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Annabeth lead Link to the Big House. But when Annabeth went up to open the door, the door opened to reveal Percy walking out. He saw Annabeth and had a confused look.

"Hey Annabeth. I thought you're still wit-" He was cut off when he noticed Link behind her, Link was looked down at the wooden floorboards still kinda disappointed. "What's wrong?" Percy asked in concern, Annabeth had opened her mouth to respond Percy's question until a voice interrupted her.

"Hello, Link." The trio turned towards the owner of the voice to see a young girl, she sat on the fence looking at Link with a heart warming smile, she had spring green hair, pale skin that seemed to slightly glow, dark green cotton outfit and matching boots. Link stared at the girl intently, until he noticed her pointed elf like ears. He continued to stare at her, trying to figure out why she looked familiar to him. Then Annabeth spoke.

"I don't recognise you. Are you one of the dryiads?" She asked, the girl shook her head as her response. The girl turned to Link. Annabeth looked at Link in curiosity. "Do you know her Link?" He questioned, Link shook his head. Percy looked at the girl then to Link and back at the girl again.

"You both were green clothes?" He suggested, the green haired girl giggled as Annabeth and Link looked at him with annoyance. Percy shrugged, "Just saying." He defended.

The girl hopped off the fence post and ran towards Link. She took his hand and started to run into the forest, dragging Link behind her. Link followed her unwillingly. Percy and Annabeth chased after the two, but to their surprise the young girl ran very quickly. So quickly that Percy and Annabeth struggled to follow.

Finally the little girl stopped in front of Zeus's fist. The girl pointed at a gap between two boulders, the same gab that used to be the entrance to the Labyrinth. But when Deduleus passed away the Labyrinth disappeared with him, because the Labyrinth was his life source.

"You shall find the symbol marked within the does walls. The symbol for only the hero chosen long ago is meant to find and shall open." She locked eyes with Link, her spring green eyes seemed to stand out more than her actual presence. "Link, your the only one who knows who the hero is. Take this." She held out a handmade, wooden ocarina, it looked a bit aged but playable. He then turned to Percy and Annabeth. "You both shall help Link discover the truth." Percy and Annabeth looked at each other confused at what the girl had explained, while Link took the ocarina and stared at it. When they looked back at the girl she had disappeared.

"Where did she go?" Percy said as he looked around, trying to see if the girl had walked away deeper into the forest, unfortunately they couldn't find her.

"We should head back to the Big House. Maybe Chiron have any ideas on what the green haired girl explained." Annabeth said, Link and Percy nodded with agreement and soon they head back and arrived at the Big House. Annabeth opened the door and entered first then Link and Percy, but when Annabeth opened her mouth to call for Chiron they are greeted with Chiron catching Racheal before she fell and Dionysus looking at Racheal with a uneasy look, not of pity for the Racheal of course, just what's going to happen.

Racheal's eyes glowed serpent green and she started to speak with her Oracle voice.

Shall rise,
with the shadows of the past.
Will finish the final task,
with the light at his side whenever he asks.
The hero will have peace at last."
Racheal's eyes turned back to normal and stood up straight. She rubbed her head in discomfort. Percy and Annabeth rushed towards Chiron. Chiron frowned at the prophecy that had been announced. Annabeth frowned as well.

"The prophecy doesn't make sense." She stated, the centaur nodded in agreement.

"Indeed it does not, but prophecies are made that way. We just have to figure it out." Chiron said, but then a shiver ran up his spine. He looked towards the door to see Link staring out the nearby window that showed the forest intently. Dionysus looked at the boy suspiciously.

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