demigod monsters will be swarming him soon."

Link is curled up like a ball underneath his window, he was confused scared for some reason, but a part of himself is screaming at him to stop being a wimp, Link calms himself down and look up, his eyes widen in shock, what he sees is a man, half horse thing.

"Link..." Link turns to the left to see his mum, standing there with a worried look.

"Mum....what's a demigod?" Link asks, Mrs Hillson was shocked, she hasn't heard Link talk for ages, but she smiles.

"Come downstairs and Chiron and I will explain everything while you eat dinner, alright?" She says, Link nods and stand up, they all went downstairs and back to the dining room, again. Link sits on a chair at the dining table, Mrs Hillson places a slice of blueberry pie on his plate, and Link starts eating. "Link I have to tell you something....." Link looks up from his pie, "Your father and I are beings that are called demigods, one of our parents is a normal human, but the other is a god. Your father and I have minor godly parent, so we don't attract monsters as much as demigods that have a major god as one of their parents, for example the god of lighting and the sky, the god of the sea, earth shaker and father of horses and there is the god of the underworld." She explains, Link listens to what his mother was explaining until she was done. His unfinished pie is cold now, Link was to focused on his mother's explanation that he forgotten all about his dinner.

"So...I'm a demigod?" He asks, Mrs Hillson's expression became sad, as she knew that Link has to leave and go to camp or monsters will kill him if he stays at home.

"Most likely...." She says, she places her hands on Link's shoulders and said, "Link, this is for your safety. I don't want to see my only son get killed, so remember this. I love you Link, always." Tears ran down her face after she said the last part. Link nods sadly, and gave his mum one final hug.

"I love you too.....mum."

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